If you are into Microsoft Windows, you're going to love this list! ============================================================================= WINCAT03.ZIP Windows 3.X Shareware Catalog Listing Third Electronic Version Release December, 1992 This listing was compiled and authored by Mark Strelecki, ACP All file descriptions herein Copyright (C)1990-1992 by Mark Strelecki A listing of available Shareware and freeware programs for the Microsoft Windows 3 operating environment as found on many of the bulletin board systems (BBS) and other on-line services across the country. For your shareware/freeware to be included in future editions of this list, please contact the author at the BBS number below or at CIS 75730,1661. PLEASE! Remember that these programs and files represent many thousands of hours of valuable time and effort on the part of the creators. The research and modem time this collection required is no small feat itself, already having consumed many hundreds of hours searching, downloading and cataloging. If you find this list of value, please consider supporting it! If you make use of this listing, including the descriptions here in your own publication, please send $20.00 for my efforts in compiling this document to me at the following address: Mark Strelecki c/o Atlanta PC Users Group P O Box 28788 Atlanta GA 30358 The files listed here are available for downloading directly from the Atlanta PC Users Group via the COM1 BBS 5 node bulletin board network. Permission granted for BBS and PC user group distribution of this catalog listing provided no changes are made and all credits are shown. ======================================================================= COM1:Atlanta BBS (404) 879-5985 Multiple Nodes SUBJECT TO CHANGE 24 hours/7 days 1200/2400/9600 v32/HST 14400 Dual Std. Open to the public, extended downloads with paid ($30/YR) registration. Call (404) 393-1629 with a touch-tone phone for voice details on the ATLANTA PC Users Group anytime 24 hours a day 7 days a week. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This file is being continuously updated! Look for WINCATnn.ZIP where "nn" is a 2 digit number starting at 01. --- Except on CompuServe, where WINCAT.ZIP stretches things already... December, 1992 Catalog Listing Release #3 1292 is DATAWARE. If you find it of value, please send twenty dollars to the author, MARK STRELECKI. ===================================================================== WINCAT LISTING LEGEND NAME OF FILE (as found on BBS, *.ZIP) [ Registration Fee ] [Free] = FREEWARE, [P.D.] = PUBLIC DOMAIN Program Name, Author [CompuServe Account #] Description (Files Dated:) (CW) = Also Available at retail ===================================================================== 16PSFNTS.ZIP Like it sounds, this is 16 Postscript fonts you can install into Adobe Type Manager. No docs or author's name included. 2WV10A.ZIP [Free] ToWAVE by Bells and Whistles Software [73527,2544] ToWave is a freeware program to convert any file, no matter what it is, to a Microsoft Windows compatible sound file. It is a very "no frills" approach to sound conversion because it does not attempt to recognize the native format of sounds from the Mac, Amiga, or even from older sound systems used on the PC (like the Sound Blaster .VOC format). However, it works, and can convert even obscure formats if the sound is not compressed or a sampling rate that is incompatible with Microsoft's Multimedia Extensions (i.e. 11.025, 22.050, or 44.100 Khz). In order to use the program you will need the Microsoft Visual Basic Runtime DLL VBRUN100.DLL. 31FUN.ZIP Text file by Mark Strelecki that describes "doo-dads", undocumented keystroke combinations that produce interesting results in Windows 3.1. 358ICONS.ZIP 358 icons in editable form (use IconDraw or IKE to edit). Includes DOS icons, and many more. 3D.ZIP [$20.00] 3-D by Ray Donahue [70324,1204] Welcome to the 3-d world of Windows! The file "three_d.dll" contains functions for making a Windows 3.0 dialog box appear to have a 3-dimensional look. You can use your own discretion as to which controls look good with a 3-d appearance. It requires that you make some minor changes in your programs' source and build files. In order for the DLL to function properly, it must be either in the directory where you are running your program from or included in a directory which is contained in your path. The source code for the demo.exe program is also included. NOTE: This DLL currently supports resolutions of VGA or greater and does not support monochrome at all! 3D4VB11A.ZIP [$22.00] 3D-VB Input 1.1A by Brett Liddicoet [70621,3034] Give your programs a NeXT-look without a .DLL. Complete VB Source included. A 3-D effect Subroutine Library for Microsoft Visual Basic. More than 20 different routines are included to draw 3-D frames, shadowed boxes, borders, .print "labels" in picture boxes, and print "labels" associated with VB text and label controls. Also includes programming examples of Logo form during startup, and how to make custom buttons from picture boxes. Great for novice VB programmers! 3DBUTTON.ZIP 3DBUTTON is provided as freeware by Mark Douglas. I can be reached on CompuServe via mail address 71641,2155 or by phone, 415-506-3212. 3DBUTTON is a set of functions that make it easy to create buttons that display a bitmap or icon in the face of your buttons, instead of text. 3DBUTTON draws your button in pushed and non-pushed states eliminating the need to have two versions of a bitmap or icon for each button. One bitmap or icon is used for displaying your button in both states. 3DICON.ZIP 60 more editable icons. This archive file contains a group of 3D icons with a button-like appearance to replace the rather bland icons in the Windows Main and Accessory groups. Some extra icons are also included. 3DMAZE.ZIP [$15.00 incl. source] 3D-Maze for Windows v3 by Michael Howard 3D Maze is a simple game to play! Start off from the blue square, find the red square and make your way back to the blue square! Simple! 3D Maze is a rare program; it's a genuine time-waster! 3DXWD.ZIP [Free] Cyberspace Crossword Puzzle v 1.02 by Ivory Tower Software [76427,2611] A 3d crossword puzzle is difficult to do on paper. This new game type is made possible by the Cyberspace Cruiser engine which lets a user maneuver through 3d space to see all sides of the puzzle structure. Simply click on a cell and key in a letter. Clues are shown (as applicable) in the text box in the lower right corner of the window. The first level is easy. Higher levels get harder and more dangerous. 4SHELL.ZIP [$20.00] 4Shell by ZPay Payroll Systems 4Shell is a Windows Application that will control and operate the popular 4Print and 4Book programs under Windows. 4Shell will allow you to set the different command line options of 4Print and 4Book and save them as your default selections. 4Shell will "shell" from Windows, call up 4Print or 4Book and return to Windows with no cumbersome dropping to DOS or other complicated methods. 4Shell will allow you to set the commands, pick the files to print from a pick list of files on your computer and then call 4Print or 4Book to perform the exciting task of printing multiple pages on one sheet of paper by your choice. 4STRKENG.ZIP 4 Stroke Engine by Michael C. O'Massey Nicely animated game where you try to start an engine by diagnosing the problem and part needed to fix it. Is this the 1992 Software Roadhog? 4WIN110.ZIP [$20.00] 4WIN, the command line interface for Windows by Terratech. 7-91 4WIN is Windows application that is a replacement for COMMAND.COM. 5IN1.ZIP [Free] FiveInOne [100012,634] 4-91 is a modest Windows 3.0 set of utilities. It gives you 5 options: 5in1 could be substituted for Progman.exe as primary shell. 5in1 gives you information about your current Windows 3.0 mode Real, Standard or Enhanced in the Title Bar. It gives you also the amount of Free Available Memory. 5in1 includes a small shell from which you can easily run other Windows or DOS applications. 5in1 will flash when receiving a WM_COMPACTING message from the Windows 3.0 kernel. This message is sent to all top-level windows when Windows detects that more than 12.5 percent of system time over a 30- to 60- second interval is being spent compacting memory. This indicates that system memory is low. 8514IC.ZIP Icons for those using 8514 mode (nicely detailed). A-WAVE.ZIP 6 WAVE (sound) files beginning with letter A. Part of a large collection listed here in WINCAT. Some very interesting entries... A-WORD.ZIP [$25.00] Words & Terms 1.01 by Curtis Ramsaver Basically Word & Terms was designed for anyone who requires a quick and handy reference for words and terms for Business, Health, English, Medical, Fitness, Foreign Languages or anything else. A dictionary of words arranged by establishing file names that reflect the category the words fall into. It is also excellent as a Cookbook. Uses for Words & Terms: I do a lot of work that requires a knowledge of legal terms, not being a lawyer, it's great to be able to quickly find a term and an explanation or usage of it. My wife has been scouring computer software shops for software like this for some time, without luck. She finally made me write it. She uses it for medical and health terms as well as obscure English words. She also uses it as a cookbook. AB21.ZIP Above and Beyond 2.1 by 1Soft Above & Beyond 2.1 - Excellent Windows 3+ PIM Discover Above & Beyond's revolutionary Dynamic Scheduling. Watch your productivity soar as it streamlines your work flow. Handles all types of recurring items. Features pop-up alarms, week- and month-at-a-glance views, task tracking, launching applications on schedule, auto-dialing, and more. On-line Help. Supersedes Active Life. LAN smart. Shareware from 1Soft Corp. ABOUT.ZIP Bouncing Command Button - by Lou Marino [70322,1473] Modify this program -- please..... This is just a little hack I wrote just for the hell of it. The Command button is calculated to stay inside the boundaries of the About window no matter the size of the button or the window. Resize both if you do not believe me..... ACC201.ZIP ACCIS 2.01 - Windows CIS On-line Manager by Shawn Lewis [76440,351] Version 2.01 is a complete re-write using MicroHelps VBCOMM library. (Great!! Thanx-MH) Has all the user bug and enhancement modifications implemented. Full messaging and library Functions. Has direct mode which acts much like CIM (Using Windows). Documentation was also enhanced. No complaints from BETA testers with this version (YET!) Requires VBRUN100.DLL ACCESS3B.ZIP Accesses 3.0B by T. F. Wall [73747,1563] Windows 3.1 Task Manager. Sizes all windows, launch groups, alarm, phone, etc. Auto size & place ALL Windows from any program. Launch and place whole desktops from one icon or when you start Windows. Floating Alarm clock, memory gauges, Alarming free disk space. Calendar alarms. Timer Launches. Calls your phone. Timer Alarms. Save 1024 Window positions. Converts clipboard to Upper, Lower, Proper cases. Counts characters. Sorts the clipboard. Supports Drag & Drop and Fonts in Win 3.1. VERY ADDICTIVE. Shareware by Off the WALL Software. Includes 3 programs. ACC202.ZIP ACCIS 2.01 - Windows CIS On-line Manager Version 2.01 is a complete re-write using MicroHelps VBCOMM library. (Great!! Thanx-MH) Has all the user bug and enhancement modifications implemented. Full messaging and library Functions. Has direct mode which acts much like CIM (Using Windows) Documentation was also enhanced. No complaints from BETA testers with this version (YET!) Requires VBRUN100.DLL. ACCLIT21.ZIP [$10.00] Accessory Mate allows access to all of the Microsoft Windows programs that were shipped with Windows. You can now Launch these programs from a single Icon, instead of a slew of Icons cluttering and hogging your Valuable Desktop space. Besides it's a lot easier to find the program from a single Icon rather than hunting through the slew that Windows came with. Also, you will see a great speed improvement when programs are launched from Accessory Mate. ACHART11.ZIP ASCII Chart 1.1 by Dave Lord ACHART is a Windows 3.0 program which displays a character chart in the form of a 16x16 table. The following variations may be displayed: IBM PC character set. Smiley faces and all. ANSI character set using names (NUL, SOH, STX, etc.) for the control characters. ANSI character set using (^A, ^B, ^C, etc) for the control characters. EBCDIC character set. Every time I see this I can't help but wonder what drugs they were using that would make breaking up the alphabetic characters seem like a good idea. A really remarkable encoding that everyone should be familiar with. ACHOO.ZIP Animated .FLI file of robot head sneezing. Use any .FLI player to view. ACLK30.ZIP [Free] AClock 3.0 by Terry Pietenpol Purpose: To provide a clock with snooze alarm for Windows 3.1. Requires VBRUN100.DLL. Features of version 3.0: ** Adjustable snooze alarm ** Stay on top feature ** Day or date display ** Sizable ** Multiple display fonts ** Displays time while iconized ** Selected options retained between Windows sessions ACLOCK12.ZIP [$5.00] Astronomy Clock for Windows by Pocket-Sized Software ACTIVATE.ZIP Activate by Chris Walker Activate was created to keep a program for controlling an industrial machine on top and maximized. Activate needs to be started after the program to keep maximized has been started. Activate can be terminated by pressing CONTROL SHIFT and F12 at the same time, or by terminating the program to keep maximized. Activate should be started by using WIN.INI's load or run line. Activate determines which program to maximize based on that programs caption. ACTORMDI.ZIP Actor program source for multiple document interface. AD-SPLAT.ZIP Add-on module for After Dark screen blanker. AD3PTY.ZIP More After Dark "3rd Party" screen blanking modules. ADCPL.ZIP Control Panel Launcher for After Dark lets you configure After Dark from the Win 3.1 Control Panel. For those of us who run After Dark with No Desktop Icon. Just put ADCPL.CPL in your System directory and ADCPL.HLP in your Windows directory. When After Dark is running, its icon will appear in the Control Panel. Double-click the After Dark icon to configure it, or press F1 to see the Help. Freeware from New World Software. ADDITM.ZIP Visual Basic routine to access .INI files. ADDMNU14.ZIP AddMenu, v0.4.1 and Run, v0.2.0 by Robert M. Ryan [70324,227] The program AddMenu is designed to let you add options to your system menus. For example, if you use the File Manager all the time and you get tired of always double clicking on the appropriate icon, this program allows you to put the File Manager on your system menus. Thus, you can access the desired programs from any menu. I am eager to hear what people think, especially any problems encountered, comments about any affect that it might have on system performance, etc. Please send comments to Robert_Ryan@brown.edu or at any of the other e-mail addresses below. The general idea of the program is that you specify some menu text (i.e., the text that will show up on the menu) and then specify the command line (i.e., the program name plus any options, if any). When you select "Save", AddMenu will add that command to all of your system menus. ADDRSB.ZIP [$10.00] Professional's Address Book by Dane Basch. [72027,3036] This ToolBook application will allow you to record names, addresses, and phone numbers, if that is all you want to record. There are also fields for recording when you last saw a person, his/her company and position in the company, his/her marital status and family, his/her affiliations with organizations, groups, etc., and even a field to record birthdays and gift ideas. So you see, this can be used by the professional for contact management on a simple scale, or for personal use on a higher scale than many address books. ADFIX.ZIP The included files fix two problems with After Dark for Windows 2.0. The first problem concerns the Sound Blaster card operating in Windows standard mode. This problem only happen with Windows 3.0. and was manifested in the Sound Blaster card not omitting sound in this mode. The second files fixes the infamous "black & white" problem. ADIALE.ZIP [Free] Dialer by George Lamson [73760,2135.] This is a simple phone dialing program I wrote as my first VB project. Its use is pretty straight forward. It is necessary to configure the com port before a number can be dialed. The program will default to use Com2 so it is not necessary to configure the port if Com2 will be used. Names can be entered in and stored in the list box. A number can also be entered directly into the entry text box. When a number has been selected or entered it will be dialed when the Dial button is pressed. When the dialog box appears, the phone should be picked up and the enter key pressed to disconnect the modem and engage the phone line. The ReDial button will redial the last number called. If a prefix for long distance or and outside line is needed, it can be entered in the Prefix text box and toggled using the check box. This program is completely freeware and I've included the source code to show the "simple" API calls necessary for com port access and dialing with a modem. ADR11A.ZIP [$39.95] Address Manager by Wilson WindoWare Tracks addresses, phone numbers, comments, important dates. Includes dialer and label printer. Supports DDE. Top Flight! AFORCE.ZIP Alien Force by Robert Epps. Shoot-em-up space game. AFW.ZIP "Clipper for Windows" gag software by Lee Siddons [71210,3503] 9-91 ALARM-1.ZIP [$15.00] Alarm by Stefan K. S. Tucker, Perpetual Motion Software This is an application that runs under Microsoft Windows to give the user the ability to set multiple alarms. ALFRED12.ZIP [Free] Alfred, the Desktop Butler 1.2 by John Rotenstein. 9-91 Desktop menu/program launcher utility. Alfred is your friendly Desktop Butler for Windows. Alfred sits at the bottom of your screen, providing a menu for instant access to any other program, including DOS batch files. The menu is fully configurable and can be accessed by keyboard. ALLICONS.ZIP More editable icons for you to use in Program Manager. ALM30C.ZIP [$34.95] Almanac 3.0C For Windows By Leonard A. Grey Almanac for Windows is a full-featured calendar application for the Microsoft Windows operating environment. Almanac features include: Traditional month calendar display with prior and next month corner calendars. Dynamically calculated calendar information for any month, any year. Calculation of recurring events including weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, and annual events, religious holidays, birthdays, wedding anniversaries, and spanevents such as business trips or vacations. Desktop mode invoked with a double-click of the mouse or a press of the space bar. The desktop includes scheduler, notepad, alarm clock, day calendar and event viewer. Keep track of notes for each day as well as for each scheduled entry. Alarms may be set with the alarm clock for the current day and can also be selected for schedule entries. ALW108.ZIP Astronomy Lab by Personal MicroCosms One of the most innovative, interesting, and useful shareware astronomy programs available for Microsoft Windows 3.X. Astronomy Lab allows users to generate animated movies simulating a host of astronomical events (including solar and lunar eclipses, lunar occultations, planetary occultations, transits of Mercury and Venus, the orbits of Jupiter's bright moons, and the motions of the planets in the plane of the ecliptic). In addition, Astronomy Lab can produce several reports that contain predictions of the most important and exciting astronomical events of the present, future and past. Also, Astronomy Lab can generate several graphs that illustrate many fundamental astronomical concepts. This program will provide hour after hour of fascination and education to anyone interested in astronomy. The novice can use Astronomy Lab as an excellent learning tool. Seasoned astronomers can make the best use of their observing time by using the program to calculate when astronomical events will occur, and where in the sky they will be found. ALWIN15.ZIP [$149.00] Active Life Scheduling system version 1.5 by 1Soft Corp. Excellent PIM for Windows/DOS/OS2. A powerful system for planning, managing, and tracking one's active business and personal life. Flexible schedules manage work-flow effectively. All types of recurring items need be entered just once. Features pop-up calendars, week-at-a-glance, alarms, printed schedules, and more. There are versions of Active Life 1.5 for DOS, Windows, and OS/2 Presentation Manager. The DOS and Windows editions also include a timer and an indexed text/graphics notebook manager with auto-dialer. Active Life can plan time for everything you want to do! AMW10.ZIP [$25.00] ArcMaster for Windows by New-Ware AMW is a Windows 3.1 program designed to make the management of file compression systems and the files they produce much easier. In addition, AMW offers normal file management capabilities such as file copy, move, and deletion, directory tree management, and more. AMW runs ARJ.EXE, LHA.EXE, and PKZIP.EXE as minimized windows programs. This is done to reduce the herky-jerky effect of having a DOS window open and close briefly. AN101A.ZIP Text file on integrating Windows and Novell Netware. AN210X.ZIP Netware Bindery Lister by Morgan B. Adair From the October 1992 NETWARE APPLICATION NOTES. ANIMTE.ZIP [$20.00] ServantWare announces the Animation Kit. The kit contains robust samples illustrating how to add bitmap, text, and cursor animation to your applications. Complete with help file and installation program. Requires Windows 3.1, SDK and a C compiler. ANTS.ZIP [Free] Ant Farm 1.0 by Tim Hoffman. Ants crawl on desktop, looking for bread crumbs. Very amusing! APD120.ZIP App Director 1.2 can help unclutter your desktop by giving you a desktop menu for launching applications. It can also schedule application launches (on Windows start-up, at a certain time, on a date/time), giving you flexibility to do tasks when you can't be at your PC to start the application you want to run. APDCK400.ZIP [$10.00] Application Dock 4.0 David R. Black A collection of icons that sits along the right side of your screen to provide quick access to many of your programs. This icon bar, if you will, stays visible all of the time, and simply clicking on the bar brings it to the top, where you can double-click on an icon to bring up the program associated with it. Written in Visual Basic, this program was inspired by a much simpler version by John Morley. This program is an attempt to bring some features of the excellent Workspace Manager on the NeXT computer to Windows. REQUIRES Windows 3.1 or later and a mouse or other pointing device. What's New in Version 4.0: - Rewritten completely in C++ - Extraction of Icons from Program Files - Drag & Drop Support - Elimination of separate dock editor - Variable Button Size - Sound Support APISPY11.ZIP API Function Spy for Windows 3.1 Version 1.1 by Mark Gamber Windows is comprised primarily of Dynamic Link Libraries which contain a number of functions available to programmers. All Windows applications call these functions, including Non-Windows applications within a window. In addition, parameters passed back and forth between the DLL and application are sent according to a defined standard. This utility hooks into actual Windows code, allowing interception of function calls. When a function is called by any application, the function and it's parameters are displayed in a list box, adding specific information about the parameters if possible. APIX.ZIP [Free] APIX version 1.0 by Jeff Simms [72200,3173] The Apix Programmers Utility gives VB programmers instant access to the API Declares - Constants - Types in Windows. Nicely done. APLAUNCH.ZIP Application Launcher for Windows by Robert Fabian Provide a list oriented alternative for the desktop populated with icons. An important part of my motivation was to explore what is possible in Visual Basic. The result is a reasonably convenient means of launching Windows 3.0 applications by selecting from a list, where facilities are provided to maintain the list. The list of applications may be increased by pressing Add. You will then be able to add any exe, com, bat, or pif file, together with an appropriate description. Highlighted list elements can be removed by pressing Delete. Execution of the file linked to a description happens by either double clicking on the list element or by pressing the Execute button with an element highlighted. APLETFMT.ZIP Text on Windows Accessories Binary File Formats. This note describes the binary file formats used by Microsoft(R) Windows(TM) Write and Microsoft Windows Calendar. APMV1.ZIP Text file on Advanced Power Management by Intel Corporation & Microsoft Corporation presents a layered approach to Power Management which is termed Advanced Power Management(APM). APM is a specification that defines a layered cooperative environment which allows applications, operating systems, and the system BIOS to work together towards the goal of reducing power consumption in Personal Computers. The primary purpose of an APM implementation is to provide portable computer users increased productivity and greater system availability by extending the useful life of system batteries without degrading performance. The goal of prolonging battery life for portable computers does not preclude the usefulness of APM in other environments and applications. APNDW.ZIP NDW batch files (Norton Desktop) to add a file to a print queue by selecting it from a listing. Nice work. APOR14C .ZIP [$54.00] Aporia by NewTools, Inc Object oriented extensions to the Windows desktop. This is a powerful instrument that can be used to provide "drag and drop" capabilities to Windows. Get into the "Windows of the Future." Make your own tools and display them in a "desktop" metaphor. Basic tools include those for storage, file and tool management, directory management, customization, window control, notekeeping and on-line help, all user configurable. Aporia is a program which provides you with a more convenient, flexible interface for Microsoft Windows. It makes Windows easier to use by adding a fully graphical, object-oriented user interface which lets you customize your working environment. It gives you a better way to organize your work by allowing you to display graphically your programs and data files. Aporia also has the ability to train your programs to run the same way each time for a given situation; thus, allowing you to work more efficiently. Recommended. (CW) APPBAR3.ZIP App Bar Launcher version 3.1415b by NEVERnever Software 12-2-92 A half year ago I saw AppDock, a NeXT alike button bar for Windows. I liked it, but some disadvantages made me not to use it. It was Shareware and made with Visual Basic. (so I had to place the vbrun100.dll on my small hard disk), and because I thought I could do it better. How? Appbar does basically the same as AppDock. It starts and (that's different) closes programs selected from the icon bar. By clicking with the left mouse button you start programs if they're not started at that moment, or you close programs if they run at that moment. That's all. Almost. The top button provides some system options as about, move and exit. The second button provides a inboard "Exit Windows" option. APPSHL.ZIP [Free] App Shell 1.0 by Jim Presley [73417,2674] Template for File-oriented Applications Provides base for Visual basic applications. Some source code is included. A mini-text editor (multi-line text control) is used to demonstrate all file-oriented functions found in a standard Windows application. Windows Write was used as a model with improvements made where it seemed to make sense. The file open/save as dialogs adhere to the Windows 3.0 conventions. Printer setup and printing is allowed from any printer currently attached. The user is allowed to cancel the printing from a modal dialog box. In addition to providing a base for Visual Basic applications, App Shell also demonstrates many VB functions. This includes a custom Windows DLL for printer setup. The C source is included. 8-91 ARACHNID.ZIP Card game like Solitaire, only more. ARC13P.ZIP [Free] Architect Font by Hank Gillette [73627,3612] ATM Type 1 font installs easily for all Windows apps. ARCHES.ZIP Great wallpaper graphic of arches in water! 256 colors. ARCH_TB.ZIP Archery game for ToolBook by Mike Miller. ToolBook archery is a game wherein players move the target with a mouse, compensating for random wind conditions. When the player feels comfortable with the target's position, he fires the arrow. The secret to doing well is figuring out the effect that the wind will have on the traveling arrow. The target's default position will yield a perfect bullseye when there is no wind. The game is currently equipped to handle 1 to 4 players at a time, if someone desires more players all they need to do is create a new page, name it "Player " (e.g. a page for a fifth player would need to be named "Player 5" and so on), and then save the book and reopen it (needed to reinitialize variables and set up new pages). I have not documented this "feature" in the book itself, but the code will support any number of players as long as all pages are properly named and on the same background. ARCHON10.ZIP [$77.00] ARCHON 1.0 for Windows Welcome to the desktop information management revolution. If you want to manage many or large files, Archon is the product for you. Archon is a Windows application and supports the file formats used by other Windows programs, while Lotus' Magellan product is geared towards DOS applications. Archon is a unique combination of features not offered by any other product we are aware of: Fulltext Retrieval with automatic keyword extraction out of text, spreadsheet and archive files. Locate your data by entering some keyword appearing anywhere in the file. Object Database Long filenames are just one of the many benefits of the underlying Object Database, which forms the foundation for the advance storage management of Archon. Plus much more! ARCH_TB.ZIP Archery Game by Mike Miller ToolBook archery is a game wherein players move the target with a mouse, compensating for random wind conditions. When the player feels comfortable with the target's position, he fires the arrow. The secret to doing well is figuring out the effect that the wind will have on the traveling arrow. The target's default position will yield a perfect bullseye when there is no wind. Requires ToolBook. ARRANG.ZIP Arrange Icons Version 1.00 by Martin Brown [100014,1354] This is a simple example of how to use SendKeys within Visual Basic to perform one of the most common functions of the Task Manager. I have included the original code, but there are no comments as I felt it was so simple it did not warrant it!! Place ArrangeI.Exe in your Startup group . It will stay as an Icon until clicked, and then shell to TaskMan.Exe, perform an Alt-A and minimize again. Simple, but effective. ARRNGE.ZIP Norton Desktop utility to arrange nbuttons. One feature about NDW has bugged me (and probably be fixed soon) which is that nbuttons could not be arranged. I've written a little program which will arrange the nbuttons by editing the NDW.DAT file which is stored in C:\NDW (in a normal install). ARRANGE must be run from the DOS prompt NOT from a DOS window!! You must exit NDW. It is just a little utility that fixed NDW for my own personal use. Freeware, not supported by Symantec. ARUN10.ZIP [$5.00] Autorun 1.0 by Daniel Lee Kelly II Simplifies the setting and changing of the programs that automatically execute upon booting Windows, AUTORUN will automatically run all programs in the group named "Autorun". AS22P.ZIP Art Show 2.2 is a Windows application to display "shows" of your favorite wallpaper files. You create a text file of the bitmap file names and how long you want them on the screen (up to 60 seconds). Then just run your show. Art Show can display Windows color bitmaps (*.BMP File) with 16 or 256 color palettes, or gray scale palettes with up to 256 shades. It does not support 24 bit color bitmaps. It has been tested at VGA, 800x600 and 1024x768 resolutions on a ProDesigner II video card. ASCEND.ZIP PIM for Windows. 60 day trial period. Iconic, MDI support. NICE! Similar program called AB now appearing, looks like this one. ASCTAS.ZIP [$10.00] ASC Task Manager copyright (c) 1992 ASC. To use ASCTASK as your Windows Task Manager. Rename the Windows task manager TASKMAN.exe to ORGTASK.exe then rename ASCTASK.exe to TASKMAN.exe. The task list implements drag and drop application termination. To end a task, click and hold the left mouse button over the icon of the application then drag the icon to the trashcan and release the mouse button. This task list is compatible with virtual desktops. Meaning that the task list will make the screen switches just like your Virtual desktop application. Tile, Cascade, Arrange Icons, Arrange Windows: Click on the appropriate button. Become a registered user and receive the latest version which includes a run box and the ability for Task Manager to stay open on your desktop. The idea for this task list came from the soon to be released retail application Drag-n-Snap (TM). AT131.ZIP [$25.00] Application Timer 1.31 by InfoPerfect Inc. Run programs at a specified time, or on regular intervals. It can be used to automate backups, asynchronous communications, CPU intensive calculations, etc. It is an easy program to use. Just set the time, date and the program to be launched, and as long as the AT program is running, it will launch your program. It will launch DOS programs as well as Windows programs. Additions for Version 1.31: *Can launch programs minimized *Can launch programs maximized *Can launch programs in background ATART.ZIP a_tartan Version 1.0 by James Patrick Russell [71620,3061] (Jim Russell is the ILink WinAppDev conference host) ATART is a Microsoft Windows tartan generator, and will generate a small "swatch" of tartan bitmap, which can be used as tiled wallpaper in Microsoft Windows (v3.0 and later). It was written solely for my own amusement, and I am distributing it as "freeware" for anyone to freely use and enjoy. I ask only for feedback and maybe some pattern description's of YOUR clan's tartan. As this is basically a "toy" application, don't expect long-winded docs explaining what Windows wallpaper is, or for that matter, what tartans are. ATLMAP.ZIP Wallpaper map of the city of Atlanta, GA. ATLUS.ZIP [$20.00] Atlas for Windows by Hyrax Systems [73447,3615] 6-91 Atlus is a computer-based Altus of the United States. It contains information for 51 states (including the District of Columbia) and this distribution contains information on more than 150 cities in the United States. The cities are represented on a map of the United States by small buttons. Click on one of the buttons and information about that city pops up. You can add more cities, update the information about any city or state, test your knowledge of United States geography or perform database searches based on the age or population of the city. You can also add your own custom information to each city and keep track of that information by changing the city's button color. ATMFON.ZIP Collection of 5 ATM Type 1 fonts by Hank Gillette. Nice! ATMOIDS.ZIP by Andre Weber Asteroids-type game. Nice graphics! Source $10. ATTRBU.ZIP [$5.00] Attribute for Windows by Sawbuck Software [72371,1075] Attribute will allow you to examine and change the attribute settings and creation date of files. Once Attribute has been installed as a program item, you may invoke it by dragging a file from the file manager onto its icon. Attribute will appear with the file's attributes and dates listed as the default. Attribute also supports the drag-and-drop feature introduced in Windows 3.1. If you are running Windows 3.1 or greater, you may select a new file by dragging the file on top of Attribute while it is running. Once a file has been dropped, it will become the currently selected file with its attributes displayed. If Attribute is running as an icon, it will be restored to its normal size. AUDIT.ZIP Heap Auditor by Doug Overmyer [71021,2535] A Utility to Monitor the GDI, User & Global Heaps. Prerequisites: Windows 3.1 and the toolhelp.dll library that comes with the standard Windows installation. Function: Display various statistics about the GDI, User and Global heaps. In particular, programmers can use the statistics to check for 'orphaned' objects in the GDI local segment. AUTOCON.ZIP Auto Concentration game. AUTOEX.ZIP Auto execute utility for Windows. The Modify Settings window is displayed when the 'Modify Settings...' button is pressed prior to the countdown timer expiring. This window allows up to ten applications to be defined for automatic start. Each application defined here will appear as an application button on the AutoExec window. AUTOKEY.ZIP by Lynn Wallace, Simple Software [70242,101] This is the first release of AutoKey, the big 1.0. AutoKey is an auto-save program for Windows, meaning it protects the data in your Windows programs from power failures, user error, or the ever-present UAEs, by telling those other Winapps to save their work periodically. AutoKey can also send other keystrokes or menu commands. AutoKey was developed on a limited budget, so only a subset of Windows programs were used as targets. However, the basic approach is sound and has worked for every Windows program tried (dozens). Please notify me if AutoKey doesn't work against a particular program. AUTSIZ.ZIP Autosize ToolBook utility sample code. This book automatically sizes visible objects on the foreground and background based on the size of the window. Notice that when you resize the window, all objects grow or shrink proportionally. 7-91 AVIPL2.ZIP Video Player for Windows by Steve Clark This program was written to allow for simple playing of Video for Windows files which have an extension of AVI. It plays a video file, then exits. You must have the Microsoft multimedia video extensions for Windows installed before you ca n use AVIPLAY. The necessary files are located on CompuServe and were distributed with the January, 1993 issue of the Nautilus CD-ROM magazine. AXS210.ZIP [$10.00] Open Axess 2.10 by Stephen Gutz [71054,3220] Windows 3.1 provides built-in support for Common Dialog boxes to perform operations such as File Open and File Save As from within an application. These Common Dialog Windows provide a consistent interface across all applications that use them. However, you still have to climb and descend directory trees and manually select drives or file types to locate the file, type, or directory you want. Open Axess makes it easier to use the Windows 3.1 Common Dialog Windows for file selection by enhancing their operation to include: 1. automatically remembering the last 5 Types, the last 5 Files, and the last 5 Directories used for each application that uses Common Dialog Windows. 2. allowing you to specify 5 additional Permanent Types, Files, and Directories for each application that uses Common Dialog Windows. 3. allowing you to create and change to a new subdirectory from within a file selection Common Dialog Window. This permits you to create and change to a new subdirectory from within the Save As Dialog Window before saving a file. 4. allowing you to optionally display the following file properties at the bottom of the Common Dialog Window for a selected file: the file size in bytes, the date and time the file was last modified, and the file attributes: Read, Write, Archive, and Hidden. 5. allowing you to find a file from within a file selection Common Dialog Window and open the file by double-clicking on it. AZICED.ZIP AZ Icon Edit v1.7 by Computer Innovations [72607,1633] A Windows 3.1/3.0 application that lets you create or modify 16 color icons for use with MS Windows Program Manager. This version supports cut/paste to/from the clipboard, transparency, capture, fill, image shifting, line size selection, and 9 different drawing tools. The AZ Icon Edit window may be sized and positioned to suit your preferences. A complete on line help facility is also provided. This should be the only tool you will ever need to edit your icons. B-WAVE.ZIP More of those Windows 3.1 WAV (sound) files. BALL.ZIP Additional module for the screen blanker in Windows 3.1. BALLOONS.ZIP [Free] Balloons by Patrick J. Maloney [73407,3676] Here is what you all have been waiting for! Balloons for Windows 3.x! I just got into playing with Bitmaps in C and I needed a project to put that wealth of knowledge to use. The program is self-explanatory: Run it! BALNK.ZIP [Free] Simple screen blanker by David G. Mandell [73040,334] 2-91 BANDIT.ZIP One armed bandit game 1.5 by Wicked Witch Software Co. 6-91 BANGBA.ZIP Shoot the cannons game. BANKRU.ZIP [$99.00] TOTAL BANKRUPTCY DEMONSTRATION PROGRAM 2.0 by BIT LEGAL Total Bankruptcy is not a new program. Total Bankruptcy has been in use for over 3 years. I developed TB over the last several years in response to Dallas Attorney's desire to gain access to a truly useful bankruptcy program at a reason able cost. Until TB was introduced to the market the only programs that were available either produced forms that in some cases were simply not acceptable in the Courts or were not in the least user friendly and in many cases you had to drag out the typewriter after all in order to get things right. In fact, in this part of the world at least, you had to spend $2,500 to $5,000 for really good software. This was clearly out of line for all but the largest firms. Some attorney's have replaced their expensive programs with TB because TB both accomplishes everything that their old programs did and in the case of chapter 13 plans was many times more sophisticated. BARS2.ZIP VB app to print bar codes. Source included. BARTEYE2.ZIP [$3.00] by Randy Eccles Mouse tracker and screen blanker with sound. Watch BART's eyes follow mouse pointer! 3-91 BARTRLE.ZIP Graphic of Bart to be used as opening screen for Windows. BATSAT.ZIP [$10.00] BATTLE SAT Game by FIRAS W. BUSHNAQ CIS # 70272,1656 Object of the game: Destroy enemy SATS before they destroy yours. Turns alternate between you and the enemy. WinSIG BBS 714-363-9802 08/28/91 BBAR18.ZIP Button Bar Plus. Very nice simple graphic setup. BBVIEW.ZIP [Free] Windows image file viewer 1.2 by Bailey Brown, Jr. [73020,3442] This is release 1.2 of my Windows image file viewer. This version contains bug fixes over 1.11 and adds the capability to use a full 256 colors (full palette) when a 256 color windows driver is used. It will read windows bitmap files (.BMP, .DIB, .RLE) and GIF files. It can be used to convert GIF files to windows wallpaper by saving the .GIF as a .BMP file. You can also copy the image and paste it into other Windows applications. Now you can load an image in any format (such as PCX) that your windows paint program supports into your windows paint program and copy it and paste it into BBView. Remember to paste the palette also (see menu). You can then save it in the GIF format. BBView saves each image it loads from a file in discardable memory. This means if you want to see an image you've already loaded, you don't have to wait for it to be decoded again. If the system gets really low on memory, it will discard these images and BBView will have to load them again. BBView discards them automatically when you quit from it. This version, 1.2, is FREE. BCURSOR.ZIP Big Cursor 2.0 by James F. Cuddy Makes pointer (cursor) extra large - good for laptops and LCD displays. BDEMO.ZIP Visual Basic files. BDP100.ZIP [$15.00+] BATTLES ON DISTANT PLANETS (Battles) and all additional scenarios are Copyright 1992 - Glacier Edge Technology All Rights Reserved. This basic game and First Battle scenario, included in "bdp.zip" is distributed as shareware. Please make copies of bdp.zip, and give to your friends or upload to other BBS. Only the basic game and the First Battle scenario are shareware. All additional scenarios and the licensed version of the game are not shareware. BEAT.ZIP Heartbeat module for After Dark screen saver. With sound! BG10A.ZIP Brain Games for Windows by Firas Bushnaq A collection of games and puzzles for Windows. The collection is getting bigger and more exciting. There are no limitations on the Shareware release. To install Brain Games for Windows, copy all the files to a directory "BRAIN" for example and then copy the file "VBRUN100.DLL" to your Windows directory. Shareware Release 2/23/92 BG6.ZIP Backgammon game. BIBWIN1.ZIP [$7.00] Bible Window 1.0 by Christian Computing shows quotations in a window. Requires the VBRUN100.DLL from Visual Basic. BIORTH.ZIP Biorythm Method 1.00(Beta) by Eric Fogelin Biorythm charts in Windows. It's unique and informative. BITMAN.ZIP [$20.00] Bitmap Manager by Patrick Deupree [76427,442] 5-91 Manage those graphic files with this handy utility. You can scan through an .EXE or .DLL file and view all bitmaps present. By using the right arrow button, the next bitmap will be displayed and by using the left arrow button the previous bitmap can be brought back and displayed. Files with the .DLL extension, and even the .DRV extension can also be read by the BitMan program. To see a list of files with either of these extensions merely click the mouse in the edit control at the top of the file selection dialog and replace the .EXE text with .DLL, .DRV, or whatever text is desired. There are other files with non-standard extensions that are readable by BitMan. Key information on each bitmap will be displayed as it is viewed. This information includes the following: Name of bitmap in the resource file, Dimension of bitmap (in pixels), Number of colors in bitmaps color palette BITMAP.ZIP by Ted Young [76703,4343] Experiments with Bitmaps, hDCs, Images, Pictures, and AutoRedraw I gave up trying to write a dozen different sample programs to figure out what's going on with VB, AutoRedraw, hDC and the Windows GDI. So, I wrote a program (actually drew a form, the code was no big deal) which exercises pretty much all of the graphics methods in terms of refreshing, cls, pset/line, etc., along with the GDI stuff like BitBlt, and the GDI line drawing (MoveTo, LineTo, SetPixel, etc.). BJWIN.ZIP [$40.00] BlackJack game for Windows by John Washburn 2-91 BKGFADE.ZIP Background Fader by Craig Fitzgerald This program is for Windows users who have limited memory and/or think faded colors look nice as a background. This program will display a color fade as your Windows background. A color fade means that the color gradually changes from one side to another in a smooth fashion. This App. has the advantage over wallpaper of needing very little RAM memory. BLACK024.ZIP [$12.00] Blackout game by Zarkware/Patrick Mills [71211,1250] 6-91 BLC20E.ZIP Block Breaker Version 2.0E by Yutaka Emura 10/27/1991 This is shareware. Please refer to Help after invoking Block Breaker. BLINKY.ZIP [$12.00] Blinky by Farpoint Software A Microsoft Windows program whose purpose is to improve the visibility of the mouse cursor. This is accomplished in two ways: (1) The cursor can be made to blink on and off, and (2) The cursor can be made much larger, displaying either a large black arrow with a white border or a large white arrow with a black border (or numerous others). Blinky is intended primarily for laptop users, but a lot of application programs could benefit from a blinking mouse cursor, even on standard CRT monitors. It has for years been normal for TEXT screen cursors to blink. BLITFIX.ZIP BlitFix is a Windows utility that speeds up windowing on large (1024x768) displays by forcing the CS_BYTEALIGNCLIENT bit on for all top windows. BlitFix sets all top level windows' CS_BYTEALIGNCLIENT bits, which means moving around windows on large non-coprocessed displays is faster. BlitFix should work automatically, but you can force it to go to work with a right-mouse-button click or keypress on its icon. Some software already sets the CS_BYTEALIGNCLIENT bit, so it won't speed up. Displays smaller than 800x600 usually don't speed up very much. 256 color displays don't speed up at all. This software is freeware, Copyright (C) 1990-91 Hutchins Software. Send comments (and your freeware) to: eah1@cec1.wustl.edu Read the About... for more info. BLITZE2.ZIP BLITZER Ver 1.20 game by Steve Sherman 12-91 BLNK11.ZIP [Free] BLANK by Steven Van Riper [76646,1346] A very simple Windows screen blanker. It was written in Borland C++. Basically, it just sits at the bottom of the screen until one of two things happen: One, the time out limit you specify expires, or two, you move your mouse cursor all the way down to the lower, right corner of the screen. At that point, Blank blacks out the screen and begins moving an icon around at a speed you can specify. You can also change the icon displayed. This program is freeware...enjoy! BLOB.ZIP [$3.00] BLOB.C by Kevin S. Murray A strategy game Human vs Human or play against the computer. Computer movement logic developed by Kevin S. Murray. The object of the game is to secure more squares with your color than your opponent. You may move from any of your occupied squares to an empty square. The empty square must be within two squares from the originating square. If you move one square, you retain possession of the original square. If you move two squares, you lose possession of the original square (it becomes empty, it is not automatically taken by your opponent). The game ends when all squares on the board are filled. If you can not move, your opponent may continue to move into all the empty squares until the board is full, or a square is vacated that you can move in to (fat chance!). BLOCK11.ZIP BLOCKS Game BY FIRAS W. BUSHNAQ 09/09/91 BLOCKS.ZIP ToolBook app to drag blocks around. Good mouse exercise. 1-91 BLX21.ZIP Good Stuff from the pages of Borland's Language Express. BMPKIT.ZIP BMPKIT by George Campbell [71571,222] Don Funk from Microsoft gave me a set of routines for dealing with .BMP files from within Visual Basic. Using these routines, with some modifications, lets you scale, print, and display bitmaps in VB applications, something not included in the internal commands in the language. Here's a demo application which deals with scaling and printing of images. BMPVIEW.ZIP Bitmap file viewer as VB app. BODE1A.ZIP Wallpaper file of a Vaughn Bode drawing. Nice. BOG.ZIP [$10.00] Bog for Windows is a word-finding game similar to the game of Boggle. BOOKLT.ZIP BOOKLETS by Asymetrix Corp. (Jeff Day et. al.) Sample ToolBook applications: CLOCK, SPEED, ALARMS, TIMELINE, and TAQUIN. Good samples on how to do it in ToolBook. (10-8-90) BORG.ZIP VOC (sound) file of Jean Luc Picard as Locutus of Borg. BOXWORLD.ZIP [$5.00] Game by Jeng Long Jiang BOXPLO.ZIP Box Plot 1.0 Plots loudspeaker frequency response and maximum sound pressure level for any speaker/box combination. Wordup, Audiophiles. BOXWORLD.ZIP [$5.00] Box World Game by Jeng Long Jiang Features 100 levels! BPUT31.ZIP The Barry Press Utilities [72467,2353] This archive contains a set of utilities for Microsoft Windows, version 3.1 or later. All of the utilities have been compiled for 286 or higher processors and include the following files: a simple calendar showing any month from January 1980 through December 2037; a simple Windows/DOS command line accessible from an icon; a text file comparison program; the executable contains versions for both DOS and Windows; an iconic way to display and change the current default printer's orientation from portrait to landscape or vice versa; a program runnable from macros and other scripts to force the current default printer's orientation to portrait; a program runnable from macros and other scripts to force the current default printer's orientation to landscape; yet another Windows digital clock; an add-on module for AfterDark for Windows; a program launcher. Creates buttons on your desktop you can double click on to start a program. Lets you keep Program Manager as an icon most of the time, saving space on your display. WOW!! BRAVES-C.ZIP Wallpaper of the 1991 Eastern Champions! BRICK3.ZIP Variant of the "Breakout" game. BRKOUT.ZIP Breakout-type Game. Nice graphics, small window. BROADCAS.ZIP This program will create two modaless dialog boxes and will allow only one Dialog2 dialog to be created at any time. Additionally, it will demonstrate how to broadcast messages to background windows and update information without changing the selected dialog. BROWIN10.ZIP Browini.exe is a simple Windows ini file browser where application names and Key names are displayed in separate list boxes. The Data pertaining to a particular combination of Application and Key is displayed at the bottom. The data cannot be changed in this window. Use the Tab key to shift focus between the 2 list boxes. A red box around the text above the list box indicates that entries in that list box can be selected using the cursor keys. [72450,3711] BS100.ZIP BATTLEGRID by Bob Dolan Version 1.00 BattleGrid is a game of strategy between two players to locate ships placed on a grid by the opposing player. It is very similar to a classic board game with a similar name. Among the many differences in this version is the fact that the computer can play one or both sides of the contest. In addition, there are no playing pieces to lose! The capabilities of Microsoft Windows are fully exploited with the intention of providing an efficient player's interface. October 31,1991 BTDEMO.ZIP These files are provided as a demo of ButtonToolTM. There is included a demo copy of the design-mode custom control. You will be able to use it in design-mode only. This gives you a chance to see how the control actually works. You may copy and distribute this demo freely as long as you provide all files in an unaltered state. BTNMAD.ZIP [Free] Button Madness game by Chris Allison BUGS.ZIP Text file about "quirks" in VB. (9-17-91) BUILDER.ZIP The Application Builder version 3.0 by Jeff Watkins Builder is a convenient method of launching applications from a button that resides at the bottom of the screen. At launch time, Builder reads its command line to determine the launch specs or launch file. The application then waits merrily at the bottom of your screen until you double click with the right mouse button on it. BURST.ZIP Make cracks appear on screen. Gagware from Dragon's Eye Software and Michael Harrison [76057,101]. 6-90 BUSTOU.ZIP [Free] BUSTOUT! game demo by Timothy Baldwin [72240,3372] BUTNBOUN.ZIP Bouncing Command Button by Lou Marino 70322,1473 App for Visual BASIC. Bouncing Command Button - by Lou Marino Modify this program -- please..... This is just a little hack I wrote just for the hell of it. The Command button is calculated to stay inside the boundaries of the About window no matter the size of the button or the window. Resize both if you do not believe me. BUZZ.ZIP Wallpaper (.BMP file) of the Georgia Tech Mascot (YELLOWJACKET). C-WAVE.ZIP Windows 3.1 WAV (sound) files. CAPRI.ZIP [$15.00] ATM font by George Ciesek. [72540,1502] CARDCO.ZIP Cardconv 1.0 Cardfile to ASCII converter utility by Robert Schoettl [100012,1033]. 1-91 CART.ZIP Cart Machine 1.00 by Ron Burley, CompuTalking 1992 for Microsoft Windows Version 3.1. This is a simple *.wav file player using the radio station cart machine as a metaphor. Files can be played using mouse or number keys. Playing is stopped with "Delete" or "Escape" key, making right or lefthand operation easy. Autocue function is enabled by selecting box next to selection. Total time and count-up timers are included. Installation is easy. Place the *.vbx files in your Windows system subdirectory. Put the cart.exe file anywhere in your path. Cart.exe looks for *.wav files in a directory called C:\wavedata by default. So if you create this directory and store your *.wav files there it will make loading files a bit easier. Otherwise... enjoy and have fun! Ron CBOX10.ZIP Clipbox by Gordon L. Smith Clipbox is a small utility written in Visual Basic (thus VBRUN100.DLL is required to be in the path). Whenever a cut or copy is made to the Windows Clipboard, whatever was on the Clipboard is lost. Clipbox will allow you to grab what was on the Clipboard and either hold(GET BUTTON) on a stack (which can be saved from session to session) or saved(LOG BUTTON) in a log file. At any one time, eight different items, of 8K each, can be held on the Clipbox Stack. Any amount of the Clipboard can be saved to the log file. In addition, you can print what is currently on the Clipboard (no limit on this size). Currently, Clipbox supports only the Clipboard text mode. Clipbox can be started in one of two modes: Stack or Log. In the Stack Mode, the program runs with all the features as described in the rest of this help file. In the Stack mode, you CANNOT change the log file; it is fixed as c:\windows\clipbox.log. If you Start in the Log Mode, only the log features are available. For further help on the Log Mode, go to the LOG MODE help section. CCDEMO.ZIP Demo of Carets and Cursors 1.2 by Instant Replay Corp. CCFACT.ZIP Custom Control demo for VB programs. The Custom Control Factory is now shipping at the an introductory price of only $48 plus $5 shipping and handling. California residents add sales tax. CCIZIP.ZIP [$25.00] Windows ZIP file management utility by Creative Consortium, Inc. CD-WIN31.ZIP These are self-extracting Lharc files that are JUST AS I DOWNLOADED THEM from the CorelDRAW support BBS. Most are fixes to enhance compatibility with Windows v3.1. Here is a screen dump of the descriptions of the files exactly as they appear on the Corel BBS... Files for Corel DRAW 2.01L: CD&WIN.COM 11009 04-10-92 Known Problems with DRAW! 2.01L & Win31 MOSAIC.COM 49729 04-01-92 New Mosaic for 2.01L & Win 3.1 NEWWFN.EXE 106410 04-01-92 New Wfnboss for Win 3.1 SCODL.COM 64670 03-31-92 New SCODL Filter for 2.01l ONLY!!! CD0561.ZIP Text file from Microsoft on Multimedia PCs (MPC). CDAUDI.TXT Text tile on CD-ROM audio support in Windows 3.1 by Brett McDonald BFM Software. [77370,1254] CDI.ZIP ToolBook app (CBI.TBK) address book of computer businesses. 11-90 CDP.ZIP [$25.00] CD Player for Windows by Graphical Bytes, Inc. CDSK10.ZIP [$19.95] Accurate Disk Copier for Windows by Accurate Technologies DEMO VERSION of a nice disk copier. CFS212.ZIP [$25.00] Correspondence Filing System by CSD Incorporated [72470,3265] A Windows application to organize word processor documents, Fax's, Images and all other Disk Files. The CFS Program allows the user to create a single file folder containing many files related to a subject. For example a months memo's, a years fax's, or all the documents, data, spreadsheets, and programs related from a project can be saved together in a single read-only file, from which the information can be easily accessed. For each entry in the folder user input fields of date, to, from, subject are provided, if the file a a WORD doc file the summary information is automatically placed in the input fields. CHARICNS.ZIP Icons of your favorite characters! CHARTIST.ZIP [$69.95] CHARTIST v1.03 - A comprehensive flow charting and org charting package for Windows 3.x. Features full color and font support, multiple symbol and border styles and automatic routing of lines in multiple styles. Also supports hypertext jumps to import of bitmaps into symbols and export of data to other applications. "Trophy rated" by Public Brand Software, top reviews by trade mags. CHAT.ZIP [$5.00] Chatter runs in the background as an icon, periodically playing a sound file at a user defined interval. It sequentially selects sound files (.WAV and .SND) from a user defined list. This list is stored in a private initialization file so that it will be restored every time the program is run. CHCKRS32.ZIP Simple Checkers game. 8-90 CHEM-1.ZIP Wallpaper (.BMP file) of chemistry symbols. CHESS101.ZIP GNUCHESS for Windows by Daryl Baker Version 1.01. Chess game. CHGCRS21.ZIP [$35.00] Change Cursor 2.0 by Jim Seidman This program allows you to change the arrow and hourglass cursors in Windows to whatever pattern you like. An editor is included. The on-line help describes how to use the program. 11-91 CHILD.ZIP 2 Toolbox that show parent and child windows. CHKMODEM.ZIP CHKMODEM.BAS By Gary G. Hendershot Soft Sale Limited BBS (703) 569-6876 Utility program to find HAYES command compatible modems on COM1 through COM4. Report maximum possible baud rate for all modems found. Test a selected modem for DTR and CD line settings. CHOMP.ZIP [$20.00] PacMan for Windows W1.1 by Jerry J. Shekhel. Very cute. 5-91 CHOOSE.ZIP Chooser 1.1 by Derek Cohen [71307,1503] Chooser lets you quickly select the default Windows printer and change its page orientation. Many Windows programs will let you go into the printer setup but won't give you the option of changing the default printer. Doing it through the Control Panel is possible but laborious. CHROMEAP.ZIP Wallpaper file of a "Chrome Apple". CIM.PIF Windows Program Information File to run CompuServe Information Manager in a window. I use it weekly and it works! CIPHWN10.ZIP CIPHER for Windows Crypto-Quotes Puzzle Game Release 1.0 October 1, 1991 by Nels Anderson CIPHER is a word puzzle game in which you must try to discover the real meaning of a quotation or other phrase that has been encrypted. To get started either read the .doc file or just start up the game and use the help system. CISTRM.ZIP [$5.00] Windows Terminal Settings File for CompuServe by Michael A. Banks (Michael is the author of THE MODEM REFERENCE on Brady Publishing) The Windows Terminal setting file (.TRM file) for CompuServe that accompany this file is from the disk bundled with THE MODEM REFERENCE, 3rd Edition. Settings files for other major on-line services are also included on the disk. CSERVE.TRM file is a basic "front end." A front end makes using an on-line service easier by acting as an "interpreter," translating simple, plain-English choices into commands for the on-line service in question. The major advantages of using a front end are speeding up access, and eliminating the need to remember and type complex commands. CLEAN.ZIP [$10.00] CLEAN by Michael Harrison Dragons Eye Software Clears the clipboard and global compacts memory in order to squeeze any available memory out of Windows. 7-90 CLICK142.ZIP [$20.00] Click! Filer 1.42 by TrogloByte Software Shareware replacement for Program/File Manager, sets up source and destination windows, user defined buttons to run applications, screen saver and more. CLINR2.ZIP Cassette Liner 2.1 By Ed Adasiewicz [71101,2744] Print cassette liners (J-Cards). CLIP-ART.ZIP Sample clip-art in Cardfile format - can be clipped and pasted into other Windows documents. CLIP1.ZIP [$19.95] More sample clip-art (.BMP) from Steve Shubitz of Published Perfection!. CLIPMT.ZIP [$20.00] ClipMate v 1.5 for Windows by Chris Thornton [70743,2546] ClipMate captures all text items that appear on the Clipboard and keeps them for later retrieval. There are many functions to help you retrieve and manipulate clipboard data, such as Concatenate, Re-Flow Paragraph, Word Find, and Magnify. You can edit the clipboard data, and you have configurable options for short-term and long-term storage. The ultimate Windows power tool, with easy-to-use Icon ribbon, and Windows Help. 8-92 CLIPST.ZIP PC Magazine's CLIPSTAC Version 1.0 by Richard Hale Shaw The Windows Clipboard over writes its entire contents the moment you copy a fresh piece of text or cut a second image to it. The Clipboard can hold one and only one item at a time; it is absolutely unforgiving. And, as you may have found, it takes just one accidentally lost cut to make you wish the Clipboard could accommodate multiple items. CLIPSTAC eliminates this dangerous limitation. CLIPSTAC creates a stack, or history list, of all the texts and bitmaps that any program cuts or copies to or from the Clipboard. It saves all these items in a file, CLIPSTAC.DAT, from which you can copy items back to the Clipboard by selecting the desired entry from a list box. Thus, anything you put onto the Clipboard can be retrieved and reused, day after day, from one Windows session to another. This not only safeguards your work, but makes the Clipboard a natural place to store and access frequently used logos, boilerplate texts, and the like. 8-92 CLIWW2.ZIP OLE text by Microsoft-Kraig Brockschmidt, Software Design Engineer This Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) Client Implementation Guide is intended to help you, as an applications programmer, add OLE client capabilities to a new or existing application. This guide provides OLE technical background information, suggestions to prepare an application for becoming an OLE client, and step-by-step details about where to add code, what OLE functions to call, and what specific actions to perform. CLNDRMKR.ZIP CalendarMaker PC by CE Software Make your own monthly calendars with icons for reminders and typed notes to help your memory. Place your own graphics, too! Very useful. CLOK10.ZIP WinWord macro puts clock on menu bar, by Woody Leonhard. 3-91 CLPSIB.ZIP [Free] "Clip Sibling" VB window routine by Keith Funk (CIS 72240, 2020) CLPWIN5.ZIP Wallpaper (.BMP) files. CLRCTL.ZIP [$15.00] Color Selector Custom Dialog Control 1.0 by Scott Gourley [72311,613] CLRCTRL is a kit that makes it easy for Microsoft Windows 3.0 programmers to include color selection controls in their application dialogs. The core of the kit is a "dynamic link library," CLRCTRL.DLL, which provides the dialog control in a self-contained package that can easily be integrated into any program. The design of the DLL allows the custom control to be manipulated the same way a built-in control is manipulated, using the Dialog Editor found in the Microsoft Software Development Kit. The design of the control is that of a combo box that contains rectangles of color that can be selected by the user using the normal input actions for combo boxes. By default, the color selector uses the standard 16 "pure" colors as its selection palette, but this can be changed using normal combo box messages. CLYSBR16.ZIP The clySmic Icon Bar (Clysbar) is a series of nested vertical or horizontal bars with icon buttons used for running programs under Windows 3.1. I've seen other icon bars, and though the idea was good, the implementations left a lot to be desired. So I wrote Clysbar to do everything I'd want an icon bar to do. Clysbar is a Program Manager replacement, but not a File Manager replacement. Note: Clysbar requires Windows 3.1, as it takes advantage of many new 3.1 features, including drag-and-drop and icons for DOS programs. CMAN11.ZIP [$49.95] ClockMan 1.1, by Graphical Dynamics, Inc. The Intelligent Alarm Clock for Windows runs programs and inputs keystrokes at a future date. They don't get any better than this one. 5-92 CNVRT101.ZIP [Free] Unit conversion calculator v1.01 by Gordon Haff [72561,2637]. COD100.ZIP [Free] Clock of Doom 1.00 by Loran W. Richardson, Neon Softworks [70441,3037] Clock of Doom (also known as COD) is a clock that has the unusual characteristic of not telling the time. Instead, it tells how much the U.S. military has spent so far this year on a second by second basis. Or it will tell you how many acres of the world's irreplaceable forest are being destroyed while you are staring at the clock. If that's not to your liking, tell it to display the U.S. federal budget deficit. Watch the deficit grow before your eyes! Still not impressed? Display the barrels of oil being used by automobiles this year and watch the total grow by staggering numbers as you sip a cup of coffee. Too depressed now? OK, have it display something more uplifting. Something like the number of miles ridden on bicycles so far this year. Or make up your own clock. Whatever suits your mood, Clock of Doom will display it. 8-92 CODEPRN.ZIP [$30.00] CodePrint 1.10 by Micro Software Solutions [72230,47] CodePrint is a Windows 3.1 program used for printing ASCII text files on any printer supported by Windows. You can easily select one or more files to print with control over how the text is formatted on the page. You can open and save configurations that allow you to set page formatting for the various text files that you normally print. For example, if you are a programmer you can save a configuration for printing your source code two-up on a page. CodePrint features include: * Portrait or landscape paper orientation * Multiple columns * Headers and footers that you define including filename, date and page number * Change font, style and size * Include border and column dividers * Change left, top, right and bottom margins * Change number of spaces used to expand tabs * Automatic wrapping of text wider than column * Open and save page configurations * Compatible with Windows 3.1 Drag-and-Drop feature CodePrint is NOT compatible with Windows 3.0 or earlier versions. CODES.ZIP Shows OEM, ANSI, ASCII, or EBCDIC codes. COLORS.ZIP Display current video palette as color bars. COLUMNS.ZIP Game ala Tetris. 1-91 COMDEM.ZIP Visual Basic comm program demo with source code. 7-91 COMICS.ZIP ToolBook app to organize your comic book collection. 5-91 Welcome to the ToolBook Comic Book Catalog. This utility will allow you to use your computer to organize your Comic Book collection. You can enter a comic's theme (genre), its title, its publisher, even its value and what you paid for it. Know what you are spending and what your collection is worth. You can even enter the comic's grade (ie: Mint, Near Mint, etc.) in a scrollable field. This will allow you to record the condition of multiple copies of the same comic, if you have two or more copies of the same book. The program is very simple to operate. Most all functions are controlled via buttons on the bottom of the page. COMLIB1.ZIP COMLIB by Mark L. Woodward [72760,2400] A programmers library for Microsoft Windows. It provides interprocess communications via pipes. COMLIB provides a usable threading API. This API allows the developer to produce multithread Windows application. COMLIB also provides a usable class based object oriented convention that allows window classed to be registered based on a previous class, Memory management is also improved by the availability of sub segment allocation, lastly, mixed model programming is facilitated by a slew of functions similar to standard 'C' with the exception that they accept far parameters. There are several sample applications the use the COMLIB: TESTAPP, this includes all source to show a developer how to output strings the stdio.exe terminal provided. OOPAPP, This is an example application that describes object oriented programming under windows. Oopapp shows how to hook a window and how to create a subclass of window based on a previous class of windows and shows how to modify behavior. QSORT, is an example on how to call the lsort routine from a windows application. THREADS, is an example of how to write a multiple thread Windows application. The sample code will keep coming and I hope you will respond with comments, requests and bug reports. COMMDEMO.ZIP Demo of the MicroHelp Communications Library for Visual Basic programmers shows you how to do the following: How to open and connect to the communications port How to read from the communications port How to write to the communications port How to change the port settings such as the baud rate How to change the event settings such as detecting when a character is received. How to trap and process errors after calling the communications related API functions. COMM56.ZIP Alternate high speed comm driver for Windows 3.1 [74775,546] A 16550 uart is probably required. This driver makes V32bis modems run at their full potential speed. The Windows 3.1 DDK was used to create this driver. 9-28-92 Version 1.1. COMMFIX.ZIP BIOS mods for Windows support COM 3 & 4. COMPAC.ZIP ToolBook Utility to compact books with "Save As..." option. COMSER.ZIP Freeware by Alan Buck [70713,2250] Utility to manage Zipfiles downloaded CONCEN.ZIP Game of concentration. 11-90 CONMGR95.ZIP [$15.00] Gage Network Connection Manager. [72760,3023] The intent of this product is to provide an easy way for Windows users to access the features of their network without having to go through the Windows File Manager and Control Panel. The primary interface allows the user to easily make and break network connections. This includes shared disk drives as well as printers. It provides a list of the current connections and allows a user to store frequently used network paths for quick access. Secondarily, the interface provides access to the extended features that are built into some Windows network drivers. CONV10.ZIP [$15.00] Ultimate Conversions 1.0 for Windows 3.0 by Roger N. Renfro To become a registered user, and receive the latest version of Ultimate Conversions with over 900 conversion factors, COOK2.ZIP [$29.00 w/100 recipes] COOK by, Richard Mansfield) Free-form database, designed for use by anyone who enjoys cooking and wants an easy, flexible way to manage their favorite recipes, generate shopping lists, an d instantly locate foods via any kind of search criteria (nutrition, ingredients, whatever). COPYIT13.ZIP [$15.00] Copyit 1.3 by P. Mason (PM Software) File management program. 5-91 COREL-BM.ZIP 3 .BMP wallpaper files made with CorelDRAW CORELFNT.ZIP By Dave Fabik Font for use in Corel Draw. CORELMAC.ZIP by Thom Gresham at the Atlanta Moonlight BBS Macros for CorelDRAW 1.1 and above. CP-80H.ZIP [$49.95] Command Post 8.0 by Morrie Wilson Morrie Wilson's great Windows menu control system. If you want control over your "Winvironment", get this one. User defined menus can launch several apps at once, and can create "work sets" of programs. Define dialogs, show files, much more. First Rate. 11-92 CP-MENU.ZIP Command Post support menu files by Tom Clark [70320,346]. 1-91 CPUUSE13.ZIP CPU usage meter 1.3 by James Seidman Meter usage of the CPU while in Windows. 4-91 CPVB20.ZIP [$42.00] Code.Print for Visual Basic by Caladonia Systems, Inc. Save time! Look good! Code.Print for Visual Basic creates presentation quality Visual Basic source code printouts. Code.Print can format and print source code from single files or entire applications. Code.Print provides you full font and margin control, headers, footers, annotation, line spacing, project title, page numbering and more. Sort your routines and print a complete function/subroutine index! You can find and print single routines. Huge declaration line? Code.Print handles them with ease. Many more features. Code.Print will help you program more efficiently. Professional programmers have saved hours using Code.Print. Your documentation will look sharp! Code.Print is a must-have for every Visual Basic programmer. Requires VBRUN100.DLL. CRBUTT.ZIP Color controls for push buttons by Dennis Cook. With fonts. Source included. 1-91 CRILLER.ZIP ATM font ala "Star Trek, the Next Generation" by Hank Gillette. CRITOC40.ZIP [$6.00] Crito's Clock v4.0 for Windows 3.X. CRITOM.ZIP [$3.00] Crito's Memory Display v3.1 for Windows 3.0 CROSS.ZIP [Free] Crossword Puzzle Editor For Windows Pre-Release Version 0.5 by Mark E. O'Brien, June 4, 1992 This is a crossword puzzle editor for Windows that I started a while ago and have not had time to finish. It's worth using, though, as you can do the following: - Create crossword puzzles in Windows, using any available fonts - Print the puzzles and the solutions on any Windows printer - Save and load puzzles from disk There are tons of features I'd like to put in when I get time. Please feel free to send me feature requests. You can send bug reports too. This version is totally free. The finished product will be shareware, with pricing as yet undetermined. CRTAT.ZIP CRT Adjustment Tool. Patterns and stuff for that monitor... CT221.ZIP [$35.00] CT-Shell 2.21 by Computer Training A DOS shell that was originally developed for use in advanced programming courses, as a replacement for the DOS 4.x shell. It allowed programming students to change easily and quickly to the directories where they were to work, and made it easy to do their work with routine commands from its menu. CT-Shell for Windows is a shell, and it now takes advantage of the Windows 3.1 environment. You can use it to launch DOS and Windows programs, to copy, move, list and delete files, and yes, programmers still use it to build programs. CTFICONS.ZIP Icon collection by Charles T. Foley [73727,1423] CTL3D.ZIP 3D Controls - How to from Microsoft! This module contains the functions to give windows controls a 3d effect This source is made public for your edification and debugging pleasure CUBIC.ZIP Rubic's Cube for Windows. 5-91 CURA21.ZIP Curacao "Sterile Insect Pest Control Simulation" by Phil Arneson and Barr E. Ticknor. 3-91 CURSCTL.ZIP Cursor shape/size control for mouse pointer (dated 10-24-90). CURSOR-3.ZIP Curses, a cursor modification utility. Modify that old Windows arrow pointer - make it look like Boris Badenov and other comic book characters. CURSOR.ZIP Custom cursors in ToolBook via this DLL file. 8-91 CUSBUT10.ZIP File/application management tool. Precursor to CLICK, above. Dated 6-19-90. CVIEW097.ZIP [$29.95] ColorView for Windows v 0.97 by Millennium Technologies Corp. [71355,470] ColorView is a color image viewer designed for Microsoft Windows. In this version, ColorView supports reading the following formats: JPEG (JFIF subset) GIF'87, GIF'89 (only simple images) Windows BMP files (4, 8 and 24 bit, uncompressed) and writing the following formats: GIF'87 Windows BMP files (8 and 24 bit, uncompressed) CW11SR.ZIP CyberWindows 1.1 Source Code Notes This source code is not quite the complete CyberWindows 1.1 system. You also need CYBW11.ZIP from the WinAdv forum for the starter map and icon files as well as documentation. Since most people downloadling this file already have CYBW11, this saves download time and prevents file duplication. I wrote CyberWindows over a three-day period, though I had been tinkering with what it would look like for about a month. CWICONZ2.ZIP 59 more editable icons. Get 'em while they're hot! CYBW11.ZIP CyberWindows 1.1 - 11/1/91 CyberWindows is an interface for Microsoft Windows 3.0 which is based upon cyberspace as described in William Gibson's Neuromancer and Count Zero. In these novels, programmers/hackers enter the computer network through neural jacks and "see" it directly. They move through it by punching commands into their cyberdecks. CYCLE11 .ZIP [Free] Cycle by Robert Nee Moves window from bottom to top by placing mouse pointer over it, "cycles" through active windows. Nice utility. $10 buys source code. DAGNT14B.ZIP [#20] dAgent 1.4 by Andrew Walsh. Monitor and manipulate Windows controls. 4-91 DATASV11.ZIP DATA SERVER Data Server is a name and address database, and a whole lot more! Data Server PROVIDES information to other programs that use Dynamic Data Exchange, such as Word for Windows. When using Data Server and a Word document set up to access the information in Data Server, changes made in the Data Server Database are AUTOMATICALLY reflected in your Word document. In addition to managing other peoples names and addresses, Data Server keeps a record of YOUR name, address, etc. Changes made to the user information form in Data Server AUTOMATICALLY change the information about you in the Word document. Sounds complicated? It's not, Data Server was designed to provide its services with the least amount of user effort. If you use Word's Mail Merge feature, Data Server can create the mail merge data document from its database, putting an end to tedious and complicated data document maintenance. I hope you enjoy using Data Server, and that it makes your life easier! DATETIME.ZIP DateTime, Copyright 1991 A.C.I. GmbH MicroSysteme Hans-Georg Michna [74776.2361] DateTime may be freely distributed but not sold. Please send self documenting code enhancements (i.e. improved source code with many embedded comments) to me or upload directly to CompuServe under the same file name. DAYCLOCK.ZIP Changes time automatically for Daylight Savings events. DAYCROSS.ZIP [$10.00] DAYCROSS v. 1.10 A Visual Basic Application and a full featured To-Do Calendar program. It requires VBRUN100.Dll. It was designed to be simple to use, yet provide the basic functions required of a To-Do Calendar program. I based it on my own needs for a To-Do program. Among the features of DayCross: - Easy to use DayCross box for entering dates - Calculates the interval in days, weeks, or months between two dates - To-Do list entered by date (presently you can store 100 events) - The number of days, weeks, or months that have passed since or are remaining until a recorded event - Notes may be attached to the events in the to-do list - AT-A-GLANCE feature that allows preview of day, week, or month at-a-glance. This allows AT-A-GLANCE for yesterday, today or tomorrow, last week, this week, or next week, and last month, this month or next month - Printing of all recorded events/dates or only selected AT-A-GLANCE events/dates - Importing of text from the Windows Clipboard to the NOTES attached to events/dates, and exporting of text from NOTES to the Windows Clipboard - Full-featured HELP which explains the actions of the various DayCross icons with the click of the mouse DB11US.ZIP [$30.00] dBROWSER 1.1 by Dirk Schesmer, Germany Browse/view .DBF files. DB3.ZIP DBase III ToolBook generator. This book will create dBase III compatible database files and automatically create ToolBook front ends for them. It is used as a system book by all books created using it. All of the functions available from TBKDB3.DLL are linked by the system book, and so can be used from any books created with this book. DBKCTT.ZIP True Type font ala KeyCaps. DBOOK.ZIP Digital Book for Windows 1.00á by Jason Kaczor Will somebody tell me what this program is all about... DBTN12F.ZIP D'Button Version 1.2.f by David Hughes [CIS: 70172,2526] DBTN.EXE (D'Button) is a small FREE(!) program that allows you to configure two buttons to start programs of your choice. In addition, you can supply data to the program you are starting. DC111.ZIP [$15.00] Disk copier from Terratech. 3-91 DCADLL.ZIP DCAINI.DLL - .INI file utility functions for DynaComm Scripts This DLL provides two useful functions, in DLL form, to users and programmers of the DynaComm Asynchronous script language. These functions provide a relatively user-friendly, and self-documenting interface to the Windows API calls GetPrivateProfileString() and WritePrivateProfileString(). The functions available are: 1. GetINIString( $INIFileName, $SectionName, $KeyName, $DefaultValue, $ReturnValue, #MaxStringLength ). 2. PutINIString( $INIFileName, $SectionName, $KeyName, $Value ). DCFILE.ZIP [$34.00] DC File (tm) Windows File Manager Release 1.0 by DC SOFTWARE (tm) DC File is a intuitive file management utility for windows that makes copying and moving files easier for the beginner as well as providing unique tools for the more experience PC user. DC File allows you to click and drag files, multiple files, directories or multiple directories to the same disk or other disks. With DC File, you can view two drives at the same time by simply selecting the drives at the top of the program. This version features: * Create New Directories * Delete single directories, multiple directories or files * Copy files or multiple files to the same disk or other disks * Easy, click and drag copies and moves (Directories or Files) * Rename files or directories * Locate files (Find File), or Directories (Go To) * Disk Statistics (Total Disk Space Available...etc) * View File Specifications (Archive, Hidden, Read Only, System) * Launch programs * Auto launch and open Windows programs files * Edit Text files using Windows easy-to-use notepad * Quick access buttons for faster functions * Hot Keys for keyboard users Call the BBS at (805) 964-2833. DD1A.ZIP Drag and Drop in VB Programs by Paul Bonner Senior Editor, PC/Computing [76000,13] This little application demonstrates how to implement support for the Windows 3. 1 File Manager drag and drop facility in a VB program. This is it. To see it in action, execute it and drag any number of files from the Windows 3.1 File Manager anywhere on the form or on its icon if it's minimized. DDELIB13.ZIP The Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) demo programs illustrate the concept of inter-program communications in a Microsoft Windows environment. Source code for three programs is included. All interactions between these programs are accomplished via the process of message passing in accordance with the DDE protocol defined by Microsoft. A dynamic link library, DDELIB, developed by Horizon Technologies Inc., has been utilized in each of these programs to significantly reduce development time and program complexity. DDESAMPL.DOC WinWord macro with DDE stuff. 8-91 DDETOOLK.ZIP WordPerfect for Windows DDE stuff dated 5-28-92. Includes text file. DDEUTI.ZIP DDE Testing Utility DDEWATCH.ZIP Monitor DDE messages with this diagnostic tool by Horizon Technologies. 6-90 DDJ_WIN.ZIP Source code and files for WinProgramming from Dr. Dobbs Journal. DDSRV.ZIP D&DSERVE.DLL DLL to Support Win 3.1 Drag 'n Drop Server Capability by Jonathan Zuck Published in the August 1992 Windows Tech Journal magazine This file contains the description for use by VB programmers of the following functions: DropSelItems Drops the selected files in a multi-select List Box DropAllItems Drops all the files in a list box DropBuff Drops files contained in a passed buffer D&DSERVE Source Code: The TPW source code for D&DSERVE is available in Lib 9 of CLMFORUM and was first published in the August 1992 issue of the Windows Tech Journal. For explanations of how these functions work, please contact Oakley Publishing for back issues. For more information or subscriptions to the Windows Tech Journal, call (800) 234 - 0386 or outside of the US, (503) 747 - 0800. The fax number is (503) 747 - 0071. Alternatively, you may reach the editor on CIS at id: 76701,32. DECOR10.ZIP [$29.95] Graphics Resource Browser and Icon Editor by B. F. Wooten Look at and change icons within Windows .EXE files. DEFUN300.ZIP [$10.00] Dragon's Eye Fun Pack by Michael Harrison, Dragon's Eye Software 76057,101 Featuring FACE, BURST, BURST2, WIZ, EYES, BUGS, FRIED, EYE, and MOLE. Does GAG software ring a bell for you? These are the classics! 11-92 DELTA.ZIP Delta by Michael Vincze Delta is a tool that profiles a directory. Profiles can be saved and compared. Delta can be used to identify files that have been added, modified, or deleted during the coarse of a change to your system. A typical application would be to use Delta to identify changes to your hard disk caused by some installation programs. INI maintenance here... DEMO3D.ZIP by Sheridan Software Systems, Inc. List box and Enhanced Menu Demonstration The MENULBOX.EXE demo program contained in this upload, demonstrates some of the capabilities of our 3D Widgets/2 and 3D Widgets/3 custom control sets. It is not intended to show ALL the effects of the various custom property settings, but it should give you a good feel for the kind of VB app you can create with the Widgets/2 and 3. 3D Widgets are part of our VB Extenders line of Custom Controls for Microsoft Visual Basic. They are intended to work together to enable the VB designer/developer to generate state of the art 3D greyscale interfaces with professional features. DESK13.ZIP Desktop 1.3 by Mike Bushell Runs programs and restores window sizes and locations. 3-91 DESKSAV3.ZIP [Unspec.] Desksave 2.0A by Jari Salminen Save current desktop arrangement for next session. DESKT326.ZIP [$30.00] Metz Desktop Manager 3.26A by Art Metz METZ Desktop Manager is a comprehensive, yet easily understood menu system and file manager for Microsoft Windows. Desktop Manager is a Windows application program that combines several important and time-saving features into one cohesive, menu operated program. The main function of the program provides a capable menu system for all of your Windows and non-Windows based applications. A single menu entry allows the user to simultaneously call up and execute both the application program and any data file that corresponds to that application, and move to a specified directory. The menu system can access over 500 items per menu (2 menu lists), across floppy or hard disk drives and all directories. You have complete freedom as to menu categories, number of menu items displayed on the screen, and can add multiple menus when required. Additional Desktop Manager features include a fully customizable screen display blanker (screen saver), Windows arrangement functions, directory tree display, file finder, point-and-shoot file manager, automatic menu generator, and a system lock utility. Display options include a 12 or 24 hour clock on screen, a memory display that details both DOS and Expanded EMS RAM, and current directory display. Desktop Manager uses about 30K of memory, and comes with a clearly written users guide. DESWIN.ZIP [$15.00] Destroyer 1.0 for Windows by Don Krafcheck [71162,2761] GREAT GAME VERSION OF THE CLASSIC BOARD GAME. You must have this game!! Stay tuned for Destroyer 32 and Destroyer NT... DETOUR.ZIP Detour 1.2 by Christopher S. Bolin [76447,1507] Run different programs against data files. Requires VBRUN100.DLL. DEUS.ZIP File management shell that looks lots like a Mac. 4-91 DEVENV.ZIP A Flexible Development Environment Nigel Thompson, Microsoft Developer Technology Group March 20, 1992 Text on the process of developing applications for the Microsoft Windows graphical environment which sometimes requires a machine that is set up with more than one version of Windows, more than one set of tools (compilers, debuggers, and so on), and both released versions and development versions of several applications. This article describes techniques for establishing a correct development environment for a particular requirement and suggests a directory structure in which a source control system maintains one or more projects. These suggestions are based on the system we employed at Microsoft to create the multimedia extensions to Windows. DFREEWIN.ZIP [$17.95] DFREE For Windows is a successor to an obscure but useful DOS application that displayed the amount of disk space that had been consumed and the percentage of space that was free. The usefulness of the Windows version transcends the DOS version. DFREE includes the following features: * Ability to Analyze All or a Single Hard Disk Drives (including Networked Drives) * Ability to Display Bar or Pie Graphs with other Additional Options * Ability to Automatically Update Capacity Utilization (As a Background Task) DH14A.ZIP [$15.00] Desktop Helper by Robert E. Alleger [70240,264] Runs pop up menu from the desktop. 7-92 The Desktop Helper is a Windows 3 Desktop utility that provides capabilities missing from Microsoft's Program Manager while also providing the more important capabilities of the Task Manager. The features include: - Convenient pop-up menu at the click of a button. - Pop-up menu available from any window. - Configurable launch list of frequently executed programs. - Switch to or terminate a task, even if the task is not currently visible (ie. hidden). - Arrange Desktop windows and icons. - Able to exit Windows without being queried about saving Desktop changes. - Pop-up file selector browser to choose a file to run. - No useless ICON to clutter up the Desktop. DIALOG.ZIP Author: Costas Kitsos [73667,1755] DIALOGS demonstrates calling the Windows 3.1 Common Dialogs of File Open, File Save, Printer Setup, Font Selection, and Color Selection directly from your Visual Basic Applications. To use these Common Dialogs you don't need a Custom Control or DLL. DIALOGS requires Windows 3.1. DICE11.ZIP [$10.00] Dice Roller 1.10 by Robert J. Trembley DICKTR.ZIP Wallpaper of 3 Dick Tracy logos from the hit movie. DIFFX.ZIP Snapshot INI files for difference extraction. The idea here is to present in one package all the elements to take a complete inventory of one's system before and after software changes. REQUIREMENTS: Windows NDW Batchrun (or adapt the *.WBT files to other windows batch languages). HISTORY: I came across a reference to a batch file written by Kurt S. that made use of two files from the IBMSYS forum to take a "snapshot" of one's \Windows and \System subdirectories, as well as its SYSTEM.INI and WIN.INI files. Once a new app has been loaded, running the "compare" provided an itemized list of file additions within the two directories, as well as itemized lists of changes in both the system.ini and win.ini files. This proved invaluable in maintaining a database record of what a given app had done to a system. I then used Norton Desktop's Batch language to run Kurt S.'s two batch files seamlessly from Windows itself so as to make the whole process as painless as possible. DIGITL.ZIP [$15.00] Digital clock by Bertram P. Chase III [70441,2656] DISCPOWR.ZIP Disc Police Shared Disc Manager Version 1.2 by Douglas E. Phillips No doc/txt file included. DISKMN20.ZIP DiskMan 2.0 Welcome to Diskman, the easiest way to produce professional quality labels and listings of your entire library of personal computer disks. With just a few keystrokes, DiskMan will accept your piles, boxes, bags, stacks or whatever system you have of diskettes, create labels for them, produce a report of all your files, and give you an easy way to search for files on all those diskettes. DISKST.ZIP DISKSTAT is a Visual Basic program and is dedicated to Art Krumsee, author of the nifty DLL DISKSTAT.DLL (On CompuServe as in VBDOS.ZIP). DISKSTAT.EXE provides a graphical display of used and free space on all non-removable drives accessible from your PC (hard disks, network drives and RAM disks). DISKSTAT.EXE remains on the screen for a pre-defined length of time (1-60 seconds) and then exits. Requires VBRUN.EXE and DISKSTAT.DLL (available in VBDOS.ZIP on CompuServe) DIVELG.ZIP [Free] Divers Log Book by Dane Basch Application runs under ToolBook. One of many by this author. DKY101.ZIP DEF KEY by Vernon E. Davis, Jr. [71330,2705] DEF KEY is a Keyboard Macro Program that allows the multiple keystrokes to be assigned to and executed from any Windows application. The process for this is very simplistic and straight-forward: 1. Use the Definition Key Selection on the DEF KEY main screen to select a key that will be used to activate the commands. This is called the Definition key. 2. Enter the keystrokes to mimic (letters, numbers and Special Syntax commands, which include Windows Control keys.) This is called the Definition. 3. Activate DEF KEY by clicking the ACTIVATE Button. This will cause DEF KEY to go to a Minimized Icon at the bottom of the screen. 4. Start the application that you want to send the Definition to. 5. Press the appropriate Definition key and the Definition will execute. 6. Deactivate DEF KEY by restoring the Minimized Icon to its normal screen. DLGBLD.ZIP DialogBuilder by Bernd Beekes [100031,2063] The DialogBuilder custom control is a central part of VB/Express, our development tool for Visual Basic database applications. The production version takes its information (Projects, Tables, Attributes, Structures, Controls, Properties, ... ) from a dictionary database. This gets very valuable in large projects with a lot of forms with always the same fields. You store (AND CHANGE) field information (size, type, validation and help info, ...) in only ONE place. Because all the information is in the data dictionary (in fact the DialogBuilder also stores information about the generated forms), it is also possible to GENERATE code for TYPE definitions and mask/database access. Please note: - the DialogBuilder works with VB's standard AND with custom controls. - You work in VB's design environment and have access to all its techniques. DLGTRAN.ZIP Excel to WinWord Dialog Translator (XLM macro file dated 5/31/90). DLL.ZIP Text file on OS/2 Dynamic Link Libraries by Ross M. Greenberg. DLLREFS.ZIP TEXT FILE OF FUNCTIONS IN THE DLLS SUPPLIED WITH WINDOWS 3.0. This file lists Windows DLL functions and the DLL that contains each function. This is the DLL to specify in the linkDLL statement in which the function is declared. To find a function's calling parameters and return values, use a text editor to search WINDOWS.H. This file is supplied with the Windows 3.0 Software Development Kit and is also included with the Generic DLL files. The same information can also be found in the "Microsoft Windows Programmer's Reference" (Microsoft Press, 1990), available at most major bookstores. DM100.ZIP [$10.00] DeskMenu! Version 1.00 by Bob Dolan December 18, 1991 An easy to use and very efficient replacement for the Windows Program Manager. Occupies the top line of the desktop and provides access to any application that the Program Manager does. DNGR20.ZIP Dinger 2.0 by Pinecliffe International Word for Windows macro collection and inside information. Dinger itself the full-blown version gives you access to all of your characters in all of your fonts, with just a couple of clicks. Alas, Dinger is much slower than QwikSymbol and Accenter. But it doesn't rely upon a pre-ordained subset of characters. Dinger gives you the whole enchilada. If you use WinWord, you MUST have this file. Highly recommended for the inside track on how to use this powerhouse word processor. DOCHLP.ZIP [$249 retail] Doc-To-Help, by WexTech Systems, Inc. is a Word for Windows 2.0 utility that will help you write professional-quality documentation and convert that documentation into Windows on-line help automatically. DOCMAN.ZIP File Manager in VB from PC Computing Magazine. Nice start on something big... Includes source code. DOGBAR.ZIP WAV (sound) file of dog barking. DOLLAR.ZIP Wallpaper of dollar bill. Tile it for best effect. DOORWAY.ZIP by Wall & Associates Gateway to DOS for Windows users. DOSICONS.ZIP 12 .ICN files you can use in Program Manager. DOSPIF.ZIP from Brian Livingston's INFOWORLD magazine column Text file on IMPROVING THE PERFORMANCE OF DOS SESSIONS UNDER WINDOWS 3.0 Of all the capabilities that Windows acquires in the 386 enhanced mode, none seems more mysterious as its capability to multitask DOS applications. I'm not going to spend any time debating whether or not this is "true" multitasking, but I will discuss how to get the best performance for DOS applications under Windows. When you start a DOS session, the performance of that session - whether it is simply a DOS prompt or a full-blown application - is controlled by a Program Information File (PIF). If you don't start a DOS session from a particular PIF, Windows uses the setting in a file called _DEFAULT.PIF (the underscore character is part of the file name). Unfortunately, Microsoft's factory default settings in the PIF are designed for the worst possible case. This is almost guaranteed to harm the performance of your DOS sessions. DOTSWP.ZIP Wallpaper (BMP) files to tile your screen with. Fractal designs. DOUGH10A.ZIP [Can$45.00] Dough Boy Install by NeoPoint Technologies is a program that will automatically create a customized INSTALL program for your software. Simply edit the options under the Setting menu, and select Build Master Disks when you are satisfied that the settings are correct. Dough Boy Install will proceed to create a master disk set, optimally placing files to reduce the number of disks required. DPAD10.ZIP [$10.00] DESKPAD by Gordon L. Smith DPRESS.ZIP ToolBook by Tom Bishop [71210,1234] 2 examples of primitive 3D button animations. DRAGZP.ZIP Drag And Zip and Zip View by Dan Baumbach [71320,1277] 2 utilities that make Windows 3.1 file manager into a complete shell for Zipping and unzipping files. With Drag And Zip you can "drag" files from file manager and "drop" them on the Drag And Zip icon and run PKZIP on them to compress them into Zip files. When you double-click on a Zip file in file manager, Zip View will automatically be loaded and will you show you the contents of the Zip file. You can view files, run programs, delete files and extract any file or group of files from the Zip file. Along with Drag And Zip and Zip View you need to be running Windows 3.1 or better and have your own copies of PKZIP and PKUNZIP. Zip View can be used to show you the contents of a Zip file but if you want to extract any files you will need your own copy of PKUNZIP. DREKTR12.ZIP File Director version 1.2 by M.J. Orr [70570,3563] Released August 5,1991 for Windows 3. A nice little file/app manager/shell with a button approach. DRFRANK.ZIP [Free] Dr. Frank by Matt Pietrek [76117,1720] A program that will help you perform a post-mortem on your Unrecoverable Application Errors (UAE's) with Microsoft Windows. It is part of a suite of tools (described below) to assist programmers, and was written with the programmer in mind, rather then the non-programmer. When an exception occurs, Dr. Frank will intercept it, and write a file (or 2) to your disk with information helpful to finding the cause of the exception. Since Dr. Frank is oriented towards developers, it writes out a short, concise report by default. If however, you do want more information, there are several .INI file options which allow you to configure the report to your needs. Dr. Frank is similar to DRWATSON, and uses the same TOOLHELP.DLL. If you're so inclined, feel free to read the program reference sections to get a better idea of what Dr. Frank & Tools can do. DRIFT.ZIP Drift Version 0.01 by Nick Waltham 8th Nov 1991 This is an utterly pointless program which causes all windows and icons to drift around the screen. I got the idea from a program that came with the Acorn Archimedes 'DeskTop'. This program (for what its worth!) is donated to the public domain. This program must be distributed unmodified complete with this readme file. No fee may be charged for it (who WOULD pay...) except for any reasonable copying charges. DRJPR.ZIP by John P. Rogers A Windows 3.0 utility for file management and execution. Copy all supplied files to the Windows subdirectory of your hard disk and then run DRIVES.EXE. These programs are provided FREE, NO support, NO guarantees. DRPDSK.ZIP [Free] DropDesk Software by Scott Bender and Harmony Data Systems DropDesk is a small Windows 3.1 app that allows the user to drag and drop files from the File Manager to the desktop window to execute them. DRWATF.ZIP Breakdown of the dump entries made in DRWATSON.LOG. Programmers note. File formats laid bare for all to see. DSK234.ZIP [#25] BackDesk V2.34 by Ian Heath This file contains parts of the BackDesk package. Modules include: BackMenu, the original Windows pop-up menu. Configurable and feature packed, it is a perfect replacement for Program Manager as your Windows shell. BigDesk, the original Windows virtual desktop, providing you with instant access to a desktop up to 64 times the normal size without any changes to Windows itself or to your hardware. WRUN, the command that allows you to execute applications from the DOS command line with the confidence that they will always run (well, almost). WINSTART, a replacement stub for Windows applications to allow them to auto-start from the DOS command prompt. RECOMMENDED HIGHLY! Very Nice Work! DSKTRK22.ZIP DiskTrak for Windows Version 2.2 by Peninsula Software DiskTrak for Windows was designed to provide a "quick and easy" method for keeping track of diskette files. DiskTrak for Windows will allow you to easily create a database that contains a list of all your diskettes and the files and free space available on each one. Optionally, you can include a comment or description for each file on each diskette. Also, you can have DiskTrak for Windows extract the names of files stored inside "ZIP", "PAK", "ARC", "ZOO", and "LZH" archive files (and you can create comments for these files as well.) DiskTrak for Windows also has other useful disk and file related capabilities: it can label and re-label diskettes, delete and/or restore files in its database, and produce 5 types of hard and/or soft copy reports of its database contents. Finally, DiskTrak for Windows supports several "usability" functions such as screen color customization, database maintenance, and DOS Shell functionality. 6-92 DSOUND.ZIP [$1.00] Sounder 2.0 by Aaron Wallace Digitalized Sound Player for Windows 3.0 Sounder allows you to play digitalized sound files recorded in the popular Macintosh sound format on your PC. Better yet, no sound board is required, although a 10 MHz or faster machine is. This program was inspired by programs like REmac and Talk that operate on the principle of speeding up the system clock to a ridiculous speed, turning off everything else, and faking dynamic modulation with the imperfect dynamics of the PC speaker system and the human ear. For such a hack, the sound is actually pretty good, although the quality depends on the actual sound file and also may vary from system to system and speaker to speaker. DSTORM.ZIP Wallpaper of the Desert Storm. DTPCHT.ZIP Desktop Publishing Chart by CompuSign Screen and Density Guide for use in Corel Draw. DTPB.ZIP DTP Browser Demo Version 1.01 by Scott Hanrahan, SJHDesign As a desktop publishing (DTP) professional, I wrote this program to meet a specific need. My hard disk is filled with images and blocks of text, and no matter how carefully I stored them in subdirectories, it was impossible to remember what each file contained. Often I found myself needing to browse these data files to find a specific image or text, and I had two choices: I could use my DTP programs to load and view multiple text and image files, but DTP programs are large, load slowly and are not well suited to this task. The other option was to load a text viewer\editor (like Notepad) and a Bitmap program and jump from program to program. While this is easier in Windows than in DOS, if I had a lot of files to browse, most of my time was spent loading files one at a time. The solution was a program that allowed loading of multiple text AND bitmap files concurrently. Once I found the text I needed, I often had to cut, paste and edit it, usually into a new window, so it would help if this program had the ability to edit multiple document files. Of course, many Windows programs can do that, but you would still need to use a bitmap viewer to browse images. There was no small, fast program that could do all this, so I wrote one- DTP Browser. Mind you, this is no Visual Basic stuff.. DTP Browser is compact and very fast. 4-92 DTOKNA.ZIP (Also included are files: DTBOOK.ZIP, DTCAL.ZIP, and DTHELP.ZIP) [Free] DeskTop Set Jr. is made up of the four files shown above. We don't have resources to "out-market" major commercial software publishers, but we can "out-smart" and "out-design" them. The DeskTop Set's Jr. Phone Book, Calendar and Dialer are more functional and useful than similar tools from the programs such as Lotus Organizer, Ascend, Act!, etc., that range in price from $99 to $495. This release of DeskTop Set Jr. is similar to DeskTop Set 3.0 - the program that has won all major editorial contests - PC Magazine's Editors' Choice, PC World's Best Buy (twice), highest rating among the PIMs reviewed by PC Week, Best Windows Utility and Expert Choice awards from PC World, etc. (The calendar module is more extensive.) The name "Okna" means "Windows" in Russian. DeskTop Set has been designed and programmed by Konstantin Monastyrsky, Okna's founder. DTPCHT.ZIP [$2.00] Reference Chart by Keoni Ahlo This screen and density guide was designed especially for users of CorelDRAW. It was originally intended to be printed to a file, then sent to a typesetting bureau (for output on a Linotronic 100, 300, or some other high- resolution device). Since the chart was created with CorelDRAW, the percentages and numbers used on the chart are relative to CorelDraw's numbering system, not necessarily what is considered the industry's standard. For example, a 50% black, 55-line screen prescribed in CorelDRAW may produce a darker or lighter than the standard-of-the- industry 50% black, 55-line screen. Thus, the chart serves as a quick-reference between prescribed values and actual printouts. The chart, CHART.CDR, consists of 63 various percentages of black in increments of 10%, while utilizing different halftone screens. This can become extremely handy when you must send work to a bureau for 1270 DPI output and can only proof your work on a 300 DPI laser printer. Certain screens may show up on your laser printer, but may not on a Linotronic, and vice-versa (by the way, if you do try to print this on a 300 DPI laser printer, many of the screens may appear to be black; this is because the laser printer is incapable of printing such fine screens). DUMPER.ZIP [#5.00] File Dumper by N. Waltham, Oxford Computer Journals Prints files in the background, directly to system ports. Dumper.exe is a Windows 3.0 program to print files in the background. The files can contain printer codes. Output does not go through the printer manager but drives the COM ports and LPT ports directly. Because this is a proper windows program it multitasks smoothly - Its main use is to print files from DOS applications which do not multitask well under windows and severely impair the performance of windows in 386 mode - or prevent you from doing anything else at all in other modes. This is inconvenient since printing takes a long time. DUPE11.ZIP [$25.00] File DeDuplicator by Babbacombe Computers Ltd. Finds duplicate files and optionally deletes them. 7-91 DVA4K.ZIP ToolBook Utility Program The script of this book contains general purpose functions to control a full motion digital video adapter. This specific book is dedicated to the Videologic DVA-4000, but another book with the same functions could control another board. The script, controls and features of the first page are included as examples of the kinds of things you can do by calling the functions in the script of this book. Typically, the way to use this book is by including it in the system variable sysBooks to make its functions available to your application. For instance, the enterBook handler in the script of your application book could contain the statement "push DVA-4000.TBK onto sysBooks". You can use more than one system book at the same time; for instance, another system book could contain the functions to control a videodisc player, and yet another one could contain handlers and functions for a test scoring system. DW129.ZIP DataWorks 1.29 xBase Filemanager for Windows by Comsoft Inc. [70524,3723] May 1992 Version 1.29 DataWorks is designed as an xBase power user's tool to be used by developers building applications with VXBASE for Visual Basic. VXBASE may be found on the bulletin board that carries DataWorks. It is uploaded as two files. The latest release is composed of files vxbdoc.zip (documentation) and vxbase.zip (vxbase.dll). DataWorks documentation is contained entirely in an extensive Windows Help file accessible from the main DataWorks menu. DYNAM.ZIP DYNAMIC BITMAP RESIZER VERSION 1.0 BY MIKE MEZAROS This is a simple program designed to demonstrate the power of GFA Basic for Windows. The GFA Basic runtime DLL is necessary to run this program. 286 users should download GFA286.ZIP from CompuServe, 386SX or better users should download GFA386.ZIP from CompuServe. This program is designed to show off a great feature of GFA Basic, but it is also a useful tool. This program is based on the Stretch command included in GFA Basic. Load any BMP file into the program... Then resize the window. You'll notice that the BMP will CHANGE IN SIZE with the window! This type of graphics control usually requires a bulky Windows metafile (.WMF), but GFA can do it with ANY BITMAP. The Copy command from the Edit menu will copy the current image to the clipboard. From there you can paste it into Paintbrush or your favorite graphics editor, make any necessary changes, and save the new picture. E-WAVE.ZIP More WAV (sound) files for Windows 3.1. ECUWIN11.ZIP The Earth Centered Universe by David J. Lane [71601,247] ECU is a Sky Visualization Program capable of simulating many of the phenomenon of the country night sky. This includes the stars, planets, sun, and moon, comets, and "deep sky" objects. ECU is designed as an observing tool for the observing amateur astronomer, but is equally useful to the "armchair" astronomer or other interested person. Many of the concepts and terms used in this manual are common in amateur astronomy, but may not be familiar to all users. The author recommends the purchase of a good beginner book in astronomy as a guide to the understanding of the concepts provided by this program. EDIINS.ZIP EDI Install - v1.00 Complete Windows 3.0 installation utility by Eschalon Development Inc. Copyright 1991 Robert Salesas - All Rights Reserved. EDITMSG.ZIP Message Editor By Kirk Gamble Copyright 1991 This Program is designed to change the message seen by a user who tries to run a Windows App from The DOS Command Prompt. This may not seem like a very useful thing to have, and it really is not. That is why I am not asking for a registration fee. (Who would pay it?) EDOS.ZIP Windows DOS Box Command Enhancer Enhanced DOS for Windows(EDOS), provides DOS Boxes in Windows with powerful new features. New commands like "STATUS", give you information never before available: Free System Memory, DOS Box Memory used, Background/Foreground Status & Priorities, EMS & XMS memory configuration, etc. DOS commands that should not be used in Windows are disabled. Simple installation. Documentation and device driver included. Requires Windows 386 enhanced mode. Copy EDOS.386 from the distribution to the Windows Directory. NOTE! This is a special WINDOWS Virtual Device Driver. Not a DOS device driver that would go in the CONFIG.SYS file. EDREPL10.ZIP [$20.00] EditReplay 1.0 by Ifran Gowani Access previously entered commands in Windows. EIW130.ZIP ENCRYPT-IT for Windows 1.3 by MaeDae Enterprises A powerful encryption/decryption package for Windows 3.x that allows you to: Encrypt any file using Data Encryption Standard encryption; Decrypt the file using a confidential key; Perform encryption and decryption on entire groups of files in a batch mode; Obtain file statistics (frequency/distribution, mode, mean, median, and more) to determine how well the file is encrypted (also to look at other encrypted files); Erase files completely without leaving a trace. We even support a government standard file wipe option. And do it all without cryptic commands! ELANA11.ZIP [$15.00] Version 1.1 by Andrew Rowe, Australia Make changes to keywords and values in .INI files. One of the closest things yet seen to a real INI Manager. This is one of the best reasons to use Windows. (See also PROGSET from PC Magazine) ELEMEN.ZIP Periodic Table of the Elements by Gregory A. Jones EM10.ZIP Easy Macro is a simple keystroke record and playback program. It is designed to be simple and unobtrusive. Often times a keystroke sequence needs to be repeated several times. Microsoft's Recorder will work, but it is usually not worth the effort to switch from your application, run it, select a playback key combination, record it, switch again from your application, and then terminate the recording. With Easy Macro running, you can hit a Start/Stop key, do your keystroke sequence, then hit the Start/Stop key again. Once you have done this you can playback the keystroke sequence merely by hitting the playback key. It can be used while you are using any Windows program. You do not have to switch away from your application. It patiently and silently monitors your keystrokes for the Start/Stop key. When it finds that key, it starts recording until you hit that same key again. Then it monitors for the playback key, springing into action by playing back your keystrokes, when it finds it. EMAIL212.ZIP Freeware Network Email, version 2.12 by Ivory Tower Software Copy EMAIL.EXE to a network drive to which all potential users have read and write access. I suggest that you create a directory called EMAIL and copy EMAIL.EXE there. For example, if your workstation sees a public drive as drive H:, the workstation's path for Email would be: H:\EMAIL\EMAIL.EXE Any user who wants to run Network Email should install the Email icon in his Windows program manager. He simply needs to do 'File,' 'New,' 'Program Item,' 'Browse' from the program manager menu, and browse the network drive for EMAIL.EXE, and the Email icon will be placed in the current program group. Email can then be run by simply double-clicking the Email icon. Updated May 27, 1992 EMBWW.ZIP Text file by Scott Skorupa MS Windows Developer Support Version 1.0 Rev. Date: 10-Jul-92 What is an Embedded Window? An embedded window is a fixed-size window displayed within a winhelp topic. A DLL, which needs to accompany the help file, controls the embedded window. This ability allows the help author to display items that the help engine is not normally capable of displaying, such as 256 color bitmaps. ENDVBTSK.ZIP ENTASK.DLL by Jeff Simms [72200,3173] When End Task is selected from the Task List it sends a WM_CLOSE message to the VB apps "invisible parent" window (classname ThunderRTMain) who does not pass it on. ENTASK.DLL hooks into this window and redirects the message to a form of your choice. 8-92 ENGAGE3.ZIP [Free] Engager utility program. ENT2.ZIP Nice wallpaper of everybody's favorite starship: Enterprise. ENUMW.ZIP Enumerator 1.0 by Bruce M. Terry Jr. Numbers each word in a text file up to 42K in size. Source code $10. EQS.ZIP Eyes, Qtime, and Status mini apps from Dragon's Eye Software Xeyes compatible cursor follower; Cute or Quaint timepiece; System memory free with time and date. Run each as a normal window 3.0 application. ERRNOS.ZIP Windows Write file of ToolBook error message numbers and explanations. ETCETERA.ZIP [$59.95] EtCetera by Doug Phasey [73340,3452] A batch language interpreter for the Microsoft Windows environment. EtCetera reads generic text files and translates commands into Windows functions. Programming EtCetera is similar to programming BASIC or a DOS batch file, such as AUTOEXEC.BAT. Each line (terminated by a carriage return) is a single command and may be indented with spaces. These files may be generated in either the EtCetera editor or saved from a word processor in text-only format and later used with EtCetera. EtCetera files are limited to 32K in size, but an EtCetera batch file can load additional batch files. In actual testing, 32K has proven to be more than adequate for any job we tried. EXEVIEW.ZIP Often applications wish to extract information from an executable file without the application being loaded. The Windows Program Manager does this when it extracts an icon from the .EXE to represent the application. There are many other resources and tables in an EXE file (or a DLL) that may be useful to certain applications. The EXEVIEW sample demonstrates how to extract and decode these resources and tables for executable or library files (FONTS and DRVs qualify as DLLs). The EXEVIEW sample uses the Old and New Header formats has documented in the Microsoft MS-DOS Encyclopedia. EXEVIEW loads these headers and the associated tables that are pointed at by these headers. The include the Entry Table, the Segment Table, the Resource Table, the Resident and Non-Resident name tables as well as the Imported Name tables. In addition to loading these tables, EXEVIEW will also load the resources that can be found in the resource table. If the resource can be displayed graphically (Icons, cursors, bitmaps, menus, etc...) then it is. For string tables and directories (Icon, cursor, font, etc...) the resources are listed in a text format. For more information on the file formats and resource formats see the MS-DOS Encyclopedia, The September 1991 Microsoft Systems Journal or the Microsoft Open Tools. documentation. EXIT.ZIP Exit Windows by Bruce C. Wright [70421,1232] Exit icon for Microsoft Windows EXPLOSIV.ZIP EXPLOSIV 2.0 by Hook and Gresseth Explosiv 2.0 is the one screen saver that addresses all your DOS(R) and Microsoft(R) WindowsTM computing needs. You will find Explosiv 2.0 both entertaining and practical as beautiful displays save your computer screen from harmful burn-in. Compatible on machines running DOS 3.x and up, Windows 3.x and up, and PC networks, Explosiv 2.0 is designed to take care of your monitor without getting in the way of the work you need to do. The Windows version is a full-fledged Windows 3.0 application that gives the user beautiful and animated displays while adding an important level of protection to your computer equipment. In addition to a highly intuitive MS Windows 3.0 standard user interface - complete with operation and demonstration modes - Explosiv 2.0 for Windows also includes the additional feature of password protection - an important security feature for users on stand-alone and networked PCs who need a level of confidentiality when not attending their machine. EXPWIN.ZIP ExpressIT! Electronic Mail is a comprehensive electronic mail system for your Novell Netware network and stand-alone PCs. The DOS version of ExpressIT! runs in less than 2KB of resident workstation memory. (As low as 0 bytes overhead on properly configured 386 based PCs!) ExpressIT! Windows is a full-fledged Microsoft Windows application that takes advantage of this environment to provide unparalleled ease-of-use. MHS enhances ExpressIT! by offering delivery services facilitating dial-in/dial-out communications, as well as connectivity via gateways to other popular electronic mail systems and standards including X.400, SMTP, MCIMail and popular mainframe and minicomputer based electronic mail systems. This 30-day trial version of ExpressIT! Windows is designed to allow you to get a feel for ExpressIT! before you buy it. The trial version includes all features of the commercial version of ExpressIT! Windows, with the exception of support for Novell's Message Handling Service (MHS). E_ROTATE.ZIP MyEarth 0.2 Copyright 1991 by Andy Galassi Rotating Earth icon. What good is this...? My system's still running... F-WAVE.ZIP More WAV (sound) files for Windows 3.1+. FASTMEMO.ZIP Fast Memo 0.8 Alan Posner, M.D. Prodigy# FSFW85A Fast Memo is a free form database for Windows 3. Information can be entered in any form. To retrieve data one enters any "string" and all data containing that string will be retrieved with the string highlighted. One simply goes through each retrieved page to view or edit the information desired. Data can be copied, cut or pasted in usual Windows fashion. FASTWIN3.ZIP WIN 3.1 Drivers for STB WIND/X video card. 4-92 FATBIT.ZIP [Free] Fatbits - A pixel magnifier program for Windows 3.0 By John Ridges Fatbits is one of those mind bogglingly useful utility programs for people writing Windows software. (If you're not a Windows programmer, it'll probably bore you to tears). It magnifies an area of the screen centered around the cursor and paints the giant pixels into a small, tastefully decorated window. This can be indispensable when you want to see something right down to the last pixel. This is a re-implementation of a Mac desk accessory that's been around since day one. This one is a little better than the Mac version since, due to the miracle of multitasking, you can leave it open and still continue to use other programs while it runs. FAULTW.ZIP Text file from Microsoft "Bulletproof Functions with ToolHelper" by Kraig Brockschmidt , Software Design Engineer, Systems Developer Relations FBAC10.ZIP FileBoy's AreaCodes 1.0, a member of the FileBoy family of utilities for Windows 3.0, is an area code database which supports all area codes, as of this date, in the U.S., Canada, and the U.S. Caribbean islands. The basic program comes with listings for approximately 200 major cities, but unlike most other area code utilities, AreaCodes 1.0 is user expandable: cities and area codes may be added, edited, or deleted according to the needs of the user and/or additions made by the phone company. Features and Operation: AreaCodes 1.0 consists of four scrollable windows which support searching by Code, State, or City. A mouse is suggested but not required . * Clicking on an area code in the Search by Code box automatically scrolls the associated state (highlighted) into view in the Search by State box, and displays a list of cities which match the area code in the Search by City box and, in the Area Code box, the area codes associated with those cities. * Clicking on an item in the Search by State window will display ALL in-state cities in the Search by City box and the area codes associated with those cities in the Area Code box. * Clicking on a particular city will indicate its area code. Highlighting is used to indicate matches. FBAT10.ZIP FileBoy's Attributes 1.0, a member of the FileBoy family of utilities for Windows 3.0, is a handy program for changing file attributes, stamping a new file date or time, or for putting a volume label on a disk. Operation is extremely simple, but fast thanks to Crescent Software's runtime dynamic link library, QPRO.DLL. Features and Operation: Attributes 1.0 consists of a drive box, a directory/file list box, two display boxes to let the user know just where he/she is and what file is current, two data entry boxes for the date and the time, and an array of radio buttons that are used to display and reset a file's attributes. Included on the Main drop down menu is access for the Volume Label utility. A mouse is suggested but not required. * A single click on a file in the directory/file list box displays the selected file in the file display box. * Double-clicking on a filename, or hitting the Enter key for you keyboard fanatics, or clicking on the "Get Attributes" button, loads the file date, time, and attributes into the appropriate boxes and buttons. * New dates and times are entered over the old. These data entry boxes are designed to accept only the necessary numbers (and an "a" or "p" in the file time box, for AM/PM) without the user having to enter the delimiters. FBR20.ZIP [$5.00] FileBoy's Runway 2.0 by Marshal Bostwick [76647,2552] A member of the FileBoy family of utilities for Windows 3.0, is a multi-option, mutli-featured run/load/launch and menuing utility which is designed for maximum flexibility and user-configurability and at the same time is slim and unobtrusive on the desktop. Features: * Four system status/info windows that display Free System Resources, Total Free Memory, Time, and Day/Date. * Windows-style Run/Load command line. * WIN.INI "Extensions" association editor. * Arrange minimized application icons on the desktop. * Exit Windows, or exit and restart Windows. * Six user-defined, drop-down menus. These may be given any title the user wishes and support both executable files or data files (e.g. text files for Notepad, etc.) that are associated with applications in your WIN.INI "Extensions." The only limitation to these menus is the number of items that your screen will accommodate in a single menu column. FBUILD12.ZIP Folder Builder, v1.2 by Robert M. Ryan [70324,227] When using Windows, there are icons for programs, but usually there are no icons for documents. Thus, when you create a, say, Word for Windows document, if you want to edit it again, you must start Word for Windows and then use the "Open..." command to retrieve it. This program is designed to provide you with a facility to build folders (or groups) of documents. Thus, in these special document folders, there will be an icon for each matching filename. For example, using Folder Builder you can create a "Documents" folder of all C:\WINWORD\*.DOC files. The system will assign icons to files based upon their extension. ICONS.ZIP contains sample icon files for Word for Windows and Excel files. Feel free to add your own. It should be appreciated that this is a rough 'n' ready program, and has it's limitations. Nevertheless, I find it useful. You may or may not. FBUSTER.ZIP [Free] Font Buster by Christopher Shaulis Shows installed fonts. Requires VBRUN100.DLL. FC-20K.ZIP [$49.95] File Commander 2.0 by Wilson WindoWare An extender for the Win 3.1 File Manager. It adds a menu item to the File Manager menu bar. From this single top-level menu item, File Commander allow you to make up to 99 menu items spread up to 5 levels deep. The menu items, when selected, execute our Windows Interface Language (WIL) code. With almost two hundred functions and commands, File Commander can: . Run Windows and DOS programs. . Send keystrokes directly to applications. . Rearrange, resize, hide, and close windows. . Run programs either concurrently or sequentially. . Display information to the user in various formats. . Prompt the user for any needed input. . Present scrollable file and directory lists. . Copy, move, delete, and rename files. . Read and write files directly. . Copy text to and from the Clipboard. . Perform string and arithmetic operations. . Make branching decisions based upon numerous factors. Registered users receive our new "Dialog Editor" which allows them to graphically construct dialog boxes, (a lot like the Visual Basic dialog editor), and other utilities to help make programming File Commander menu items a tad easier and faster. FD11.ZIP Fill diskette utility in Windows. FEDPRO13.ZIP Star Trek Program Launcher by Anthony Targonski "Pursuant to our request from the Computer Antiquity Museum (COMU) on Deneb IV, we are enclosing with this transmission a compressed filepacket containing the Federation Control program module Program Transporter. This program is part of a larger series of modules, which together make up the Federation Master Control program. This module was originally developed several hundred years ago, prior to the Eugenics Wars in the early 1990's, to be processed on the 386, 486, 586 and 686 series of microprocessors. It was later ported to the BILL 1 series by Khan Noonian Singh and his father (Phillipe), two genetically engineered humans who battled The original founder of the Federation of Planets (originally formed in Redmond, Washington) for control in what came to be known as the Eugenics Wars." Very original. FEXTND.ZIP [Free] FExtend Version 1.5 for Windows 3.1 File Manager by Babarsoft, Inc. Written by Mark Gamber FExtend works in conjunction with the Windows 3.1 (or better) File Manager, providing drag-drop methods of deleting files, getting information on files, time/date stamping files and changing file attributes. It made be configured to automatically load selected "applets" along with File Manager. In addition, selected applets may be configured in various ways, including screen position and whether or not they "float" above all other windows at all times. FFIND.ZIP File finder utility. FIELDS.ZIP The main purpose of this listing is to help you recognize the contents of fields when you view their field codes in WinWord. FILAPP.ZIP by Eschalon Development Inc. [76625,1320] FileApp is a complete graphical file manager for Windows 3. Navigate through directories, edit, copy, move, delete, and rename files - even copy and delete entire directories - plus many more functions. Much easier and faster to use than File Manager. Uses a pleasing and powerful "3d" interface. From the same folks who brought you WinCLI! FILEBOX.ZIP by Harry JF Wykes (End User Computing Limited) FILEBOX demonstrates how to fake a Windows style file-open box from within VB. A list box is used to display the directories and disks, rather than the Visual Basic Drive Box and Dir Box objects. The only thing I could not manage to fake was Alt-F, Alt-D and Alt-N accelerator keys to skip to the File, Directory and Name boxes. Any suggestions on how to achieve this are welcome. FILECL.ZIP FileClip 3.0 for Windows by Ben Sprachman [72550,3025] FileClip is a replacement program for the Window's 3.0 File Manager. It also provides powerful clipboard support. FileClip retains a history stack of all Window's clipboard activity and gives the user the ability to do multiple level undo's and pastes across all Window's applications. FileClip's file manager, is ideal for both the novice and the Power Window's user. No more DOS windows to use DOS XCOPY or DIR commands for file applications. FileClip provides a easy to use interface and sophisticated file sorting and highlighting capabilities. FileClip comes with a complete Windows Hypertext help system. FILEOPEN.ZIP [Free] FileOpen 1.0 by Eric Hall Load document along with program. Very nice utility. FILEVW12.ZIP [$10.00] Fileviewer 1.12 by Snake River Software File browser uses virtual memory to accommodate large files. Nicely done. FILEWA.ZIP File management macros for WinWord 1.1. by Daniel Goodman (70154,2463) FILLD1.ZIP FillDisk for Windows version 1.0. Fills disks easily. FIND32.ZIP FINDER 3.20 by Malcolm Hoar, [100010,2761] Have you ever lost an application buried under another pile of Windows? If the answer to this question is yes, then Finder is the solution for you. Finder is a program which allows you to swap between all of your active applications with tremendous ease. Finder adds a control Icon to the title bar of your currently active application, adjacent to the control menu Icon (ie near the top left hand corner of your active window). Click this Icon and you get a pull down list of your currently active applications. Simply select the one you want and it will be activated and brought to the top of the heap. Finder is so much more convenient than the standard Windows features. For example, the Switch To item of the Control Menu or double clicking the desktop to invoke Task Manager (especially when your current application is full screen). Finder works very nicely indeed with BackMenu and some consider it an excellent replacement for BigDesk because it consumes far fewer resources. FINDIT.ZIP Find-It 3.11 by RME Enterprises Find-It is a disk file search utility. Given one or more file specs, date and size options, and wildcard characters, the tool will search ALL of the specified disks for files matching the specification. When files are found, their full path names are displayed. Like other search utilities it will recurse subdirectories in search of files. This utility, however, has one major advantage over the others in these days of heavy file compression and archiving in that it will open and scan archives in search of it's files. ARC, ZIP, ARJ, LZH, and ZOO formats are currently supported. Additional options allow the user to specify search criteria other than the file mask including file dates and sizes. Files and directories that are marked hidden, system, and read-only may also be found. FIRE54.ZIP [Free] Fireworks 5.4 by Kim Levitt Synergistic Enterprises 2/12/91 Screen saver with fireworks! FIREWK.ZIP Fireworks After Dark Module by Greg Arakelian [72147,2502] FLEXDB.ZIP ToolBook that demonstrates the resizing of contents whenever the window is resized. Interesting for graphically oriented applications in ToolBook. FM_211.ZIP [$25.00] FileMan by T. Dreiling [72607,3710] A WINDOWS file manager for copying, moving, renaming, and deleting files. In addition, other utilities are provided, including the ability to change file attributes, to rename or delete subdirectories and to perform file searches and format diskettes. Nicely done. FM10C.ZIP FM Sound Driver by Monty Schmidt The enclosed programs will allow you to use the FM synthesis abilities of your Adlib and SoundBlaster sound cards under Windows 3.0. You will be able to play ROL music files, edit instruments, and eventually do other neat things as software becomes available. This driver also replaces the normal boring error beep of Windows with a note from the sound card. This driver has been written independently by me, Monty Schmidt. The enclosed instrument editor, INSTEDIT, was written by David Giller, the control program SOUND PANEL was written by me, and the ROL player program, PLAYER, was written by both myself and David Giller. These programs were written to support the Adlib card and also the Creative Labs SoundBlaster card in Adlib compatible mode. This was done in order to support the largest number of cards possible with Windows sound support. FM202.ZIP FontManager for Windows version 2.0c FontManager is designed to deal with the limits of installed font resources in the Windows PostScript printer driver. This limit varies from system to system and runs between 120 and 170 fonts. Prior to FontManager, the only way to alter the installed PostScript soft fonts in Windows was to either manually edit win.ini entries or to have multiple win.ini files with different font configurations. FontManager automates the task of changing PostScript font resources in Windows and ATM, and allows these changes to be made quickly. These changes may be made through any combination of user defined fontpaks or individual fonts. It alleviates common kludges such as having multiple WIN.INI files. FontManager also allows you to install and change the fonts used with ATM in the same manner as WIN.INI. With FontManager, maintaining mirrored font setups in win.ini and atm.ini is very simple. When changing ATM resources, FontManager does offer the option to do an orderly, automatic restart of Windows. FontManager will manage up to 2048 type 1 PostScript fonts and up to 6 PostScript printer ports. Printer ports may be changed individually or as a group . FMAN.ZIP [Free] FMAN.EXE is a freeware replacement for the WIN 3.X file manager. It was originally written to replace the glacially slow 3.0 file manager. Since FMAN was written, WIN 3.1 has been released and FMAN appears to work well with the new version. Though the WIN 3.1 File Manager is a big improvement over the 3.0 FM, FMAN offers some functions that are not included with FM. RmDir - Remove Directory Search - Specify a search pattern and FMAN will list only those files that match the search pattern Move - Copy files to another directory and erase the originals List - An ASCII file lister that lists files in a text box and displays BMP, ICO and WMF files FMAN was written using Visual Basic and the Visual Basic Toolkit add-on that provides an animated bitmap. In order to run properly you will need a copy of VBRUN100.DLL in your path somewhere (preferably in your \WINDOWS directory) and you also will need to have the ANIBUTTON.VBX file in your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. FMATS101.ZIP [Free] Formatting Shell for Windows 1.01 by Chieh Cheng [73500,244]. Includes a .PIF for the DOS Format command. 7-24-90 FNTR50.ZIP [$15.00] Fonter 5.0 by George Campbell [71571,222] Windows 3.x lets you use fonts quickly and easily, both on the screen and in your printed documents. Using Windows 3.1's True Type fonts, or fonts automatically scaled by programs like Adobe Type Manger, Bitstream FaceLift, and others, you can have access to thousands of typefaces, all of which will work in any Windows program. But there's a problem. It's often difficult to choose just the right font for the job. That's where Fonter comes in. It lets you view any Windows font on the screen, in several ways. Even better, Fonter lets you create printed lists of all your fonts, with a text sample of each font. You can also print sample sheets showing your font in all of its variations, and a character set chart which will help you discover just what characters are in every font. Windows uses the ANSI character set, which not only includes normal keyboard characters, but foreign language and symbolic characters as well. Still, all fonts don't contain exactly the same characters. You need a way to find out if the characters you need are in the font you want to use. Fonter lets you do that quickly. FNTVIEW.ZIP Font Viewer 2.0 by Frederick F. Freeland Jr. FOLDER32.ZIP [$20.00] Folders Program Version 3.2a by Sloop Software The folders program adds depth to the Program Manager groups. It gives the ability equivalent to having groups within groups. Each folder can hold any type of file you decide to place in it, including more folders. Features include: - No limit on nesting folders within folders - Add any type of item to a folder - Move or copy items from folder to folder - Launch your applications directly from a folder - Customizable command lines for any item - Use virtually any icon on the system to represent items - Tie two or more folders to the same subfolder - Now supports 256 color display modes FONTSH43.ZIP [$15.00] FontShow for Windows 4.3 by Harvey J. Kaye [73667,1755] FontShow is a font viewing and cataloging program for Microsoft Windows. It is designed primarily for those users of Windows that have many fonts installed and require an effective and easy to use method of cataloging and displaying their installed fonts. FontShow is intended for users of font add-on packages such as Adobe Type Manager, Bitstream Facelift, SuperPrint, or Publisher's PowerPak. FontShow should be compatible with Windows 3.1 and True Type when it becomes available, however this has not yet been tested. FontShow has been tested extensively in the ATM version 1.1 environment only. The source code is commented and should answer most of your questions. When you're comfortable using FOPEN delete the comments. Some routines are borrowed from the Visual Basic Programmer's Guide and cardfile.bas. FONELG.ZIP [$19.95] Phonelog by Wolfgang John [76214,1327] Program provides 2 address books for dialing and logging. It can serve as a stand-alone address book (2 books). Logging and most other features functional both with or without a modem. It can dial special Tone-Dial services that require additional numbers and/or digits. It accepts non-numeric-character phone numbers ( 1-800-Egg-Head ). It provides quick conversion of non-numeric numbers directly from the keyboard. It makes it easy to set the system time while calling your local time operator. It functions as a stop watch. Phone logs may contain job codes. Phone logs may be viewed, printed and saved to another file. FOPEN.ZIP FileOpen by Costas Kitsos [73667,1755] VB files to add standard FILE OPEN dialog to your app. FORNR102.ZIP Foreigner Version 1.02 Copyright L.G. Goldsborough 1991 This program is a small Windows utility for copying special characters that do not appear on the standard North American keyboard to the clipboard (including accented characters, fractions, superscript numbers etc.) from which they can be pasted into a Windows application. See the file FOREIGN.WRI (in Windows Write format) for instructions on program installation and options. FPLACE.ZIP Fireplace simulation as a joke - humorous. FPZIPX02.ZIP Thank you for trying FlashPoint's Windows ZIP file expansion utility -- FPZIPX.EXE. This simple command line Windows application has been designed to test the initial implementation of FlashPoint Development's Zip/ZipX engine which is designed for incorporation into several Windows applications planned or currently under development. FPZIPX is a Windows 3.XX protected mode (standard/enhanced) application, and cannot be run in real mode. It may be invoked from your shell's "Run" task command. FRAME.ZIP This little utility is GREAT! It'll make your windows minimize and maximize with an expanding frame, just like a Mac's. You can adjust the speed of the frame to suit the speed of your CPU. I set it for 10 on my 33MHz computer, but the default was 3. You can select this by clicking on the icon once and selecting setup. Make sure you save your changes! FREE2V.ZIP This is a freeware version of two Visual Basic controls. The about property of these controls contains all of the information needed to program with them. TimeQueue is an event string sequencer with a resolution of 1/10 second. All controls of this type share a common time. Strings-time pairs are added to the queues of the controls and when the time matches the control time, an event is generated with the string as a parameter. TextKey is an interactive text display control. Pages of text can be displayed with word wrap and keywords. There is a separate cursor for keywords and when the left mouse button is clicked over a keyword an event is generated with the keyword as a parameter. FREESPC.ZIP Free Space by Eric Lapaille [100012,634] Free space on drives shown in small window. FRITE.ZIP IcoFrite 1.0 by Scott Gourley Makes icons run away from mouse pointer. Very funny gimmick. FRMEM423.ZIP [Free] Metz FreeMem version 4.23 by A. Metz [73567,1637] METZ FreeMem is a Windows 3.0 utility which will display and monitor the percentage of free system resources and the amount of free memory available. With FreeMem you can monitor your Windows memory usage and avoid "Out of memory" messages. FRNT21.ZIP MRE Front Version 2.1 MRE Programs [71021,104] Run DOS programs under Windows with .PIF file or auto mode. FROCKS.ZIP [$15.00] Game of Herman by Carl Bieling FSB21.ZIP FileBoy's StatusBar 2.0, a member of the FileBoy family of utilities for Windows is a system status display bar written in Visual Basic. It is designed to be slim and unobtrusive on the desktop. Features: * Four system status/info windows that display the percentage of Total Free System Resources, Total Free Memory, Current Time, and Current Day/Date. * Accessible via Mouse or Keyboard. * Display colors, both forecolor and backcolor, are customizable. Sixteen color choices are available for each. * StatusBar remembers its last screen position, display color combinations, and width (height cannot be changed). * Full online help is supplied in the form of a standard Windows help file. Access to Windows' "Help On Help" is also supplied. FSEARCH.ZIP [$19.00] FileSearch 1.0 by Mike Sax Background file search supports advanced wildcards, and it's FAST! FSX10.ZIP [$10.00] FileBoy StatusBar Xtra 1.0 by Marshall Bostwick GAMEICON.ZIP Collection of 42 icon files for use with your favorite games! Thanks to all of you who make this great stuff! We LOVE it! GAPS131S.ZIP GAPS by Richard T. Kokoski [70751,3316] Welcome to the Gaps card game, a variation of the Solitaire card game created for the Windows 3.0 and 3.1 286 or 386 (Standard or Enhanced) environment!! This game maybe copied freely as a shareware product. GATESMEM.ZIP The alleged text of the "leaked" Microsoft memo (supposedly) from Bill Gates (6-91). Is this for real? Bill? GATLING.ZIP [$10.00] Machine gun screen blaster by Scott Gourley. 2-91 GCD27.ZIP [$20.00] Guy Gallo's "Choose Directory" macro for WinWord. 5-91 GDSDEM.ZIP The Goodies Working Model! This working model is a functional, albeit limited, version of Goodies File Manager Extensions for Windows 3.1. You can evaluate it in the privacy of your own computer, and when you're ready to buy the more flexible, more functional retail version you'll step up to all the benefits that it provides. A section at the end of this document describes the feature set of the complete Goodies version. There are three pieces to this working model: The Goodies Installer: A Windows-based installation program to get Goodies up and running on your system. The Goodies Menu: This menu, which appears in the File Manager menu bar, adds some useful functions to File Manager. The section "Goodies Working Model Feature Set" describes these functions. This working model contains a subset of the whole Goodies function set, and is considerably less configurable than the complete version. The Goodies Button Palette: The button palette adds a graphical, point and click interface to both Goodies and File Manager functions. It is a floating, sizable button palette, which "attaches" itself to File Manager while File Manager is running. See the section "Using the Goodies Button Palette," for a complete description of the palette. This working model contains a "fixed" palette -- you cannot add, delete or reassign buttons in the palette. GEINI.ZIP [$15.00] GE INI Editor by 2 Alex Zeltser and SAPIEN Technologies Inc [71052,547] geINI 2.0 is an editor for text based .ini files (.ini files that most WINDOWS applications create, except for WinWord and Quick-C.) geINI separates out the "Application" names, "Keywords", and "Values" that are stored in .ini files. - flushes and re-reads cached .ini files so that changes made during an editing session can be registered with Windows - supports instant application/keyword searching - supports multiple "DEVICE=" statements in the 386Enh section of System.ini - prints out your selected .ini file - allows multiple instances for side by side comparisons of .ini files - backs up file being edited - notifies all running Windows apps of Win.ini file changes - remembers user preferences and active file set during last edit session - easily switches .ini file associations between geINI and notepad.exe - supports drag and drop from the file manager - user configurable confirmation messages on application/keyword removal GFA386.ZIP GFARUN10.DLL 12-91 Runtime support for GFA Basic programs. GHOST.ZIP Ghost by Brian Myers of Access Softek Ghost is a simple animation program; it doesn't do anything more than move images across its client area. A few people may possibly recall the first version of the program which I wrote for version 2.0; I know copies of it went far afield. Ghost is simply for amusement, but I did add to the About box a plug for my Windows programming book. GIF2ICON.ZIP [Unspec.] GIF to Icon conversion utility by Pat Klepper. Convert certain .GIFs to icons. GJGDOT13.ZIP DotSave 1.3 Guy Gallo's WinWord macro to dissect/rebuild template files. 4-91 GLOSS.ZIP HLPGLOSS is a sample help file that demonstrates creating a "glossary" button for a help file. This sample shows how to add the glossary button, as well as how to display the secondary window in which the actual glossary text appears. GLUE.ZIP Glue 1.0 by D. J. Murdoch Creates single .EXE file from 1 WinApp and 1 DOSApp. Source $25. GLREPL.ZIP Global replace in ToolBook GMKEY.ZIP WinWord macros by Guy Gallo Allows simple assignment and removal of key stroke combinations to macros (either global or template bound). Enhancements over the built in MacroAssignToKey: Allows the use of Alt-Char, Alt-Ctrl-Char, and Alt-Shift-Char. In the built in routine the first two combinations are disallowed. The last is reserved for Word for Windows's use. Note that Word for Windows reserves these key sequences for it's own use in many cases, so preventing you from reassigning them is a form of protection. Use this routine cautiously, and backup all DOT files before you experiment. GO.ZIP Famous game in a Windows version. GOODMORN.ZIP .WAV sound file. GORGE.ZIP A screen blanking module for After Dark by Steve Edwards US-425 Airheads is a great afterDARK module for boardheads. I got it from my sister and brother in law out in WA state. Just copy airheads.ad to your After Dark directory and select it from the After Dark control panel. Watch out for the barges! GPMVB2.ZIP The file GPMVB2.ZIP contains files for a Visual Basic program that uses DDE to manipulate/get data from Microsoft Word for Windows (WinWord). The particular items in this program are not of much use, but they illustrate some of what I have discovered about using DDE to control WinWord and can be adapted to perform more useful functions. You might also want to look at the sample I am posting as GPMVB1.ZIP, which illustrates the use of VB to create/edit a form-based WinWord document. GPMWW1.ZIP The file GPMWW1.ZIP contains a Visual Basic program that uses DDE to create a form-based document in Microsoft Word for Windows (WinWord). The VB program is PROMNOTE.EXE: I am posting it here as an example of how VB and WinWord can be used together via DDE (the source code for the VB program is being posted in the MSBASIC forum as GPMVB1.ZIP). The remaining file in this package is VBNOTE.DOT, a WinWord 1.x template that should be copied to your WinWord template directory before running the VB program. Running the VB program will call up a form that collects data for a simple promissory note. When data entry is complete, there is a button on the form that can be used to call up WinWord and create a promissory note using the VBNOTE template. VBNOTE.DOT has dde fields that read data out of the VB program. The dde fields are embedded in set fields that assign the result of the dde field to a bookmark, which is then referenced and formatted where applicable in the document; if you have a color monitor, the items in the document that trace back to the VB form should show up in red. A table at the beginning of the WinWord document summarizes the data from the VB program used in the document. GRABIT.ZIP [$29.95] Grabbit 2.01 by Moon Valley Software Greyscale graphics processing and MORE! Use in DTP. GRADES.ZIP Excel spreadsheet file for teachers (.XLS). GRAF20.ZIP [$17.50] Graphic Viewer is a graphic file viewer for the Windows 3.0 environment. It is capable of displaying images in 2, 16, 256 and 24-bit color formats. Supported file formats include Windows 3.0 BMP, OS/2 BMP and PCX. It makes use of a custom control available from C/Systems. This control provides the capability of displaying graphic files with more colors than the standard Visual Basic Picture control. Support of the extra colors requires a Super-VGA Windows 3.0 card and driver for 256 colors and a display card capable of displaying at least 32,768 colors for 24-bit graphic files (e.g. ATI Wonder XL ). GRAFST.ZIP GrafStat is a custom control that displays a graphical gauge representing the status of a given process. Currently, GrafStat can emulate one general type of gauge, the indicator. The indicator linearly represents an integer magnitude within a given range by displaying, graphically, it's current value. The indicator provides two styles, thermometer and needle. The thermometer style represents process-status' as a partially "filled" value-region within a rectangular area. The needle style similarly represents process-status', except that the value region (including and previous to the value mark) is not filled. All GrafStat styles allow the customization of their appearance and function (e.g. display value or percent text, changing colors, orientation, etc.). GRAVITY.ZIP Simulates planetary orbit paths by George Moromisato. 4-91 GREATBMP.ZIP 54 nice wallpaper (.BMP) files from 2010 to VANNA2. GROUPB.ZIP Version 1.02 by Alan G. Hill Build groups in Program Manager. Interesting insight into Windows DDE. GRP30.ZIP Text file describes Program Manager's .GRP file format. 10-90 GRPICO.ZIP by Jerry Miller [75016,2406] Technical info on editing group icons in Program Manager. GRPWRK12.ZIP GroupWorker Version 1.2 Multiple Program Launcher for Windows Microsoft Windows is all about creating personalized workspaces of multiple applications to fit the specific work needs for each task. Windows 3.0 offers a rudimentary one-time capacity to open a group of applications, upon starting Windows, through the Load and Run capacities in Win.ini. GroupWorker picks up from here, and greatly enhances your capacity to set up individualized workspaces. With GroupWorker, you can set up as many combinations of multiple applications as you like, and have them all instantly running at the push of a button. And it's really that easy. GSF20.ZIP Welcome to GScript version 2.0 by Guy Gallo [71171,3555] The Gadfly Script Formatter (GScript) is a suite of styles and macros for Word for Windows to aid in the editing and formatting of a screenplay. In the olden days, writers hired script services to prepare their manuscripts for submission. With the introduction of the Personal Computer, screenwriters either settled for the best their word processor could do, or purchased a second application to create a properly formatted print version of the script. GScript greatly reduces the effort required to enter, edit, and format a screenplay. GScript formats a screenplay with proper indents, font selection and size, and strings inserted at the top and bottom of the page (when the script is formatted for printing). GSHADE.ZIP WinWord Macro by Guy Gallo will shade paragraphs. GTBX10.ZIP GTOOLBOX 1.0 by Guy Gallo This collection of macros began humbly enough during the initial release of Word for Windows as a group of useful toggle macros, a couple of window arrangement macros, and an envelope printing macro. Many, if not most, of those macros came about either because I wanted them for my own use, or because someone on the Word for Windows forum of CompuServe suggested thus and such could not be done (and I took the bait). Many came about as a direct result of conversations with James Gleick, Barry Simon, and Robert Enns(the original other WinWord Gadfly Team members). I'd like, again, to thank them and all the other members of that remarkable forum, for their help and suggestions. With this release of what was GTOOLS, with a new name GTOOLBOX I am gathering the vast majority of my Word for Windows macros into a single package. And requesting a single registration price for all. GTOOL22.ZIP [$25.00] by Guy J. Gallo [71171,3555] Collection of Macros for WinWord. Auto Install provided. Updated 12-08-91. GTOYS.ZIP Fractal graphics generator for Windows. GUITAR21.ZIP [$5.00] Guitar Scales and Modes version 2.1 by David Simpson. Graphic guitar simulation, unique. GUL.ZIP [$20.00] Grep Unlimited 1.0 by David Hovel. [76506,2261] A Windows file search and browse utility modeled after the UNIX programs grep and fgrep. Can search .EXE files and more. GUTS.ZIP Generates random shapes onscreen. Can be used as a screen saver, background generator, animator or more. GWSWN10D.ZIP [$40.00] Graphic Workshop for Windows by Alchemy Mindworks Inc. A simple, menu driven environment which will let you perform the following operations on the aforementioned files: View them. Convert between any two formats (with a few restrictions). Print them. Dither the color ones to black and white. Reverse them. Rotate and flip them. Scale them. Reduce the number of colors in them and do color dithering. Sharpen, soften and otherwise wreak special effects on them. Crop them down to smaller files Adjust the brightness and color balance of the color ones. Capture Windows screens or portions thereof. Using Graphic Workshop, you can have your image files in the formats that your software recognizes, all without keeping track of numerous funky utilities. In addition, using the half toning and dithering facilities of Graphic Workshop, you can convert full color digitized photographs for use as superb black and white clip art, suitable for inclusion in your documents. GV-11.ZIP Graphic Viewer . . . well, it views graphics. It works with the file formats defined by Windows 3.0; thus, you can take a peek at bitmaps (.BMP), icons , (.ICO), metafiles (.WMF), and compressed bitmaps (.RLE, the kind you use for startup screens). As of yet, Graphic Viewer will not convert between formats, but look for this capability in an upcoming release. It's written in Microsoft's handy-dandy Visual Basic, so you'll need the Visual Basic DLL (VBRUN100.DLL available on most BBSs and all over Compu$erve) to run it. H-WAVE.ZIP Another 6 .WAV format sound files. No dox or author listed. HAKR11.ZIP Hackers Guide to the Universe by Woody Leonhard, Pinecliffe Intl. Everything you ever wanted to know about WinWord. This one is written by the masters of the art. Shipped as a WinWord doc file with embedded macros, and references to inside info on using WinWord. Get this one!! HEARTS.ZIP [$10.00] Hearts 1.1 for Windows by Paul Pedriana [70541,3223] A four player card game in which the goal is to get as few points as possible. Cards of the heart suit are worth 1 point and the queen of spades is worth 13 points. You want to avoid these 14 cards. The highest card of the lead suit takes the four cards in the trick and the player that does this gets to lead for the next trick. You must play the lead suit if you have it, or else you can play any card. After 13 tricks are played, the points are added up and cards are dealt again. The game is over when a player gets 100 points (he is the loser). HERMAN.ZIP $15-30.00] Herman - the game for Windows by Carl Bieling [70324,3633] This game is a maze of rocks for Herman to move around. He must collect all of the flowers to get to the next level. If a rock falls on his head he will die and you will have to repeat that level. HEXTRIS.ZIP Tetris game done with hexagonal shapes. Interesting derivative! HMONTR10.ZIP [$25.00] Home Monitor by Jeffrey L. Binkley This is the first demonstrator release of Home Monitor. Home Monitor is a hardware and software solution running under Windows for monitoring your home or business and giving you total control. This first release can control 4 alarm zones, a furnace, an air conditioner, a humidifier, a panic switch, an external audible alarm and an external enable/disable switch. It has a Log File and a Windows compatible help section. Future releases will incorporate auto dialing, controls for lights and appliances, adjustable delays for the alarm delay ,and a time of day scheduler. You may address questions and comments to the author at the ESFNET BBS, (614) 775-3370. The latest release of Home Monitor is posted there. HOOKSC.ZIP Windows hooks Sample Application by Kyle Marsh, Windows Developer Technology Group, Microsoft Corporation This sample application demonstrates how to use Windows hooks. 5-92 HORSE.ZIP Horse and YinYang by James M. Curran Animated apps for fun - like the .TBKs, but these are .EXE files. Horse runs in a window, even as icon! HOTKEY.ZIP [$20.00] Hotkey 1.1 by Software GT [73657,277] Launch WinApps with single keystroke, modify active window, more. HOTPOP.ZIP [$50.00] HOTPOP Popup menu demo by Timothy Adams [70571,454]. 2-91 HOTPOP provides a complete and easy to configure pop down menu. HotPop can start normal applications or associated files eg. (Readme.txt. or Bill.crd). The menu can be accessed through a hot key combination or a mouse button right or middle. The hot key combination and the mouse button used to open the menu are completely configurable. The menu also features a built in task list and a Run option so applications or associated files not on the menu can be opened immediately. The menu items can be easily added or removed through the HOTPOP setup dialog box. The setup features a built in find file. Also there's a feature to only show associated files so that only executable applications or their associated files are shown. HotPop does not clutter up your desk top with an icon. When it's first loaded the icon will appear briefly meaning HOTPOP is loading and then disappears. Clicking on HOTPOP again will open up the HOTPOP menu setup. HPCALC.ZIP [$15.00] HP-Like Calculator 3.0 by Eric Patev. Very Nice. HSHL11.ZIP [$5.00] Half-Shell Version 1.1 Copyright 1991 by Troy N. Stephens [76625,2402] Half-Shell is a minimal replacement shell for Microsoft Windows 3.0's Program Manager. Its main design goal is to free up memory for other applications and, above all, make Windows load faster. To use Half-Shell, you will need a PC-compatible system with an 80286 or higher processor, running Microsoft Windows 3.0 or 3.1 in Standard or 386-Enhanced mode. Use of a mouse is optional. HUNTER31.ZIP Version 3.1 by Peter Eddy File finder utility with pattern matching and more. Hunter is a Microsoft Windows utility that allows you to search multiple disk drives for file names that match a given file specification, like '*.doc' (all document files) or multiple file specifications (like '*.doc *.txt *.wri'). You can also search based on the age or size of a file. One way in which Hunter distinguishes itself from other Windows file finding utilities is that it doesn't require you to wait for a search to complete for you to continue with your work. Hunter works in the background while you get your work done. Hunter Is More Than A File Finder How useful is a file finder if you can't remember the name of the file? Hunter can search the contents of the files that it finds for a key word or pattern of characters. When you find the name of the file or the text you're looking for, simply double-click on the line you're interested in. Hunter will load the file and the application that created it. HYDK421.ZIP [$49.00] HyperDisk disk cache version 4.21 HyperDisk is the ultimate disk caching utility that increases your computer disk drive's performance by implementing advanced features including support for Conventional, Extended, and Expanded Memory usage, interrupt-driven I/O for both read and write caching, and support for PC, XT, AT, 80386, and 80486 type computers. It also features advanced options such as Shadow RAM loading of all overhead memory. Conventional RAM requirements vary from 10K to 35K depending on the model and size of cache selected. (V4.30 is available) HYFINA.ZIP [$30.00] High Finance 1.01 by Roger C. Hoover [74676,235] ToolBook Application assists personal financial planning. HYPEROID.ZIP An arcade game for Windows by Edward Hutchins This is my shot at making an arcade game for Windows that's actually FUN to play. Most of the Windows arcade games I've seen so far are too slow to have fun with (on my 25MHz 64k cache '386 at any rate :-) --- exception granted to Jerry J. Shekhel's CHOMP (but it takes too long to load - what's it doing in there anyway???). So at any rate I've put together this little *steroids clone to see if Windows was capable of good arcade action. I still haven't made up my mind on that question, but most people who Beta tested Hyperoids found it pretty addictive. HYPRLNK2.ZIP by Dynamic Information Systems HyperLink (Popup) help for the Windows SDK. Programmers - get this one! I-WAVE.ZIP 3 more .WAV format sound files. IB10.ZIP ImageBank - a Clipboard Extender for Graphic Images ImageBank extends the capabilities of the Windows clipboard by storing multiple images placed on the clipboard. It serves as a temporary bank that stores bitmaps and Windows metafiles, displays them in separate windows, and affords quick retrieval via cut and paste. ImageBank requires Windows 3.1. You must also have sufficient free memory to store the images you place into ImageBank. ImageBank stores both regular bitmaps, DIBs (device independent bitmaps) and metafiles. 1,4, 8, and 24 bit bitmaps are supported - subject to your hardware and device driver. ICAFILES.ZIP 16 .ICA icon archive files. ICM11A.ZIP [$20.00] Icon Manager 1.1A replaces PBIcon. 4-91 ICNDL2.ZIP [Free] Build .DLL from icon files (version 2.0) by James M. Curran [72261,655]. ICNLFT.ZIP [P.D.] IconLeft by John Bandhauer [70152,1151] This is a small (no window) Windows 3.1 utility that arranges top-level icons on the left side of the screen. I wrote it because I spend a lot of time working in a DOS window whose preferred size and font causes it to cover the icon area at the bottom of the screen. This program is best run from a launcher that allows programs to be started with a hotkey. I am donating it to the public domain in hopes that someone else may have a use for it. 6-92 ICOBAR.ZIP Toolwnd.dll - ToolBar/ToolBox creator for Windows 3.0. This is a DLL which allows you to create great looking toolbars and toolboxes similar to those found in such programs as Microsoft(R) Excel, Microsoft(R) Word and Microsoft(R) Visual Basic. If you can draw a bitmap (or have someone else draw one), you can use toolwnd.dll to create the nice toolbar or toolbox you've always wanted for your application. The only other DLL I've seen which allows you to do this is almost $300, and that doesn't even include source code! This DLL may not be as fancy but it is extremely fast and it's only $35 ($75 with source). A demo program with source has been included to show the power of such a DLL. For those of you who have been waiting for this, sorry about the wait! ICOMAG.ZIP [$15.00] Icon Magic icon editor by Steve Stedman/Jeff Ayars. 3-91 ICOMAN.ZIP [$20.00] Icon Manager by Scott Bender IconMan is an application which modifies how Windows handles iconized applications. With IconMan you no longer have icons at the bottom of your desktop. They are replaced by a single window containing buttons which have the names of currently running applications and an indication of the state of the application (iconized or not). IconMan requires Windows 3.1 and a mouse with at least two buttons. ICOMST11.ZIP [$20.00] Icon Master 1.1 by Phillip A. Kaufman [72431,2543] Welcome to IconMaster, the most comprehensive and user friendly Windows 3 icon management and editing utility available. New features of version 1.1 include the following: Supports 10 different icon file formats Full support for Norton Desktop for Windows Ultra fast and compact IconMaster Library formats Automatic Zipping and unZipping to save space Full icon editor with transparency Display hundreds of icons simultaneously in multiple windows Drag and Drop icon sorting, editing, and Program Manager and NDW icon installation ICONDRW3.ZIP [$15.00] by Philip B. Eskelin Jr. and Michael Gates Icondraw version 3.1 Icon drawing program (.EXE only). 4-91 ICONLIB.ZIP by Alan Hill [76067,2070] Library of icons that you can view and use in Program Manager. Very attractive and versatile. ICONMGR.ZIP Macro to change icons. Includes about 50 .ICO files, too. ICONS-1.ZIP 18 misc. ICO format files. ICONS.ZIP Several hundred icon files (.ICO). ICONS251.ZIP More icons that CAN be edited. ICONTAMR.ZIP Icon Tamer by Moon Valley Software Icon Management Utility. View, edit, rename, delete, copy and convert icons. ICONVIEW.ZIP View Icon 1.01 by Bob Novell Look at all icons within a directory. ICONWAR.ZIP After Dark screen blanker module that is really a game! If you've got After Dark, get this file! IE13.ZIP [$10.00] by Jason Lacombe Icon editor for Windows. This is the best icon editor for Windows 3.0! IFX110.ZIP [$12.00] Icon fixer for DOS programs by Robert Nee [70461,2034] IINJECT.ZIP [$8.00] DOS program to permanently replace icons in Win apps by James Bell. 2-91 IMOVIE.ZIP [Free] Moving, animated icons by James Bell IMPOST01.ZIP [Free] IMPOSTER 1.01 by Darrell Burgan This product offers the best of both worlds for Windows users--the speed and convenience of a command-line with the elegance and access to superior applications provided by Microsoft Windows. IMPOSTER supports every internal command in DOS 5.0 as well as most external commands and offers functionality not present in any competing product. It is capable of launching both DOS and Windows programs and offers the additional ability to execute any standard DOS batch file without launching a copy of DOS. IMPOSTER's emulation of COMMAND.COM is so close that users may forget they're not running DOS at all--just a carefully crafted Windows program that emulates DOS as closely as possible. Also, IMPOSTER supports many commands usually found in third-party packages such as Symantec's Norton Utilities - commands that can search ASCII files for a text string, to search all directories for a file, and to calculate the disk space used by a list of files, etc. Unlike a DOS window, which consumes as much as 640K of memory at all times, IMPOSTER uses much less memory, allowing the user to run IMPOSTER at all times without sacrificing scarce free RAM or free system resources. INBOARD.ZIP Inboard 2.0 Better than Email, classier than groping over office walls, alert administrative personnel to your whereabouts at all times. Save time and energy with INBOARD! Use Inboard as an electronic In/Out board, as a means of keeping track of where fellow workers are, or as an alarm to notify you of when an individual 'checks-i n'. These as well as many more uses can be realized with this small, easy to use program. INCT14.ZIP IN CONTROL 1.40 - Shareware Version. In-Control is a Windows 3.1 application that gives you selective access to the individual functions of the Windows Control Panel. INFO1.TXT Direct Support Number (DSN) Directory This article provides direct support telephone numbers for the Microsoft Product Support Services (PSS) and Microsoft Customer Service departments. You will receive faster service by using the correct number for the product you want assistance with. INI-NAV.ZIP INI file management utility looks nice. INIART.ZIP Windows Profile Creation with Visual BASIC by Tim Jones 11/9/91 Manage .INI files with these routines. INIEDIT.ZIP Example of INIEDIT program done with chiseled steel interface. Demos company's VB toolkit to add 3-d look to programs. INIED122.ZIP [$25.00] Modify, view and print .INI files by Charles E. Kindel Jr. 9-91 Most Microsoft(tm) Windows applications, and Windows itself, use "INI" files to store configuration information. The Windows 3. 0 documentation refers to these files as initialization files. The most famous of all INI files is the WIN.INI file. If you have been using Windows for any length of time, you probably have, at the minimum, seen the contents of your WIN.INI file. INIedit is a Windows 3 application designed to make modifying, viewing, and printing Windows INI files easy. The application itself is composed of two files, INIEDIT.EXE and CEKLIB.DLL. Both files are required in order for INIedit to operate. INOUT.ZIP I/O Port control under Visual Basic by B.E. Faggart [73075,645] A very small DLL routine has been developed using Turbo Pascal for Windows to provide the Visual Basic programmer with the ability to send data to and from machine I/O ports, much as in QuickBASIC. A very simple sample program is likewise provided that uses the DLL routine to control the PC's timer and speaker to produce a series of musical tones. IPHOTO30.ZIP by U-Lead Systems, Inc. 1-91 INPUT-3D.ZIP [$22.00] 3D-Vb Input Ver 1.1a by Brett Liddicoet [70621,3034] Start the File IN_DEMO.EXE and read about message. Files Included: INPUT.VBX -- 3D-VB Input - Visual Basic Custom Control TPW2VB.DLL -- Required Dynamic Link Library. IN_DEMO.EXE -- 3D-VB Input Demo Program. ORDER.WRI -- MS Write Order file. INSPRO.ZIP [$95.00] EDI Install Pro for Windows 1.0 When you have completed your application, you will require a method for your clients to install it on their drive. EDI Install Pro is a program designed especially for that purpose. It is easy to use by both you and your customers. EDI Install Pro copies your files from the distribution diskettes to the drive in a simple and pleasant manner. It introduces the application, obtains the needed information, copies the files and optionally creates a Program Manager group. How does EDI Install Pro work? EDI Install Pro allows you to specify a directory structure, files to be installed, PM group items, components, readme.txt files, and much more. It asks the user for a destination directory, displays the minimum amount of free space required and advises the user if the selected drive has insufficient room. Optionally, it allows the user to select which components to install. Throughout the installation EDI Install Pro displays when a file is copied or a Program Manager group is created. This allows the user to feel comfortable with the installation process and to not worry about what the program is doing to the system. The only time intervention is required is when a new disk needs to be inserted. Finally, an advanced installation utility that doesn't take weeks to learn. EDI Install Pro is a powerful new installer for Windows. Features dithered and/or bit mapped background; user selectable components; PM group creation; .INI file modification and creation; displays readme.txt; version checking; full file compression with pack/unpack utilities; multiple disk support; and custom DLL support allows you to expand the capabilities of EDI Install Pro to handle almost any possible installation requirements. IRS1040.ZIP Excel worksheet that looks like and prints the tax form 1040. ISAVER.ZIP Animation file by Intel Corp. ITS-V105.ZIP [$0.00] Intertask Semaphore by Robert W. van Hoeven Inter-task Semaphore control. Task control includes locking and releasing tasks, communicating between tasks, holding a task until a certain time, and more. From Holland. J-WAVE.ZIP Contains James Brown's .WAV file. 1 file. JAXCAM10.ZIP Move portions of graphic/text screens, enlarge and reduce. Screen capture utility. Free source code by Jack Kilday. 4-91 JESSICA.ZIP Wallpaper of Roger Rabbit's main squeeze. JNAL10.ZIP [$25.00] JOURNAL PROGRAM by Gordon Smith [72567,3416] The Journal Program is designed as a daily information manager. Information can easily be retrieved from the Clipboard or existing disk files and stored for later retrieval. Information is stored in topics. The topic titles are displayed in a list box at the left of the screen and the information associated with that title in a text box. Topics can be organized into up to eight different categories. Topics can be moved from one category to another. The date the information is input into Journal is automatically (default mode, can be turned off) appended to the beginning of the titles. A DAILYCLP Button is always displayed and can be used to grab text currently on the Clipboard and add it as a new topic to the currently open Category. Windows must be operating in the Enhanced Mode to run this program. JPL.ZIP Language Executer 1.0 by Jean-Pierre Duplessis Windows interpreter lets you write your own Windows ala GW-BASIC! JWLTHF13.ZIP Jewel Thief game version 1.3 by Paul Ligeski [76636,1166] Your goal is to steal as many jewels as you can by running over the jewels with your mouse while avoiding the guards. Once you steal all the jewels on a level, a new set of guards will appear. The scene changes every two levels. You lose a man every time a guard touches you or you leave the playing field. Once you steal the diamonds, you will find out about the jewel of great price. Jewel Thief is not crippled in any way except that it can't sing. I figured you didn't want the whole office to know you are not getting your work done. 5-92 K4MIDI.ZIP (K4V301) Windows K4 MIDI Patch Editor by Mikko Laanti & Mikko Laanti Oy, Finland This program is a Kawai K4 synthesizer patch editor. To use this program You need a K4 synthesizer, MS-Windows 3.0 or later and CMS-101, CMS-404 or any MPU-401 compatible MIDI card. KAL20.ZIP [$5.00] Kaleidoscopic Simulation Screen Saver for Windows 3.1 version 2.0 By Dan Kelly - [71005,2524] Features : Good results on standard VGA Takes advantage of 256 colors, and HighColor, and TrueColor modes when available. Takes advantage of accelerated Graphics cards (On an accelerated Card, this has to be the fastest kaleidoscope in existence!) Cheap. Flexible. Fully Configurable. This program is distributed as Momware, if you like the program, send $5 to my mom. This program may be freely distributed, and a nominal fee charged for distribution is acceptable. If you want to sell this program under conditions other than above, contact me, rates are very reasonable. I'm not responsible for anything that may happen as a result, or connected to running kaleid on your system, so if your computer blows up, don't blame me! Send your $5 to: N. Kelly 613 S. Aiken Pittsburgh, PA 15232 KDRAW13.ZIP [Free - $30.95 buys it] KwikDraw - An Object Oriented Drawing Program Freeware Version 1.30f Copyright 1991, 1992 Paul Schimpf This drawing program, unlike a paint program, is object oriented. This means that after drawing objects (such as rectangles, ellipses, lines, text, curves, or polygons), you have the ability to select and modify them as independent entities. In a paint program an object, once it is drawn, loses it's identity as an independent entity. Any editing capability in a paint program must thus treat all the objects as mere patterns of bits on the drawing surface. KwikDraw has extensive on-line help that describes its use. If you choose to purchase an unrestricted version then you will also receive a manual. This Freeware version will limit the number of objects that you may create to 32. This limit is high enough to make the program useful for simple drawings (for example, see the file flow.kwk). You are also allowed to load, print, and transfer the more complex example drawings (such as train.kwk). If 32 objects is sufficient for your purposes, then you are free to use and distribute this version, on the condition that none of the files included in the distribution is modified in any way. KF501S.ZIP [$29.00] K-Free(tm) - Memory and Disk monitor for Microsoft Windows Current Version: 5.01 by Dragon's Eye Software [76057,101] Continuously monitors free Windows and EMS memory along with free space on any hard disk drive specified by the user. K-Free also displays information on the state of Windows and what type of hardware you are using and the number of programs currently running within Windows. K-Free is fully customizable all the way from the colors that are used, to the size of the display area. Fully operable using either the keyboard or mouse. KIVIAT.ZIP Version 1.0 by Wolfgang Tremmel Monitors system parameters. KLZ209.ZIP KLOTZ by Wolfgang Strobl Klotz, a Tetris-like game. Very nice. ( ) KSPELL10.ZIP KIDSPELL 1.0 by Yasunari Tosa [71320,1430] KIDSPELL is a spelling program for children. KIDSPELL associates a picture with a word so that children can enjoy spelling words. KIDSPELL is a user-configurable spelling program. KSWIN.ZIP [$34.95] The Kitchen Sink for Windows by E. Scott Jones [75500,2370] When you choose the Modules Menu and then select one of those modules, a dialog box appears with what at first may seem a confusing set of buttons...buttons that have symbols such as >>. These buttons mean that when you click with the mouse or press the hot key letter, that the number appearing in the calculator will instantly be moved into the appropriate field in the dialog box. Other than understanding this simple principal of "number flow", KSWIN is very simple and straightforward. In addition to using the mouse for the calculator, you may also use the number keys or the numeric keypad on your keyboard. LABEL3.ZIP Label Ease Version 3.0 by Anthony J. Robinson This program is designed to print envelope labels from within the Microsoft Windows 3.0 or 3.1 environment. The user interface features a label form with two graphical labels. The top label is actually 4 fields. The bottom label is a list box for displaying labels. A toolbar consisting of buttons (OPEN, SAVE, PRINT, EXIT, UPDATE and DELETE) for the most common actions, is at the top of the screen. The program begins with a blank label form. I have tried to make the program as user-friendly as possible. LANDER3.ZIP [$15.00] Lander by George Moromisato A moon-based landing game for Windows. Very pretty. LAUN20.ZIP [$40.00] Launch 2.0 by David Stafford [76666,2542] Small desktop "popup" menu with hotkeys. 6-91 LAUNCH-A.ZIP [$10.00] Launcher by Lucas Systems c/o Beacon Hill Software [74130,2452] Launcher is a Windows application executive. You can enter the filename and it's path in Launcher's Command Line and hit return or hit the OK button to run that program. If you do not remember the file's path, you can search for if using the list boxes. The "Directories:" list box contains path and drive information while the "Files:" list box contains the files for the selected path. Selection can be done with the keyboard or the mouse. Launcher can be used as a replacement for the Program Managers File Run dialog box. Because it is a window and not a modal dialog box, it is always available with the addition feature of being able to let you find the file if need be. For more information run Launcher and look at it's Help system. LAUNCH22.ZIP Launch 2.22 for Windows Copyright 1990-1992 David Stafford [76336,1436] Turbo-charge Windows! Launch is the popular pop-up utility which lets you run programs directly from the Windows desktop or at the touch of a hot-key. Your favorite programs are only one mouse click away! LAVA.ZIP Lava Lamp for Windows. LAYOUT.ZIP Desktop Arranger by Mark Grossen Saves ALL screen layouts (8-90). LBAS02P2.ZIP [$49.95] Liberty BASIC - limited version Release 0.2 Copyright 1992 Shoptalk Systems [71231, 1532] Liberty BASIC is a personal BASIC programming system for MS Windows 3.0 requiring a 286, 386, 486 or better and 3 Megabytes of RAM or more. Liberty BASIC Release 0.1 supports the following features: Highly MS-BASIC compatible (this does not mean Quick BASIC or Q-BASIC) Procedural programming model (not event driven, like Visual BASIC) Line numbers are optional with descriptive alphanumeric labels permitted The following commands are supported: LET, PRINT, INPUT, GOTO, GOSUB/RETURN, FOR/NEXT, IF/THEN, OPEN/CLOSE, PRINT#, INPUT#, DIM, REM (or ') The following functions are supported: LEN(), MID$(), EOF(), INT(), INPUT$(), VAL(), STR() Strings and integers of virtually unlimited size are supported (certainly larger than most need), and if you have a math coprocessor, Liberty BASIC will automatically take advantage of it where advantageous. File operations for this release of Liberty BASIC are limited to sequential access only. LEARNTBK.ZIP Learn ToolBook with this excellent introductory tutorial. This set of books consists of a multiple-book application, "Learning ToolBook," which teaches the basics of ToolBook's user interface, and two books that introduce the OpenScript programming language and provide online exercises in OpenScript. The books can be used for classroom instruction or for self-paced individual study. These books were developed entirely by members of Asymetrix Technical Publications and Interactive Education, with occasional consultation with Sample Applications. LECTUR.ZIP [$29.00] Lecture 1.0 Lecture provides TEXT-based lecturing slideshow capabilities for Windows 3.x users. Uses ASCII files created by NotePad or any other text editor. Lets you walk around with a mouse while flipping slides, change fonts & colors, run automated slide shows, and much more. Everything fits on one floppy for easy carry! LENS103.ZIP Lens 1.03 by Ned Konz [76046,223] A Windows Screen Magnifying Glass where the lens normally magnifies an area of the screen around the mouse cursor. If you feel this program has value to you, I'd really appreciate some kind of payment ($5 bills, source code, good beer, etc.). LEONARD.ZIP LEONARD'S Sketch by Gia-Loc Tran BOK Technologies, Inc. [72730,655] LEONARD'S Sketch is an object-oriented drawing tool having: - basic features of a CAD drawing package - basic features of a simple desktop publishing program It is supplied with a number of files .OGF you can load for editing. In particular, files DOCxxx.OGF are complement of this summary guide, and they are created with LEONARD itself. The program was written with Actor and ObjectGraphics Library. It is for non-commercial use only. LES&MOR.ZIP [$23.00] By R*D Applied technologies, Inc. Another kind of Program Manager with iconic interface. LFORMAT.ZIP by London Computing Prints files in specified formats. LHAWIN10.ZIP LHA Windows Interface by Earl Bennett [76646,1223] Windows Interface for LHA v. 2.13 LI120.ZIP [$20.00] LI File Viewer 1.2 by J. J. Lundblad [73537,1203] LI is a Windows 3 file viewer/finder/deleter/launcher/printer. The basic operation of the program is designed to be easy for the moderately experienced Windows user. LICO20.ZIP List Icons DOS viewer for Windows icons! LJ3WIN3.ZIP Printer drivers HPPCL5A 3.77. 4-91 LNCH21.ZIP LAUNCHER.EXE 2.1 by Chuck Steenburgh [72330,1776] Do some of your programs require you to load a data file once you start the program? Are these data files located in a different directory, or do you have to enter several cryptic commands to get your program to load a data file? LAUNCHER is designed to work with any program that can accept the name of a data file on the command line. LAUNCHER will display a menu of your data files, and then start your application with the name of the file you select on the command line to be loaded immediately. LAUNCHER uses a rather novel method of automatically determining the name of the application you are going to use it with. Rather than needing a configuration file or complicated command line switches, LAUNCHER reads the application name from its own file name. Rename the LAUNCHER.EXE file after the application you want to run, PLUS ANY ONE ADDITIONAL CHARACTER. Put this renamed version of launcher in the same directory as your application, and you're ready to LAUNCH! LOCKM140.ZIP [$10.00] Metz Windows Lock 1.4 by Metz Software [73567,1637] LODMON.ZIP LoadMon by Edward Hutchins A system load monitor for Windows which basically shows the load on your CPU and memory over time. I've tried to make this thing take up as little time as possible, but Windows is fairly slow at context-switching and any programs running in PeekMessage() mode degrade performance (IMHO). Still, I run LoadMon anyway because it can show you which apps are real pigs and which apps are well-written :-) Actually I'm not really sure how accurate LoadMon is. Have fun with it! LPDOS.ZIP [Free] L/P DOS Version 1.0b Beta Release by Craig Morrison L/P DOS is another attempt at making DOS CommandLiners feel more comfortable in the Windows 3.0 environment. This version is a Beta release of a future Shareware product, it is free for distribution so long as all the files in the archive are kept intact and not modified in any way, shape or form. I am releasing this version for the sole purpose of testing, so please give it all you've got and try your best to crash it. (I may regret that statement!) I will gladly welcome all reports on L/P DOS, I want to make this something everyone NEEDS, not just puts on their system . In return for helping me with L/P DOS I will register those people who contact me with reports of bugs or suggestions that will better the program, for absolutely nothing. Also, if someone wants to volunteer to help me out with the documentation, I will make it worth the effort. LRNTBK.ZIP LEARNING ToolBook This set of books consists of a multiple-book application, "Learning ToolBook," which teaches the basics of ToolBook's user interface, and two books that introduce the OpenScript programming language and provide online exercises in OpenScript. The books can be used for classroom instruction or for self-paced individual study. These books were developed entirely by members of Asymetrix Technical Publications and Interactive Education, with occasional consultation with Sample Applications. LSTDR2.ZIP [P.D.] by Sue Mosher 202-736-1136, CIS 75140,543 LSTDR2.MAK a demonstration Visual Basic program to show how single items in a list box can be reordered using Ctrl-UpArrow/Down Arrow or by pressing Ctrl and dragging a list item with the mouse. LUCAS.ZIP Lucas' Puzzle by James M. Curran Interesting talking game. LUNA.ZIP This is a preliminary release of the Clysmic Lunar Almanack for Windows. More complete documentation will accompany the version 1.00 release. This program displays the Moon's phase, constellation and signe, and the times of rising, southing (crossing the south point of the viewer's horizon, Moon is then at its highest), and setting. LUTILS.ZIP By Dan Schless [76217,763] Utils for LAUNCHnn.ZIP: NULLWIN, LOADRUN and RUN LYWHIT.ZIP [$1.00 each] Drives 1.1 and Tasks 1.1 by LyWhit Software [71511,1072] Drives utility shows free drive space, memory status, more. Tasks reports running programs. M-WAVE.ZIP 3 more .WAV audio files. MACBLA.ZIP [$10.00] MacBlaster Game v 1.10 The Scenario: You are a computer programmer and have developed a truly great graphic user interface (GUI). The Evil Fruit Empire has a monopoly on GUIs and will try to destroy your computer and throw legal hurtles in your path. Destroy as many of the Evil Fruit Empires computers and mice as possible while avoiding contact with the self destructing copyright lawsuits and mice. Beat the empire and give computer users freedom of choice! MACRO.DOC Data Server Macros v 1 for Word for Windows by Chris Walker MACSCRN.ZIP by UnderWare (Daniel Bise, Andy Groenveld) .BMP files of Mac/Mac II screens MACWIN1.ZIP Windows screen enhancer. Supposedly makes screen writes faster. MAGCAT10.ZIP MAGCAT by JDS Systems [70406,415] MagCat is a magazine article cataloging program and provides a method of cataloging all of the magazine articles, books, files, and other pieces of information lying about in a form that allows fast searching for information based on keywords. Information kept about articles includes the article name, its location, a short description about the article, and a list of keywords used to search for the article. A database is created to contain all of the information about the articles. This database is accessed via three windows. The Article window displays all of the articles in the database. It can display the locations, keywords, and descriptions of each article and allows searching. The Location window displays all of the unique locations where articles are stored along with how many articles are stored in each location. The Keyword window displays all of the keywords and the number of times each keyword has been used. Multiple databases may be open at the same time to allow easy viewing of different databases. Articles may be imported and exported from other databases. The entire database or just the results of a search may be printed. MAGIC120.ZIP [$80.00] Color magnify screen for DOS and Windows. 6-91 MAGIC14.ZIP Magic Screen Saver by William S. Stewart & Ian C. MacDonald (Version 1.40- August 31,1991) Magic is a configurable screen saver/security utility designed specifically for Microsoft Windows 3.x. If your computer is left unattended, Magic saves your screen from burn-in with its colorful animation, as well as providing password protection for your computer. Much thanks to the many users of Magic worldwide who have supported, criticized, and paid shareware fees since our initial release!! MAKEFONT.ZIP by Sean D. McCrory [74606,525] Makes Windows fonts from Video ROM. MANDELBR.ZIP Fractal .BMP files by Robert Bedard [72321,452]. MANYWBT.ZIP The wbt and wbd files you should know are script files for Batchworks, WinBatch or Norton Desktop for Windows WBL language interpreters. Try them out, some are very useful. The .ORL and .BMP files are only useful to you if you have Oriel for Windows, which is a graphical batch language for Windows (The LeBlond Group) and is available with the Windows Power Tools book from The LeBlond Group. If you don't have it, just scrap them. The two .BAT files are necessary for the virusmgr.wbt script file, which allows you to run McAfee's ViruScan and Clean-Up programs from Windows. Chris3015 (AOL) 72989 (Delphi). MAPMAK.ZIP Mapmaker for Windows by HERING SOFTWARE Mapmaker is available in two retail versions: Mapmaker_500 ($49) Includes a database of over 175,000 vectors plotting state, country, coastline and river boundaries. It includes full bitmap export and import capability to interface with and any BMP compatible paint programs such as Microsoft's Paintbrush utility. MapMaker_1000 ($69) Includes all the capabilities of Mapmaker 500 and a database of over 850,000 vectors outlining country, state, coastline and river boundaries. MARKEY.ZIP [Free] Marquee Selector version 1.0 Copyright (c) 1992, Tim Worley. Forces the Windows screen blanker to activate by clicking an icon. MARS.ZIP Graphic .BMP of a Martian sunset. MASCHD.ZIP [$125.00] M&A Scheduler time management system. If your secretary spends more than 4 hours per week arranging your appointments, you NEED the M&A Scheduler! MASTMIND.ZIP MisterMind game 1.1 by James M. Curran MAZINM.ZIP This Program generates and lets you solve random mazes varying in level of difficulty from trivial to impossible (almost). MBAR11.ZIP [$29.95] MENUBAR 1.1 by MRL [73637,737] MENUBAR may be utilized with Microsoft Windows to customize the user environment by addition of menu bars (or toolbars) that specify a user selected icon/bitmap or text and associate this with executable programs. MENUBAR provides a capability to define toolbar controls that augment existing execution methods or create a complete desktop environment based on the users own preferences. Multiple executions of Menu bar allow for nesting and display of varying levels of toolbars. MBBOOT32.ZIP Micro-Boot Version 3.2 by Fred L. Freel [70642,673] MBConfig is a stand-alone QuickBASIC program that can be run from DOS or Windows. In versions 1 and 2, when run in the Windows environment it is called automatically by Micro-Boot, this Visual Basic Windows application. In version 3.0 it is used for Micro-Boot installation and rebooting from the DOS prompt only. In version 3.2 it is used only for reconfiguring the root directory files, and is called from Micro-Boot for installation purposes. Micro-Boot incorporates viewing, editing and configuration capabilities that are not provided in MBConfig. MBVIEW13.ZIP Micro-View File Viewer by Fred L. Freel ASCII and graphic file viewer utility. MC.ZIP MC.EXE (Version 1.0) by Barry Simon June 16, 1992 (Utilities) MC - A utility that puts file-management and program-launching functions in the same window and makes it easy to run programs in Windows. From PC Magazine's fine series. MCURSOR.ZIP Modify Cursor by Farpoint Software "Permanently" changes the shape of the system default mouse cursor. This program may be run once, then erased from your hard disk to conserve space. The original cursor setup is preserved and may be restored later by running a batch file. Individual applications may change the shape of mouse cursor under Windows 3.0; however, the system default cursor is always the traditional right-handed arrow. It is possible for an application to use the debugging "hook" functions in Windows to effectively alter the system default cursor, but the disadvantages of this method are: (1) The "cursor changer" program must always be running, and (2) Microsoft doesn't recommend it. Farpoint Software's cursor changer works by creating a duplicate display driver file with the internally-coded cursor bitmap overwritten by the new user-selected bitmap (the hotspot is adjusted also). The SYSTEM.INI file is altered to use the new display driver. The original display driver is not touched, and the original SYSTEM.INI is renamed to SYSTEM.BAK. A batch file called RESETCSR.BAT will be created by the program. Running this batch file will restore the original SYSTEM.INI and delete the duplicate display driver. MDIT.ZIP PCthreads for Windows by The TriTechnologies Company [70272, 3671] TriTechnologies is soliciting beta testers for its PCthreads(tm) for Windows Application Programming Interface. The PCthreads/WIN API is intended to provide an applications programming interface that closely complies with draft 4 of the POSIX 1003.4a standard for multithread services. Included in this kit is an example of a multithreaded MDI application, MDIT.EXE, plus the source from which the application was built. To run the demo type 'win mdit' and see how simple it is to create multiple simultaneous windows within an MDI Frame window. Our primary goal for the beta test is to develop a better understanding of the applicability of multithreading to windows programming generally and GUI design specifically. We are mostly low-level kernel jocks with a limited understanding of, and in some awe of, Windows programming. MDRAW04D.ZIP MDRAW 0.4D by S. Mike Dierken [73670,364] Welcome to Mdraw, an object-oriented drawing package for MS-Windows. This program is object-oriented in the sense that the objects you draw may be moved or modified after you draw them. This is not a painting program, but rather a drawing program. You do not 'erase' parts of your drawing, but you can select and then delete the parts you have drawn. This is also object-oriented in the sense that each object has attributes that you may modify. For example, each object you draw has a color, and you may change that color after you have drawn it. You may also 'join' multiple objects together. MEGAED07.ZIP [$39.00] Mega Edit (TM) is a Windows 3.X application. Mega Edit (TM)is a powerful ASCII text editor. It is designed specifically to facilitate complex editing tasks involving multiple and/or large files, where such tasks would be difficult or impossible with other editors currently available for Windows. Makes use of virtual memory to edit REALLY big files [HEY! WINCAT is a REALLY BIG TEXT FILE. Hmmmm...] When you've outgrown QEdit you'll get to like Mega Edit! Very Nice Work!! Recommended Highly!!! MELTDOWN.ZIP Another After Dark screen blanking module "melts" the screen. Nice. MEMGAU.ZIP System Memory Gauge. MEMO.ZIP M. Nordan's Memo Pad 1.0 by M. Nordan [76535,1421] Memo Pad . . . well, it's a memo pad. If you find your scribblings particularly inspiring, and want to save them to disk, just push the "Save..." button. Like most places in Windows where you enter text, use Shift+Del to cut to the Clipboard, Ctrl+Ins to Copy to the Clipboard, and Shift+Ins to Paste from the Clipboard. Click on the "About..." button for a cool-looking about box, and click on the "Exit" button to order a large with extra cheese. Memo Pad is written in Microsoft's handy-dandy Visual Basic, so you'll need the Visual Basic DLL (VBRUN100.DLL available on most BBSs and all over Compu$erve) to run it. There is no charge for Memo Pad, but you are forbidden to modify it or sell it (excepting BBS download fees). However, i would appreciate an e-mail or letter telling me what you think is good, what you think sucks, and what you think i can do about it. You can get source code this way too. MEMORY.ZIP Text File on optimizing Memory Usage and Performance (March 20, 1992) by Microsoft Corporation. in .WRI format MEMPRO.ZIP Memory Pro v1.1 for Windows 3.1 by Crito P. Philippatos Memory Display Pro shows: Free memory, number of tasks, percent GDI and User resources, largest contiguous block of heap space, Windows version, Windows mode, CPU type, presence of numeric coprocessor, keyboard type, and number of function keys. Crito's Memory Display Professional Edition 1.0 is being distributed as shareware. Written in Visual Basic, VBRUN100.DLL required. Mouse required. Nicely done, looks best on VGA (640x480) screens. At 1024, it's a bit small for my tastes. Very solid effort, however. Worth supporting now from a very prolific modern-day Windows programming powerhouse! My compliments! METAMOUS.ZIP [$12.00] META-MOUSE 1.3 A Cursor Visibility Enhancement Utility Meta-Mouse is a Microsoft Windows program whose purpose is to improve the visibility of the mouse cursor. This is accomplished in several ways: (1) The cursor can be made to blink on and off, (2) The cursor can be made much larger, displaying either a large black arrow with a white border, a large white arrow with a black border, a large inverse-color arrow, or numerous others, (3) The cursor can be made to change its shape dynamically (see the "Ultra-High Visibility" option) (4) The normally "white" part of the cursor can be changed to one of several other colors, including dynamic color cycling. HOT STUFF!! (Formerly named "Blinky") Copyright 1992, Farpoint Software METAPL.ZIP Text file with a discussion of the many ways applications read and write metafiles and how your application can handle them correctly. METCNVRT.ZIP [$7.00] Metric Converter by Robert Heath - Very Nice. Data entry screen/calculator for converting all kinds of stuff! Metric Converter, Metcnvrt, handles fourteen popular conversions between customary and metric (SI) systems. Metcnvrt also converts customary to customary and metric to metric. Metcnvrt simplifies conversions by offering the user both a set of "From" units menus and a set of "To" units menus implemented as radio buttons. The user enters a value in Metcnvrt's "From" window using either the keyboard or the clipboard. To convert the value, the user simply selects one radio button from either of the "From" boxes and one radio button from either of the "To" boxes. The "From" window value can be entered in either floating point or scientific notation. Metcnvrt figures out the format from the value entered. METER.ZIP GPIB/DMM demonstration program by Mike Rhodes [72457,43] This is a demonstration of what one can do with Visual Basic as a control system. I wrote this in about two days. This includes the time to take the software out of its shrink wrap, install it, learn the "Visual Basic" way of doing things, and learning the new commands. The actual code and design would probably take only 3 or 4 hours now doing it from scratch. I have been looking for something that would allow me to develop control and monitoring software under windows for a long time. I tried the SDK and ToolBook but was disappointed in the enormous time SDK took to do anything and the sluggishness and run time dependence of ToolBook. The program is an electronic chart recorder connected to a multi channel DVM via GPIB. METERD.ZIP The Disk Space Meter by Brett Glass "Keeping Tabs on Hard Disk Space" Running out of disk space while you're running Windows can be more than just an inconvenience; it can cost you hours of work. Many Windows applications do not have good contingency plans for dealing with low disk space, and Windows itself can sometimes crash if you don't have enough room. On a network, these problems can crop up for dozens of users at once if the server runs out of space. In short, the power freedom Windows gives you comes with a price: eternal vigilance. So, to help you maintain a watch on disk space when things get tight, we offer a simple utility: the Disk Space Meter. Author Bio: Brett Glass is a programmer, author, and electrical engineer residing in Palo Alto, California. You can reach Brett by e-mail at "rogue@well.sf.ca.us", accessible as an Internet address from MCI Mail, Usenet, CompuServe, and most other online services. MEXEC103.ZIP MEXEC.EXE 1.03 freeware by Jeff Elkins [70302,1573] MEXEC is a Windows 3.0 utility designed to serve as a enhanced replacement for the windows RUN command as well as including some rudimentary file manipulation commands. Copy MEXEC.EXE and MEXEC.HLP into your windows subdirectory or the subdirectory of your choice. Written in Visual Basic, it requires the VBRUN100.DLL to execute. MGXARTS.ZIP 2 nice wallpaper files (.BMP). MH3DBUTN.ZIP Demo of Microhelp's VBTools product add-on for VB. Add 3-D buttons! MHNET.ZIP MicroHelp Network Library Demonstration Program MicroHelp's Network Library provides the programmer with an easy-to-use interface to network API services for Novell, LANtastic and NETBIOS networks. MHSLIDE.ZIP Demo of Microhelp's VBTools product add-on for VB. Add slider controls! MHSPIN.ZIP Demo of Microhelp's VBTools product add-on for VB. Add spin controls! MINCLO.ZIP [Free] Minimalist desktop clock by David Duani [72327,1773] Requires VBRUN100.DLL Displays what you need and nothing more: hour/day/date. Use title bar (where time is displayed) to move the clock on your desktop. Double-click over the day/date area to close the application. The icon will continue to display the correct time. Source included in ZIPfile. MINIPICS.ZIP Another ATM font to add to all your Windows apps. Small graphic icon-like fonts, not really letters. Can be used in imaginative ways. MINSHEL3.ZIP [$5.00] Minimum shell program by Lester Henderson. Nice. MinShell is a bare bones Shell to replace Program Manager Compare the memory/system usage: Minshell 7K (upto 12K with Discardable) Resources Drain 1% ProgMan 9K (upto 74K with Discardable) Resources Drain 15-24% Windows applications tend to run at their best when they can load all of their discardable code/data in memory without having to swap it in and out. Since MinShell is a complete bare bones system, it really more beneficial if you are addicted to one many programs that are designed to launch/run applications without using FileManager/Program Manager. MinShell works well with WallPaper Fanatics as it leaves the desktop clear except for the menu bar at the top of the screen. MISCBMP.ZIP Several misc. wallpaper files. MKNX11.ZIP [$30.00] David R. Green, [70621,1362] Mekanix is a collection of utilities created to make using Microsoft Windows much easier. Mekanix covers a broad range from Metric-Imperial conversion, to ZIP File managing, to Viewing Icons, to a Librarian that allows you to recover more Hard Drive space. Includes these for evaluation, more upon registration: MBase Multi-record, multi-field Database. MClock Alarm Clock Calendar. MetriCalc Metric-Imperial Conversion calculator. MFiler File Manager; Copy, Move, Rename, MakeDir, RemDir, Info. MInfo Windows 3.x System Information. MZIPr PKZIP/PKUNZIP/LHARC File Manager; ZIP and UNZIP easily. Sprint Speed Print; send documents port direct or thru PrintMgr MKPLC.ZIP WinPlacer WinBatch file by Jim Ferguson. [71477,2345] Use in WinBatch or Norton Desktop to place and size windows. We've needed something like this for a long time... WKWV12.ZIP [$10.00] Makin' Waves By Geoff Faulkner [72270,706] Makin' Waves is a sound file converter / Wav file player. It uses the WAVEIT.EXE utility to do the ultimate format conversion (Which must be somewhere in your path). Makin' Waves Features: Double-click any .VOC, .SOU, .SND file for conversion to .WAV format. Double-click any .WAV file to play the sound file. A convenient Delete button. Drag-and-drop playing and conversion from the file manager (Registered version only!) MLK103X.ZIP [$34.00] WINDOWS 3 comm program by MicroWerks [72510,1766] Thank you for examining MicroWerks Microlink product. Version 1.0 is an attempt to bring a more professional and stable communication Package to the general public. We especially want to thank our registered users for having confidence in our product and waiting patiently for the new releases. We have included a number of enhancements and new features based on the comments we have received. Whats New? Improved ZMODEM support. VT100 Terminal Emulation.* Function Key Support. Fully Functional Scripting Language.* Automatic Script Generation.* Documentation in WRI format. Documentation w/Graphics in Word for Windows Format.* Improved Help System. Selectable lights for monochrome devices. Numerous minor fixes and enhancements. MLTLBL20.ZIP MultiLabel 2.0 Need a lot of labels? MultiLabel's your program. Using MultiLabel with Microsoft Windows 3.x, you can create professional-looking labels in just a few minutes. It's far easier to create and print your labels in MultiLabel than by following the traditional path of using a word processor or desktop publishing program to do the job. Supplies are no problem, since MultiLabel uses standard Avery Laser Labels...all of them! Using MultiLabel, you have complete control over the entire design process. Since you see your label on the screen, as it will appear when printed, you can make as many changes as you like, as often as you like. MMAWA.ZIP By Nigel Thompson, Microsoft Corporation Text file on writing multimedia aware apps under Windows 3.1. MMAX.ZIP MINMAX: Controls a Window's Minimum Size, Maximum Size, and Position. MINMAX demonstrates the WM_GETMINMAXINFO message that allows applications to control the maximized size and position, the maximum tracking size, and the minimum tracking size of a window. For more information, see the "WM_GETMINMAXINFO" technical article. MINMAX was built and tested under Microsoft(R) Windows(TM) version 3.1. MMBACK.ZIP Text file on "Multimedia Personal Computing: The Microsoft View" dated May 1991. Outlines Microsoft plans for multimedia support in Windows and in other products. Very insightful. MMPVB.ZIP By Jerry Turpin This accompanying Visual basic program is a simple example of using the MCI commands under the MME API. The global Function definition is the only entry into MCI I used and you can do a number of things with it. By passing a string with the following format... you can open / pause /resume /play /resume /record and get various information about simple multimedia devices MNTBK38.ZIP \ MNTBK39.ZIP .. Past issues MNTBK40.ZIP / [$3.00] Produced By Jeff Green, Publisher, ModemNews Magazine ModemNews Magazine is released as an alternative to other 'electronic' magazines that are out there and available for you. Rather than concentrate on computers and the computer industry we try to bring you a well balanced mix of writing, opinions and fiction. The beauty of all of this is that we are solely supported by you, our readers. Nearly all of our articles and features are provided by you, and we certainly could not have survived all this time had you not been there for us in the past, and, we hope, in the future. We hope you enjoy our foray into the world of Graphical Interfaces. Your comments and suggestions are very important to us so feel free to let us know how you feel. We can be contacted at: ModemNews Magazine Voice 203 969.1183 BBS 203 359.2299 MODS01.ZIP New modules for After Dark screen saver. Includes BEAT, MELTDOWN, STARS, VHOLD, (ICON) WAR, and 8 others. Very nice. Requires After Dark. MOKU.ZIP Game of Moku by Chris Graham, WarpSpeed Computers P.S. - Moku for OS/2 PM, Chess for OS/2 PM are coming soon. Chess for Windows is available now! Contact Solutions, as addressed in the New Game dialog box for ordering information. Again dealer inquiries are most welcome. MOONTL.ZIP Moon Tool 0.3 by Jeffrey Altman Shows current lunar phase as an icon. 3-91 MORECN1B.ZIP [Free] More Control by Sloop Software More Control allows you to quickly and easily access many of those settings in WIN.INI and SYSTEM.INI that Microsoft did not see fit to include in the Control Panel dialogs. Easily change the colors used by the Windows help engine in displaying hypertext, the alignment of drop down menus, the vertical spacing between icons, the font used to display icon titles plus many other settings. More Control is accessed through the Control Panel just like all the other Control Panel dialogs. To install More Control, simply copy the files morecon.cpl and mcspin.dll to your Windows system directory. Copy the file morecon.hlp to your Windows directory if you wish to have online help. From now on, when you run the Control Panel, you will have an additional icon in the Control Panel window labeled More Control which will allow you to access the program. To uninstall More Control simply delete the files mentioned above. No fee is being charged for use of More Control. It is being provided free of charge by Sloop Software. All we ask is you check out our shareware program, Sloop Manager. Sloop Manager is a full-featured replacement for Program Manager. It adds all those features Program Manager should have had. VERY NICE!! 12-92 update MOVEWIN1.ZIP [$10.00] File mover utility for Windows by Eric Jacobshagen [76676,732] 4-91 General Description: This program allows files and directories to be moved, copied, or deleted. Directories can be manipulated just like files. For the most part, a mouse initiates all of the actions and the keyboard is rarely used. Operation: When the program begins, an empty work space is presented. A row of disk buttons is placed below the menu bar. Each button represents one of the disk drives on the computer. There is a "trash icon" at the bottom of the application work space. Clicking on a disk button, opens a window into the disk and displays the current directory. A line at the top of the window, displays the number of files and directories displayed and their total size. Multiple windows for a disk are allowed. Navigation to different subdirectories is possible by double clicking on the desired directory. Authors Note: There still are a number of enhancements that I would like to make to the program, like rename capability, on-line help, displaying how much room is left on a drive, and providing a faster way to navigate through subdirectories. If you find that there are other enhancements that you would like to see in the program or if you have any problems with the this version, please contact me at the address above or on CompuServe. Some of your suggestions may be incorporated into the next release. MP1B.ZIP [$10.00] MEDIA PLAYER 1.0b You have a copy of TEK* Developments Beta version MEDIA PLAYER 1.0b! Its a Windows 3.0/3.1 Player for Wave, Midi, Fli and Flc files. MPEGPLAY.ZIP MPEG Player for Windows VT-Motion (DEMO Version) courtesy of Xing Technology Corporation MRECLR20.ZIP [Free] By MRE Programs [71021,104] Change the color of Windows menus, borders, buttons, etc. However, you can not change them all using the Windows Program "Control.exe". There are 8 others that can be changed by directly editing your "win.ini" file. This program allows you to change them all in one program rather than manually editing the "win.ini" file. The 8 other color controls you can access (2 from the "Windows Help" Section and 6 from the "colors" Section"). They include: [Windows Help] "PopUpColor" - Controls the color of the help text linked to a popup box; JumpColor - Controls the color of the help text you click on to jump to another. In the [colors] section, there's ButtonFace, ButtonText, ButtonShadow, GrayText, Hilight and HilightText. MSCHOMP.ZIP [$5.00] Ms. Chomp 1.1 game for Windows Programmed by Peter Siamidis 'Chomp' name used with permission. MS. PAC-MAN? FUN!! MSD0492.ZIP Microsoft Diagnostic Utilities April 1992 This is a MUST HAVE to see what shape your system is in. And because of who it's from, you can count on high quality results. This baby tells you EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR COMPUTER, and Then Some! MSGBOX.ZIP This Visual Basic Program is based on a Word for Windows Macro written by Jonathon Zuck. This program accepts point and click input from the user concerning the possible elements in a Visual Basic MSG Box command and places the corresponding code on the clipboard. Within certain limits, it scans the text input for compliance with the limitations imposed by Visual Basic on the function/procedure and informs the user of problems when they are found. MSGDEM.ZIP From George Campbell, CIS 71571,222. Use however you like. This demo is designed to show ways to simplify the display of a message while looping routines are active, and while a program loads with nothing on the screen. MSGTRP.ZIP Msgtrap by D.T.Hamilton Msgtrap which is short for 'Message Trapper' is a utility written for MS Windows version 3.0. The purpose of this program is to capture and display 25th line messages sent by the Banyan Vines Network Operating System Rev 3.10(6) - 4 .00(x). Normally when running in a Windows application these messages are lost. VER 3.0. MSTITL.ZIP Alternate .RLE file to display on startup of Windows. MSWINDOC.ZIP Four text files on Windows, by Microsoft. Interesting stuff here. MTAFILE.ZIP Text file by Microsoft on metafiles and their formats. MTHREA.ZIP MTHRDEMO.DLL a Multi-Thread 'Demo' library for Windows(tm) The possibility for true 'multi-thread' operations under Windows(tm) opens up many wonderful possibilities. The presence of a very effective API that allows simple implementation of multi-thread programs is therefore very important to Windows(tm) developers. I have provided a *demo* version of a multi-thread system which I have been developing off and on since the Windows(tm) release 3.0 SDK hit the shelves in 1990. This library is the cumulative results of experimentation and experience in adapting Windows(tm) 3.0 for multi-thread use. The user interface is very well behaved and robust, and conforms to known standards whenever possible, which include DPMI 0.9 and the Windows(tm) DDK, as well as conversations that I had with various Microsoft Engineers at the developer's conference in August 1991 for those functions which might be otherwise considered 'undocumented'. The result is a very well-behaved interface that attempts to timeshare the multiple threads of an application EQUALLY with all other applications that use the message loop for timesharing purposes, without compromising the user interface response. TRY THE DEMO! I have purposely created a program that uses 1 thread for each 'ball' displayed on the screen. The process which displays each ball has intentionally been left somewhat 'inefficient', and I hope that it does not leave the viewer with an impression that the multi-threaded library is *SLOW*. On the contrary, great care has been taken to ensure that it is as efficient as possible, and still yields all of the necessary functionality required for a multi-thread engine. The 'slowness' of the demo program is (in part) an attempt to show that, even with inefficient thread operations, the user interface is still very very fast in responding to user input and timer events. I have included the necessary support code and a sample program which can provide you with enough information to create your own 'demo' program. MTM20.ZIP [$49.95] METZ Task Manager 2.0 METZ Task Manager replaces the Microsoft Windows Task List with a unique application that launches, manages, and schedules your tasks. This major upgrade to our award-winning product (PC Magazine Editor's Choice award, February 26, 1991) includes a customizable Launch menu and Launch Pad, an editable Run List that lets you repeat actions quickly, a handy set of "Quick Utilities," an application scheduler--and much, much more! With our no questions asked, 90-day money back guarantee, you can't go wrong! This is one of the best organizer-type apps you will ever find! Metz is great when it comes to Windows apps! Recommended Very Highly!!! MU11.ZIP Math Utility by Sapien Technologies Inc. Unit conversions and right triangle calculator MULPIK.ZIP Multiple Selection list box for VB by Costas Kitsos 73667,1755 I have only recently started looking into the possibility of creating a Multiple Selection List box in VB without the need for third party Custom Controls or other DLLs. MULTIPIK contains a usable form of a Multiple Selection List box in the context of MiniApp for Trovadore's Home Trattoria, a fictional home delivery restaurant. The MultiPick List box presents Trovadore's Entrees and the user can pick up to five from the List box. If the user marks more than five items, only the first five are used. MULRUN15.ZIP [$15.00] MultiRun 1.5 by Stephen Posey, Yggdrasil Software MultiRun is a simple Windows utility that allows you to make program associations based on file extensions. I decided I wanted something like this when I got the Norton Desktop for Windows. NDW allows you to specify a default editor to run whenever the Edit command is selected from a menu or the ButtonBar. This was wonderful, but I wanted to be able to run the appropriate editor for the kind of file that I'd selected. Windows, of course, allows you to specify File Associations for pretty much any extensions you want (.COM, .EXE, .BAT, and .PIF being notable exceptions), but I still wanted to assign the editing function to a button or a menu selection; I felt that it would be more natural when I selected (for instance) a PIF file, if "Edit" would then run PifEdit. I've noticed that many other replacement shells for Windows include the capability to assign a default editor as a command. MultiRun should work with any of these as well. Neither the Program Manager nor the File Manager that come with Windows have this feature as far as I know--too bad for anyone not using a replacement shell. MULTIPIK.ZIP Multiple Selection List box for VB by Costas Kitsos [73667,1755] I have only recently started looking into the possibility of creating a Multiple Selection List box in VB without the need for third party Custom Controls or other DLLs. MULTIPIK contains a usable form of a Multiple Selection List box in the context of MiniApp for Trovadore's Home Trattoria, a fictional home delivery restaurant. The MultiPick List box presents Trovadore's Entrees and the user can pick up to five from the List box. If the user marks more than five items, only the first five are used. Multiple Selection list boxes: A Multiple Selection List box is a List box that allows the user to mark an array of items in the List box. It's an extremely useful List box style since there are many occasions when a few choices are required. MYMEM1.ZIP MyMemory Version 1.2 Game by Dirk Rogers N-WAVE.ZIP 2 more .WAV files for Windows (letter N). NAGBMP.ZIP Collection of Nagel art as wallpaper (.BMP) files. Very nice, 10 in all. NAI11.ZIP [$50.00] NETWORK APPLICATION INSTALLER FOR WINDOWS offers an inexpensive way to completely automate the installation of Windows applications on any network. With N.A.I., an end user can completely install OR REMOVE a Windows application with a click of the mouse, making a breeze out of the configuration of new nodes or the upgrading of applications on all nodes. The end user program, NAI.EXE, reads the file WINAPPS.LST, which lists all available applications. When a user selects an application for installation or removal, NAI.EXE reads a .DAT file for that application (filename.DAT), which instructs NAI.EXE what steps to take to install that application. The LAN Administrator program, NAIMAINT.EXE, provides a quick, simple, user-friendly means of maintaining WINAPPS.LST and all application .DAT files. Included with N.A.I. are ten sample application .DAT files for popular Windows applications. To get a quick look at the way NAI.EXE looks to the user and the way NAIMAINT.EXE operates, place all the files in the same directory and run the executables. (You will need to place the file VBRUN100.DLL in your \WINDOWS directory--it has not been included in NAI.ZIP because it would more than double the size of the .ZIP file, and it is widely available by itself and with many other applications). NAV060.ZIP [$45.00] FlashPoint's Desktop Navigator for Windows by Richard S. Patterson FlashPoint Development We wish to welcome you to FlashPoint's WinNAV, the original Navigator for Microsoft Windows, and thank you for trying our latest release. We believe you'll agree that this version of WinNAV is clearly one of the most powerful and intuitive user interfaces currently available for Windows 3. Registered users of previous versions of WinNAV will quickly discover that this release has added significant new features and capabilities, and will be soon discover how these enhanced features may be configured to provide better control of their own Windows environment. User feedback will continue to provide us with the type of information and suggestions that will allow us to further develop WinNAV, making it the preferred user interface for Microsoft Windows. Replaces File Manager, Program Manager and MS-DOS Executive. Launch multiple programs in a single operation, and control their display on the screen. View files with a smart "snoop" utility to see into text, executable and archived files. Full support for PKARC, PKZIP, LHARC, PAK, ZOO, and more. NCC170D.ZIP Wallpaper of everybody's favorite Starship Enterprise. NCS11.ZIP [$12.50] The NCS Macro Set #1 Version 1.1 by J. Stan Newton [73500,416] The NCS Macro Set is composed of Word Basic macros for Microsoft Word for Windows version 2.0 or later and Windows version 3.0 or later. All *.DOC files are Word for Windows v2.0a templates containing the macro, installation macros and explanatory text. NEKO11.ZIP [Free] Cute cat-based mouse tracker 1.1. 6-91 When you run the program, a window is opened with Neko inside it. As you move the mouse, Neko will follow. If the mouse is inside the window and it is not moving, Neko will go to sleep. When the mouse is moved Neko will awake and will chase the mouse. If the mouse is outside the window and it is not moving, Neko will scratch the window boundary and goes to sleep. The Settings option can be used to modify Neko's parameters. The background and Neko's color can be modified with the Color option. This program is the Windows 3.0 version of Neko. Neko means cat in Japanese. The original program (non MS-Windows) was written by Masayuki Koba and later modified by Tatsuya Kato. Also available for OS/2. NETEXT.ZIP The enclosed files comprise a beta release of the WinBatch Network Command Extenders. They add a number of new network commands to the basic WinBatch command set. These commands can also be added to our Command Post and File Commander products. The added commands are: NetMapRoot("DriveLetter","Path") NetMsgAll("ServerName","Message") NetMsgSend("ServerName","UserName","Message") NetLogin("ServerName","UserName","Password") NetLogout("ServerName") NetMemberGet("Servername","GroupName") NetMemberSet("ServerName","GroupName") NetAttach("ServerName") NetDetach("ServerName") NEWCSR.ZIP Another cursor modification utility. NEWEXE.ZIP NEWEXE by: Thuan-Tit Ewe [70324,3557] NEWEXE, while not intended to totally replace EXEHDR, will however provide more detailed information about the Windows NE executable file than ever before. You will get names of all external functions dynamically linked as well as all exported ones. With NEWEXE you can find all documented and undocumented entries into Windows. Enhancements to this version include: * Support for Windows version 3.1 * Undocumented APIs are clearly flagged * Classification of where each entry originated from and whether they are documented. NEWIPX.ZIP The Microsoft IPX Upgrade Utility (NEWIPX.EXE) is designed to help network administrators who need to update the version of Novell Netware on their client workstations in order to run Windows 3.1. NEWPAP.ZIP [Free] Brings up different wallpaper every time you start Windows! Written by Jim Button of PC-File fame. NEWSCODL.ZIP This file was downloaded as is directly from the Corel BBS. This is the updated SCODL Export filter for Corel 3.0. (7-8-92) NEWSLETR.ZIP 4 .MSP files of borders and other graphic accouterments for newsletters. NEWTUNES.ZIP MORE TUNES FOR CLOCK MANAGER, including: Dragnet Addams Family Washington fight song LouieLouie Seattle fight song Alice Everyday NEWWIN.ZIP Select startup screen for Windows. Version 1.03. 5-91 NEXT31.ZIP NeXT Application Bar version 3.11 - June 1992 This program was inspired by the Application Dock on the NeXT machines. Before the program was written, there were at least 2 other variations of the NeXT Application Bar that existed. This program was written as an improvement over those. The programmer sincerely hopes that this program will be of use to you. NGCHAR.ZIP [$72.95] Chartist 1.01 by Steve Goings, Novagraph With Chartist you can create, edit, and print flow charts, organization charts, or other charts that use similar components. Through the use of the Windows Clipboard, you may also paste all or part of the charts you create into other documents, providing the application can read Clipboard bitmaps or metafile pictures. As with most Windows applications, you may run multiple copies of Chartist on your computer, with each copy simultaneously operating on a different document. Data may be exchanged among copies of Chartist, using the Clipboard. Chartist supports the text, graphics and color capabilities of your display and printer. Text in a Chartist document may use any number of the fonts available from your printer. NICON01.ZIP Nicon 1.0 by Scarborough Digital. DOS-based icon editor features a slick GUI of its own. NIED14.ZIP INIEDIT - Version 1.03 by Richard R. Sands CIS 70274,103 If you often find yourself editing your WIN.INI, SYSTEM.INI, or any other INI file before you start Windows, then this program is for you! INIEDIT provides batch file editing of your INI files so you can start up Windows with mnemonic commands. This program reads a text file of editing commands that instructs it to modify the various .INI files by section and keywords. You can change the contents of a line, delete lines, comment, and uncomment them. You may include several labeled sections in your INIEDIT script so you can have all of your various Windows configurations in one text file. NJWFIND.ZIP [$15.00] Nifty James File Finder 1.00 by Mike Blaszczak [76360,157] File finder works in archives, too! NODOS211.ZIP [$20.00] DOS icon eliminator by Ken Granderson (author of PFBFix). NORTON.ZIP Wallpaper of the GURU himself, Peter Norton. 256 colors. NOTEBK1C.ZIP [$10.00] Notebook Text editor by Mark Berlinger. [70134,3016] A Windows Text Editor for Huge Files Version 1.C* 5/27/92 NOTEMAN.ZIP [$35.00] Demo of Note Manager PIM by John D. Keene Note database allows free form storage of notes, MDI support with preserved layout. Much potential... NTBOO2.ZIP By Cynthia Anderson [70743,2713.] Pen aware notebook app. NVLNETX.ZIP TBMI2 User's Guide TASK-SWITCHED BUFFER MANAGER V2.0 The Task-Switched Buffer Manager v2.0 for IPX/SPX (TBMI2) is a program used with multitasking environments to allow switching between peer-to-peer applications. The Netware program file TBMI2.COM should be used when a DR DOS application that makes direct calls to IPX or SPX (called a peer-to-peer application) is run under Netware with a multitasking environment (such as TaskMAX). TaskMAX allows application task switching (sometimes called swapping). Each application runs in a separate DR DOS session (sometimes called a DR DOS Prompt) in 640K of memory. Part of this memory, called global memory, contains drivers and TSRs such as COMMAND.COM and, if you are running Netware, IPX.COM and NETx.COM. The other part of memory, called local memory, contains the application and application data. O-WAVE.ZIP "Open the pod bay doors, Hal..." .WAV file. OCR.ZIP Go-CR demo version of Recognita Corp. of America's GO-CR 2.0 Optical Character Recognition (OCR) program for hand-held scanners. During installation you are given a list of popular MS Windows based programs to select one or more to connect to GO-CR. Connecting a program to GO-CR means that after starting GO-CR if you switch to any of the connected applications, its Control menu will contain three more items. These items let you use GO-CR within that application without manually switching back and forth between tasks. If your Windows application is not part of the list INSTALL offers, you can later connect it to GO-CR using SETUP: start your program, switch to GO-CR SETUP, and its Connect to menu will offer all currently active applications to select from. INSTALL and SETUP also let you select an option called Autorun. If it is switched on, then GO-CR becomes part of your system. This has the advantage that you never have to start GO-CR explicitly in order to be able to use it from within a connected application. Just select that application and GO-CR will be part of its control menu! ODBTN.ZIP [$10.00] Owner Draw Buttons by Ted Ott BTNBAR.DLL is a easy way to create ownerdraw buttons and button bars. All the information required to use the dll is in the TEST application source files. OFOTO.ZIP Demo of a graphic display and conversion utility for Windows. OLD-TOWN.ZIP ATM font looks like the old west. OLESTW.ZIP OLE Object Streams - Information at your Fingertips Subject Version 1.00 30 March, 1992 Text file by author Kraig Brockschmidt, Software Design Engineer Systems Developer Relations, Microsoft Corp. This text is current for Microsoft Windows Version 3.1. OLYMPICS.ZIP Wallpaper of the Atlanta 1996 Olympic logo. Nicely done. ONEXIT.ZIP [Free] OnExit: Run Programs on Windows Shutdown by Paul Butcher Version 1.0 OnExit is a small utility which allows you to run programs when Windows shuts down. This would be useful, for example, if you wanted to run a backup program every time you exit windows, or a disc compactor, or an image or mirror style program, etc. OnExit is free to all "personal" users (although I'm not about to complain if you feel like contributing to a poor student). Any commercial or governmental organization wishing to use OnExit should contact the author to arrange a licensing deal. Source code is available on request. OPENDL.ZIP [Free] Opendlg.vbx - A custom control which encapsulates the Common Dialog Open and Save As dialogs which come with Windows 3.1 Opendlg.frm - A sample form which demonstrates the use of Opendlg.vbx You are free to make whatever use you want of OPENDLG.VBX. Naturally there is no warranty of any kind associated with this software, use at your own risk. OPENWI.ZIP OpenWin - a GUI 4GL Front End The release of the new Windows systems, increase in the availability of networking, decrease in the cost of computing, and the down sizing of current equipment makes the database and front-end tools market ready for OpenWin - a joined development of OpenWin Inc. and IBM. The product: OpenWin; An Open GUI 4GL, Multiple Data Bases and Multiple platform front end which applies a Client-Server paradigm has unique, exclusive technological advantages that no other front end can offer. OPTI.ZIP The OptiScript DLL Graphics Engine is a interface between your application and the Windows GDI, allowing your application to produce professional quality, truly device independent graphics without ever having to directly use the GDI! No Pens, Brushes, Mapping Modes or Headaches! For the First Time even "novice" programmers can produce applications with the power of the world's top leading graphic programs, simply and easily! OptiScript can output to any Windows Raster Device, Display, Window, Control or Printer (Dot Matrix to High-End Film Recorders). The OptiScript API is very similar to Adobe Systems's PostScript Page Description Language. ORG153.ZIP [$35.00] Organize! 1.53 by Sing Cher, Kwek [72567,762] Welcome to Organize!. The most innovative, easiest to use and most cost effective PIM (Personal Information Manager) handles to-do lists, appointment management, short and long term planning, project management, contacts, and user-defined categories. Very nice. 3-92 ORIEL.ZIP Graphic-based batch language for Windows by The LeBlond Group, Inc. ORION10.ZIP [$198.00] Write SQL statements and create databases. By Stellar Industries. 6-91 OSF112.ZIP [$29.00] OSFrame demo 1.12 from Playroom Software Enhance the 3-D look and feel of Windows title bars & borders with some great effects! Very unique product and highly recommended! OTTOMENU.ZIP [$10.00] User defined menu system by Doug Overmyer Up to 8 pages of 10 items each. Paste icons from Clipboard, more. OVRTM100.ZIP [$45.00] Overtime Tracking System 1.00 by Michael Mondry. Overtime calculator utility. P-WAVE.ZIP 2 more .WAV sound files for Windows. PA405.ZIP [$15.00] Printer's Apprentice 4.05 by Bryan T. Kinkel Welcome to Printer's Apprentice 4.05, THE font browsing utility for Windows 3.x. Printer's Apprentice is a referencing tool for all users of type. Whether you are a professional designer, a layout artist, or a casual user of scalable type, you will find Printer's Apprentice to be an invaluable aid for your day to day work. The Printer's Apprentice is most useful when used with Atech's Publisher's PowerPak, Adobe Type Manager, HP's IntelliType, Bitstream's FaceLift, MoreFonts or any other scalable type management software for Microsoft Windows. Printer's Apprentice will be updated to include True Type support in Windows 3.1. Printer's Apprentice helps you in two ways: First, PA is an online resource for browsing the type families on your PC. It allows you to view all 255 ANSI characters, in roman, bold, and italic at your PC in any size up to 99. In addition, all characters of all fonts are at your fingertips through the use of an on screen keyboard. Never again will you have to fumble through the documentation for Adobe's Zapf Dingbats or Atech's International Symbol looking for that special bullet or pointy finger character. If it is on the keyboard, PA will help you find it. In addition to the use as an on screen reference, the Printer's Apprentice also generates professional looking specimen sheets of archival quality. These specimen sheets range from a general purpose sheet to keyboard layouts and ANSI charts. All are capable of showing both you, and your customers, what qualities give the face its distinguishing character. The sheets are useful for creating font catalogs to store near the computer or printer as a printed reference guide. An inventory option will print a comprehensive listing of all available faces along with a sample of the characters. This may be used to help with the "match the face to the name" game. PARAWIN.ZIP Extended video drivers for the Paradise video card. PARWIN.ZIP [$25.00] Parents 2.0 by NickelWare Genealogy program. PAPERH.ZIP [$10.00] Paper Hanger 1.0 by Jordan Bigel PBBSW2.ZIP [$95.00+] PowerBBS version 2 by Russell Frey A WINDOWS bulletin board program written in Pascal. PowerBBS was developed to be a fast BBS program, with many features which are easy to use. Including an easy installation procedure for beginners alike. Feel free to leave suggestions for future upgrades on the PowerBBS Support BBS. To set up PowerBBS read the installation procedure, and install PowerBBS onto your system. When completed you will also find the ability to customize PowerBBS to meet your satisfaction. PBIC11.ZIP [$10.00] by Len Gray [71630,1703] and Impact Software Icon editor with cut/paste, more. (Version 2.X) PBWRITE.ZIP Powerbar/Write The Windows Write ButtonBar by David Stewart, d.b.a. Argyle Softstuff PowerBar/Write -- Making Write More Powerful! A lot of people use Write, the bundled Windows word processor, for their simpler word processing; many also use it for all of their word processing. While a lot of Windows users think of Write as an underpowered word processor, we who like it find Write's very lack of "power user" features a virtue--the virtue of simplicity. Write makes up in ease of use and convenience (not to mention thrift) what it lacks in power and features. But you've probably wished that it were somewhat easier to operate--say, that it had just a bit of that toolbar technology. Toolbars, icon bars, button bars are among the most attractive features of Windows applications. PowerBar/Write gives you toolbar technology for Windows Write, incorporating the most useful and commonly used menu features of Write in a ButtonBar that's always readily accessible. PowerBar/Write can speed your work in Write, making it more the word processor you want it to be. In addition, PowerBar/Write includes a utility menu that includes a file finder and loader, application launching, sizing options for Write, and setup options for PowerBar/Write. Thanks for taking a look at PowerBar/Write. I'm sure you'll find it helpful and even interesting to use. PCCO1291.ZIP Files from the December PC Computing Magazine with docs. PCODE131.ZIP PhoneCode 1.31 by Dan Begallie Windows 3.x Area Code and Time Zone Utility PhoneCode is a Windows shareware program that will let you find an area code by city and state (city and province for Canada) or show the general location, time zone and major cities of any valid area code in the United States or in Canada. It is written entirely in Microsoft's Visual Basic. PCOMM150.ZIP PowerComm by Russell E Frey A PowerBBS Communications Front End! PowerBBS/PowerComm Support BBS: (516) 822-7396 Credit Card ordering (online BBS): (407) 884-8892 PowerCOMM is a very easy to use communications program. It has the capability to call any ANSI-compatible BBS, however its main advantage is when calling a PowerBBS System (and most likely the reason you have picked this program up!). Please read this entire documentation before attempting its use. PowerCOMM requires Windows/A Modem/A Mouse. If you do not have these 3 items, this program will not work for you. PowerComm permits you to use your MOUSE remotely, and to see actual graphics from your local BBS. Note that PowerComm saves some ANSI screens and Graphic files to disk. This is to permit quick retrieval the second time your call a BBS! The first time may be a little slower, but you'll speed by the next time around! PDOXDE.ZIP Paradox Engine demo written in Visual Basic by John Jaster [73770,2233]. Requires 2 DLLs: VBRUN100.DLL and PXENGWIN.DLL. PERFM202.ZIP Performance Meter 2.02 by Ulrich Hund Shows system activity in graphic format. PES.ZIP Visual Basic app by Steve Gibson. Requires VBRUN100.DLL PETZOLD.ZIP Source examples from Charles' Windows programming bible. PFBFIX.ZIP [$5.00] Fix ATM Type I fonts made in Corel Draw by Ken Granderson. 3-91 PFE00402.ZIP Programmer's File Editor by Alan Phillips October 1992 This is the second beta test release of Programmer's File Editor, a programming-oriented editor for Windows 3.1. Announcements are posted to the comp.os.ms-windows.announce Usenet group. PFE includes the following features: The size of file it can handle is limited only by the total amount of virtual memory available - Essentially no limit on the number of lines a file can contain - It can edit multiple files, the number being limited only by the available system resources - Files can be edited in multiple windows simultaneously - Can read and write files in UNIX format using LF as line terminator, with automatic format detection - Most-recently-used list of files allows easy selection between sessions - Line numbers can be shown in any edit window if required - Any installed fixed-pitch screen font, including True Type, can be used in edit windows - The most frequent operations can be performed from buttons on a tear-off toolbar with active buttons - Text can be copied and moved by dragging and dropping - Tabs can be inserted as TAB characters or spaces. PFFW-SRC.ZIP Programmer's File Formatter For MS Windows (1.3) PFF offers Hewlett Packard Deskjet family printer users a mechanism for printing files that allows up to 108 lines of code on a single 8-1/2" x 11" page, provides line numbering and a one inch left margin for hole punching. Allows a preview mode after file selection so that you can ensure that you are printing the file that you actually want. Additionally, PFF for Windows allows you to edit the file using the Windows NotePad editor. PHISH.ZIP PhishEdit version 1.3 by Philip B. Eskelin, Jr. [76216,1410] I am not going to say that this is the hottest icon editor out. Instead, I will tell you that I tried to design it so that it had an easy, intuitive, graphical interface. The tool bar and status bar were to aid in efficiency. I named the editor "PhishEdit" (I know you are probably wondering what relevance it has to drawing icons...) mainly because it would be a catchy name, and I knew no one else would ever dream in their pseudo-zen imaginations of the same name. Every where I look, there is a massive saturation of things like "Icondraw", "Icon Manager", "Icon Tamer"(where did they get that???), "Iconthis", "Iconthat", "Icon*.*", etc. So, maybe PhishEdit will add a little spice to the world of informationatyourfingertips-icon-insanity. PHMSM104.ZIP [$39.95] Phone Messages by Todd Eisenbud. This program is a simple to use system for keeping phone messages. Just type in a name or select a name from the list and type in the message. If you forget to save the message, you will be warned before anything is done that can delete it. Requires VBRUN100.DLL. PHOEBE.ZIP Phoebe calculates the sunrise and sunset times to within about a minute and the moonrise and moonset times to within 15 minutes by using successive approximation. The equations are based on the book Astronomical Formulae for Calculators by Jean Meeus published by Willmann-Bell. To calculate these times accurately, Phoebe must use the correct local longitude and latitude and the correct difference in time from GMT. Odd values for these numbers will lead Phoebe to calculate odd values for the rise and set times. Phoebe's icon is set to resemble the phase of the moon and zodiac information is given for the time phoebe was started. PICABC.ZIP PICTURES ABC is a children's education program running under Microsoft Windows 3.0. It is designed for children from 2 to 6. The purpose of the program is to teach children the association between alphabets and words through the usage of pictures and voice. PICT_T.ZIP Printing bitmaps and Common Dialog routines (COMMDLG.DLL) in VB. By George F. Santamarina [72500,1015] June 14, 1992 PINUP12.ZIP [$5.95] PINUP NOTES 1.2 by Jonathan Reed [70570,3171] Have you ever found yourself scrambling for a pencil and paper even though you are sitting right in front of a PC loaded with word processing, graphics, and other software? Ironic, isn't it? It's still often easier (or quicker) to jot something down by hand than to use your computer. Well, not any more. PinUp Notes is a Windows program that provides instant access to the creation, editing, and printing of brief notes containing not only text but graphics (or bitmaps) as well. PIPE.ZIP Pipe Dreams 1.1 game by Scott Thomson. Very attractive and colorful game! 6-91 PIXF20.ZIP [$35.00] PixFolio Image Catalog System Ver 2.0 by Allen C. Kempe [72110,23] Windows 3.x graphics utility. Shareware. Reads BMP, FLI, PCX, GIF, MAC, IFF/LBM, IMG, TIF, TGA, EPS, ICO, WMF & WPG formats. Maintain and print catalogs, search by keywords or file attributes. Manipulate images (resize, mirror, flip, dither, cut & paste, brightness & contrast). Format conversions. PixFolio (formerly ShowGIF) is a Microsoft Windows program that can view a variety of bitmapped graphics formats and maintain multiple catalogs of images. The graphics formats currently supported are: BMP/DIB-Windows Bitmap CLP - Windows clipboard file DRW/GRF - Micrografx draw and graph files. EPS - Encapsulated Postscript with imbedded TIFF preview images. FLI/FLC - Autodesk Animator and Animator Pro (tm) files. GIF - CompuServe Graphics Interchange Format ICO - Windows Icon IFF - IFF/LBM (Amiga) used by Computer Eyes frame grabber. IMG - GEM/IMG (Digital Research). JPG - JPEG MAC - Macintosh MacPaint files. PCX - Microsoft Paint & PC Paintbrush RLE - CompuServe Run Length Encoded TGA - Targa TIFF- Tag Image Format. Most formats including 24 bit color are supported. WMF - Windows Metafile. WPG - WordPerfect Graphics PL20WR.ZIP Text file on features of hDC's PowerLauncher shell for Windows. PLIFE.ZIP [Free] Game of Life for Windows by M. Zack Urlocker Version 1.0 05/02/91 -Written in Turbo Pascal for Windows -Includes keyboard and mouse interface PLUG12.ZIP [$20.00] Plug-In for Program Manager 1.12 [73040,334] Dramatically improves Windows Program Mgr. Instead of replacing ProgMan, Plug-In simply makes it BETTER! Major features include complete group management, run with history, individual icons for groups, detailed system info, system resource displays & alarms, custom cursors, Save Settings Now, and LOTS MORE! For Windows 3.1 & 3.0 From Plannet Crafters. PLWDLL.ZIP POWERLIB Demo by ETN Corporation This version of the PowerLibW Demo Program is not completed and as a result of this the DB Viewer FORM does not do anything. We are providing this demo program in its current state because it does demonstrate some of the most important database functions provided by PowerLibW to MS Visual Basic users. In its final form, the demo program will also have FORMS for demonstrating the use of EXPRESSIONS, FILTERS, INDEXES, and RELATIONSHIPS. The complete SOURCE code for the demo program is included with PowerLibW and we are adding more FORMS to help those customers who are not familiar with using a MS Windows SDK/C Dynamic Link Library (DLL) with MS Visual Basic. The code and comments in the demo program will save you time in your MS Visual Basic development effort if you are using MS Windows SDK/C DLL functions. PMHK15.ZIP [Free] PMHOTKEY is a freeware utility to allow the user to set a hot key for either the Windows 3.1 Program Manager (PM) or Norton Desktop for Windows (NDFW). Both PM and NDFW allow will let you assign hot keys to all the individual program icons but they don't provide a way to assign a hot key to themselves. PMHOTKEY provides this missing link. Since PM and NDFW are the only real ways to start new programs, whenever you want to get back to these main menus, you have to either Alt-Tab until you find the menu or Ctrl-Escape and select the menu out of a task list. Neither of these options are fast and both can be *really* annoying when you have a lot of programs running at the same time. The hardest part of using this hot key solution is learning to quit using the old way! With PMHOTKEY, anytime you want to get to the program menu, just hit the hot key that you selected and your back at the program menu. PMM001.ZIP [$5.00] Program Manager Modifier (PMM) by Tim Walker A Windows 3.0 utility which allows you to add your own custom menu items to the Windows 3.0 Program Manager, or any other shell used with Windows which has a menu. PMM allows frequently used applications to be quickly launched from the keyboard, without having to cycle and search through PM folders. This is especially useful for those who either prefer not, or in the case of some laptops, can not easily use a mouse. However even for mouse users it gives quick access to applications in a seamless fashion. PMTLS1.ZIP PMTools by Ivan Rezucha Shawangunk Graphics [71750,3574] An extension to PC PageMaker 4.0 for Windows that provides a "ribbon" of buttons that can be used to execute the most common PageMaker commands. PMTools lets you "mouse around" with your feet up. PMTools is easy to use, saves lots of time, and it's FUN. Very nicely done utility! POLYAN.ZIP PolyAnna 1.1 for Microsoft Windows 3.x by David H. Bennett An adventure in Polygraphic animation. "A Mesmerizing Graphic Presentation!" (7/23/91) PORT32.ZIP RTF text file from Microsoft on porting Winapps to the new, upcoming WIN32 32-bit platform. Very informative and interesting for the techies. POSTS353.ZIP Windows 3.1 Postscript driver version 3.53. 7-13-92 POWER.ZIP PowerButtons Beta Version 0.01 by John Venema [100033,1415] This is a beta release of this program, which will eventually be released as Shareware later this year. Please use it and pass it on to your friends, and if you have any feedback, suggestions, bugs found etc., then drop me some mail at the above CompuServe address. PPB10C.ZIP PowerPad 1.0c (Beta) by Deming Software PPC16E.ZIP Paper Changer by Richard P. Byrne [70742,3332] The PaperChg.Exe program is a Visual Basic program for Microsoft Windows 3.x (that's right, I said 3.X) that I threw together in a few hours (and then fiddled with for a few more tens of hours just because VB is so much fun). It is targeted at those like myself who tend to get tired of their wallpaper often enough that the utilities which change the paper every time Windows is booted just aren't enough. When loaded, PaperChg will change your wallpaper at specified intervals without requiring the Control Panel / Desktop rigmarole. PPLOADER.ZIP Version 1.0 by Todd Augsburger Load work groups of programs all at the same time, and control their display status (hidden, minimized, normal, etc.). PRCLP2.ZIP PrintClip by Art Krumsee Prints text in the clipboard by clicking on an icon. Req. VBRUN100.DLL. PRGGRP.ZIP Progman-Groups V1.0 gives you the ability to have groups within groups in Program Manager of Windows 3.1. PRLNCH.ZIP ProLauncher by NewVision ProLauncher is a powerful application launching system. It may act as a replacement for Windows' Program Manager, or it may operate alongside it. It provides most of the functions of the Program Manager, but goes beyond it with many additional features. ProLauncher was written using Microsoft's Visual Basic 1.0, and thus requires the file VBRUN100.DLL, available free of charge on CompuServe and most BBS's. Custom controls provided by the Microsoft VB Professional Toolkit and Sheridan Software. The DLL's were constructed using Borland's Turbo Pascal for Windows. Features Icon Bar: ProLauncher's main function is to launch other applications. Its main window is a fully customizable Icon Bar which can display up to 50 program items. Launching an application (or a group of applications) is as simple as double-clicking on its icon. No more hunting through all those Program Manager groups to find that program you haven't used in a while: all programs assigned to ProLauncher's Icon Bar are just a scroll-bar away. Also, ProLauncher takes up only a fraction of the screen space of the Program Manager, and includes many more features. PRO50.ZIP The drivers enclosed in this archive are designed to run with Microsoft Windows 3.1 and ATI MACH32 cards. PROFILE.ZIP Visual Basic source file designed to manipulate profile strings, those lines in the .INI files (WIN.INI, SYSTEM.INI, etc.). PROGEDIT.ZIP ProgEdit - Programmer's Editor v1.1 by Mike Klein ProgEdit - Programmer's Editor v1.1 - Richard Franklin Albury PROGSET.ZIP By Robert Dickerson PC Mag utility to manage .INI files and file associations. 5-91 PROJCLK1.ZIP Project Clock allows the user to monitor and optionally record his/her time usage on various projects. Running unobtrusively as a digital clock icon, Project Clock shows elapsed time rather than wallclock time. The user stops and starts Project Clock through its system menu. The user may accumulate a project log file with optional comments. PROPVIEW.ZIP View properties of any window by Mike Klein (w/source). 2-91 PROWIN.ZIP Text file on running Procomm under Windows. PRVW12.ZIP Preview 1.2 by Doug Overmyer [71021,2535] Function: Preview displays a list of all fonts known to the system. Click on a font, and a sample of the font is drawn in the large window on the right. Option buttons along the top let you choose the font size, set a new text string, get font metrics, and exit. 7-91 PSBAR.ZIP Postscript Bar Code generator for envelopes. Word for Windows macro by Harvey L. Berger [73627,1163]. 2-91 PSCRI355.ZIP The Windows Driver Library includes the most current version of the Microsoft Postscript Driver. v 3.55 11-9-92 PSETUP.ZIP PSETUP.DLL Revision D by Costas Kitsos Use PRINTER SETUP in your own programs. DoPrinterSetup now requires an additional parameter: the title of the driver, e.g. "PostScript Printer" This takes care of the problem with TTY.DRV. PSHAPE10.ZIP [$30.00] ProShape 1.0 by John K. Hazard Windows 2/3 object-based paint program. Welcome to PRO-SHAPE, a wonderful yet simple paint program for Microsoft Windows. PRO-SHAPE was originally developed for my personal needs. I wanted to be able to draw some simple pictures that would be very complicated to make on my IBM. At the time, Windows version 3 was not available, and even some of the paint programs didn't exist. As I worked on the program, I realized that this would be a useful addition to many people's software. When Windows version 3 was introduced, I saw even more interesting possibilities. I continued working on the program, but was bothered when other paint programs emerged. Luckily they were too expensive for my pocket (and many other peoples'), and I continued to see a demand for my program. Well, the version of PRO-SHAPE that you are currently viewing is still being worked on, but I want to see some support. PSOUND.ZIP Using DSOUND.DLL from Visual BASIC, with example "I've Fallen..." file. PSPRO101.ZIP [$49.00] Paint Shop Pro 1.01 by JASC, Inc. PSPro is a Windows program that will display, convert, alter and print images. In addition, it is a screen capture utility. It supports the file formats; BMP, DIB, GIF, IMG, JAS, MAC, MSP, PIC, PCX, RAS, RLE, TGA, TIFF, and WPG. Paint Shop Pro displays images in many ways, including zooming in and out. Altering the image includes rotating, resizing, resampling, trimming, filter application, color adjustments, brightness and contrast adjusting, increasing and decreasing the color depth, gamma correcting, and greyscaling. Paint Shop Pro comes with a standard set of filters. It also supports applying, creating, editing, and deleting user defined filters. Decreasing color depth can be done using a standard palette or optimized palette. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!! PTOE15.ZIP [$10.00] Periodic Table of Elements This program is not a utility or a comprehensive Periodic Table data base. It is a program that provides some interesting facts about the elements, and demonstrates some Windows concepts. PULSAR22.ZIP [$25.00] Pulsar by Peter Grigonis [72247,1463] Pulsar was created out of frustration in switching between the PostScript & PCL modes on our Company HP LaserJet printers under the Windows environment. Our printers here are equipped with the PacificPage (Version 2.2 now includes support for several additional PostScript & HP Plotter cartridges) postscript cartridge and normally would require a command string be sent via DOS and then running Window's Control Panel to get Windows in sync with our mode intentions. We spent many-a-time and lost many-a-page sending printouts to the 'wrong' printer thinking it was being sent to the PostScript when it was actually being sent to the PCL and vice versa, so we wrote Pulsar to simplify the matter. Pulsar has grown somewhat from a simple PostScript/PCL switch to include the most commonly used printer functions of the HP LaserJet family. In addition, we added several of the Windows functions, i.e., Control Panel, Print Manager & Printer Setup as well. With version 2.0, Pulsar has been rewritten to work with the LaserJet III series of printers. PUNDIT.ZIP [$5.00] Quotations in a Window by Jeff Bienstadt [72200,3477] Pundit is a Microsoft Windows 3.0 program that pops up a Window to display a quotation, fortune, or other basically useless (but hopefully entertaining) saying. The Window remains on the screen for a given amount of time then disappears, to return with a new quote later. The amount of time that the Window remains on the screen and the amount of time that it stays hidden may both be set by the user. This program has two purposes: 1) to be a (mildly) amusing diversion and excuse for why you couldn't get that Excel spreadsheet done on time 2) to provide budding Windows programmers with an example of some of the things that can be done with Windows 3.0 PUZZWIN.ZIP [$5.00] Sliding Tile Puzzle 1.0 by Paul Beckingham [72230,765] PVGA-C31.ZIP Paradise Accelerator Card for Windows (P1DW, 90C31) Windows 3.1 Driver Installation Information and Drivers. 4-92 PVGA1A31.ZIP Paradise OEM SVGA Card for Windows (P1D, 90C30) Windows 3.1 Driver Installation Information and Drivers. 7-92 PW10.ZIP Programmers Workshop 1.0 by Firas Bushnaq (11-91) Shows template for forms setup. PWRLAUNS.ZIP This archive contains two files, INFO.TXT (this file) and PS.TBL, a toolbox file for use with the hDC PowerToolbox utility included in hDC PowerLauncher. Simply open this file with the "file..open" command in hDC Power Toolbox. To add this toolbox to your master toolbox, chose "edit..select all" then "edit..copy". Next, open your master toolbox and paste in the toolbox. PS.TBL toolbox provides a floating toolbox for PaintShop, a popular shareware graphic viewer and file format converter. PWRTBOX.ZIP hDC Power Toolboxes 1.0 This document describes hDC Power Toolboxes, a set of toolboxes for many popular Windows applications. hDC Power Toolboxes adds predefined floating toolboxes to the following Windows applications: 1-2-3 Microphone II Terminal Ami Pro Norton Desktop Visual BASIC Calendar Notepad Windows Express Cardfile PageMaker Windows Express Editor Crosstalk Paintbrush Word 2.0 Excel ProComm Plus WordPerfect File Manager Program Manager Write Each toolbox contains buttons that allow you to perform typical operations in a single click. And with the supplied toolbox editor, you can customize these toolboxes to your tastes, or create new ones for applications not listed above. Q&A.ZIP ENVIRON$ function for WinWord BASIC by Jonathan Zuck QBCMP.ZIP Four ways to compress data, with QB source. QDHELP.LZH [$39.00] QDHELP v2.0 This program allows you to use a normal text editor to generate Windows 3.x help files. You will still need access to a copy of the Microsoft Help Compiler. What you will not need is an editor that outputs RTF (Rich Text Format). QDHELP takes an ASCII file that contains commands, a very little bit like TeX, and outputs the RTF format that the Microsoft Help compiler needs to churn out Windows 3.x help file. QDHELP is shareware. Check it out. If you use it register it! To register just fill out the REGISTER.FRM file using any ASCII editor and send it in. The cost is a drop in the bucket next to RTF word processors. QFIND.ZIP Version 1.0 by James E. Bell [70270,534] QFIND (Quick Find) is a set of utility programs that perform the function of finding the location of a file or files on your system. QFIND uses a different approach than most of the file-finding programs available today. FEATURES: * Extremely fast file name search. * Very easy to use. * Command line version of search program. * Microsoft Windows 3.0 version of search program. QLANCH.ZIP [$75.00] QuickLaunch for Windows puts the convenience of the Program Manager's "Run..." dialog box at your fingertips - no matter what application you're currently using! Simply press the special hotkey and QuickLaunch appears. Now the easiest way to launch programs and documents from Windows can be available to you at the touch of a button! This is not a replacement "shell" for Windows - rather, it complements whatever shell you currently use. It's even compatible with Norton Desktop. QM11.ZIP [$20.00] Queue Manager for Novell networks by Giovanni DeGiovanni [73767,2111] QManager is the most powerful tool for managing Netware queues under Windows 3...and also the cheapest. It has an attractive 3D graphics which makes the look and feel a pleasure. QManager features: - Run in background - Freely copy or move jobs from/to queues - List jobs submitted by user or group - Delete all jobs in one shot and much more. QMKR22.ZIP [$20.00] Questmaker game toolkit by Marietta Co-opware. Welcome to an exciting new program where you can play, modify and make your own Animated Adventure games. Questmaker is a program that allows you to create your own adventure games using the QuestMaker editors in conjunction with a graphics editor like PC PaintBrush (TM) for the creation of graphic screens with a .PCX format. QuestMaker is the first integrated graphics-based adventure game creation tool of its kind. QuestMaker uses EGA 640 X 200 16-color resolution graphics. Most other Adventure Games use only 4-color graphics or the lower EGA resolutions. QuestMaker also makes an excellent educational tool where you can create subject specific games that make learning fun for your family and friends. The adventures you create are limited only by your imagination. QRUN22.ZIP QuickRun 2.20 for Windows by Sean Bishop QuickRun is a simple program that will run your .exe, .bat and .pif files quickly and easily. One of the great things about this program is that it will remain hidden until you move the mouse cursor to the lower left corner of your screen and the program pops up once installed. This may come in handy at times when you need to run something quick because you can keep it hidden on your desktop until you need it for something. QS.ZIP [$5.00] Quick Switch 1.01 by K. Yoshimura [72371,3237] Have you ever had a hard time in finding a desired window buried under many windows? Quick Switch (QS) is designed to simplify the MS-Windows operation in switching windows effortlessly. By simply holding down the right mouse button, you will get a list of all windows currently open, or you can make all of them minimized at once on the desktop (screen). The list will show you icons and associated window names in a clear fashion. You can double-click an icon in the list to activate the corresponding window. V1.01 contains fixes for minor bugs found under Windows 3.1. QTDEMO.ZIP QuickTone Prototyper for Windows Demonstration Version QuickTone Prototyper is a programming utility designed to quickly and easily prepare PC speaker sound effects for applications written for the Microsoft Windows operating environment (versions 3.0 and above). This demonstration version provides examples of most of QuickTone's features. The utility was designed to provide a stand-alone sound effects facility in which multiple tone strings (queues) can be written and tested outside of the source code and compiler environment. This frees the programmer from having to rewrite and recompile source code over and over again in the process of "fine tuning" a given sound effect. QuickTone generates Windows API functions exclusively, making its output completely compatible with any Windows applications QUE12.ZIP The Print Que for Windows The normal procedure for printing a document in Microsoft Excel and Word for Windows involves waiting for the application to send the entire document to the Print Manager before the next document can be created or loaded. This program is designed to allow the users of these programs to create a list of the documents and/or spreadsheets to be printed, which THE QUE will then print. QUIK10.ZIP [$10.00] QUIKNOTE by L. Smith 72567,3416 QUITWIN2.ZIP [$9.00] Using the WINDOWS API from Visual BASIC by Richard Mansfield (9-91) Beneath Visual BASIC, within Windows, are hundreds of powerful, small commands that are as tiny as they are useful. If you want to be able to strike through or italicize a word (or an individual character in a text box), or cause one icon to dissolve into another, or activate sound, or design your own 3-D buttons...or hundreds of other things, you'll want to find out about the "API" lurking underneath Visual BASIC and accessed by calling them the same way you would call a sub or function. The API (Application Programming Interface) is a fancy name for a set of "libraries." These libraries are rich collections of commands, actions that Windows will take if you touch one of the commands within them. It's all handled for you in Visual BASIC -- just type in the Sub or Function correctly and supply the required variables. These libraries are present in the WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory under names such as USER.EXE and GDI.EXE. Knowing how to access these commands greatly increases your control over Windows and your ability to effectively program in Visual BASIC. Using the API is like adding hundreds of specific procedures, events, and properties to the already astonishing potency of Visual BASIC. QWATCH.ZIP by Tim Landgrave [71760,12] Queue Watch for LAN Manager, with Visual BASIC source code included. Tim is Editor in Chief of the Microsoft Networking Journal. R-T.ZIP Right Tracker R-WAVE.ZIP 2 more .WAV files. RAISE.ZIP [$10.00] Auto Raise by Robert F. Nee It allows the user to switch among windows on the screen simply by placing the mouse cursor over the window for a user specified amount of time. Once the user becomes accustomed to switching among windows this way, speed and ease of use of the Windows environment increases noticeably. RAWDDE.ZIP Text file about RAW DDE by Sanford A. Staab Created: March 20, 1992 Dynamic data exchange (DDE) is one of the least understood capabilities of the Microsoft. WindowsTM graphical environment. For the most part, this lack of under standing results from the absence of a highly detailed explanation of the correct protocol to use when performing DDE transactions. This article describes each type of DDE transaction in a table format that outlines what operations the client and server applications must perform to complete the transaction properly. The DDEML.DLL library in Windows version 3.1 removes the need for most applications to deal with raw DDE transactions. However, understanding proper DDE transaction protocol is a necessity when creating or communicating with applications that do not use DDEML. 3-92 RCKFRD25.ZIP [$15.00+] Rockford 2.5 The Business Card Designer by George Campbell Need a business card? Rockford!'s your program. Using Rockford! with Microsoft Windows 3, you can design professional-looking business cards in just a few minutes. It's far easier to design your cards in Rockford! than by following the traditional path of going to your printer and trying to pick out a business card design from a book. If you hired a graphic designer to create a business card, you'd spend much more than you did for this program, and the results might not be as good. Using Rockford!, you have complete control over the entire design process. Since you see your card on the screen, as it will appear when printed, you can make as many changes as you like, as often as you like. Features of Version 2.5 include: WYSIWYG Design Screen Horizontal and Vertical Card Designs Use any Font Available in Windows Line, Box, and Circle Drawing Bold, Italic, Bold-Italic, and Reversed type. Four Border Types Adjustable Margins & Border Offsets Text Alignment Tools Split Lines of Type Automatic Bulleted Lists Insert Clip Art on Card Preview Clip Art Before Loading Scale and Position Pictures to .01" Accuracy Insert Character Formats inside Lines Print Card Layouts, with 200%-sized camera-ready copy Print Sheets of Ready-to-cut Cards (9 or 10 cards per sheet) Print Four-up Sets of Camera-Ready Cards (preferred by some printers) NEW! Print Cards on Pre-cut card stock!!! Save Completed Cards to Disk. Easy-to-use Interface Online Help RCALC.ZIP [$5.00] RCALC RPN Calculator by Pocket-Sized Software RCPWIN2.ZIP [$25.00] Recipe Maker Version 2.0 for Windows by NickelWare Recipe Maker is an application that was designed to help make weekly grocery shopping, meal planning and recipe organization easier. With the help of Recipe Maker, you will be able to plan out each meal for an entire week, and in just minutes have a complete shopping list of items needed to make those meals come together. Recipe Maker allows you to enter and store all of your recipes. Once your recipes have been stored you can recall and print any one of them in just seconds. Recipe Maker also stores and alphabetizes all of the different ingredients and measurements that are necessary to make your meals. RE.ZIP Ultra small Windows restart utility. Very nicely done! Double click icon to restart Windows session (no exit to DOS). RECRUN.ZIP [$5.00] by e-Image In order to address the one complaint most Windows users seem to be having with the Windows 3.0 macro recorder, e- Image has created a simple little application to allow individual macros to be assigned to icons in the program manager. Simply install RECRUN.EXE and RECRUN.HLP into your Windows directory, and then execute RECRUN.EXE with File Manager. The About... box for RECRUN will be displayed and you can check the RECRUN.HLP file for instructions as to how it works. REDBTN.ZIP [$10.00] Exit Windows via red button by Brad Lucas [74130,2452] 5-91 REFRES.ZIP Visual Basic Form Refresh demo by Peter Hartquist [73227,3600] According the Language Reference manual, refreshing a form or control happens automatically when VB's idle loop is reached. This demo shows the effect of explicitly using Refresh on a dynamically changing control. REMEMB10.ZIP [Free] WinWord macro by Michael Weingartner [100042,3103] Remember Version 1.0 is a set of (3) smart macros, that remember more than Microsoft Word for Windows does when it is started. Once the Remember macros are installed, every time you start WinWord, they restore: All files that were loaded when you left WinWord the last time The cursor position within every file The directory that you used for File Open (and Picture Insert etc.) Allows you to force WinWord to open Full-Screen Arrange all files on screen (same as "Window - Arrange All") Interactive setting of all options via Menu REN&ST.ZIP 2 .WAV files of that crazy over-animated duo Ren and Stimpe. Classic, John K! Thanks for the laughs. Your voice was best!! RENSTMP1.ZIP .WAV (sound) files contained in RENSTMP1.ZIP: CUTTHAT.SND "Now cut that out."(Firedogs), CHEW.SND "Chew." (The Littlest Giant), DALMATIO.SND "You broke it! ... What's a Dalmatian, Ren?" (Firedogs), FEELING.SND "Are you feeling any ... Oh, nothing!" (Stimpy's Invention). RESCHE.ZIP [Free] ResCheck - Resource Checker Created by Dan Houck (CompuServe 71441,3227) Description: ResCheck monitors the GDI & User heap at 2 second intervals. If either falls below the minimums specified in RESCHECK.INI, a modal dialogue box appears, requiring user acknowledgment. When Icon-ized, a histogram of GDI & User is shown. When not an icon, more info about the environment is shown. RESGAG13.ZIP Res Gauge 1.3 (w/source) by Richard Franklin Albury [76477,534]. I've seen a few inquiries in the Windows development forums lately about how to calculate free system resources. Since I've figured out how to do this, I whipped up Res Gauge, which not only shows how this is done but which should also prove to be a useful tool. A few notes regarding the program: o The display consists of an icon-sized "gas gauge", with used resources in blue and free resources in white and also in text in the center of the display. o The make file builds the program to run only in protected mode. o I use Mike Geary's FixDS, so you won't see MakeProcInstance() or EXPORT in the source. o You can only run one instance of this program, and it always stays iconized. It doesn't make much sense to do things any other way. o Feel free to use anything you find of use in the code. I'm not possessive! RESIZE.ZIP Resize ToolBook windows and their contents!! Very interesting code you can use in your app. Written by Dan Lahey. Copyright (c) 1992, Asymetrix Corp. RESTART.ZIP Restart Windows by clicking on an icon. Requires VBRUN100.DLL.3-91 RIDLER.ZIP .WAV sound file of the Riddler (Frank Gorshin, Man!!). RM-131A.ZIP Windows Reminder by Wilson WindoWare Windows Reminder is a new time management program written exclusively for Windows 3.0. The program is both simple to use, yet powerful enough to do your work for you without you having to be there! Windows Reminder was designed to let you set up and view your appointments as easily as possible. Items or tasks are sorted by date and time which places all items needing attention at the top so you can "see" what is next on your list. A time is not required so you can still enter a task that needs to be done that day. Enter in a time and Windows Reminder will automatically set the alarm to display your message or run other programs. Windows Reminder displays the time when running as an icon so you can always keep track of what time it is. RMON103.ZIP Alarms are one of Resource Monitor's handiest features. They will alert you when your system resource are critical. I have mine set for 40% for both GDI and Use. When an Alarm goes off, Resource Monitor drops the Alarm's setting by 10% to keep it from going off again in the near future. You need to reset the Alarm to its previous setting after your system resources have climbed back to an acceptable level. If an alarm is set at 0, it's ignored by Resource Monitor. In other words, 0 means the Alarm is OFF. RMTXT.ZIP Text file on the Multimedia Programming Interface and Data Specifications Version 1.0. Issued as a joint design by IBM Corporation and Microsoft Corporation August 1991 - This document describes the programming interfaces and data specifications for multimedia that are common to both OS/2 and Windows environments. These specifications may be enhanced to incorporate new technologies or modified based on customer feedback and, as such, specifications incorporated into any final product may vary. RNPRG200.ZIP [$5.00] RunProg Version 2.00 by David A. Feinleib RunProg allows you to run a program maximized, minimized, normal size, hidden, or at specified coordinates. In addition, RunProg can run up to fifteen programs, with or without parameters from your WIN.INI file at sizes you specify. After RUNPROG.EXE, you must specify the way the program you want to be run should be displayed. The following options are available: [Max] Shows the program maximized [Min] Shows the program minimized [Norm] Shows the program in its normal size [Hide] Runs the program hidden [X Y Width Height] Shows the program at specified size/position. ROACH.ZIP [$9.95] WinRoach 1.0 by New Generation Software Roaches crawl all over the desktop. Kill them with your pointer! ROBOEX.ZIP Cartoon figures in a Windows .HLP (HELP) file format. Interesting demonstration of a HELP writing assistant. ROCKET61.ZIP [$25.00] Rocket 6.1 by Crito Philippatos Program launcher written in Visual Basic. Rocket is a combination File Manager and Application Launcher. There are two drive windows in Rocket, either may be the source or destination. The key to performing file operations in Rocket is the double-click. Rocket reads the [extensions] section of your WIN.INI file for application associations to data files. The System Menu contains a list of all the programs that are included with the Windows package. In addition, the Configure System menu item calls SYSEDIT to allow editing of the AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, WIN.INI, and SYSTEM.INI files. Utility Programs - The programs MEMORY 3.4 and CLOCK 2.1 are distributed with Rocket. ROCKTER.ZIP Wallpaper of the Rocketeer. 6-91 ROLTBK01.ZIP [$15.00] Rolodex Version 1.01 A name and address filing system for home and small business use. ROPS Raster Ops Image Loader by Adam Bellin. ROUTE110.ZIP Route1 by D. A. Karp The program was inspired by the following two things. First, I was browsing through a NeXT brochure, and thought the vertical icon bar was cool. I played around with some of the capabilities of Visual Basic and Windows to see what something like that would look like. Second, AppDock by David Black, a similar implementation, came along, but I didn't like it, and I thought the idea could be taken much further. So, I wrote Route1. RR306.ZIP [$20.00] Retina Relief 3.06 by Mike Griffin (Prodigy ID HFDC09D) Retina Relief is a configurable screen saver utility for Microsoft Windows 3.0. It was written for serious Windows users who spend all day behind the GUI interface. Retina Relief checks for cursor or mouse activity, if no activity is found for a user specified number of minutes, it kicks on and fills your screen with constantly moving patterns. Retina Relief also allows you to protect you system with your own private password. This can prevent unauthorized casual access to your computer while it is running. RS232D.ARC Program: RS232MON.EXE Requires: Windows 3.1 Enhanced mode This Windows 3.1 Utility allows you to monitor the RS-232 port activities of your DOS programs as your DOS program runs. This program is great for the development of embedded data terminal applications as it allows you to transparently monitor any DOS access to your RS-232 ports. It works just like an HP RS-232 protocol analyzer except it cost $$$ less. This program requires the use of the special windows device driver: CBBGBUFF.386. Before running this program you must copy this file into your windows directory (usually c:\windows). You must then modify your SYSTEM.INI file to include a reference to this new device driver. RUNBAD.ZIP A list of commands which cause errors in Runtime ToolBook. RUNMOD.ZIP RunModal [70720,3425.] This DLL will allow you to run any EXE as if it were modal to your application. Here's how it works: you pass the window handle (hWnd) of the calling application along with the executable line (including command-line parameters) to the DLL. The DLL then creates a tiny modal dialog box (you can see this for a second on your screen). This dialog box in turn hides itself and runs the command-line you passed to it. It then sets up a call-back function which monitors Windows messages until the application you called terminates. The dialog box then terminates itself and returns control to your program. NOTE: This ONLY will work with Windows 3.1 and later. One of the functions used is specific to 3.1 (the NotifyRegister function). If you must have 3.0 compatibility, this function is not for you. However, you can download MODALE.ZIP which contains a less elegant solution. RUNNER.ZIP RUNNER by Lucas Systems [74130,2452] Runner is a Windows application executive. You enter the filename and it's path in Runner's Command Line and hit return or hit the OK button to run that program. Runner can force the application to be run in the minimized state by selecting the Run Minimized check box. Runner can be used as a replacement for the Program Managers File Run dialog box. Because it is a window and not a modal dialog box, it is always available. Any questions, comments and/or suggestions are welcome. RUNPRG.ZIP RunProg is a program launcher by A. Trent Foley It keeps track of the last 20 programs run, and displays the last 9 programs in its system menu for easier access. I keep it in my Load= statement in WIN.INI file. When ProgMan is not within easy reach, RunProg makes it easy to load my most frequently used applications. RUNTIME.ZIP [Free] RUNTIME by David Dickson [73477,221] RunTime manages programs that you want to automatically LOAD or RUN at Windows startup. RunTime permits startup-time cancellation of any or all RUN and LOAD commands, as well as management of RUN and LOAD programs without editing the WIN.INI file. Requires Microsoft Windows 3.0 running in standard or enhanced mode. RUNV11.ZIP Run 1.1 by Frits Wiarda Korvezeestraat 346, 2628 DR Delft Holland Run a Windows program from a DOS prompt within Windows. RX11.ZIP RX - a reverse Windows(tm)3.0 resource-compiler (resource extractor) by Andreas Gruen September 30, 1991 Version 1.1 updated Aug 1, 1992 RX is the complement to the Resource-compiler RC shipped with the SDK. It extracts resources from an compiled files into a form that is readable and re-processable by RC. This means that you may easily change menus, dialog-boxes or the icon(s) of a program and recompile it, without having the source-code, although this is not the intended purpose. If you do it, please note the copyright terms of the program you process. You may better use RX to extract for example icons from an icon-library to have them in a form you can import into other programs or work on them with an icon-editor. Or you want to create fonts, but not from the scratch. Or you want to see the authors of a program (often included in STRINGTABLEs). RZA.ZIP SNOOP rev 3 by Micronite, Inc. [76220, 2703] This is the third minor revision of the Snoop demonstration program. "Is there a way to track function calls in the same way that the Windows Spy utility tracks message flow?" "What goes on behind the curtains in Windows?" "How do I set up the parameters for StretchDIBits ( )?" "Which Windows functions is that application calling to produce such a nice effect?" Snoop provides an answer to these questions. Snoop tells you about calls Windows applications make to the Windows API functions. Snoop reports the full names and values of a function's parameters as set by the calling program. The special demonstration version of Snoop associated with this document is being distributed to show a single important feature of the Snoop commercial product, the function tracking mechanism. S-WAVE.ZIP 7 more .WAV sound files for Windows. Includes SCOTTY2, SCOTTYB, SINNED, STRANGE, STT, SUCKS, and SWICHOFF. S13429.ZIP TERMWAIT from Microsoft Demonstrates how to launch a child task and then wait for it to terminate before executing specific code. Toolhelp library functions are used for this purpose. TERMWAIT requires 3.1 to build. However it has been compiled for 3.1 & 3.0 compatibility. TOOLHELP.DLL was not shipped with 3.0 and consequently needs to be copied to the \windows\system directory to run under 3.0. TERMWAIT installs a notification call back function using NotifyRegister() before calling WinExec() to launch the child task. All tasks in the system will call this notification function before termination. The notification function calls TaskFindHandle() to obtain TASKENTRY information about the terminating task and consequently determines if the terminating task was launched by TERMWAIT. SANITY.ZIP [$10.00] Welcome to Sanity Saver 0.05 by Grey Matter You use a screen saver to prevent monitor burn-in. Now there's Sanity Saver(TM) to prevent user burn-out. Shareware Copyright (c) 1992, Lee B. Grey. Sanity Saver is a Visual Basic application that reminds you to take care of yourself. As a software developer and all-around fanatic, I get in front of a computer and forget about my physical body. I don't take breaks, I don't use the bathroom, I stop blinking, I might even stop breathing for significant amounts of time. So I invented Sanity Saver to nudge me every now and then, so that using a computer does not become a life- threatening pastime. This is my first pass at this program; let me know what you think it needs, doesn't need, etc. Feedback is welcome, appreciated, encouraged, requested. SAVESET.ZIP by David Feinleib Checks/unchecks 'Save Settings' box automatically. SAVR1.ZIP [Free] Monitor Saver 1.1 by Moon Valley Software SAVSCRNS.ZIP 16 screen savers for the built-in windows blanker. Nice collection. SAVW11.ZIP Save as Icon... by Frank Reidelberger [73230,650] for Microsoft Word for Windows 1.1 October 31, 1991 SB40-Q.ZIP [$10.00] FileBoy's StatusBar 4.0 by Marshal Bostwick [76646,2552] StatusBar is a system status bar written in Visual Basic, that monitors one or all of the following: the percentage of free GDI or User Resources (toggle), the amount of Total Free Memory or the Size of the Largest Contiguous Block of Memory (toggle), the number of Current Tasks, the amount of Free Space on a Selected Hard Drive, the Current Day/Date based on the Short Date format in your WINI.INI file (which makes StatusBar a bit friendlier to Non-U.S. users), and the Current Time in 12 or 24 hour mode (toggle). For users with an appropriate sound setup (Windows 3.1, or Windows with multimedia Extensions, and a sound card), the Hourly Alarm may be set to use ANY .WAV sound file as the Hourly Alarm "beep" sound. SB4DEMO.ZIP SuperBase 4 Working Model of a Windows database system. Nice. SBAR2.ZIP [$10.00] VB StatusBar by Ed Staffin Here is a VB status bar control! It's easy to use and it even works. To use it, simply click on File - Add File and load status.dll. You will then see my best attempt at a button that is supposed to look like a status bar in the toolbox. You can now use the status bar control as if it came with Visual Basic. The current version will (at run time) automatically force all instances of status bars to the bottom of the screen and will force the first instance to be the width of your form and the all others to be flush right. If the form is resized, the bar will remain "glued" to the bottom. The first section will resize itself to the width of the form and the others will remain glued to the bottom right. You can change captions, colors and so forth as you would any other control. I also added a special property (which can be accessed from the properties list box) that allows you to change the status bar from displaying as down, flat or up. SBIDDU.ZIP [Free] DDE Client Utility by SoftBlox [76477,3563] The DDE Client Utility allows you to initiate and maintain DDE conversations with any number of applications acting as DDE servers in your Windows Environment. It provides an interactive means of establishing the conversation, requesting and poking of data items, setting and unsetting of advisories, and executing server specific commands. Multiple instances of the DDE Client application can be invoked with each being able to track its own set of conversations. The front-end to the DDE Client utility uses our own 3D custom controls. SBLIND.ZIP Documentation for SSBLIND.SCR by Paul Gyugyi SSBLIND.SCR is a screen saver that works with the one built into Windows 3.1 or Multimedia Windows. Just put the file SSBLIND.SCR in your Windows 3.1 directory, and use the Control Panel Desktop to configure and test it. When activated, ssblind will drop a protective curtain over each of the windows on the screen, and will (optionally) play the "Critical Stop" .wav file when each one closes. It's recommended to have a short .wav file that sounds like a window closing. SSBLIND.SCR is based upon the programs written by Charles Petzold which appeared in the June 1992 Windows Tech Journal (maybe the best windows programming magazine I've found). The files were compiled with Microsoft Quick C and a few libraries from the Multimedia SDK. Source code is included for you Win3.1 SDK people out there who wish to change the color of the blinds or whatever. The makefile is in QuickC format. SBLITE.ZIP [$39.99] SideBar Lite intensely simple, high performance windows shell SideBar Lite was created by Mike McCue SideBar Lite's sleek icon bar design makes it the fastest and most practical way to organize the Windows desktop and open your applications. Its optimized memory usage and small footprint allow it to be kept constantly available on the side of the screen, without getting in the way or slowing down system performance. In fact, since SideBar Lite is the first closeable Windows shell, it can be closed so that 100% of your system's resources are dedicated to the task at hand. SBUTTO.ZIP [$29.00] SuperButton, a VB Custom Control VB is beautiful environment for application programming. With a GUI like windows using buttons is a must. The picture controls already allows you to create many buttons types. But what about buttons with geometric shapes eventually over or underlaid with some kind of bitmap ? Not so easy ? Buttons that keep their state, that don't need any click event processing,... Well, the answer is here. SUPERBTN.VBX. Load the project EXAMPLE.MAK into your VB and see for yourself. The Superbutton Playground will give you the opportunity to experiment with the superbutton's properties. This is the third one after Formtext.VBX which you can find in the forum in file FORMTE.ZIP and CBoxList.VBX (CBLIST.Zip). The version I uploaded is a full powered test version. It has all the capabilities of the full licensed version except that it nags you with a dialog box whenever you change modes and that it will NOT WORK IN A RUNTIME ENVIRONMENT of VB. You can check it and see if you can use it. SCHMOO.ZIP Microsoft OLE Schmoo Server (c)1992 Microsoft Corp. SCLOCK.ZIP [$5-15.00] Smart Clock 1.0 by Craig Woldberg, Innerworks Inc. Simple clock program that stays on top. 7-91 SCRLLR.ZIP [$20.00] Scroller by Ken Shapiro [72727,3211] SCROLLER is a small Windows utility designed to display a scrolling text message. It was inspired by those tacky LED signs you see in post offices. SCROLLER is extremely flexible. There are two ways to display a message: the easy way, by just putting the message on the command line, and the powerful way, by putting the message information in a .INI file. March 24, 1992 SCRNPEAC.ZIP [$10.00] ScreenPeace 1.2 Screen Blanker by Anthony Andersen [72037,2474] Screen Peace is a screen saver for Microsoft Windows 3.0. Screen Peace by itself is not terribly flashy - it just blanks the screen after a certain number of seconds, but it is extensible. You can add additional screen savers just by putting more screen saver files in the proper directory. If you have the Windows 3.0 SDK, the Microsoft C 6.0 compiler and the Screen Peace saver kit, you can make your own screen savers. Distributed by Borland now as "Screenery". SCRNSA.ZIP Screen saving under ToolBook. SCRPLA.ZIP [$15.00] Screenplay 1.1 by Kayman Software Ken Carlino [73447,1114] Screenplay is a Windows 3.0 screen saver. It is designed to help prevent monitor burn-in, a process which may occur if static images remain on the screen for to long of a period. It accomplishes this by blanking or showing a constantly moving pattern on the monitor after a set period of time that the system is inactive. Screenplay has a variety of controls and presets to allow an infinite number of designs to be shown. In addition to showing the patterns during system inactivity all designs can also be animated on the desktop as wallpaper. Recent enhancements have included password protection and a tile function. Full documentation is available on-line under the help menu. SCRSHW10.ZIP [$15.00] Screenshow by Kayman Software Ken Carlino [73447,1114] ScreenShow is a Windows 3.0 screen saver which will play .fli and .flc animation files as well as display .bmp, .rle and .dib files. The flics and image files can be combined into a script file which allows fade, looping, speed control and other control parameters. ScreenShow also includes Password and autoload features. Full documentation is available on-line under the help menu. SDU160.ZIP SAB Diskette Utility by Stewart A. Berman [76366,1664] SABDU Version 1.60 is a fully cooperative Windows 3.x application that can be used to format/copy/compare/save floppy diskette images. Runable as an Icon. Read a diskette image once and make as many copies as you want. Copy a diskette image from a 1200KB diskette to a 1440KB diskette including boot sector, FAT, directory, and special files. Copy your production diskettes' images to your development hard drive and make one tape backup of everything. New DUPLICATE command. *Fast Start Format* while copying. SECCH1.ZIP [P.D.] Second Chance by Robert A. Heath Associate file extensions in Windows with a secondary pushbutton menu that allows different programs to be run with them. you decide which graphics package should handle a .PCX file? Second Chance lets you associate multiple candidate application programs with a given suffix. Second Chance opens your Windows by spawning the application of your choice when you click on a given data file. Second Chance updates your WIN.INI file and signals Windows that it has done so. SECCOPY.ZIP [$25.00] Second Copy by Centered Systems Second Copy periodically monitors your disk directories for your important files and makes a second copy of those files to another disk or network drive. It automatically updates these second copies when you make changes or additions to your files, works in background and is very Easy to install and configure. Set it up once and forget about it, your important files will be saved twice. Works with Windows 3.0 & 3.1 SET1-4.ZIP Text file on setting up Crosstalk for Windows. SFX01.ZIP By Wim Morrison This is the first (alpha) release of the Sound Effects (SFX) control system for Win3.0 with Multimedia Extensions, or Win3.1. However this system will let you to use the enclosed SFX.DLL and the .SFX files to play sounds under Win3.x. Four .SFX libraries are included - ARNIE, BART, HSOUNDS and STARTREK. Also included is a demo program, SFXDEM.EXE which shows the capabilities of the SFX DLL interface. So far full help and documentation is being worked on, but this should let you try out and see how you like it. For interface documentation, refer to the SFXDLL.H include file. It does use the Win3.1 typing conventions, but hey, its only two weeks now isn't it? Any comments etc. via Channel1 userid 'Pace Paad'. SFXWIN.ZIP [$15.00] Sound FX for Windows By Dave Smith and Bill Cravener WHAT'S A SounCON? A SounCON is a sound icon that is minimized on your desktop and remains minimized, permanently. Double-clicking one produces a brief sound, then returns control to Windows. You can then easily put a few of your favorite SounCONs scattered about your desktop, and show off your incredible ability to create cute sounds, or make yourself look bored. SHADES.ZIP By Brian Stine [ID 73617,323] Shade Form Demo ReadMe The "chiseled steel" pattern used by Borland controls is simply a pattern of gray and white pixels that looks like this: XXXXXXXX X X X X XXXXXXXX X X X X XXXXXXXX X X X X XXXXXXXX X X X X This pattern can be reproduced on Visual Basic forms by painting the form with the pattern. SHELLEY.ZIP ATM font for Windows. Pretty nice. SHOW20.ZIP SHOW is a BMP presentation program. It can be used as a screen saver, displaying your favorite pictures. It can also be used for presentations of information to others. The following are the steps necessary to get SHOW up and running. SHWRGB.ZIP ShowRGB by Geoff Shapiro September 18, 1991 [76616,2730] This program was written by myself during a time when I was debugging a Windows display driver and its interactions with certain applications. I needed the capability of inquiring RGB values at any point on the Windows' screen. SIGHT.ZIP by Grey Ghost Software [76366,564] View icons by topic or group. SIMON1.ZIP [Free] SIMON game by Jeff Elkins, Columbia South Carolina Simon is a Visual Basic game of sound and color memorization. It will play an incremental pattern of notes and colors and you must click the corresponding color block to match. Requires VBRUN100.DLL. This game is freeware. Full VB source is included. Enjoy! SIZEIT.ZIP [Free] SizeIt by Sonam G. Gyato. 3-91 Ever use a program where on starting up, it gobbles up the whole screen space? Or it's not positioned where you want it? You spend the first few seconds moving, sizing and tweaking the window - and you do the same old thing every time. The developers of the program do not even have the courtesy to make their program remember the position! Well wait no more...this program will put a stop to that, or should I say, will start to do that. It will size it and size it right! First start the application you want monitored. Position and size it to your preference. Then use the SizeIt CAPTURE command (from either the icon or window mode.) The cursor will turn to a thin cross-hair. Move the cursor over the main application window to be monitored. The title bar of the target window will be highlighted when the cross-hair is over a valid window. Click the left mouse button . That's all. To test it, close your target application and open it up. Viola, if you chose the window correctly, it should work. Places and sizes windows on desktop. Nice! SKYLAB.ZIP Wallpaper file (.BMP). SKYW111R.ZIP Sky Planetarium V1.11 Copyright 1991,1992 Howard J. Dutton 3rd For Windows 3.x SHAREWARE ASTRONOMY SOFTWARE SL-10.ZIP [Free] SuperLoad by Graphical Dynamics, Inc. is a utility that energizes your Windows startup process. Now you're no longer tied to the RUN= & LOAD= lines in your WIN.INI file! Just put SuprLoad.exe on the LOAD= or RUN= line. When Windows starts up, you can have it launch programs and specify command line parameters, as well as specifying startup directories for programs that aren't on your DOS Path. SuperLoad is the perfect companion to Clock Manager, The Intelligent Alarm Clock for Windows SLFENN.ZIP Wallpaper of the lady from Twin Peaks, Sherilyn Fenn. SLOT.ZIP [$5.00] Slot Machine game Version 0.3 by Brett Mc Donald December 8, 1990 SLPMAN11.ZIP [$35.00] Sloop Manager 1.1b by Sloop Software [72540,144] ASP The complete graphical replacement for MS Windows 3 Program Manager. It has virtually all the features of Program Manager plus a host of new ones. Features include: - the ability to create folders (groups) within folders - move or copy items from folder to folder using drag/drop - run command with browse button which also stores last twelve commands - associate command that allows multiple programs to be associated with a single extension - save location and size of folder as well as item positions - use virtually any icon on the system to represent items - display items as icons or just names - password protection - multi-select capability in adding, deleting, moving or copying folder items - startup folder may be used to remove need to edit WIN.INI - simple, easy to use icon browser dialog SMELT.ZIP Melting Screen Saver for Windows by Mark Gamber 10/7/92 SMITH12.ZIP [$29.95] Money Smith for Windows 1.2 by Bradley J. Smith [70324,1077] Complete double-entry accounting featuring a toolbar, automatic transactions, charts and graphs, investment support for portfolios, context sensitive help, hypertext help manual, check printing and more. SMRTEN.ZIP Smart10 is intended for use with the X10 Powerhouse CP290 computer interface. This interface can be programmed from a personal computer and will maintain and execute up to 128 timer events. These events can be set for specific times and days of the week. The controller has a span of only one week, and does not have the concept of sunrise and sunset. The software which comes with the controller is somewhat clumsy to use if you wish to define more than a few events. Smart10 was devised to overcome the limitations of the CP290 and its supplied software. It can maintain a year's calendar of events. You can use Sunrise and Sunset as times. (You don't have use them as exact time, you can add or subtract time from them.) Events can be conditioned to occur (or not to occur) if it is Dark (or Light), between dates you have specified, or added on command line parameters to the Smart10 program. SMRTSK.ZIP The SmartTasks Utility is a Task Manager and, if you so desire, a shell replacement. It provides one-click access to all active applications, all existing groups and applications within, and the most recently run tasks. In addition it supports save/restore of multiple desktop layouts, and a command line with history. It's primary purpose is to provide a fast and efficient means of controlling running tasks, selective launching and desktop customization It does this in a fast and efficient package with minimal resource consumption. This version is a beta release distributed free of charge for personal use. The commercial version of SmartTasks includes enhanced customization, network support, extensive hypergraphic online help, a full setup and de-installation facility and several other related utilities. In addition it supports full drag-and-drop server capability to the desktop. It is priced at $30.00 SRP and for a limited time it will be bundled with SmartPad for Windows (another retail product from us providing sophisticated macro recording/playback, full DDE client and server, SNAG20S.ZIP Snag-It by Horizon Technologies Inc. Screen Capture And Print Utility version 2.0S. SnagIt is the screen capture and print program for Microsoft Windows. With SnagIt, Windows users can capture an entire screen, a portion of the screen or a single window or icon. SnagIt sends the captured area to a printer, the Windows clipboard or a file. These images can be pasted into other Windows applications such as word processors and desktop publishing programs. SnagIt provides a simple solution to the problem of importing high quality Windows screens into documentation. SnagIt is a practical, easy-to-use addition to the programs and tools utilized daily by Windows users. SnagIt allows documentation writers to cut and paste Windows screens into user manuals, marketing literature, advertisements, newsletters, and other documents. With SnagIt, Windows programmers can quickly create printouts of program screens, windows, and icons for presentation and review. SNAKES1.ZIP [$15.00] Snakes game by Kevin L. Patch [72611, 2301] If you like the Snakes game, PLEASE register by sending your name and address, along with $15 to the address above. This does several things, it supports the shareware concept and proves that it works, it will allow me to continue to create and distribute shareware programs, it will get your name on my mailing list for notices of new versions and programs, AND THIS IS THE GOOD PART: you will receive a disk with SUPER SNAKES! SNAPAP.ZIP [$20.00] SnapApp and Clip2BMP 1.0 by Mark L. Woodward Utilities saves screens as .BMP (wallpaper) files that can be edited with Paintbrush, XVT-Draw, PaintShop or others. (12-17-90) SNAPSH.ZIP [$10.00] Screen capture utility by Brad Lucas [74130,2452]. SnapShot is a screen capture program for Windows that uses a camera metaphor. You take pictures of the screen by clicking with the right mouse button. The right button is enabled and disabled through the menu commands Load Film and Unload Film. Each picture is displayed in SnapShot's client area and is resized along with SnapShot. Also, the picture is put in the Clipboard for availability to other Windows applications. Also, SnapShot includes a fairly comprehensive help system. Registered users will receive the commercial version of SnapShot called SnapShot2. SnapShot2 enhances the original version of SnapShot with the ability to save your pictures to bmp files. Loading and viewing of bmp files is supported as well. 10-91 SND2WAV.ZIP Sound to Wave Converter by Charlie Eberly [73577,774] 12-91 SNDEXAMP.ZIP Sounder Examples by James D. Rudnicki October 1,1991 Examples of using SOUNDER.DLL Version 3 with Excel and WinWord, allows easy access to sound files from within any Window program. These examples should make life a little easier. SNOOP1.ZIP [$15.00] Snooper, the System Checker 1.00 by John P. Vias [72260,1601] This handy system information utility reports many of the operating characteristics of your computer. Snooper tells you all about your computer's memory, ports, mouse, disks, network, and much more. Your basic system snooper that tells what's under the hood. DOS program with .PIF and icon file to run under Windows. 3-91 SOFTRM.ZIP [$35.00] Softerm Plus is a shareware communications/terminal emulation program for Microsoft Windows. It features a pro-cognitive graphical user interface, exact terminal emulations, scripting, and file transfer capabilities. An OS/2 version ships with OS/2 version 2. Softerm Plus features include: Pro-cognitive Graphical User Interface * Modular design allows for individual "Customization" of feature set and functionality * Profiling lets you "Personalize" your communications environment * Graphic User Interface (GUI) uses Common User Access (CUA) standards Terminal Emulations * Exact emulations support all keyboard, video, and printer functions of the terminal being emulated. * Terminal Emulations include: DEC VT320, VT220, VT131, VT100, VT52 IBM 3101-20 (Block Mode), 3101-10 IBM ANSI ANSI 3.64 TTY File Transfer Protocols * IND$FILE * Kermit (Dumb Mode) * Kermit (Smart Mode, Kermit Server) * Honeywell Kermit * Softrans (some Host's Source Code Included) * Xmodem and Xmodem 1k * Ymodem and Ymodem 1k * Ymodem-g and Ymodem-g 1k * Zmodem * Character (ASCII) File Send/Receive * Filtering/Edit Options during File Transfer SOTCAL.ZIP [$25.00] Stay-On-Top Calculator for Windows (SOT-Calc) "stays on top" of other Windows applications - so it's perfect for quick and dirty calculations for users of Microsoft Excel, Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows, and other Windows-based spreadsheet, accounting, and mathematical packages. Uses up very little screen space, and it's always there at your side - so there's no need to leave your main program for fast calculations. All standard functions and available, including memory. Full clipboard support for easy data exchange. Supports mouse and numeric keypad entry. The most convenient calculator for spreadsheet users! Shareware from [x]CheckBox Software. SOUNDL.ZIP This is my sound DLL for use with Visual BASIC for Windows 3 (or any other Windows programming language for that matter). Since VB doesn't have any facilities for sound, I decide to write my own driver. With the help of a fellow Sunday-afternoon hacker, Kirk Lewellen, we finally made our way through the Windows API reference and some example C code I found on a bulletin board that called the Windows API sound functions. These API calls are documented in the Windows Programmer's Reference available from Microsoft Press, but there are no code examples to go by. I posted the Turbo Pascal for Windows code on CompuServe in an effort to get more information and received some interesting messages that can be found in a file floating around called VBTIPS.ZIP. Basically, it said you're own your own! I'm posting this little demo and the source code into the public domain for any who would like to use it or are just curious about how to call these sound functions. SOUNDS.ZIP 12 .WAV files for sound in Windows. SOUNDX.ZIP [Free] By Mike Mezaros [x]CheckBox Software Sound Dialog Examples is a simple example program for Windows 3.1. Windows 3.1 allows users to assign certain .WAV format sounds to different system events. The events include Windows Start, Windows Exit, Default Beep, Asterisk, Critical Stop, Exclamation, and Question. The last four events are types of dialog boxes that Windows applications may present. They contain an icon used for visual effect. Asterisk dialog boxes show either an asterisk or a lower-case i (the asterisk is considered more language-independent) and generally provide important information. Critical Stop dialog boxes show a stop sign and generally provide information about a serious error or problem. Exclamation dialog boxes show an exclamation point and generally provide some sort of warning. Question dialog boxes show a question mark and generally require that you make a choice between two different options. You may have already encountered a number of these dialog boxes under Windows 3.1, and you may have been surprised not to hear the sound that you had assigned to it. You may have heard the default beep, or perhaps you heard nothing at all. SP12SPXA.ZIP 2 add-on Screen Peace screen blanker modules: DRAGONS, SOLIDS. SPACE2.ZIP Adam J. Taub [72570, 2065] Space Walls II game. 5-92 SPART.ZIP 6 .WMF (metafile) format files. SPEAKR.ZIP Internal Speaker Driver by John Ridges [72000,2057] SPEAKR.DRV is a Windows WAVE driver. It requires either: 1) Windows 3.1 or 2) Windows 3.0 with Multimedia Extensions Like the Microsoft speaker driver, this Internal Speaker driver plays exclusively, so Windows will not run programs or respond to the user while sounds are playing. Unlike the Microsoft driver, interrupts are not disabled, so you don't have to worry about losing COMM port data or network connections. Even though it sounds OK with the interrupts enabled, if you do anything that causes a lot of interrupts (such as moving the mouse) the sound quality will suffer. SPEED.ZIP WinSpeed 1.0 - Windows Performance Analysis utility. WinSpeed measures the CPU, Disk, and Video performance of your system from the point of view of Windows, using API calls where appropriate. The Help file which is included with this utility explains the meanings of the figures, and offers some suggestions on tuning Windows. This program is freeware, please copy and pass on to whoever you like. SPENCER.BMP Wallpaper of the Rumor Cat King Spencer F. Katt. SPIRO.ZIP Spirograph Version 1 by Jerry Hogsett [73730,2460] Spirograph displays interesting geoshapes in a sizable window. SPKR0528.ZIP Windows 3.1 Speaker Driver from Microsoft. The PC Speaker driver may not produce high quality sound on all computer systems. The performance of the PC Speaker driver is largely dependent upon the hardware itself. Microsoft does not guarantee that the speaker driver will work with all computer systems. SPRBAR12.ZIP [$15.00] SuperBar 1.2 by William J. Wood SuperBar is a Windows program for creating and editing user configurable tool bars called SuperBars. A SuperBar consists of a gray area containing several buttons, each assigned to an application menu command. A SuperBar can be added to any Windows application that is compatible with the SuperBar program. Most Windows applications which have standard menu bars are compatible with SuperBar. SuperBar can be used to increase efficiency by placing commonly used menu commands on a SuperBar. In addition to providing SuperBars, this program also includes the ability to start a Windows application at the same location on the desktop every time it is executed. The application can be run normally, minimized, maximized or hidden. A hidden application runs normally but cannot be seen on the desktop. This feature is useful for hiding utility programs which should run in the background. VERY NICE! SPRCLK11.ZIP SuperClock 1.1 by SouthBay Software The definitive alarm and clock system for Windows 3.1. SuperClock allows one to set an unlimited number of alarms and attach Post-it type reminders to them. Alarms may be scheduled to reoccur at pre-defined intervals. Offers various options for using alarms. Uses Windows 3.1 multimedia capabilities to play customizable sounds for an hourly chime and alarms. Animated clock face displays the time in an iconized format. SPX-MORE.ZIP More Screen Peace screen saver modules: LIFE, WORMS. (9-90) SS3DGT.ZIP 3d Graphic Tools(tm) 3.0 Screen Saver by Mark M. Owen 71530,2232 This screen saver is for use ONLY with Windows(tm) 3.1 and later. It produces three dimensional renderings of color shaded solid objects and wave surfaces using variable lighting, differing view points and fields of view. It has been tested with a large number of display drivers (monochrome through 32 bit color), producing interesting images ranging from very dark to bright colors. This program was developed using the 3d Graphic Tools developer's toolkit which is available from Micro System Options (voice: 206-868-5418). SSAVER.ZIP SSAVE.DLL Screen Saver Support DLL for VB by Jonathan Zuck [76702,1605] I was looking at the After Dark Screen Saver API and getting really disgusted! It looked as though it would be quite some time before I built a screen saver using their API. Then I thought, "geez! What about all the people that are more artistically inclined?!" So, in the tradition of HOTKEY, I present SSAVE.DLL. SSAVE works on exactly the same principle as HOTKEY. You register your window to be notified whenever the user does something and you specify a custom keycode to represent that general "event." You will then be sent a keydown message, with your custom keycode, whenever the user does something, either with the mouse or the keyboard. From within your app, you keep a timer, or whatever and when you haven't received those special KeyDowns for a while, you have a party. Then, during the party, when you get the special KeyDown, you restore everything. Simple. Much less work than trying to deal with one of these C APIs. The sample I made reflects my lack of artistic acumen and looks like a product of the 60's. Don't stare at it too long! It is *only* meant to demonstrate the DLL! No comments please! My hope is that some of the more artistic people, like John Murdoch, will create nicer ones. Copyright 1991 User Friendly, Inc. SSBAT.ZIP [Free] A Screen Saver by Paul Gyugyi Bat-Blinds is a screen saver module that works with the screen saver built into Windows 3.1. In "bat-mode", organo-metalic (well, not really) bands will wrap around each of your windows to protect them from prying eyes. Check the sound box to enable a whip-like sound for those of you with sound drivers. (The sound cannot be changed). The colorful option enables random colors for the bands. The band height controls how high each band will be (duh). Larger values will cover the screen faster. 32 is my favorite in 800x600 mode. The timeout specifies how many MILLIseconds to wait between closing windows. Set it to zero if you want the fastest screen blanking. SSCORP12.ZIP Corporate Logo Screen Saver Installation Screen Saver for Windows 3.1 STACKS.ZIP Windows Write file on using the STACKS= command to lower UAEs. STARS.ZIP Floating star field for desktop with popup menu! Very nice. START.ZIP Makes new opening screen (.RLE) for Windows 3.0. STARTUP.ZIP Have you ever wanted to change the screen Microsoft Windows 3.0 displays when you start it? With STARTUP, you can create your own Windows start-up screen. After you create your screen and save it in 4-bit RLE format. STAT30.ZIP [$10.00] StatLine 3.0 by James Bell, May 1992 Statline is a small utility for the Windows 3.X environment. Statline gives you the mode, day, date, time and amount of memory free all at once. With Statline you can also launch other Windows applications, keep a small notepad, exit Windows quickly and delete files. You can even keep a menu of your five favorite programs at your fingertips. Statline is also light on your resources, when loaded it uses just over 20k and is updated about every 12 seconds. Experienced Windows users can probably just skim this manual and figure out most of Statline in a few moments using the help display. STATIC.ZIP Text file on Static Controls by Microsoft Corporation By Kyle Marsh, Microsoft Developer Technology Group Static controls are child windows used in Microsoft WindowsTM-based applications to display text, to draw frames or lines separating other controls, or to display icons. Static controls do not accept user input and do not send notification messages to their parent windows. This article describes how developers can define different types of static controls and can use text styles, frame styles, an d rectangle styles to modify the appearance of these controls. STATUS20.ZIP [Free] Status Bar for Windows V2.0 by Vincent P. Galietta Ulti-Mate Software Development This is the latest version of the Status Bar utility for Windows. This version includes new displays which are outlined in the document file, status20.wri, a write compatible file. While this utility has been optimized for use under Windows 3.1, users of Win 3.0 should still be able to use this program. Please take the time to read the instructions and report any deficiencies that you may encounter. This file is released as Freeware, requiring no fees or registration on the part of any user. If you do find this program useful however, pass it along to a friend. STDM10.ZIP Stdemo Player 1.0 by Mikhail Kvitchko Stdemo Player is an application that you can use to create demos, tutorials or manually prepare scripts to "play" them into any Windows application. It allows you to write a script, which will start one or several Windows application, perform a series of keystrokes or mouse actions aimed to demonstrate the application or to perform some pre-defined sequence of actions. While your script is being "played", you can disable completely keyboard and mouse, so that user will not be able to interfere with the running demo and to cause a conflict. At certain points of you script you may interrupt it in order to interact with user. There are many varieties of these boxes in order to make your demo flexible, and they can be forced to be shown in some convenient places on the screen. Moreover, user can move them across the screen to be able to see different parts of the covered windows. STKUP101.ZIP [$25.00] A Windows 3.1 Micro Message Object compiler. Stikum-Up 1.01 is a unique annotation/message system which can be used with Word for Windows 2.0, Excel 3.0, Write and Cardfile (examples included) just to name a few. Stikum-Up is a "Micro object compiler" which produces TRUE stand-alone 'NE' binaries which will run from the command line as any Windows 3.1 program would. NO PROGRAM OTHER THAN WINDOWS 3.1 IS REQUIRED TO READ PRODUCED ANNOTATIONS/MESSAGES. STOPW.ZIP [Free] Stopwatch by Kyle Kane Stephens Stopwatch was developed because I needed a simple utility to keep track of the time I spent on the computer when I was consulting. Stopwatch marks the time when you tell it to and when you stop it, it marks the time you stopped it. Stopwatch then tells you the difference between start time and stop time. Stopwatch starts time with either a click of the start button or a click of the start time label and stops time with a click of the stop button or the finish time label. The keys are enabled and disabled appropriately to avoid clicking one of them by mistake. Also, if you click exit, the program checks to see if you are currently keeping track of time. Requires VBRUN100.DLL. STRTGY.ZIP Text file from Microsoft detailing the future of Windows, and how DOS figures into it. Shipped as RTF file, usable in WinWord. Read This!! STSBAR3.ZIP [Free] STATUSBAR by Ray Donahue [70324,1204] This zipfile contains source code for creating and maintaining a status bar similar to that found in Microsoft(R) Excel or Microsoft(R) Word. It also contains source code for a keyboard filter to trap the Num-Lock, Caps-Lock and Scroll-Lock keys like both of these programs do. STYLES.ZIP Window Hierarchy and Styles by Kyle Marsh, Microsoft Developer Technology Group Created: April 7, 1992 This article describes the desktop, top-level, and child windows provided in the Microsoft. WindowsTM graphical environment and their hierarchical relationships. It explains how an application can use Windows functions to navigate the window structure and to control the style and appearance of a window on the desktop. ST_TNG.ZIP .RLE file of Star Trek the Next Generation suitable for Windows startup screen. SUPER311.ZIP [$49.00 per server] SuperMenu Version 3.11 by Mini-Tech Systems SuperMenu is a convenient way for you to manage your Novell Network from within Microsoft Windows. With SuperMenu you can access the key Novell Network Administration utilities with the convenience of running several utilities at once! SuperMenu provides you with the stable environment needed to run the Novell (DOS Based) utilities. SUPERRM.ZIP SoftBlox Resource Monitor for Windows 3.0 The SuperRM Utility provides real-time, graphical feedback on usage of primary resources for the main Windows subsystems, GDI and USER, and the currently Active Task. In addition the utility provides the amount of memory available and can be instructed to do periodic compaction of global memory. The Monitor Window can also be instructed to constantly stay on top of all other windows for easy, real-time monitoring. The Sampling Rate, Compaction Rate, meter control colors and other options can be modified and will be saved across invocations. The front-end to the SuperRM utility uses our own 3D custom controls. To conserve desktop real estate, the dialogs for this utility do not have any borders. However, these dialogs can still be moved around quite easily by 'picking' the dialog itself with the mouse (instead of the standard caption bar). Each of the meter controls can be individually customized. SUPERT.ZIP [$10.00] Super Task Man is designed as a replacement to Windows' Task Manager. In order to provide all users the option of replacing the current TASKMAN.EXE with SUPERTM.EXE, two methods are provided to setup SUPERTM.EXE to replace TASKMAN.EXE. SUPRLOAD.ZIP [$49.95] SuperLoad! v 1.0 from Graphical Dynamics [70144,1540] SuperLoad is a utility that energizes your Windows startup process. Now you're no longer tied to the RUN= & LOAD= lines in your WIN.INI file! Just put SuprLoad.exe on the LOAD= or RUN= line. When Windows starts up, you can have it launch programs and specify command line parameters, as well as specifying startup directories for programs that aren't on your DOS Path. SUTL25.ZIP SUTL 2.5 A Collection of 17 Small Utilities by Bob Eyer [73230,2620] Aug 3, 1992 SVGA1024.ZIP Paradise video card drivers for Windows. Spring 92 edition SW102.ZIP Stopwatch for Windows by Pocket-Sized Software. Other Shareware Programs from Pocket-Sized Software: Bog for Windows (word search game), Puzzle-8 for Windows (8 tile puzzle), Hangman for Windows (word guessing game), I Ching for Windows (fortune telling program based on the I Ching), RPN Calculator for Windows, Astronomy Clock for Windows, FracView for Windows (fractal viewer), Psalms for Windows (Psalms program), Anim8 for Windows (animation program). Whew!! SWANTIME.ZIP SWAN Computer's WINTIME benchmarking utility program. SWBOOK.ZIP [$5.00] THE SOFTWARE BOOK by Charles K. Snider [73730,1315] A Book for Software Descriptions. SWITCHER.ZIP by Robert Salesas [76625,1320] Switcher is a faster way of changing video modes. This is very practical for people who routinely switch between 16 and 256 color modes. Setup is a slow and cumbersome process, so I created Switcher, which is faster (especially when setup has to copy fonts) and simpler. Now, when you want to switch modes, run Switcher, select one of the modes in the list box, and choose either "Restart Windows" or "Exit To DOS". Switcher will change the video mode, fonts, drivers, etc..., and either restart Windows or quit Windows altogether. To remove a video mode you no longer use, select it, then choose "Remove selected mode" from the system menu. That's all there is to it! SWLOG.ZIP [$5.00] Software LogBook 1.0 by Dane Basch Written as ToolBook application. SYSEDIT2.ZIP SYSEDIT2 by Robert (BOB) Frazier [70172,177] This is a (slightly) modified version of the 'MULTIPAD' demo program included with the Windows 3.0 Software Developer's kit. This is a rather handy little editor, and it can be clearly seen that it was this program which was used to develop the 'SYSEDIT.EXE' program that the Windows INSTALL program placed in the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory when you installed Windows 3.0. This program was written primarily to correct a bug in the 'SYSEDIT' program, which will be discussed below. SYSGRAF4.ZIP Version 4.0 of System Graph by Bill Crow, Hewlett-Packard Co, Jim Hasselbeck, PPG Industries., and James Straub, Stony Brook University. SysGraph displays the load in the Windows system queue in an icon at the bottom of the screen. The graph is updated every 1/2 second. Additional system load is shown by dips in the graph. 6-91 SYSLOAD.ZIP System Load icon spins onscreen to show system loading. No docs. SYSRES.ZIP System Resource Display Version 1.0B by D. Beach [70641,654] SysRes is used to provide continuous display of available system resources. It was prototyped in Visual Basic (version 0.1 9/4/91) and is now implemented in C. It uses exported functions from TOOLHELP.DLL (provided with DrWatson) which is available from Microsoft Forums on CompuServe. (10-12-91) SysRes will create a SYSRES.INI file in whatever directory it is run from. It performs as a read-only application thereafter unless settings are changed. Many Windows applications have trouble running under low resource conditions. SysRes was written to assist users in avoiding situations which might result in UAE's from otherwise stable applications. Comments are welcome, enjoy. SYSRES23.ZIP System Resources for Windows v2.3 SysRes.exe is a Windows(TM) 3.0/3.1 application that measures Memory usage and CPU usage in a graphical and text format. The graph is scalable to any size, and lets the user know how heavy he or she is taxing the CPU at just a glance. This allows the user to optimize his or her system for maximum efficiency. SYSUP101.ZIP [$5.00] SysUp by Priscilla Kalugdan Sysup is a utility that tells one how long Windows and DOS have been running. Thus, it is very useful for network sysops and laptop users. This program is a hybrid. It is both a DOS program and a Windows program all in one. Thus, one runs the same program from the DOS line and from Windows. SYSUSE13.ZIP [$6.00] SYSUSE 1.3 by Jonathan Reed [70570,3171] Tired of having two or three or even four icons at the bottom of your screen monitoring different aspects of your computer? If so, then SysUse is for you. SysUse is a single performance monitor program that displays the current utilization levels of all four of your computer's main resources: CPU, memory, system (Windows) resources, and disk space. The levels are displayed textually when the SysUse window is open, and as gauges (in the above order) when the window is minimized. SysUse is very efficient (especially when minimized) and takes very little time away from your other applications. SYSWIT12.ZIP SySwitch by Paul Bonner Senior Editor PC/Computing [76000,13] Designed to make it easy to switch between up to five alternative SYSTEM.INI file configurations. You might, for instance, have alternative SYSTEM.X files for use with different screen drivers or different Windows shells. SYSWITCH.EXE, VBPOINT.DLL and SYS2.TXT should all be placed in your WINDOWS directory. Many of the routines used here were borrowed from other applications available on the MSBASIC forum. Specifically, I found the CopyFile routine in the VBTIPS.TXT file, the 3D Frame routine is a variation of that used in the VB-TIPS Reader, and the RestartProc routine is detailed in the MOREAPI.ZIP file. Version 2.0 of SySwitch also makes use of Jonathan Zuck's VBPOINT.DLL. My thanks to the authors of each routine. T-WAVE.ZIP 8 .WAV files, including a couple Trek sounders. Nice. TAIPEI.ZIP [$10.00] Taipei 3.10 by Dave Norris. Game. TASKER10.ZIP [$25.00] Tasker 1.00 This program can be used as a replacement for the Windows Task Manager which can be invoked by selecting "Switch To" from any application's control menu, by double-clicking on the background desktop, or by pressing Control-Escape. This program can also be run directly such as installed on the Program Manager menu or from the File Manager. This program has many features that Microsoft didn't include with their version of the Task Manager; 1. Tasker has all the functions that the Windows Task Manager has in addition, it allows you to show and close hidden applications currently running (hidden applications are simply; applications that don't show an icon nor window on the desktop, however they can still be running in the background) 2. Tasker gives you six user configurable buttons to launch your most often used programs or invoke special Tasker functions such as the "Browser" and three others that give the same functionality of Windows Task Manager (cascade desktop windows, tile desktop windows, and arrange desktop icons) 3. Browser lets you navigate anywhere on your hard and floppy disks and gives you a drag-and-drop interface to run, search, copy, move, rename, and delete files and programs (trash can included!) TASKT11A.ZIP [$20.00] TaskTracker for Windows is a time tracking program for professionals who bill by the hour. TaskTracker is a virtual 'stopwatch array,' remembering time elapsed for each task in a project you define. You may be a contract programmer working on a project with many pre-defined tasks, or a lawyer or accountant with clients who are being billed hourly. TaskTracker runs in the multitasking environment of Windows 3.0 or 3.1, measuring the time you spend on each task or client. TaskTracker also gives you the ability to send your task information to other Windows programs for formatting and printing. Export your data to Microsoft Word for Windows and TaskTracker automatically formats it into a table. Export to Microsoft Excel and manipulate the numbers with all the power of Microsoft's premier spreadsheet package. Export to Microsoft Write and your report will be formatted with hanging paragraphs to make it more readable. You can also export tab-delimited text data to Notepad or any other Windows program such as WordPerfect, Lotus 1-2-3 or Ami Pro when you specify the program filename with the Output Program option. TaskTracker saves your tasks in project files which can be merged with other project files. Do you need to generate periodic reports? TaskTracker project files can be 'spawned;' you can save, generate and print your report, then spawn the current project to a new file with all times set to zero. Task names and descriptions are retained for the new reporting period. This is an invaluable feature for professionals who bill their clients on a weekly or monthly basis. TBEATCLK.ZIP ToolBook script that eats clicks! TBKCOM.ZIP Dynamic link libraries and ToolBook .TBK file on communication routines. (3-27-90) TBKOPEN.ZIP Generic ToolBook Open Dialog Box by Jeff Day, Asymetrix Corp. (7-9-90) TBKSCRPT.ZIP by David Levine [76424,2427] Print book scripts from ToolBook. TBOX10.ZIP [A$15.00] Microworks Toolbox v1.0. Open Desktop for Windows by Jeff Franks [100026,1134] Release date: November 30 1992. Toolbox is an open desktop that replaces program manager and combines file manager into one seamless desktop for Windows 3.1. It provides both file management and program launching facilities on the desktop at all times. Just a mouse click away. Toolbox features breakthrough design concepts that makes Microsoft Windows fun and easy to use. TOOLBOX is an Open Desktop for Windows. It features a 'transmutable 3-D interface', a drag and drop desktop, a drag and drop popup program launcher with subgroups and up to 6 desktop drive icons giving you drive window access to the windows file manager. Toolbox comes bundled with several utilities including Attache, Autoload, Drivepak, Guidebook, Resource Alarm, Shredder, Trashcan and Workbench. Toolbox displays custom bitmapped dialog boxes and is compatible with 640*480, 800*600 and 1024*768 screen resolutions. TCFOOT12.ZIP Timecode/Footage Calculator Version 1.2 by Michael D. Most This is a handy Windows utility to correlate film footage and video timecode. It can calculate properly using either drop frame or non drop frame code, at the user's choice. After identifying a "sync point" for the film footage, i.e., a timecode number at which the footage will equal 0+0 (feet+frames), the proper footage for any time code can be calculated. In addition, the footage can be entered and the equivalent time code calculated. All film calculations (for 35mm) are based on 24 frames per second, 16 frames per foot. 8-91 TCHAOS31.ZIP [Free] Time & Chaos version 3.1 [74017,3424] A tool to provide an alternative to the overly complex Personal Information Managers (PIMS). Having purchased and evaluated 3 major, highly rated, high priced WINDOWS 3.0 PIMS, I was frustrated with their inability to present to me and print a simple Calendar, My Daily Appointments , My To-do list and my phone book. I expect a Windows Product to be obvious, and intuitive. So....I wrote Time & Chaos. Hopefully you too will find Time & Chaos to be a valuable tool. TCLK_103.ZIP [$5.00] Talking Clock for Windows 3.1.by Pocket-Sized Software TD-ENG.ZIP Type-Designer With Type-Designer you are able to design high-quality fonts in the Adobe Type 1 format. The program was created for people who: want to design Type at high quality need special symbols, like mathematicians, chemists or multi linguists want to improve the quality of existing fonts just want to look how good fonts from various sources are TEMPLT.ZIP Creating a document in Word for Windows can be simplified by using document templates. Instead of defining margins, styles or header or footer text with each new document, these items can be stored in document templates. Included with Word for Windows, is a set of predefined document templates that can be used as is or altered to better suit your needs. These "templates" can store standard aspects of your documents such as a letterhead or other formatting. Using templates will shorten the time it takes to produce great looking documents. WHAT IS A TEMPLATE? A template is a specialized file that functions as a skeleton for documents. In the template file you can store the basic structure for your document files. This might be in the form of glossaries, macros, styles, header or footer text, a letterhead (graphic images), or menu and key assignments. A template file has a .DOT extension to indicate a "Document Template", versus a .DOC extension which is commonly used for document files. Template files that are listed in the File New dialog, are normally stored in the Word for Windows program directory. There is a however a WIN.INI setting that allows you to move the template files (.DOT files) to another directory. TERMBK.ZIP Termbook by Tom Cangemi [72300,2533] Welcome to Termbook! This is a working terminal program, used to demonstrate use of the TBK-COMM.DLL communications library (Which you will also need to run this program) This is a demo program only and has no practical use other than education purposes. Click on the right Mouse button on the Init, Dial, Hangup buttons to view or set the appropriate Comm. parameters and Baud settings etc. Click the left Mouse button on the command buttons starting with Open, in top to bottom order to execute the program. If you have any questions I can be reached on the ToolBook BBS. Notes to Termbook: this was developed on Mono Hercules video adapter if your adapter is not a Herc, you may need to resize some of the fields. TERMIN.ZIP Windows Terminal Example by Bryan A. Woodruff (baw) A terminal communication example for Windows 3.0. This is to show a better way to handle asynchronous communications rather than the brain-dead way TTY.C does it. TF.ZIP Tests for VCPI, DPMI under Windows. THE-DESK.ZIP OKNA Desktop Set demo version 1.0. Very nice GUI desktop organizer, updated as DTOKNA.ZIP. 6-90 THREAD.ZIP This is multithreads, the library MTHREADW.LIB is a DOS/WINDOWS multithread controller and a Medium model library for C 600/600a. It provides the ability to create execution threads. Each task thread has its own stack and "context." A single routine may be started as a thread many times. (As long as you make sure it is reentrant!) The only draw back is that YieldContext must be called within threads. Since DOS is not preemptive and neither is Windows, the Threads library is not either. The example code Winapp.c and dosapp.c as well as the include file THREADS.H should provide you with enough info to get started. TIEDYE.ZIP Animated icon maker. TIM-12A.ZIP, TIM-12B.ZIP Tron Invoice Manager Organizes multiple companies by customer, supplier, employee or bank. Use for products or services. Tracks A/R, A/P, Sales Tax. Generates PLAIN PAPER FORMS, to boot! From Canada. TIME252.ZIP [$10.00] Metz Time by Metz Software Version 2.52 Time.exe is a moveable, popup, digital date/time clock for Microsoft Windows. TIMEFRAM.ZIP TimeFrame 1.0 Dave Jewell Adds digital clock to caption of topmost window. TIMEIT.ZIP [$5.00] TIME IT by Leithauser Research Time It is a simple stopwatch program for Windows 3. It is most useful for people who get paid an hourly rate to work using Windows. You can start and stop the stopwatch as you start and stop work on a project. It also can be useful for keeping track of how long you are connected to a BBS that is costing you money, either in user fees or phone bills. TIMELIN3.ZIP Updated version of Charles Petzold's program. TIMEZON.ZIP Time Zone 1.0 by Jim Otto Show time in current timezone and any other. User configurable. TMASTR.ZIP ToastMaster jokes and humorous tales in a .TBK (ToolBook) file. TMCFW.ZIP TMCFW - by Graphical Bytes, Inc. [71167,2117] The Message Center for Windows requires Windows 3.0 or higher to run, and also requires that you have VBRUN100.DLL in your Windows directory, or in the same directory from which TMCFW.EXE is to be run. This copy of the Message Center for Windows is an evaluation copy. There are limitations in the program, but you can use ALL areas and features of the program. Registration info is available at the end of READ.ME. With your paid registration, you will receive the new Windows 3.1 help engine as the most current version of TMCFW, with no restrictions. TMEM.ZIP TDOSMEM: Passes Data between a Microsoft(R) Windows(TM) Application and an MS-DOS(R) TSR TDOSMEM communicates with the TTSR program to demonstrate a technique for passing data between a Microsoft(R) Windows(TM) application and an MS-DOS(R) terminate-and-stay- resident (TSR) program. TDOSMEM calls the kernel functions AllocSelector, SetSelectorBase, and SetSelectorLimit and uses these functions to update a buffer in a global TSR program. Running multiple copies of TDOSMEM demonstrates how different instances of a Windows program can access a TSR program's private buffer directly. Before you start Windows, run TTSR.EXE from the MS-DOS prompt to install the TSR program that TDOSMEM will call. After you start Windows, run the TDOSMEM program. The TDOSMEM main window displays the buffer address and buffer contents of the TSR program. Clicking on the Request menu causes TDOSMEM to increment a WORD value in the TSR program's private buffer and updates the results in the TDOSMEM main window. TMT.ZIP [$15.00] Time and Money Tracker by InfoPerfect Inc. Tracks time and costs for various events. TNGWAV.ZIP 7 Star Trek The Next Generation sound files (*.WAV). TOBOR.ZIP Tobor Version 1.0 by Nicholas Lonsky Tobors is a game which I originally saw on various Unix boxes. TODO14.ZIP The To Do List is a Windows 3.0 daily organizer. This utility, that runs in Windows 3.0 Standard or Enhanced mode, will help you organize your daily activities. This product has many exciting features described below: *Up to 100 To Do items (10 displayed at once) with 25 characters per item. *Extended text (up to 150 characters) for each item. *Alarm date and time for each item with a Daily, Weekly or Monthly repeat option. *Privacy feature that allows the list to be "hidden" from the casual viewer (with user selectable "hide" character). *Full Drive/Path support for file retrieval, storage and delete. *To Do List printing in graphics 'list' mode or text mode (for Extended text). *Cut, Copy, Paste capabilities with any Windows environment application. TOILET.ZIP TOILET* for Windows 3.1 by R. E. Frazier Sound maker for multimedia-aware system. TOM-1, TOM-2.ZIP Omnis 5 demo database app. Needs SHARE.EXE loaded. TOMAHAWK.ZIP Wallpaper file of the 1991 National League Baseball Champions! TOOLBA.ZIP Toolbars in VB By Stephen Murphy [70661,2461] This is intended for new users of Visual Basic who would like to add some additional flair to their programs. Adding a toolbar is a nice touch, and it is not hard to do. Your finished toolbar can look as good, and be just as functional as the ones found in Microsoft Excel and other first class professional programs. Adding a toolbar requires no add-ons to Visual Basic. You can do it all using Visual Basic and Paintbrush. TOOLBT.ZIP ToolButton 1.0 by Brett Foster [70444,135] ToolButton is a custom control for Visual Basic that uses BTTNCUR.DLL to support command and attribute buttons in toolbars. You can use the standard button images supplied, and/or you can "roll your own". BTTNCUR.DLL is a licensed redistributable dynamic-link library that provides applications with new standard toolbar button images as defined in "The Windows Interface: An Application Design Guide" and "The Windows Interface: A Visual Design Guide." It is supplied by Microsoft with these books, and is also available for download on the WINSDK forum (look for IMAGES.ZIP). Standard button images are supplied for Edit Cut, Edit Copy, Edit Paste, File New, File Open, File Save, File Print, Help, and Context Sensitive Help. ToolButton can generate six different button faces from one supplied bitmap. A command button uses three (Up, Mouse Down, and Disabled), while an attribute button uses six (former plus Down, Down Disabled, and Indeterminate). All you have to do is supply the "Up" bitmap, and ToolButton takes care of the rest. Another nifty feature of ToolButton is the fact that it generates MouseDown and MouseUp events, so you can put a help message in a status bar when the user presses a button. ToolButton was uploaded by the author. TOOLMAN2.ZIP [$20.00] ToolMan 2.1 by Christopher W. Weiss Uses Borland custom controls - looks great! TOWER.ZIP Seahaven Towers is a solitaire-like card game. TOYBART.ZIP Bart for Windows by Boon Sun Song. Don't have a cow, man! TRARCH.ZIP [$35.00] T.R. Archive gives you the ability to archive and extract files, Scan for Virus' within archives, create directories on the fly, delete unnecessary files when needed, make self-executable archives, edit files, add comments to archives, and run programs at will. All without having to learn the complicated command line switches, or without having to leave T.R. Archive. TRASH.ZIP The TRASH.EXE application is a Windows 3.1 application that is a DDEML server. Trash supports the Drag/Drop functionality as provided by the new Windows 3.1 Shell APIs, which allows items to be dragged from the File Manager and dropped onto the Trash icon (or into the Trash window). Trash adds the names of the dropped files to a multiple selection list box, which is used to display the names of items in the Trash. This implementation of the Trash doesn't move any items from the location where they reside on the drive, it simply maintains a list of the items that a user requests to be deleted. Items can be removed from the Trash by selecting one or more items in the list box and then choosing the 'Return Items to Disk...' menu item (in case you change your mind about wanting them in the Trash). The TRASHEXT.DLL File Manager extension adds a 'Trash' item to the File Manager menu to provide a means of allowing a user to Empty the Trash from the File Manager. DDE is used (via the new DDEML provided with Windows 3.1) to communicate between the TrashExt File Manager extension and the Trash application. TRASHM11.ZIP Introducing Trash Manager 1.1! TrashMan is a REAL, WORKING TRASH CAN for Microsoft Windows that works hand-in-hand with Windows' own File Manager. Drag files to the TrashMan icon where they'll be stored (even after exiting and re-starting TrashMan, Windows, or the PC itself) until you decide to restore or permanently delete them. You can even associate WAV sounds with three different TrashMan events for the ultimate in customization! Don't be fooled by low-grade, crippled knock-offs... this is the ORIGINAL and BEST trash can for Windows. Shareware for Windows 3.1. TRECLMBR.ZIP Tree Climber is a Windows utility that allows the user to walk the linked list of window nodes. Displays the window handles for: parent, present and task; plus the file the window class was created from (with full path) and the class name of the window. This is a very useful utility if you want to see how windows is organized. Enjoy! TREE.ZIP Christmas Tree ToolBook app. TREKLAIR.ZIP .FLI (animated) file. TRIDW31B.ZIP MS Windows 3.1 TRIDENT TVGA Drivers Final Release 1.0 May, 92 TRIPLE.ZIP Triplets game by Hal Dean TRMITE10.ZIP A form of "Turing Machine" by Hans Kellner. 9-90 TRMNAT.ZIP TERMINATOR is a Windows 3.1 "task killer." This small utility finds EVERYTHING that is loaded up and running (hidden utilities, fonts, TSR's...) and offers you the chance to terminate them independently and directly. TRON.ZIP 18 .WAV files from the Disney movie. TRSHMN.ZIP This is V1.0 of TrashMan by Steve Horne CoralSoft, Inc. 07/20/92 TRUEV10.ZIP VMI True View 1.0 File image viewing utility for users of specific VGA graphic controllers from Vermont Microsystems Inc. TRYTEST.ZIP Trial demo version of Microsoft TEST, the macro driven app-driver. Used to test software. TSB100.ZIP ToolBook Scrapbook by Doug Overmyer. (11-15-90) TSETSE.ZIP Game that runs as icon. Weird. TTFI20.ZIP True Type Info 2.0 A Windows 3.1 Utility by Shady Tree Software (Herb Chong) True Type Info 2.0 is a Windows utility to view the Windows- specific string information in a True Type font file (.TTF extension). All eight of the name ids possible in a file adhering to the standard documented in True Type Font File Release Version 1.00 dated 9/28/91 are displayed. TTI14.ZIP True Type Font Installer Version 1.40 by Kai Kaltenbach True Type Font Installer (TTInstal) was created to provide one major feature that is lacking from the font installation feature of the Microsoft Windows 3.1 Control Panel: mainly the ability to preview fonts before they are installed. Along the way, some other features ended up in the program and more may be added as time goes by. TTINSTAL FEATURES - Previews True Type fonts before they are installed - Supports network font installation - Supports compressed True Type font files (those that use Microsoft-standard compression with the standard .TT_ file extension, such as used on the Microsoft True Type Font Pack for Windows) - Includes full Windows-based setup program with network support - Allows you to preview fonts in any desired size - Prints font specimen sheets TTRAK10.ZIP [$29.95] TaskTracker 1.0 by Barry Seymour TaskTracker for Windows is for professionals who bill by the hour. TaskTracker is a virtual 'stopwatch array,' remembering time elapsed for each task in a project you define. You may be a contract programmer working on a project with many pre-defined tasks, or a lawyer with clients who are being billed hourly. TaskTracker enables you to measure the time spent on each task or client as you do the work. TaskTracker also gives you the ability to send your task information to other Microsoft programs for formatting and printing. Export your data to Microsoft Word for Windows and TaskTracker automatically formats it into a table. Export to Microsoft Excel and manipulate the numbers with all the power of Microsoft's premier spreadsheet package. Exporting tab-delimited text data to Write or Notepad is also possible. Requires VBRUN100.DLL from VB. TTT-W30.ZIP TicTacToe game 1.06 by JPSoft Development Corporation. TTY.ZIP TTY: Demonstrates Basic Microsoft(R) Windows(TM) Communication Functions: OpenComm, SetCommState, WriteComm, ReadComm, SetCommEventMask, GetCommEventMask, CloseComm, and the new Windows version 3.1 function EnableCommNotification. TTY uses the WM_COMMNOTIFY message by either enabling the EV_RXFLAG event flag and the CN_EVENT notification, or by using CN_RECEIVE to receive trigger thresholds for detecting the characters received. The Windows version 3.1 COMM.DRV posts the WM_COMMNOTIFY message to the associated windows when the necessary events occur. TTY performs simple character translation and implements a screen buffer for use as the I/O window. TURTLE.ZIP The Mutant Ones in wallpaper form for your viewing pleasure. TW112.ZIP Text Watch (TW) will monitor your Text.INI file for changes and keep a history of this changes stored in a separate file. To make Text Watch simple, there are two types of changes that are recorded, Additions and Deletions. Lines which have been edited will be reported as Deleted and Added, its not a bug. In fact if you think about it, you will understand why an edited change is recorded twice. Text Watch has a limit of about 51K size ASCII files. Text Watch is intended for configuration type text files. TWEAK3.ZIP Text file on running this TWEAK.EXE in Autoexec to run 800X600 mode on regular VGA cards. TWINTK20.ZIP [$195.00] TWinTalk by J. M. Cohen and O. Picciotto Communications and terminal emulation program - very nice. UARTMN12.ZIP UART Monitor by Dale S. Hoover [73300,3712] A Windows "electronic breakout box". This program is designed to monitor the UARTS associated with serial ports ( COM1-COM4 ). It is intended to be use simultaneous with an application using the UART. It should not interfere in the monitoring mode although the menus allow the end user to change the baud rate, data_bits, stop_bits, and parity. Certain combinations of data_bits, stop_bits, and parity are not valid and are inhibited in the menus. Because the intended use is to monitor the serial port the serial ports are not opened and the interrupts of are not modified, tested, or chained. If no application is using the UART then the monitor will not reflect valid information ( i.e. the UART needs to be initialized by an application other than the monitor. ) UC12.ZIP [$5.00] UltraClip 1.2 by Doug Overmyer [71021,2535] August 25, 1992 UltraClip extends the capabilities of the Windows clipboard by storing multiple objects placed on the clipboard. It stores all formats associated with a given object, displays each in a separate window, and provides quick retrieval via cut and paste. UltraClip requires Windows 3.1. UltraClip stores all its objects in memory - you'll need sufficient memory to support whatever you wish to store. Large color bitmaps consume several megabytes, so beware. UltraClip stores everything put on the clipboard as long as there is at least one displayable format: text, bitmap, DIB or picture. UltraClip ignores owner-display formats. If you store several color-rich bitmaps with palettes, the contention for the system palette may produce a rather strange display of colors in the non-active windows. Not compatible with the original release of Norton Desktop for Windows 1.0. UC3F-1.ZIP UniComm 3.0F by Data Graphics Background communications for Windows features X/Y/ZModem, scripting language and scheduler, online help system, chat mode, hot keys, macros, print logging and mouse/keyboard recording. 7-92 UCLP13.ZIP [$5.00] UltraClip - a Clipboard Extender by Doug Overmyer [71021,2535] UltraClip extends the capabilities of the Windows clipboard by storing multiple objects placed on the clipboard. It stores all formats associated with a given object , displays each in a separate window, and provides quick retrieval via cut and paste. UFPRLE.ZIP UFP.RLE file suitable for opening Windows screen. UITOOL.TXT Microsoft press release ASCII text on WIN support tools! Microsoft Announces Family of User Interface Products Supporting The Windows Interface, Enabling Developers to Design Comprehensive Applications for Powerful Windows Computing. -----------------> REDMOND, Wash. -- June 30, 1992 -- Microsoft today announced a family of products that will help Windows developers create user interfaces that are consistent with Microsoft's Windows interface definition. The new products include: * A 220-page application design guide from Microsoft Press that provides instructions for designing user interfaces * A set of companion disks that offers an example application, artistic guidelines for designing graphical elements of the user interface, and a library of icons and cursors that can be incorporated directly into applications. * A Microsoft University course on user interface design * A terminology reference that provides user interface terms in 13 languages "We've gotten a great many requests from developers for help in designing user interfaces for Windows applications," said Jonathan Lazarus, vice president of systems strategy at Microsoft. "This family of products responds to those requests, providing a complete set of tools for designing user interfaces that fully exploit what we've termed, 'The Windows Interface.'" UMAX120.ZIP UMAx 1.20 by FM de Monasterio allows for the testing of a number of services of the extended memory manager, which implements the extended memory specification in 80286-based or higher machines. The testing includes upper-memory block services, and provides a list of the size and address of available upper-memory blocks. 11-91 UNDOCFCT.ZIP by Duncan J. Murdoch [71631,122] Prints undocumented Windows 3 calls in a program file. Many of the services that Windows 3.0 provides are undocumented, because Microsoft wants to limit their use. This may be so that they are free to change them in future releases; once an interface comes into widespread use it's very unpopular to change it. It may also help to protect the integrity of Windows if certain services are never used except under very controlled conditions. This program is designed to examine executables, in order to see if and how they're "breaking the rules" by using undocumented services. I can see two reasons to do this: to see how someone has achieved the seemingly impossible, and to identify programs that are likely to break when the next release of Windows comes along. Note: UNDOCFCT will run both as a DOS application from the command line, and as a Windows application in Windows/3. As a DOS application, output may be redirected to a file. What is "undocumented"? The definition UNDOCFCT uses is very simple. If a function is listed in the version of WINDOWS.H that was distributed with Turbo Pascal for Windows, then the function is documented. Otherwise, it's undocumented. This definition is a little too restrictive; some things are documented elsewhere, so you're likely to see a few "undocumented" references in just about every executable. UNITIL.ZIP [$25.00] UNIVERSAL TOOLBAR by Robert Stefanz [100021,2301] A Universal Toolbar for Windows 3.1, consisting 4 parts: 1. a universal Tiler, to tile the windows manually, cascades, vertical or horizontal. 2. Red Button for fast shutdown of Windows.. 3. Program Launcher, a configurable toolbar, where your favorite applications can start by double clicking with the mouse. The applications will add by using the menu 'TOOLS' or by using the 'Drag and Drop' capability of the FileManager. 4. Save and restores Windows workspace. UPHELP.ZIP Creating an "Up" button in a Windows 3.1 Help File In order to implement an "Up" button in a help file, it is necessary to look at what exactly the "Up" button does. The "Up" button changes the displayed topic to the topic that immediately proceeds it in the help "hierarchy". USAMAP.ZIP Wallpaper (.BMP) of the USA! Quite nice! USHER14C.ZIP [$15.00] Usher 1.4c by George Browning Usher was written to replace memory- and resource-hogging shells such as the Program Manager and hDC Window's Express. Usher is a pop-up menu of applications that appears when the user clicks with a mouse button on the desktop. This menu can have hierarchical sub-menus for grouping applications together. For example, the main menu heading might be Utilities with a sub-menu for system utilities called System. Important: Usher can be run as the shell or an application under an existing shell. Usher takes up only 9K of memory, so users with less than 2 Meg of memory might want to replace their existing shell with Usher. If you would like to continue running your existing shell as your main shell, just add usher.exe to the load or run command line in the win.ini file. Otherwise, change the shell entry in the system.ini file to shell=c:\win30\usher.exe (or whatever). Usher automatically figures out if it is the shell. (8-91) UTILICON.ZIP Icons for some Shareware programs in .ICO format. UTL200.ZIP Dragon's Eye Utilities Version 2.0 11/28/91 Made up of these fine programs: RUN.EXE allows you to run one or more apps from the DOS command line or from within Windows. Also lets you give each app it's own command line. CLOSER.EXE allows you to close applications as long as that application registers a window. CLEAN.EXE clears the clipboard and globalcompacts memory in order to squeeze any available memory out of Windows. The current version of Clean will not reclaim lost system resources under Windows 3.0. EXITW.EXE allows you to close down Windows without the Program Manager or File Manager arguing about it. It will also allow you to pass back a DOS errorlevel code or to set a DOS environment variable. STAYOPEN keeps third party programs from shutting down Windows until you close StayOpen. UWIN11A.ZIP U/Win by The Boolean Group, Inc. [72077,506 or 76370,3353] A set of utilities for the Windows environment. These utilities perform functions similar to those found in the UNIX operating system. Most of the U/Win utilities use the concept of standard input and standard output, and can be connected with pipes. Thus, commands can be chained together to perform more complicated tasks. U/Win can be run in batch or interactive modes. In batch mode, U/Win is executed with command line parameters. In interactive mode, you enter commands through the U/Win dialog windows. V10N06.ZIP Includes: IKE by Marc Adler An icon editor that every Windows 3.0 devotee can use either to create icons from scratch or to read in icon files for editing. The average icon is 32-by-32 pixels and contains 16 colors, so this is the format for which IKE is designed. In use, IKE displays two separate viewing areas: an actual-size display of the image being edited, and a larger editing window that contains a magnified view of the icon. IKE provides you with a variety of drawing tools and lets you work with a palette of 16 available colors. 3-28-91 V10N11.ZIP Includes: WINMEM V10N12.ZIP Includes: WinExt by Fran Finnegan June 25, 1991 (Utilities) WINEXT is designed to extend the association power of File Manager, the MS-DOS Executive and Program Manager. Be sure that WINEXT is on your PATH. Although for special purposes you might want to run WINEXT directly from the Program Manager, it is normally invoked by being included in the entries in the WIN.INI [Extensions] section. V10N18.ZIP Includes: CFGSAVE by Gene Kavner October 29, 1991 (Utilities) A stand-alone Windows 3.0 application that attaches itself to the Program Manager by adding a Save Configuration item to the Program Manager's File menu. When you select Save Configuration, the cursor changes to an hourglass for a couple of seconds while your configuration is saved. You remain in Windows during the entire operation, and none of your active Windows or DOS applications running at the time are affected. This one-step operation is so simple and intuitive that you will begin to feel that CFGSAV is a natural part of Windows. V10N20.ZIP Includes: UMBFILS by Jeff Prosise November 26, 1991 (Utilities) UMBFILES is one of our first programs to make use of upper memory blocks. In doing so, it can free up as much as 15K of RAM. Syntax: UMBFILES[=]nn This is where nn is the number of files you want to allocate space for in upper memory. Valid values range from 1 to 247. An additional restriction is that the sum of UMBFILES and files already allocated may not exceed 255, because DOS doesn't support more than 255 files open in the system at any one time. For example, if you boot with the statement FILES=20 in CONFIG.SYS and then run UMBFILES, the maximum value UMBFILES will accept for nn is 235. If you allocate space for 20 more files with the statement UMBFILES=20 and then run UMBFILES again, the most it will accept is 215. V10N21.ZIP Includes: PCTODAY by Ethan Winer PCTODAY & PCCOPY make backing up your day's work quick and convenient. PCTODAY scans all the files on your hard disk and makes a list of all the files bearing the date specified. PCCOPY then uses the list to copy those files to your designated destination. V10N22.ZIP Includes: WINNAV by Douglas Boling December 31, 1991 (Utilities) WINNAV.EXE is an easy to use Windows' file management utility. It lets you open files and launch applications; move, copy, rename and delete files and directories; provides full file information and lets you set file attributes. V11N01.ZIP Includes: TRACKR by Scott Chaney January 14, 1992 (Utilities) Trackr is a memory-resident utility that keeps track of the time you spend on a project. If you bill clients by the hour it can multiply the logged time by your hourly rate using the information you enter in a client data file and prepares a printable billing report. A 7K memory-resident utility, TRACKR lets you create or switch tasks at any time, stop the clock temporarily, switch applications with the clock running, combine multiple separately timed tasks for the same client into a single billing report, and update your task log at a keystroke. Increments for partial-hour calculations can be as small as 1 minute. If at any time you are in a TRACKR menu and wish to return to your application, simply press Esc key. If you're two or more menus deep, you will have to hit the Esc key twice. V11N13.ZIP Includes: INCTRL by Neil Rubenking July 1992 (Utilities) INCTRL.EXE is an Installation Control program for Windows. It supervises an application's install utility and writes a report file of changes made to your system. Neil J. Rubenking is technical editor of PC Magazine. V11N14.ZIP Includes: BADAPP - Application Error Testbed for Windows 3.1 Copyright (C) 1992 Ray Duncan Ziff Davis Publishing * PC Magazine, and CLIPSTAC by Richard Hale Shaw August 1992 (Utilities} The Windows Clipboard over writes its entire contents the moment you copy a fresh piece of text or cut a second image to it. The Clipboard can hold one and only one item at a time; it is absolutely unforgiving. And, as you may have found, it takes just one accidentally lost cut to make you wish the Clipboard could accommodate multiple items. CLIPSTAC eliminates this dangerous limitation. CLIPSTAC creates a stack, or history list, of all the texts and bitmaps that any program cuts or copies to or from the Clipboard. It saves all these items in a file, CLIPSTAC.DAT, from which you can copy items back to the Clipboard by selecting the desired entry from a list box. V11N16.ZIP Includes: TOTOP (Version 1.0) by John Deurbrouck First Published in PC Magazine September 29, 1992 (Utilities) TOTOP is a small (less than 9K) Windows 3.1 utility that lets you "float" an application or an icon, above your currently active full-screen program. Just click on the TOTOP icon and select Top or Bottom and you can float or sink any window with a click of the mouse without deactivating the program window in which you're working. Since TOTOP uses features that are new in Windows 3.1, it can't be used with older Windows versions. It also requires a mouse. V11NO5.ZIP Includes WINPTR by Douglas Boling March 17, 1992 (Utilities) WINPTR will restore your Windows cursor visibility, highlighting the pointer so it stands out clearly on dim, washed-out LCD screens. In addition to using it on laptops, you can also use WINPTR for presentations on large- screen projectors. And on desktop machines, it can help to view the cursor on a cluttered screen. V12N01.ZIP Includes: WINTIDY Version 1.0 by Neil J. Rubenking WINTIDY is a Windows 3.1 specific utility that lets you keep your Program Manager organized. WINTIDY can arrange the icons in every group window. In addition, it can save the ProgMan layout, including iconic location, normal window size, and display state (minimized, maximized, or normal) for each group window, along with the location of the items within each group window. If you experiment with a new layout, at the click of a button, WINTIDY will restore the ProgMan layout you last saved. WINTIDY requires Windows 3.1, because some of the necessary programming functions were not introduced prior to that version. (Windows programmers will be amazed at the contortions this apparently simple program must go through behind the scenes.) And, of course, if you use a program other than Program Manager as your Windows shell, WINTIDY can't help you. VB4CTRLS.ZIP [Free - Source $20] Visual BASIC Controls by Jiang, Jeng Long These files included four design-mode custom controls. You can use them in design or run-time mode. You may copy and distribute these controls FREEly as long as you include all files in an unaltered state. If you have any suggestions or complaints I would like to hear them from you. Also if by any chance, you are one of those programmers who never feel safe using other people's library without source code. VBA102.ZIP Visual Basic Add-on DLL Version 1.01 VB Add-Ons by Michael A. Stewart [76234,3314] This Dynamic Link Library (DLL) provides the following additional functions for Visual Basic: Huge Array Support - Support for arrays which exceed Visual Basic's limitations; and Disk Information Support - Access to disk/diskette information not available through Visual Basic VBAPI.ZIP New Features in VBToolbox Pro (2): 1. Floating user configurable toolbar. 2. Floating toolbar always stays on top, enables you to edit code in full screen code windows, with complete access to menu functions. 3. Launch your current project on startup. 4. Launch a second program such as VB Assist on startup. 5. List of all active windows task ID#'s and hWnd's and new VBSpy for debugging API calls. 6. List of all available VBx files, add to your project with a double click of your mouse. 7. You may now launch any number of programs from within the VB environment. 8. Help file that also contains declarations for the most commonly used freeware, and public domain dll's, giving you a central reference. This was the most common request among current users, as long as there is continued interest I'll try my best to keep this file updated. 9. Full printing capabilities from the smallest code fragment to the entire project. 10. F6 hotkey added for quick code printing 11. VBT Instant Watch. * Improved overall performance. VBBOOK.ZIP VB BOOK prints README and similar ASCII files in booklet format on an HP LaserJet II, IIp, or III printer. Uses two-sided printing in landscape mode, with Line Printer font so that four standard pages of 80 characters per line, 66 lines per page are printed on each sheet without formatting changes. Based on the program, PC BOOK, by Jay Munro, Copyright 1990 PC Magazine Ziff Davis - Jay Munro. Originally written by Jay Munro and converted to Visual Basic by Dennis Scott on 1 September 1991. Documentation adapted from original PCBOOK.DOC file. VBCLIENT.ZIP Client Tracker by MELVIN BITTINGER THIS PROGRAM IS SOMETHING LIKE A CLIENT TRACKER, A MEETING ORGINIZER, written in Visual BASIC. VBCLOCK.ZIP Visual Basic Clock Released Into Public Domain By Jim Gagliano [74017,3342] Source included. VBDB110.ZIP VBDB is a database engine which operates as a DDE server. This means that any windows application which supports DDE can use VBDB. Visual Basic supports DDE, an d in fact VBDB was written entirely in Visual Basic making use of Windows system level calls via the windows API functions. VBDB is a suite of programs, forms and routines that allow the Visual Basic programmer access to the industry standard database file format used by dBASE. Using VBDB you may create, edit, modify, access or manage database files, indexes and memo files -- all from within your Visual Basic program. To use VBDB simply add the DBACCESS.BAS module and DBACCESS.FRM to your program and your off! Include other forms from this library as needed to add features to your program like Browse, Display Structure and others. It's really that easy. VBDEVERS.ZIP Text file of Visual Basic add-on developers. VBDLG31.ZIP Visual Basic Common Dialog Control (c)1992 by Mark Gamber This control provides access to the common dialog functions available from Windows 3.1. To begin using the control, copy VBDLG31.VBX to your Visual Basic directory. Select the "Add Files..." item from the "File" menu and select the file from the list box displayed. You should see a small icon on the toolbar with a " 3.1" displayed if successful. VBDOS.ZIP Visual Basic DOS disk statistic routines. VBDOS5.ZIP Getting to DOS from VB. Very nice. VBENDTSK.ZIP [P.D.] ENTASK.DLL by Jeff Simms [72200,3173] When End Task is selected from the Task List it sends a WM_CLOSE message to the VB apps "invisible parent" window (classname ThunderRTMain) who does not pass it on. ENTASK.DLL hooks into this window and redirects the message to a form of your choice. VBFINDID.ZIP by Costas Kitsos October 1991 Visual Basic provides no way to determine or define the IDs of Controls in VB forms. VBFindID is a small WinApp I wrote in Turbo Pascal for Windows (for compactness). It can be used to determine the IDs of VB Controls (including Labels) during development of your VB Apps. Knowing the IDs before hand saves you from having to determine control IDs during run-time and allows you the flexibility to use several API calls during the Form_Load procedure without having to show the form and go through a series of SetFocus statements. Also, it's the only way I know of to get the IDs of VB labels. VBFLIP.ZIP VB Flipper app. VBFONT.ZIP {Free] FONTVIEW by Charles K. Snider [73730,1315] FONTVIEW is a Visual Basic program that displays available screen or printer fonts in various sizes and styles and prints a list of fonts. Since this is a Visual l Basic application, VBRUN100.DLL is required to run FONTVIEW.EXE. Version 3.0 adds some new options and cleans up the code. There are many font viewers written for Windows; the underlying theme here is simplicity. FONTVIEW will display and print fonts. Period. The source files FONTVIEW.FRM and FONTVIEW.MAK are included. VBGA.ZIP VBGA VER. 1.00 by Jim McClure Vance. This program was written with Microsoft Visual Basic 1.0 The bitmaps were generated with Windows Paint. I generated the program to familiarize myself with VB 1.0 It was fun. There are several maps of Georgia with information related to the map type. Nothing to flashy now, but this is my FIRST EXE. I hope there is some use for the information contained in VBGA.EXE and I would like to get some feedback if anyone has a comment. VBGETDEC.ZIP When you have unused DLL declarations in a program, the .EXE file created by Visual Basic is larger than it needs to be. This happens because VB doesn't check to see if you've actually used each declared procedure in your program. The GetDec Utility is used to create a file containing DLL procedure declarations, Type..End Type definitions, and Global Const declarations. Once you've created the file, you can remove all the declarations in your program and paste this new file into your global module. The source code for GetDec is included with MicroHelp Muscle. Muscle contains more than 400 other routines (most of which are written in assembly language) that make your Visual Basic programs faster and smaller or provide more functionality. MicroHelp also publishes VBTools (the most popular Visual Basic add-on library) as well as the MicroHelp Communications Library for Visual Basic. We also offer a large selection of add-on products for Microsoft QuickBASIC and BASIC Professional Development System (PDS). VBHOTKEY.ZIP TSR Type Processing in VB by Jonathan Zuck HOTKEY.DLL is designed to provide hotkey support to Visual Basic as this is not directly supported in VB. You can define multiple hot keys in your application and the DLL can be used by multiple applications simultaneously. 07-26-1991 VBICONBR.ZIP [$10.00] Visual Basic Icon Browser. Registration brings source code. VBINST.ZIP This installation program is completely free to use for everyone who needs an installation program for their products. You may edit it as you find it useful. I have commented the source code the best I could. There is also some Windows API calls you may find useful to use in your programs. If you find it useful please send me a comments via CompuServe, etc. suggestion, enhancement you may have done to it and that's all it's going to cost you. But you MAY NOT use it (in any condition) as commercial product by its own! You may distribute it with your own program as installation program as long as you get paid because of your own program not by VBINST program. VBKBASE1.ZIP Microsoft Knowledge Base on CompuServe 9/18/91 "Visual Basic" anywhere in document. VBLAUNCH.ZIP VBLAUNCH V1.0 by Jeff Simms [72200,3173] June 29, 1992 Program adds launch menu filled with Program Manager items to VB menu bar. To use: Put LAUNCH.DLL in your Windows system directory. VB must be running before launching program. VBMAC.ZIP Macro Recorder macros for Visual Basic by George Campbell [71571,222] This is a set of macros for the Windows Macro Recorder. It contains a set of useful macros from Ctrl-Shift-A to Ctrl-Shift-W, and does a bunch of stuff to shortcut your typing when coding in VB. To use this stuff, start the Recorder app and load VB.REC before running Visual Basic. I made an icon out of the VB.REC file and put it right next to my VB icon, so I could get right at it. To see the functions of each macro, restore the Recorder to the screen and check out the descriptions for each macro. To use the macros, minimize the Recorder, then make sure VB is in it's code editing mode. Press the key combination for your macro choice, and the code will appear at the cursor position. Naturally, you can record your own macros to replace or add to the ones already here. If you need help with this, see your Windows manual, but its easy. VBMAIL.ZIP Mailbox Editor in VB. VBME31.ZIP [P.D.] VBMEM v3.1 by Charles K. Snider [73730,1315] VBMEM (formerly VBSYSINF) is a Visual Basic utility for Windows 3.0. It displays Windows operating mode, presence of a math coprocessor and the amount of free memory available to Windows. The displayed memory updates in real time - it changes as the system does. When minimized, the caption will change to display free memory. Clicking on the picture box will display "About" information. This is a Visual Basic application. It requires VBRUN100.DLL to run. I've decided to release this program into the public domain, so this version now includes the *.MAK and *.FRM files. So if you use it - Enjoy! VBMENBIT.ZIP Menu item bitmaps. VBMEMORY.ZIP Text file from Microsoft on memory limitations in Visual Basic. VBOUNCE.ZIP The Visual Basic program Bounce.Mak is a simple program that takes my name and makes it bounce all over the screen, it works in any resolution. I have included the source code for VB programmers to look at and mess around with. Bounce.EXE is included for those without VB to look at. To start the bounce program after you run it just click on the form that has Sean on it. I hope you learn something from looking at the source code. Thank you....... Sean Bishop VBMRT.EXE Microhelp's VBMuscle runtime module. VBPCAL.ZIP VB Popup Calendar Example by Don Schueler VBPSETUP.ZIP PSETUP.DLL by Costas Kitsos Gives your VB apps the ability to access the standard Printer Setup dialog, where the user can change such printer settings as page orientation, number of copies, scaling, etc. PSETUP.DLL invokes the DeviceMode function of the current printer driver. The DLL doesn't contain any menus, the Printer Setup menu is part of the printer driver. The code is commented in PSETUP.FRM and should answer most of your questions. Should you have any you may reach via CIS-mail at 73667,1755. PSETUP.DLL is free but Copyrighted. Enjoy. VBRUN100.ZIP This is the runtime module needed by all VB 1.X programs, VBRUN100.DLL. VBRUN2.ZIP This is the runtime module needed by all VB 2.X programs, VBRUN200.DLL. VBSCRL.ZIP How to make a scrolling window in VB. VBSHEL.ZIP VBShell v.1.0.0 by Paul E. Smith What is VBShell? VBShell was written to work around one of the more annoying "features" of Visual Basic: The fact that a VB application cannot be used as the Windows shell. VBShell can be loaded as the Windows shell. It then loads your VB application, and unloads itself. Your VB application is then the only task left running! VBSORT.ZIP by Nelson Ford This set of files for VBSort is Copyright 1991 Nelson Ford, PsL. You may freely use the routines in them in your own applications. You may distribute this set of files to others, as long as you do not change any of the contents. VBSOURCE.ZIP Source from Douglas Hergert's book on VB programming. VBTBPB.ZIP VBToolbox by Hal Jurcik Automates the process of saving and running your projects during programming sessions in the Visual Basic environment to prevent lost work and frustration if the system crashes. Included in the toolbox are functions for automating the save text/ load text process, full code printing capability, calling text files, Icon editors, add-on helpfiles, or any program from within the Visual Basic editing environment. If you use Visual Basic this utility is a MUST!! New Features in VBToolbox Pro: 1. Full printing capabilities from the smallest code fragment to the entire project. 2. F6 hotkey added for quick code printing 3. List of all active windows task ID#'s and hWnd's 4. List of all available VBx files, add to your project with a double click of your mouse. 5. You may now launch any number of programs from within the VB environment. 6. Help file that also contains declarations for the most commonly used freeware, and public domain dll's, giving you a central reference. This was the most common request among current users, as long as there is continued interest I'll try my best to keep this file updated. I've tried my best to be clear and concise in documentation and error handling Messages. If I've overlooked something or if my instructions can be clarified in any way drop me a line and I'll try to make modifications as I can. VBTERM.ZIP [76701,11] The enclosed VB project comprises a simple VT100-like terminal emulator. I should warn you that it is neither complete (in that it doesn't support all VT100 escape sequences, handle function or cursor keys, etc.), well designed, or fully debugged. The VT100 emulation seems sufficient to use with CompuServe, which was a prime requirement of mine. On the other hand, more demanding systems (such as UNIX's VI editor) will not work. VBTHLP.ZIP VB Tips in Help (.HLP) format. Uses Windows HELP program. VBTIPS.ZIP Text file Tips on using Visual Basic by Nelson Ford [71355,470] VBTOOLS.ZIP Demo of MicroHelp's VBTools package. VBUTIL.ZIP by George M. White [71511,1072] This .ZIP file contains two utilities for use with Microsoft's Visual Basic. These utilities are called VBCOPY.EXE and VBDEL.EXE. They are used to copy or delete Visual Basic projects. Visual Basic stores information about the project in the .MAK file. VBCOPY and VBDEL read the .MAK file and determine which forms and/or other files belong to the project. VBCOPY will copy the .MAK file and the other files for the project to another directory. VBDEL will DELETE the .MAK file and ALL the other files for the project. These utilities will tell you if it doesn't think the .MAK file is a Visual Basic .MAK file. The error messages out of these utilities are simple. Most of the time any error message indicates that the .MAK file or path is incorrect or that the destination path is incorrect. VBDEL will prompt you before it deletes any project. I have used these utilities many times without any problems. I determined the format of the .MAK file on my own so I cannot guarantee that it will always find the correct forms even though is has so far. Please report any bugs found with this utilities to me so I can fix them and upload a new copy. Thank You. VBWIDGET.ZIP VB Widget by Sheridan Systems DEMO version VBWRI.ZIP VBWRITE DEMO by Jeff Simms [72200,3173] July 6, 1992 Demonstrates adding MS Write "Control" to VB app. plus an alternative to using sendkeys to control another app. Below are the Menu ID's for Write. You can add menu items to the demo using them with PostMessage. The SetParent call was discovered by accident and it looks like you can use it to make "MDI Child" windows with any app or with other VB forms. If you have any questions feel free to write. VCPI.ZIP Text file by Daniel Travison on DOS Extender technology/implementation. VCW721.ZIP [$20.00] VCATWIN by W. A. Jackson VCATWIN is a Windows version of VIDEOCAT, a specialized database program designed for cataloging a collection of movies or similar materials stored on videocassettes. Using the program's Edit functions you can build and modify a data file of records containing this information for items in your video collection. This program was designed for collections of theatrical motion pictures; however custom configuration options permit adaptation to other specialized types of collections. Using the program's View functions you can display the data file in a variety of formats and sequences. You can also use the Search option to display only those records having particular characteristics (e.g. westerns with John Wayne). Using the program's File functions you can print a hard copy listing. Using the program's Label functions you can print labels on a variety of commercially available label stocks. This program has been designed with large collections in mind. Theoretically the program could handle data files with up to 65,535 records. For all practical purposes the number of records is limited only by available disk space, with each record taking up 384 bytes. VD208A.ZIP VMON version 2.00 by Federated Telecommunications Corporation. Virtual Monitors for Windows. Desktop expansion and management tool. Appears to be a DEMO version, limited to 15 minutes operation. VDT.ZIP Virtual Desktop by PET Associates VDT is a toolset developed for use with the Microsoft Windows operating environment. The toolset provides enhancements and improvements to the Microsoft Windows environment. VDT is comprised of three integrated applications that provide the following features: a screen expander, a hierarchical group manager, and a graphical disk manager. VFERUN.ZIP Video for Windows 1.0 - Electronic Runtime by Microsoft Corp. As any presenter knows, the best way to explain something clearly and memorably is to show it in action. And today, that means video. With Microsoft Video for Windows, you can do more than present the facts. You can tell the whole story: *Spice up electronic presentations with videos of actual product demonstrations. *Build credibility with customer testimonials that your audience can see and hear. Because Video for Windows treats video as simply another data type, you don't have to redo presentations to take advantage of video. You can create video clips specific to your presentations; or, you can use and edit predigitized sequences from the Video Clip Library included with Microsoft Video for Windows. The Video Clip Library contains more than 200 predigitized video sequences that you can use much as you'd use standard clip art. VGA4WIN.ZIP by Playroom Software Change Control Box, Min/Max buttons and Scroll arrows to look like Mac, Motif, XWindow. Use with OSF106.ZIP for awesome effects. Supports VGA mode only (640X480). Change SYSTEM.INI line to read DISPLAY.DRV=VGAx.DRV VGAFON.ZIP Fonts for Windows by Wolfgang Exler, Germany. [100021,450] VHOLD.ZIP by Barry Press [72467,2353] Vertical hold module for After Dark screen blanker. VI10.ZIP View Icon 1.01 by Bob Novell Icon viewer (2-23-89) VIDEO.ZIP Text file from Microsoft Multimedia Video Techniques March 20, 1992 This article describes some techniques that can help improve your application's video performance: Using an identity palette to speed the drawing of images; Dealing with differences in video adapters; Modifying device-independent bitmaps (DIBs) using the DIB driver; and Using the DisplayDib application programming interface (API) to display 256-color images on a standard VGA adapter. Sample code snippets included here. VIEWPORT.ZIP BMP Viewer for Visual Basic by William Hurt One of the problems I have been having with Visual Basic is that I found it difficult to make scrollable viewports. The documentation included with Visual Basic falls utterly short of fully describing its potential. Inside this zip please find the fully documented bmp_view.frm the code required to make scrollable viewports has been fully documented. Use it to add viewports to your own software. VINST4.ZIP Modified Setup1 by L.J. Johnson, [70700,1334] 04/12/92 The Setup program that comes with the Microsoft Professional Toolkit for Visual Basic is a nice program, but lacks some features which I needed for corporate installations. I have modified this program to do the things I needed, and hopefully someone else will also find these modifications useful. The concept is that, once you get the colors, heading sizes/fonts, etc, to your liking, you should not have to modify the source code in order to install another program (unless you want to do something 'special'). In other words, the modifications make Setup1 data-driven. VISMOD35.ZIP [$39.95] Visual Modem 3.5 by Mark J. Findlay Visual Modem is a simple way to examine and alter the settings of your USR HST Dual Standard 9600 Modem. While full functionality is geared towards use with the USRHST, any modem can take advantage of the custom modem command creation facility to create, save and send modem commands especially tailored to a particular modem. Instead of having to wade through the complex maze of cryptic modem commands (i.e. ATB1&S0=0E1F0&F) etc., Visual Modem offers the user a collection of screens which display all of the settings options in text format, allowing the user to comfortably scroll through the listing of available modem commands and change or reset any of the modem's configuration settings. Visual Modem also acts as a tutor, displaying the actual modem commands for each setting sent to the modem and each response received. (Just in case you find yourself without Visual Modem someday...). Once the desired modem settings have been set, the user can send the entire set of new configuration settings to the modem with the selection of a single Visual Modem menu item. For those occasions when you prefer to send individual modem commands to the modem, VWR11.ZIP [Free] General purpose graphic viewer utility by Marquette Computer Consultants [70413,3405] Bitmaps, Icons, Run Length Encoded and Windows Metafiles are all viewable. For BMP, RLE and ICO files the Viewer sizes to fit the size of the image. You can select different sizes simply by resizing the view window. Use Paintbrush to edit the current image by double clicking the filename in the file list box. VMULT.ZIP By David Risack Doubles sampling rate in SoundBlaster files and writes new header. VMULT is for use on SoundBlaster Voice files (.VOC). This program allows you to double the actual sampling rate. This is a very simple process of stripping the header and doubling each byte. VQUIRK.ZIP Text file by Mark Novisoff on Visual Basic "quirks". 8-91 VWPD.ZIP [$20.00] The "Virtual Write Protect Device" 1.06 by Mom's Software A Windows 386 Enhanced Mode virtual device driver. VWPD prevents disk corruption from occurring when using CHKDSK while Windows is running It has a write protect feature which can be toggled on/off by the included control program. Test suspected Trojan and virus programs with secure write protect, enabled (runs in Protected Mode at Ring 0). Requires MS Windows 386 Enhanced mode. Documentation included. Network compatible. Simple installation. The VWPD protects your hard disk drive from DOS low level sector writes. Utilities like PC Tools Compress, Norton's SD, Golden Bow's VOPT and disk repair and modification utilities will receive an error("disk write protected"), if you attempt to run them while MS Windows is running (Enhanced Mode only). The VWPD also protects your hard disk from low level formatting and if you have used the control program (VWPDCTRL.EXE) to turn on the write protect feature you are protected from Interrupt 13h writes. VXBASE.ZIP Visual BASIC xBASE Functions for Windows by Terry Orletsky [70524, 3723] W-WAVE.ZIP 5 more .WAV sound files, these begin with "W". W3-SLOT [$5.00] Slot Machine Version 0.3 by Brett McDonald Slot machine game. Simple, but nice. W3&HIMEM.ZIP by Ashley Saldanha [72677,2370] Text file on Windows and High Memory. W3CAP.ZIP by Roger Armstrong Screen and window capture utility. W3CFG.ZIP [$10.00] Windows Configuration Tips 1.00 by Donald G. Roy. [76675,1272] Tips on optimizing Windows set up as a ToolBook application. W3HOTK11.ZIP [$20.00] Windows HotKeys by Greg White [73657,277] Run programs with a HotKey! W4WTOPM.ZIP WinWord to PageMaker file translation filter dated 2-25-92. WALDO.ZIP by Leo Melanson [74130,2141] This Visual Basic program loads and unloads a brief animation sequence of WALDO (from Where's WALDO? fame). He walks across the form, then the program closes. For fun, can you tell if this is the real Waldo or an impostor and why? The animation isn't great, and the program is very simple, but I thought it might help some beginners add some flare to their programs. I am a beginner too, but VB makes this very simple. WALKER.ZIP [$10.00] WALKER by Brad Lucas [74130,2452] Windows Application Executive runs programs from a small window. You enter the filename and it's path in Walker's client area and hit return to run that program. Walker can be used as a replacement for the Program Managers File Run dialog box. It is small and can be placed out of the way and because it is a window and not a modal dialog box, it is always available. For more information run Walker and look at it's Help system, accessed off of the system menu. WALLCH.ZIP Wallpaper Changer by Ed Staffin [72240,2171] WALLMA.ZIP [$2.00] by UnderWare Wallpaper that looks like Mac screens! WALLTILE.ZIP Many small .BMP files suitable for tiling. Be creative! WANSI12E.ZIP WinANSI Windows ANSI Editor by Tim Jones AmSoft Development WinANSI came about while I was evaluating Russell Frey's PowerBBS for Windows. As a part of PowerBBS setup, you are allowed to edit the text files displayed by the BBS system to callers at various times. Mr. Frey defaulted the called edit or to 'TheDRAW', which is an excellent ANSI editor if you don't mind leaving the Windows environment. Well, I didn't have 'TheDRAW' at the time, so I changed his default to Windows' NOTEPAD, only to be disappointed when it wouldn't let me enter a literal ESC character. After looking around for a week on various BBS's, I decided that I would have to do it myself if I were going to satisfy my need for a true Windows-based ANSI editor. WinANSI is the result of my work. WARHEADS.ZIP Warheads for Windows v 1.01 by Brian C. Lowe and Eric Lee Steadle Game ala Missile Command, nicely done. Recommended! 9-91 WAV1.ZIP 35 more .WAV sound files for Windows. Nice collection includes "I'll be back!" , "Kirk here.", and others. WAVAWA.ZIP Wave after Wave 1.5 for Windows is a shareware program to play wave files. Previously called WAVER. I got tired of doing the FILE|OPEN thing, over and over every time I downloaded more wave files. Now I have a directory called NewWave where I put all the new wave files that I've downloaded. Then I run Wave after Wave and press the AUTO PLAY Button that plays all the wave files in the selected directory starting at the top or at the currently selected file. You can play individual wave files by pressing the PLAY button or by double clicking on the file name in the list box. Wave after Wave 1.5 also supports Windows 3.1's drag and drop features. You can drag wave files from the File Manager onto Wave after Wave's running icon or window and they will be played. WAVEED.ZIP [$20.00] WAVE EDITOR by Keith W. Boone Wave Editor is an application that allows you to input, create, modify and analyze wave forms. Currently it works with 8 bit monaural PCM wave format files (most .WAV files that you have are probably in this format). WAVER10.ZIP WAVER 1.0 by Mike Mezaros WAVER is a simple sound player for Microsoft Windows 3.1 or higher. Former users of Aaron Wallace's Sounder and Dsound.Dll are used to being able to launch .SND documents and have them play. Under Windows 3.1, this isn't the case - launching a .WAV file calls up the Sound Recorder, with the .WAV file loaded in memory. WAVER is similar to the Sounder half of Sounder and Dsound.Dll. Once installed, launching a .WAV document will simply play the sound. This allows greater flexibility for organizing and playing sounds. For example, you can now install all of your sounds in a Program Manager group. Double-clicking their icons will now simply play them, as with Sounder. WAVFILS1.ZIP 34 more .WAV sound files. WAVFILS2.ZIP 20 more .WAV sound files. WAVPLY.ZIP WavePlayer Version 1.0 by Pete Asensio [70143,467] This app was written because the standard multimedia apps supplied with my Pro Audio Spectrum upgrade kit did not include a fast waveaudio player. WavePlayer uses the "sndPlaySound" call, which is very quick at opening the .wav file and playing it. WavePlayer also does not insist on closing the file access boxes before performing its function. A big list of .wav files just sits there in front of you, waiting to be tested. WB-40E.ZIP [$69.95] WinBatch 4.0E by Wilson WindoWare This disk contains the WinBatch Interpreter version 4.0e, and our WinMacro product. WinBatch is the Windows Batch Language that you can use to real honest-to-goodness Windows batch files to control every aspect of your machine's operation. There are more than 200 different functions to allow you to do *anything* with WinBatch! WinBatch supports DDE, Networks, and all Multimedia devices. Finally, a Windows Batch Language! This is a MUST HAVE Windows program! Many new additions to version 4. This is the same language you'll find in Norton Desktop, Command Post, PubTech Organizer and more. High level design tool for the discriminating batch file expert. Very highly recommended!!! WBA-HG.ZIP Uploaded by Patrick Long, CIS #72260,700 Hacker's Guide update to the Word BASIC Advisor: MACREF.DAT is a replacement for the file of the same name that came with the Word BASIC Advisor program included with the WinWord Developer's Kit. To use, simply copy MACREF.DAT included in WBA-HG.ZIP to the directory containing the WBA.EXE file, replacing the existing MACREF.DAT. The new file adds the command specific references from Woody Leonard's Hacker's Guide to the Univers, (his words, not mine) which are indicated by the words: "Hacker's Guide Alert" the command notes. August 1991 WBAUTO11.ZIP Automagically change wallpaper every time you start Windows! WC300.ZIP [$7.50] WinClock by David A. Feinleib This is the nicest clock for Windows, features display of date and time in many formats, two alarms, Run Program Timer, hourly beep (optional), two stopwatches, screen saver compatibility, and more. Very nice. WCE30A.ZIP Windows C Editor V3.0A Windows C Editor is a multipurpose application development tool for use with developing Windows Applications within Windows. With features like Program Postems, support for all languages (C, BAS, COB, FOR, PAS, etc.), MDI interface, header file, resource file, make file and def files. This demo package allows you to view WCE interactively. Although it is a working demo, two functions of the program have been made unfunctional. The Help feature doesn't exist along with allowing only one compilation per project. If you are a novice or experienced Windows application developer, try WCE and you will see why so many people have made the switch. All that is required is the SDK and a Language Compiler. WCHR10.ZIP Winchime by Alan D. Jones, Farpoint Software [74030,554] Winchime is a Microsoft Windows program whose purpose is to announce the time of day at 30 minute or 1 hour intervals, using digitized human speech reproduced through the built-in speaker in most computers. The machine must be at least as fast as an 8 MHz 286. The program will function in all Windows modes: real, standard, or enhanced. WCK-DDE.ZIP WinCheck DDE Technical Reference by Wilson WindowWare [76702,1072] The accompanying file, WCK-DDE.DOC, is the preliminary version of the WinCheck DDE Technical Reference. An expanded version will be made available later on, including more extensive examples of macros, but this file should provide you with enough information to get started. Those of you who develop working macros (Excel, Winword, etc.) for use with WinCheck are encouraged to upload them to CompuServe (WINAPA, Library 15), so that other users can benefit from your experience. WCK30P.ZIP [$39.95] WinCheck 3.0P by Dave Edson Checkbook program that also tracks savings account. Very nicely done. WinCheck is designed to manage any number of checking, savings, and credit card accounts. Since WinCheck's initial release last year, it has developed into a top-notch financial manager. WinCheck's features include a Check Form Designer, to build check templates for printing on virtually any pre-printed check form (dot matrix and laser checks are both supported). WCLOCK11.ZIP [$10.00] WCLOCK 1.1 by Dylan. C. Rhodes French Translation by Frederic Le Bas WCLOCK presents a slightly more user-friendly time display than the standard CLOCK program supplied by Microsoft. WCLOCK is loosely based on a program called DAYTIME which I once saw running on a BSD Unix system. I wrote this using Borland C++ (although I used pure ANSI C) on an ALR BusinessVEISA model 101 sporting a Hercules Graphics Station Card. (And yes, the program really does look that much better on a 1024x768x256 screen.) 5-91 WCMD11.ZIP [$27.00] Windows Command is a command line interface designed for the Microsoft Windows environment. It combines the features of enhanced DOS command line interpreters with the ability to access the features of Windows. These features include: * User-definable execution menu * Disk serial number retrieval in DIR and SER. * FINDFILE command to search entire drives for files. * Microsoft Windows 3.1 and 3.0 compatibility * Novell Netware compatible * command history/recall with history save and load * filename completion with wildcard support * command aliases * Parameter substitution and user-definable variables in aliases and batch files * multiple commands per line * redirection of standard output * a complete command set including MOVE, PRINT and EXCEPT * a File Browser to access filenames through a file dialog * minimize, maximize or close any window from the command line * set Windows filename associations from the command line * display various information in the title bar * much more! WCOLORS.ZIP by Richard Hale Shaw WINCOLOR is the answer to all of Windows 3.0 Control Panel limitations. It lets you change all Windows' component colors you can change and view the impact of your modifications as you make them. 8-91 WCONTR11.ZIP Window Control 1.1 Most of the mini-apps that come with MS Windows as well as most major applications do not remember where you want them to be on your Windows Desktop. When they run, they ask Windows to decide where they should be started. This usually requires the user to take the time to position and size the application manually before any work can be done. This is annoying to say the least as well as very non-productive. A user should be able to determine the size and location of a window once and expect it to always return there. This utility was designed to do that as transparently as possible. When running in its normal position, applications that do not control their starting point or their size will default to starting in the upper left hand corner and ex tending to the left edge of the Window Control window. Applications that control their size but not their starting location default to starting in the upper left corner. When running as an icon, applications start wherever Windows wants them to just as though Window Control was not running. In either case, Window Control can control them once they are added to the list. Application that are not parent windows cannot be controlled. Applications that control themselves can also be controlled but that is redundant. Window Control can store 100 separate applications. Once an application is under control it can easily be repositioned and recontrolled. WCPUMTR.ZIP [$15.00] CPU Meter by Michael C. Robert (1-19-91) WCR22F.ZIP [$25.00] WCRON 2.2F by Sylvain Tremblay Wcron is a periodical task scheduler. The name Wcron stands for Windows cron. "Cron" is a standard tool on Unix Systems and it is very commonly used. In fact most Unix systems depends a lot on cron. Cron (and Wcron for that matter) is most useful for machines that runs 24 hours a day. Wcron let you specify the time of execution of a specific tasks. It can be used for once only executions and for periodical executions. 2-92 WDBWIN.ZIP [$25.00] WindBase Ver. 1.0 by Nickleware (Bradley Nicholes) [72730,1002] Windbase is an application that was designed to help simplify data collection, storage and retrieval. With the help of Windbase, you can design custom data entry forms and at the same time create the database to match it. Windbase will also allow you to index and reindex your data by a single field or multiple fields. This enables you to organize and retrieve your data much more easily and faster as well. WindBase also allows you to create, store and view multiple database files all at the same time. Then when you are ready to print your data, WindBase will print it in the same custom layout or let you reorganize the data to best fit your needs. WDISKMAN.ZIP [$20.00] DiskMan 1.3 by DiskMaster Software [73507,3505] DiskMan prints professional quality labels for your floppy disks as well as keep track of all your files on your floppies, Bernoullis, and hard drives. Without typing a single letter, you will be able to label all your disks, keep a log of all your disks, and make a printout. Since you probably already keep your disks in some type of storage box, DiskMan will keep your files separated by storage box. DiskMan will also print disk labels on standard Avery labels, available from us. So if you are tired of hunting around for a disk, or just want to make your disks look better and easier to put your hands on, this is the program for you. Give it a try, and if you like it, please become a registered user. The registration fee will entitle you to all updates for a year. Files dated 2-92 WDMAIL.ZIP [$25.00] Wind-Mail Ver. 2.0 by Nickleware (Bradley Nicholes) [72730,1002] Wind-Mail is an E-Mail and Bulletin Board system that is designed to keep you and your network users informed. With Wind-Mail you can send messages directly to another Wind-Mail user or post a bulletin on the Wind-Mail bulletin board for all users to read. Features: Addition of Windows 3.0 Help Manager Addition of cascading menus. The user password on the Logon window is masked out. Proportional system font. Increased list box capacity. Wind-Mail is fully Windows 3 compatible. Color icons. WDN.ZIP Windows Directory Notes by Corel Systems Corp. Pat Beirne This is a tiny Windows app which allows the user to add annotation to his directories. For compatibility with DIRNOTES.COM, this app allows up to 38 characters to be associated with each file. The notes are stored in a file called DIRN-xxx.DAT where xxx is the first three letters of the directory name. If the name is less than 3 letters, '-' is used. For example, for the root, the note file is called DIRN----.DAT. The format for this file is identical to that used by DIRNOTES.CO M, a popular DOS program. WE-20G.ZIP [$30.00-90.00] WinEdit 2.0G by Wilson Windoware Power Programming for the Windows Environment. Full featured editor, or simple file browser. Super high speed, super powerful. WinEdit comes in 3 flavors, for novice, intermediate and advanced users. Very well done and recommended highly! Up there with MegaEdit. Prices: WinEdit Lite - Super notepad replacement $29.95 WinEdit Standard - Programmers editor $59.95 WinEdit Pro - Includes full macro language $89.95 WED13B.ZIP WinEdit 1.3B by Wilson WindoWare Very nice multifile document editor, updated 3-92. Features MDI and Icon Bar, top flight editor for Windows by WinBatch creator. WEDI.ZIP ED 1.0 - Visual Editor Interface by Randy Neal [72315,16] ED is a Windows "front end" for use with your favorite text editor. It provides an easy way to access your DOS or Windows based text editor at any time while in Windows. When you start ED, it displays a form that lists the files in the root directory of the current drive. You can switch between drives and directories using the familiar file list commands. Once you locate the file you want to edit, you just "double click" the file and ED runs your editor, passing the file name to the editor startup command you specify on the ED Options menu. Written in Microsoft Visual Basic. 06/23/91 WEDL.ZIP [$50.00] Windows Edit List Generator by Software Systems [70047,1061] Handles Calaway, GVG/ISC, CMX3400, CMX3600, CMXEDGE up to 1500 lines. WEM31.ZIP [$20.00] Windows Easy Menu 3.1 by Glen S. Tittermary [71401,2413] Windows Easy Menu (WEM) is a menu system for Microsoft Windows 3.0 and 3.1. It makes user-defined applications available with a single click of the mouse or press of a key. In addition, it makes all of the Windows Desktop Accessories or user-defined accessories available on the same menu. Applications may be Windows applications or DOS programs. Version 3.1 is fully compatible with Windows 3.0 and 3.1 (and will not run under previous versions of Windows). WEM 3.1 runs only in Standard and Enhanced mode; WEM LT also runs in Real mode. Windows Easy Menu has complete keyboard support, so it is an excellent Windows applications manager for laptops and other systems without a mouse. This version of WEM includes support for startup directories for each menu item, and each item can be started as either a window, icon, or full screen. New in this version is password protection of various tasks and support for up to 300 menu items. Also, the Command Bar has been modified to display the date and time, free disk space, and free memory in a 3-D panel. Version 3.1 includes the WEM Menu Editor, which makes maintenance of your menus much easier. With the editor, you can clear, insert, and delete menu items. The editor also provides printer support, so all of the menu data can be printed. Major update as of 4-92. WEMORY10.ZIP WEMORY Version 1.0 A Windows Memory viewer and clock. This program was created using Visual Basic from Microsoft. Includes VBRUN100.DLL, needed for just about every app created with VB. WFIELD.ZIP Text file discusses the available options of fields in Microsoft Word for Windows. Technical and enlightening. WFW11.ZIP [$99.00] Wyndfields version 1.1 for Windows Wyndfields is a relational database program for Windows, useful for keeping track of any type of structured information. Data may be added, changed, removed, found, displayed, analyzed, and printed easily using the intuitive Windows interface. Creating and printing mailing labels or detailed reports can be accomplished painlessly from within the program. Multiple indexes (ways of ordering your data) are maintained automatically for you, and several methods are available for extracting exactly the information you need from your files. For more advanced users, Wyndfields also offers extensive string and math functions for use in searches and calculated fields, and its date and time tracking abilities are unsurpassed. Several databases may be linked to each other so that you may pull together related information from each of them at the same time. Files dated 8-92. WGF10B.ZIP [Free] WGIF 1.0b by Bells and Whistles Software [73527,2544] WGIF is a freeware program to display pictures that conform to the GIF87a standard under Microsoft Windows 3.0. I created it because I couldn't believe that every existing GIF display program I could find for Windows 3.0 had a shareware price tag and also because I needed a vehicle to begin learning about the display of bitmaps under Windows, scroll bars, menus, etc. WGIF is currently the fastest GIF display program I've seen for Microsoft Windows 3.0. It loads pictures in 50% of the time that WinGIF 0.80 needs and it can perform an ordered dithering while decoding with hardly any slowdown. This speed would not have been possible if not for the excellent LZW decoding routines of Steven A. Bennett, many thanks to him. You can use File Manager's ability to associate programs with file extensions so that you can double click on a GIF file listed in a File Manager window and WGIF will open and begin displaying the picture. 3-91 WGLIB101.ZIP [$25.00] WGLIB version 1.01 Released: July, 1992 by InfoSoft WGLib 1.01 is a completely new product designed to enhance the functionality and esthetics of Microsoft Visual Basic. The WGLib routines are based on the functionality that GLib 2.01/x brings to BASIC PDS. WGLib is designed to work EXCLUSIVELY with Microsoft's VISUAL BASIC 1.00 and Windows 3.0 / 3.1. Future Microsoft versions of these products may or may not introduce compatibility issues not addressed in WGLIB 1.01. Unless otherwise noted, all routines used in WGLib are written in assembler with MASM 5.0 or 6.0, with custom controls written in Microsoft C v. 6.00. Except as noted in specific situations we make use of fully documented DOS, WIN API and VB API calls in order to maintain system integrity under Windows. WGLib is an add-on set of routines for Microsoft Visual BASIC. These routines provide added functionality and power to VB and replace functions lost in the conversion from QB or QBX to VB. WGREP1.ZIP [$20.00] Windows Grep version 1.1 Huy Millington, ENGLAND Windows Grep is a text search utility modeled on the UNIX utility of the same name. It is particularly useful as a programmer's tool for searching program source files for specific variables or function calls. (11-91) WHOOP20.ZIP [$29.95] WHOOP IT UP version 2.0 Whoop It Up! is a program designed to maximize the sound functions within Windows. With Whoop It Up! you can add sound not only to many system events, but to individual applications as well. Whoop It Up! supports any MIDI or WAVE device supported by Windows 3.1. You can also add sound to Message Box icons, even in programs that don't support Windows 3.1 sound events. 9-92 WHSKR301.ZIP [$15.00] Whiskers 3.01 by Numbers & Co. Control and program right mouse button. Unique program with changing icon. Installation: The Whiskers.drv file is a complete replacement for your current 2 button driver. Only use this driver if you have a Microsoft compatible 2 button mouse. Once this driver is installed and Whiskers is activated, you will be able to simulate a Middle button on your two (2) button mouse. Whiskers works with the new driver (Whisker.drv) to allow the Middle button simulation. If Whiskers is not active, the driver (Whiskers.drv) will operate the same way that the old two (2) button driver did. If you have a two (2) button mouse, but do not want the Middle button simulation, proceed to the Whiskers.exe Installation section and do not install the new driver. WHYNTP.WRI Text file from Microsoft explaining all about "Why Windows NT". 4-92 WICMD.ZIP [$15.00] WinCmd v3.0 by Domains An Application Launcher for Windows. 12-91 WIDGET.ZIP [Free] The Widget Works fourth release by David Stafford [76666,2542] A simple graphical object library for Windows. 1-92 More improvements in the fourth release: A flicker-free DrawBitmap(). Better granularity - the code is a little smaller. Some minor tweaking. The philosophy behind the Widget library is to provide a means of doing simple animation under Windows with little fuss. This a humble library which doesn't try to do everything but what it does it does simply and it does it well. If your animation ambitions don't extend to putting the Hollywood special-effects studios out of business then this is for you. Memory usage has generally been favored over speed although I've found myself gradually adding new things which are larger but a little slicker (such as rewriting PaintWidget). The creeping feature creature is upon me. Try WTEST. It's shipped as an EXE so you can try it out to see what the library can do. The butterfly darts around the mouse and you can drag the card around. Try clicking over an empty spot and the card will animate itself to that location. Docs don't really exist yet. As Obi-Wannabe said, "Use the source, Luke". Refer to the accompanying WTEST program and the Widget sources. WIL-HELP.ZIP .HLP (Help) format file for Wilson Windoware's fine Windows Interface Language batch writing tool. Use online with program for greatest utility. WIN2DO.ZIP [$10.00] WIN 2 DO by David T. Hamilton A utility written for MS-Windows version 3.0. This program is a simple "To Do" list that will allow you to enter up to 25 Items that can each have a 40 character description, a priority from 1 to 6 or Hold and a Due Date. Some of Win2do's features include: an optional Date and Time display under the main Win2do window, a special feature called 'Auto-Remind' which can notify you of To Do Items that are approaching their Due Dates, the ability to Sort your list by three different criteria and your list can be Printed on an attached printer. 8-91 WIN30IC.ZIP Even more icons in DLL format. WIN30API.ZIP Windows 3.0 API Declarations for Visual Basic 1.0 Copyright (C) 1991 Microsoft Corporation You have a royalty-free right to use, modify, reproduce and distribute this file (and/or any modified version) in any way you find useful, provided that you agree that Microsoft has no warranty, obligation or liability for its contents. Refer to the Microsoft Windows Programmer's Reference for further information. (5-14-91) WIN31API.ZIP WIN31API.TXT -- Windows 3.1 API Declarations for Visual Basic 1.0 Copyright (C) 1992 Microsoft Corporation. This file contains the Const, Type, and Declare statements for Windows 3.1 APIs. If you only want to reference Windows 3.0 APIs, use WIN30API.TXT. You have a royalty-free right to use, modify, reproduce and distribute this file (and/or any modified version) in any way you find useful, provided that you agree that Microsoft has no warranty, obligation or liability for its contents. Refer to the Microsoft Windows Programmer's Reference for further information. 6-23-92 WIN31C.ZIP MS Windows 3.x TRIDENT TVGA8900C Drivers Release C4.02 Apr,92 WIN31FIX.ZIP Contains MONOUMB and MONOUMB2 dated 3-92. From Microsoft Corp. WIN31QA2.TXT Most Common Questions and Answers on Microsoft Windows Operating System Version 3.1 (May 28, 1992) From Microsoft Corp. WIN31RLS.ZIP Text file from Microsoft on upcoming Windows 3.1. WIN32.ZIP Text file from Microsoft on writing to the new 32-bit spec for Windows. WIN34MAT.ZIP Formatting Shell 1.01 by Chieh Cheng [73500,244] Formatting Shell 1.01 WIN3FONT.ZIP Bookman, Chancery and Autgrd font files. WIN3STAR.ZIP Duplicate of STARS.ZIP. WIN3XWRD.ZIP XWord for Windows 1.05 by Dominion Software Interesting crossword puzzle game. (Version 2.X) WIN4HIER.ZIP WIN4HIER Beta Version 0.3 Win4Hier is a sub-directory utility for your Windows 3.0 Program Manager. Essentially it allows you to create Groups within Groups; thus the ability to set up a hierarchical desktop (just like the Macintosh). Window's Program Manager currently does not support multi-level groups. So this program is perfect for those of you who simply want to organize your many Window's applications without spending big $$$ buying a commercial shell program. WINA100.ZIP [$5-20.00] WinASCII 1.00 by Daniel Otis 10-91 This program simply collects any readable information from any file and displays it with Notepad (which came with Windows 3.0) or any Windows or DOS file viewer you specify. This is good for finding extra information about a program, looking for possible Trojan or virus messages, and snooping around in general. WINADV20.ZIP WINADV 2.0 The Colossal Cave Adventure game by Wolfgang Strobl A port of the original, famous text adventure game to Windows 3, featuring multiple resizeable windows. This version works quite well, but hasn't got much testing. Actually, I'm the only tester so far, because I finished it only a few hours ago. WINAPPS [Free] WINAPPS by Ferdi by Workgroup Systems [72260,2637] WinApps display active EXE's, DLL's and DRV's being used. Ever wondered what programs, dll's drivers etc are loaded? This program will tell you what EXE's, DLL's, Drivers and Font Files are loaded, and where they were loaded from (as well as file sizes and date/times. Real handy problem solving utility. For more information on the next release, which we'll try add version information in, and for which we'd like to earn some money, send a note to me Each time you switch back to WINAPPS, it'll refresh the display. WINBAR18.ZIP WBAR by Stellar Technologies A program which generates bar codes (ie: 3 of 9, UPC, Postnet, etc) that can be copied to the Windows Clipboard. Once in the Clipboard, you can then paste the barcode into other programs such as Windows Write, Microsoft Word for Windows, Paintbrush, as well as other Windows programs that can accept bitmaps or metafiles from the Windows Clipboard. WINBASE.ZIP Simple Windows Database Application 1.01 WINBEN31.ZIP PC Mag Windows Benchmark Suite version 3.1 (dated 11-92). Features the WinMARK graphics subsystem evaluator/tester. This version supersedes version 2.5. WINBIT.ZIP BitFax /SR for Windows v1.00.01 Beta README file This is a pre-release version of BitFax for Windows. This version supports the Sierra Sendfax and ZX1896 Receive fax command only. Next version will support TR29 class 2 send and receive. WINBJ.ZIP WINDOWS BLACKJACK v 1.0 by SKYLIGHT SOFTWARE One to seven players can play blackjack against the Skylight Casino. Full color graphics and card dealing animation. Built-in computer blackjack card counting and playing strategies. Computer tutor making suggestions on how you should play your hand, Running tally of bankroll for all players saved on disk. Full casino table layout allowing all played cards to be viewed simultaneously. Detailed statistics of play results and return on wagers invested. WINBLINK.ZIP Blinkie 1.03 by C. T. Manadino is a mouse cursor tracking program for MS-Windows 3.0. Two cosmetic enhancements (inspired by a Macintosh cursor tracking program) differentiate it from similar Windows programs: 1. Approximately once every four seconds, Blinkie "blinks". 2. After about one minute of no mouse cursor activity, Blinkie closes its eyelids until the next mouse movement. There are no special installation or setup requirements. If necessary, please consult a Windows reference for instructions on installing Windows applications. WINBOX.ZIP This batch file is an example of the operation of WinBox. WinBox is a simple little winapp that puts a box up. It gets its initial contents from the passed command line. It can be updated by some rather obscure IntControl instructions. Use this with any of the Wilson Windoware WINBATCH language interpreters (as in Norton Desktop, or Command Post, or WinBATCH, etc.). WINBRG.ZIP Bearing and Distance Calculator by Tom W. Childers June 1991 WINCAL11.ZIP [$5.00] WinCal - The quick Windows Calendar by Alan Posner [72246,3657] WinCal displays a calendar a month at a time. That's all it does. It can display any month within the scope of the DOS calendar (1979 to 2079). WINCAP31.ZIP WINCAP demonstrates how to capture portions of the screen, specific windows, or the entire screen and save it to a file or print it. This sample also defines routines that accomplish common DIB functions, and are referred to as the DIB API. Wincap uses the DIB API functions to do most of the capture/printing/saving work. This is the second version, which adds the following: - New API for displaying DIBs and Bitmaps - Bug Fixes: - Fixed calculation of bits for 15-bit display drivers - Fixed size of output file problem (too many bytes written out) - Checks for capabilities of display driver - Can now capture windows with menus pulled-down - Easier to use interface - Uses Windows 3.1 Common Dialogs WINCD.ZIP Windows Change Directory by Antero Aalto You probably have noticed an annoying problem with Windows: Applications always start in the directory they exist. This is the Program Manager's fault, because the working directory isn't a part of the applications properties. WinCD solves this problem. Moreover, WinCD provides an easy way to change the working directory such that all apps start in it, until you change directory with WinCD again. You should know, however, that achieving this requires some preparations. When you change directory with WinCD, the working directory is saved to a file. When WinCD starts, it reads the working directory from that file and changes to it. As WinCD now executes another application, it will run in the directory you wanted. WINCHESS.ZIP Chess game for Windows. (Version 2.X) WINCHR10.ZIP [$6.95] by Richard L. Jack Tables of OEM and ANSI characters used in Windows. WINCHS.ZIP WAXMAN version 1.2w by Check-Tech Software, Inc. Windows CHESS game and demo for author. WINCL302.ZIP [$35.00] WinCLI 3.02 by Eschalon Development Inc. [76625,1320] A command line interface for Windows 3. It performs most of the functions that the standard DOS prompt, Command.com, does. With WinCLI you are able to run Windows programs by typing their name instead of looking for an icon. A DOS prompt in enhanced mode wastes over 640 KB all the time. Even when if you aren't running a program. WinCLI requires less than 40 KB when fully loaded. Less if Windows needs memory for other things. WinCLI works equally well on all modes of Windows. You don't need a 386 to take advantage of this DOS prompt! You can now have a complete command line even in standard mode. It also multitasks better than Command.com (because Win CLI is a well behaved Windows application) so you don't lose precious cycles. Of course you also have all the normal features of a standard DOS shell. You can show directories, create subdirectories, rename files, delete files, and much, much more! WINCLK321.ZIP WinClock 3.21 by David Feinleib - Display of time and date in many different formats - Ten alarms (with many options: daily, every xx day, etc.) - Ability to run programs at specified times - Optional hourly "beep" - Allows user to set date and time easily - Optionally stays in front of other applications - "Remembers" its position on the screen - Two stopwatches - Two countdown timers - Colon separating hours and minutes may be set to "blink" - Context sensitive help - Direct Screen saver compatibility (Auto detect active screen saver) - "Cascade" and "Tile" compatibility WINCLP12.ZIP [$15.00] WINCLIP 1.2 by George Campbell [71571,222] When working with Windows 3.0 software, it's often easiest to standardize on .BMP files for your clip art needs. Every Windows program can handle these images, and most paint programs, including Windows PaintBrush, included with Windows 3.0, can produce and edit these files. Unfortunately, it's been impossible to view these files quickly or to print a catalog of your clip art images. Until WinClip, that is. WinClip allows you to view your .BMP files on screen, and then print a catalog of all your files, or just the ones you select. WinClip is so easy to use that you may not need any documentation at all. It uses the standard Windows 3.0 conventions, relying on buttons primarily, rather than menu commands. As an additional feature, WinClip allows you to edit your images, using Windows PaintBrush or any other paint program you choose. WINCMD.ZIP [$3.00] Windows Command game by Tim Baldwin [72240, 3372] This is my first published Windows application. Extensive programming effort was involved to try and make "Windows Command" an entertaining game that is (hopefully) bug-free. The demo version is Freeware. The game will end when the score exceeds 20000. If you enjoy it, please register! If you find any difficulty running the program, let me know. I need feedback to fix my boo-boos! 5-91 WINCMD09.ZIP [$20.00] WINCMD the Windows Command Line Interpreter v1.01 by Robert E. Frazier [70172,177] This is the *Ultimate* in command line processors! It is a prerelease (shareware) program that performs similar to the COMMAND.COM program under MS-DOS, Nearly every common DOS function has been included (in some manner) within the Command Line Interpreter. Most of the common functions are either performed internally, or are 'trapped' to prevent their use under Windows(tm) (functions such as SHARE, CHKDSK, etc.) with appropriate warning messages. Use of such programs would normally do damage to file or memory structures. Other functions will eventually be incorporated (FORMAT, VOL, LABEL, EDIT, etc.), but for now the DOS 'external' programs are run in response to these commands. Finally, special *ENHANCEMENTS* (such as TASKLIST, KILLT ASK, background COPY, 'SET' improvements, etc.) allow the Command Line Interpreter to take advantage of the multi-tasking environment available under Windows(tm), or add desirable functionality to an already useful DOS command. 2-92 WINCMP.TXT Text file by Kurt Schumacher describes snapshotting the Windows initialization (.INI) files to recover from program installs and to track changes made during a typical app installation! I have been frustrated a number of times by Windows apps that install files into the Windows and Windows\SYSTEM directories, and that modify system files such as AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, WIN.INI and SYSTEM.INI. Most products are not polite enough to include documentation on what these changes are, making it difficult for me to identify files that are lying around in my directories, and making it almost impossible to ensure that I can completely delete an application from my system. I have often wished that there was a program that would take a "snapshot" of my system prior to installing a product, them compare the system to the snapshot after the install to show me what had happened. It eventually occurred to me that the pieces of this "dream program" probably already existed. A few minutes browsing a CompuServe forum, half an hour downloading programs and trying them out, and a few more minutes building some custom batch files, and I had my snapshot/compare system working. Nice work here! Uses DIFF and HDIFF utilities (not included). WINCRON.ZIP [$20.00] WinCron by Mark L. Woodward The WinCron program allows you to execute system backups, long printing jobs, or time consuming tasks long after you have left for the day. Put simply, WinCron is an alarm clock that runs programs. WinCron also provides a clock icon that displays the current time. One of the more helpful features of WinCron is that it does not matter if the computer is turned off between event schedules. The schedule is always saved. As long as the computer is on either at the time of an event or after it, the event will run. WINDATE.ZIP Datest 1.0 by Mark Jones Test DATE.DLL integrity. WINDEM.ZIP [$295.00] The Windows Data Entry Manager by Executive Micro Systems The heart of the Windows Data Entry Manager is a Formatted EDit (FED) custom control that loads, formats, validates, unformats, and saves data for data entry applications. FED is a Super Class of the standard edit control and is implemented as a Dynamic Link Library. WINDEX.ZIP WinDEX Windows-DosEXecute V 1.1 WinDEX will be distributed as SHAREWARE. Version 1.1 is still a preliminary BETA release distributed as FREEWARE. If you find this software useful, you may complete the registration form and send in $5 to receive the shareware release at no additional charge. WinDEX is a Win3 application that allows any one of 6 standard DOS processes to be executed in the background with results of the execution reported in WinDEX. Two programs will be provided in the package - WINDEXM (manager) and WINDEXU (user). The programs are identical except that WINDEXU cannot change any options. This allows an "expert" to provide a "user" with a little utility that they can't mess up. (The preliminary release contains only WINDEXM.) WINDIAR2.ZIP [$30.00] WINDIARY 1.1A by Nathaniel S. Johnson [73707,1166] WinDiary is a replacement for Windows Calendar and doubles as a daily diary. WinDiary allows up to 758 characters per daily entry for an entire year and allows instant viewing of data in any month with the click of a mouse. WinDiary color codes each day for easy identification: The CURRENT day is colored YELLOW with an (*) asterisk. Click on the CURRENT day and up pops a text entry box with a character counter. Enter data and select NORMAL for regular day comments and IMPORTANT for red-letter days. If you click IMPORTANT, the day-box is colored red. WinDiary will pop up an alert message if your IMPORTANT day occurs within six days of the CURRENT date, even if that IMPORTANT day occurs in the FOLLOWING month! Data from your daily entries may be exported to Windows Write, Word for Windows, Windows NotePad and the clipboard. For those using Word for Windows, data is easily entered via a special macro contained in the Word MYDIARY.DOC. An entire year's data is kept within a single file, allowing ease of access and viewing. The author is a freelance programmer in New York City. His program "SETUP" was featured in the most recent edition of DOS POWERTOOLS, published by Bantam/DoubleDay. WINDIR46.ZIP [$5.00] WinDir 4.60 By Sean Bishop (Shortdog Inc.) WinDir was first thought of by my friend Kenny Napier who got sick of having to shell out to DOS or run some long program just to get a quick directory of path to see if the file he needs is there, so he told me to make a program that allows you to quickly enter the drive and pathname and then a list of the files in that directory will be shown to you. The basic premise of WinDir is that you can pop-up a file-list from any of you directories by simply clicking a button located on your screen. From this list of files you can change around your directories, run .EXE, .PIF and .BAT files by double-clicking on the filename and even copying, moving, deleting and renaming files. You can also view your .ICO, .BMP, .RLE and .WMF files you double-click on in the WinDir file-list. You can copy the graphics file into the Windows clipboard for quick pasting into another application. You can copy or move multiple files at once. You can delete multiple files at once. You can rename your files also. You can even play your .WAV sound files if you are running Windows 3.1. To see some additional information about the program just click the button labeled About and a new window will show up, just click OK to get out of it. While you are viewing this about box you can double-click on the Shortdog Inc. logo and you will be able to view it just like other .WMF files and you can resize it to see the effects. WINDIS.ZIP [$15.00] DISK THROUGHPUT TEST FOR WINDOWS by Richard Levey This program has been produced to allow you to test the actual throughput of your disk drive while running under Windows. There is nothing fancy here, just a reliable test. USING THE RESULTS OF THESE PROGRAMS: Unless you have registered this program and paid the registration fee to the author, you are PROHIBITED from publishing or using the results of these tests in any type of advertising, or for any commercial purpose. This includes use in computer stores or at computer shows. However - REPORTING A SOFTWARE PROBLEM: In the event that you discover a problem, the author would like to hear about it. After you have checked the documentation to be sure you are not doing something wrong, please take your precious time and effort to fill out and return the enclosed Problem Report Form, by U.S. mail. Please fill out the form as completely as possible so the author can understand what the problem is. If possible include screen dumps of the problem you have found. If you have any unusual hardware installed please be sure to include this information as well. WINDMP.ZIP [$20.00] WINDUMP by John A. Napier [100023,201] WinDump is the hexadecimal dump program for Microsoft Windows. It is for software developers, support staff and advanced users who have a need to look in detail at the contents of files. It goes much further than text file programs such as Notepad because it lets you look at the hexadecimal values of the constituent bytes, rather than just the graphic characters they represent. WinDump is flexible in the way that files are displayed, and offers a number of useful tools. WINDNOTE.ZIP [Free] WINDNOTE 1.0 and NOTESYNC by Bill Mason This is a Windows adaptation of "Dirnotes". It lets you place comments next to the file names and sub-directory names in your directories. It also lets you view the contents of many of those files (ASCII text and any file whose extension is associated with a program you have, such as Paintbrush, PKZIP, or WRITE) and delete a file (after confirmation). NOTESYNC keeps DIRNOTES and WINDNOTE comment files in agreement. It's useful if you need to access your directory file comments from MS-DOS as well as from Windows, and want the comments to stay current in both lists. DIRNOTES not included in this file. WINDOS11.ZIP WinDOS 1.0812 by Ronald Gans Software Company, Inc. [74216,264] WinDOS is a fairly complete emulation of DOS. It is an elaboration of the program SH.C, which appeared in the Microsoft Systems Journal (July 1991) in an article entitled, "Calling Standard C I/O Functions From Your Windows Code Using the WINIO Library," by David Maxey and Andrew Schulman. It also employs the WINIO library, also discussed in that article, by David Maxey and Andrew Schulman. I urge everyone interested in trying out Windows programming to get a copy of that article and write his own shell program. They've made it pretty easy. Like any Windows program, you can launch many (up to 32) instances of the WinDOS, move files between directories, erase files, create small batch files, launch both DOS and Windows programs. WINDRAW.ZIP 5-13-91 This is the Working Model of WinDraw(TM), the $79 drawing program for Windows by Addison Research. WinDraw lets you create simple or complex drawings with a minimum of effort, with these limitations: A drawing can contain at most 10 objects. (You can create as many drawings as you like). Any drawing that is copied into another program, or printed or exported will include a banner showing that it was produced by the Working Model of WinDraw. FEATURES: 14 drawing tools that create easily modifiable shapes, in a variety of colors, line thicknesses and fill patterns. Full text editing support. Exchange text with other programs. Edit and copy graphics among multiple files at once. Compatible with other Windows programs - embed drawings from WinDraw into Word for Windows, Ami Pro, Paintbrush, Corel Draw, Excel, etc. Symbol Libraries, with an automatic updating feature. Online Help system, including tool descriptions and drawing procedures. Illustrated User's Guide. 5-1/4" and 3-1/2" diskettes. If you have a question about WinDraw, or about the Working Model, please call us at (214) 960-7004 between 8 AM and 7 PM Central time. We think you'll agree that WinDraw is an exceptional bargain among drawing packages for Windows. WINDRY22.ZIP [$25.00] DHRYSTONE 2.2 FOR WINDOWS by Richard Levey DHRYSTONE is a benchmark program designed to measure HOW EFFICIENTLY A COMPUTER'S PROCESSOR, MEMORY, BIOS AND BIOS work together when running under Windows. WINEZ31.ZIP [$33.50] WinEZ 3.1 by New Generation Software [70312,127] A Windows shell utility that provides a fast and easy way to: o Start new applications (defined in your Program Manager or Norton Desktop groups) from within the one you are using. o Close and end applications o Switch directly to any other active application (no more Ctrl-Esc). o Navigate through directories to start applications via WinEZ's enhanced version of the Program Manager's Run facility All of the above is accomplished via easy to use pull down menus that attached directly to the active application's title bar. WINF10.ZIP [P.D.] The Windows Finder Version 1.00 by Steven Palmer [100031,504] The Windows Finder is a prototype of a iconic file management system for Microsoft Windows based on the Apple Macintosh Finder(tm). The program was developed in response to a discussion of file management systems on the MSWIN32 forum on CompuServe (see the 'NT on Booting' thread).It was written in just 9 hours. The program is extremely simple in that it only allows you to open folders (directory windows) and run applications by clicking on their icons. There is no provision for file management - this is left as an exercise for other developers. Unlike Program Manager, it's leaner on system resources, and the icons actually correspond to their physical location on the hard disk; two problems that I moaned about in the forum. However the icons won't disappear if you run File Manager and delete the files while Windows Finder is running - this isn't currently possible without some kind of inter-process communication between it and File Manager. The source code was compiled using Microsoft C V6.00A and the Microsoft Windows SDK. WINFIG.ZIP [$5.00] WINFIG 1.0 by Stephen T. Lee WINFIG is a tool for creating and maintaining a common set of INI files which contains all the various combinations of configuration settings due to multiple display resolutions, multiple shells (Program Manager vs. Norton Desk Top for Windows), etc. Maintaining different sets of SYSTEM.INI and WIN.INI becomes a nightmare whenever a new Window Application is installed, or when a new version of Windows is installed. WINFIG makes this chore more tolerable. You need the Visual Basic runtime VBRUN100.DLL to run WINFIG. WINFISH.ZIP Animated colorful fish on the desktop. Includes a FISH EDITOR!!! Neat! WINFO.ZIP VB app by Wayne Phares. WINFO20.ZIP Winfo Version 2.0.f by David Hughes [70172,2526] WINFO.EXE (Window Information) is a small FREE(!) program that allows you to examine your configuration as Windows knows it. WINFONT.ZIP clySmic Fonts for Windows 3.0 by Ralph B Smith Jr. [76156,164] Replacement bitmapped screen fonts for your VGA Windows 3.0 system. They can replace the system font (used for menus and many other elements), the fixed system font (used for Notepad and most text editors), and the fixed OEM font (used for running windowed DOS programs). These are not printer or resizable fonts. I love (most of) the system font in Windows 3.0, but the fixed font is the ugly Windows 2.x font, and the OEM font is awful too. So, I came up with some replacements. These fonts are all installed by editing SYSTEM.INI. Make a backup copy of your old SYSTEM.INI in case something goes wrong (Windows won't like that, especially with the system variable font, and may not start). Just copy these files to your Windows system directory (usually something like \WINDOWS\SYSTEM) and edit SYSTEM.INI which is in your windows directory (usually \WINDOWS). Unlike some poorly done fonts, the base character style has been extended to all the characters. WINFSR21.ZIP WinFSR 2.1 by Fran Finnegan [76244,145] Free System Resources updated in 2-92. WINGIF14.ZIP [$15.00] Windows .GIF viewer by Kyle Powell 76704,12 This is version 1.4 of my Windows 3.0 GIF decoder/BMP converter. Enhancements to the previous version include a modified FS Dither and stretch and trim capabilities. It will also decode and dither in the background. Comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated. WINHPL.ZIP [$10.00] WINHELP+ by Stedy Software & Systems [71740,3121] WinHelp+ was designed to make it easier to edit and compile a Windows Help file. You can edit all related help project files from within WinHelp +. This includes: TEXT FILES, RTF FILES, BMP FILES, HPJ FILES and INC FILES. I have also included QDHELP support. This application lets you write your file in text format and compiles that file into RTF format for the Help Compiler. You can run the help compiler from WinHelp+ in a DOS BOX, ICONIZED, or full screen. Please note that under Windows running in standard mode, you can only run DOS in full screen. WININIT.ZIP WinINIT by Tom Roberts WinInit will initialize the Windows 3.0 desktop from a list of applications and window sizes read from WIN.INI. Application windows will be moved to the specified position and size on the screen, and shown or iconized, as specified. 8-91 WINIQ.ZIP [$15.00] 30 Minute Intelligence Test by Terry Wilkins This is a pre-release version of IQ Test 1.0 WINJPEG.ZIP WINJPEG Player 0.90 by Norman and Ken Yee WinJPEG 1.00 is an image viewer for Microsoft Windows. It will display JPEG, TARGA, GIF, PCX, and BMP images, and it will export an image to JPEG or GIF format. Once an image is loaded, you will be able to modify the amount of red, green, and blue in the image, and you will be able to magnify/reduce portions of the image. This preliminary version of WinJPEG has very limited functionality. It allows you to view JPEG images of any size in 256-color mode only. Also, it monopolizes the CPU as it decompresses a JPEG image, unlike the full version. This was released because a lot of people have expressed an interest in having a Windows JPEG viewer and even this limited functionality will be useful; please destroy this preliminary version when the full version is released. WINLAVA.ZIP Lava Flow Simulator Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1991 This code demonstrates palette animation and pop-up menus. If you make the application 'full screen' (by double-clicking on the title bar) it makes the area the full size of the screen (and not just the usual client area which excludes the title bar). This allows creation of a full screen image. The image can be copied to the clipboard and then pasted into paint brush and then saved as a DIB. You can then load the image (from control panel) as a desktop image. The image will continue to palette animate (even on the desktop) while the program is still running. You can iconize the application and leave the palette animation going. Include with the windows SDK is the program MyPal. This displays the current physical palette from windows. This is an interesting program to run during palette animation. The 64-bit square-root code is 386 specific. WINLISP.ZIP by Stephan Popovitch (France) Shareware LISP Interpreter. (Version 2.X) WINMA.ZIP Windows Memory Alert by David Lee Memory Alert 1.0 is a Windows 3.0 tool that tells you about how much memory is used in total and per task or module. You'll need vbrun100.dll (available on CICA), as MA is written in Visual Basic. MA tells you how much memory is allocated out of .exe and .dll local heaps. It also tells you how large .exe stacks are and how much of the stack an app actually uses. The "auto" CheckBox tells MA to sample every 10 seconds. Otherwise, it only does so when you press "sample" or pick a new task/module. I am planning future versions... WINMDM20.ZIP [$5.00] WINMODEM 2.0 by Information Technology Ltd. One of the most popular accessories on modern PC's is the internal modem. Internal modems offer several advantages. They take no additional space on the desktop. They do not require additional power cords. And because they are internal, there is one less cable to add to the rats nest in the back of the computer. Internal modems do have a drawback, however. THEY HAVE NO STATUS LIGHTS. Just as with a hard disk drive, there is something reassuring about seeing the lights flickering on and off. Without them, all is quiet and it may be difficult to determine what is going on. WinModem remedies this problem by providing a graphic representation of a modem's front panel, complete with status lights. With WinModem running, the internal modem is no longer a mystery. WINMELT.ZIP [$10.00] Melt Version 1.00 by Mike Robert Makes screen "melt" away. Neat! WINMEN.ZIP [$25.00] WINMENU by Hamilton Services This program was created to add flexibility to the Windows environment. While GUI's are great, they can be a little slow. WinMenu2 overcomes this drawback by allowing you to instantly run any programs you want from a menu. WINNET01.ZIP WMail by Roy Tate This program requires Windows 3.0, Lantastic Network software, and a 286 or 386 PC running in the Protected Mode of Windows. WINNOTES.ZIP Application Note, Microsoft Product Support Services Text files from Microsoft on Windows 3.1. Topics include: WW0524: TROUBLESHOOTING GP FAULTS (UAEs) WW0525: Troubleshooting 386 Enhanced Mode Problems WW0526: WINDOWS SETUP WW0527: NEW FEATURES IN WINDOWS 3.1 WW0528: FONTS WW0532: OBJECT LINKING AND EMBEDDING (OLE) WINPAS.ZIP Pascal-W 1.0 by Rick Wirch and Chris Davis What would "Pascal for Windows" look like...? Nice beginning of a real Pascal programming environment. WINNTFAQ.ZIP Microsoft Windows New Technology (NT) Frequently Asked Questions October 1992 Text file from MS. WINPCX.ZIP by William L. Moussiaux [71641,117] Display .PCX files under WINDOWS w/source code (10-89). (Version 2.X) WINPEG.ZIP Pegged! game by Mike Blaylock WINPH33.ZIP [$20.00] Metz Phones by Metz Software Telecommunications package from Metz Software. Dial phone from Excel!!! WINPIPE.ZIP PIPES for Windows by Mark L. Woodward [72760, 2400] The winpipes DLL is a tool that provides IPC communications to Microsoft Windows 3.0 and is designed to emulate stream file functions under 'C.' While pipes are an integral part of many operating systems, Windows lacks this facility. Windows relies almost exclusively on DDE and the clipboard for application communication. While these methods are fine for large complicated pieces of data, pipes are simple structures and require very little brain work to incorporate. With a pipe, communication between processes is as simple as file I/O . WINPIZZA.ZIP by Richard B. Bright well This is a simple little program I wrote to time the pizza delivery people and collect my three dollar discount if it was late. The reason I wrote it is that I always seem to order pizzas when I'm playing at my computer and too busy to make dinner (Frosted Flakes). I'm also too lazy to go into the kitchen and start the timer on the microwave ergo PIZZA! It starts counting as soon as you start it, runs in the background, displays a message when thirty minutes have passed, and then continues to count so you'll know how late they are and when to call and gripe! If you have any suggestions please send them to me. WINPLAY.ZIP [P.D.] Winplay the Windows Polyphonic Music Player 1.0 by Sergey Ryzhkov WINPOK.ZIP [$15.00] WinPoker 2.0 by Dean Zamrow Vegas-quality Windows video card game! VERY NICE! WINQ200A.ZIP [$35.00] WinQwk 2.0A by Doug Crocker Message reader for the Qwk packets created by Qmail, RAMail, MKQwk, MarkMail, Tomcat and other Qwk compatible mail doors. TOP FLIGHT WORK! Replies, text exports to ASCII, graphical interface nicely done. Highly recommended!! WINQUO.ZIP WinQuote by Thomas Tuerke, 1990 [76370,1674] Daily quotes in a window from an ASCII text file. WINRES.ZIP [$10.00] WINRES 1.0 by TDK Software [76234,2351] Changes resolution of system quickly and easily. - Once Winres is installed you may type "Winres" and select any of the options on the menu. Winres will then boot into windows after you have made your selection. - Winres is designed to automatically boot into windows after 40 seconds if no keystrokes are made. - After you have made a selection you have the opportunity to return to the main menu, go to DOS or boot into windows. - Also as an extra added feature you may add a program name on the command line for windows to boot up with. ie excel, WinWord, solitaire etc. WINRUN.ZIP WinRUN by Bob Duffett Priority Software, Inc. To change the default working directory for a Windows Application (WinAp) you can use file properties and specify the startup directory as the source for the WinAp you want to run, but you must specify the path for the WinAp in the PATH environment variable. For example, to start Excel in C:\BUDGET you would specify C:\BUDGET\EXCEL.EXE as the command line and make sure that the PATH variable has C:\EXCEL within it. WINSAVER.ZIP WinSaver by Richard Hale Shaw Utility that remembers both the names of the programs running when you exit Windows and the arrangement of their windows and icons. When you next bring up Windows, WinSaver restarts all of these programs, restores their windows and arranges them, even minimizing them to icons, as appropriate. WINSET10.ZIP [$10.00-20.00] WINSET 1.0 by Dr. M. Sawada & Assoc. Have you been using many Windows software or worse, updating old Windows software for new Windows software? (or any DOS software which writes many files to your hard disk?) If you have, then you're probably inundated with hundreds of files which the installation or setup utility wrote to your hard disk, not telling you which files were newly made (copied) by which software. This program runs under DOS, not under WINDOWS and will make a file indicating which files were newly made (copying a file requires that a file be made), opened or deleted by your Windows or DOS Setup (installation) diskettes. It also tells you which subdirectory was made, removed or deleted. The Change Confinement parameter can restrict the listing to only newly made files. This can also be used to see what files your DOS and Windows software makes and deletes without your knowing it. WINSH.ZIP [$20.00] Windows Command Shell version 1.3 by Philip B. Eskelin, Jr. Welcome to my blend of the DOS-feel/Windows-environment. A lot of times, I am in Windows, and I just want to delete a file, or view a directory listing, or execute a program with a specific command line, or, or, or... Having to reach down and grab the mouse and move it takes too much time once you get accustomed to using Windows. Running File Manager to view a directory is like flying in a 747 to the house next door. Running a DOS box to do the same can take time too (especially with low memory situations). Well, this command shell should be very handy and efficient. Multiple instances can be run for different environments. WINSHOW.ZIP Click & Show 1.01 by Sun Data, Inc. Slide show program. (Version 2.X). WINSIN.ZIP System Information Versions 1.0 by Mcken Mak [71170,3515] from Advanced Software Development Group. System Information is a window application which runs under Window 3.0. Its features include showing the system memory available, how many tasks are running and the current time. WINSLOT.ZIP Slot machine game. Nice. WINSNOOP.ZIP Window Snoop program by D.T.Hamilton WINSPE.ZIP WinSpell The Ultimate Windows Spelling Supervisor by R&TH Inc. Check Your Spelling in ANY Windows Application three different ways: 1) WinSpell acts in real-time, as you type. While typing, WinSpell will notify you as soon as you misspell a word. 2) WinSpell spell checks files such as Windows Write files and ASCII text files. 3) WinSpell checks the spelling of information copied to the Clipboard. WINSPY.ZIP Windows Spyglass by Kevin P. Welch From the Windows 2.1 SDK (Version 2.XX) WINSQL.ZIP Quasar SQL For Windows Release 2.0 by Stellar Industries The Quasar SQL API is a powerful tool that enables you, the software developer, to have full access to a modern, highly optimized ANSI standard SQL database manager: the Quasar Database Administrator. Your programs written in any language which can access dynamic link libraries can also access the Quasar SQL API. These languages include 'C', 'C++', 'Visual Basic', 'Pascal' and most assemblers. In fact, any program which can access the Microsoft Windows environment can access the Quasar SQL API. Microsoft Windows itself is a dynamic link library. The Quasar SQL API is your gateway to modern database technology. With a little more than a dozen functions and only 4 data structures you can perform almost any database task. 11-91 WINSTARS.ZIP Stars on Desktop by David Stafford [72411,2670] Animated Desktop - very nice! WINSTL2E.ZIP WINSTALL 2.0 Network Application Installer for Windows by Aleph Systems When WINSTALL installs an application, it performs these critical actions automatically: 1. Modifies any or all of these files as required: WIN.INI, SYSTEM.INI, AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, and one additional ASCII file of your choice 2. Copies any needed files to the local disk. 3. Installs the appropriate icons in the local workspace. 4. Calls an external program, if configured to do so. 5. Displays a custom message to the user at the start and /or end, if so configured. 6. Updates the WINSTALL network log, if enabled. 7. Updates the user's private list of installed applications (file NAI.INI). WINSWEEP.ZIP Winsweep (c)1991 Nils Segerdahl This is a file browser for windows. I hereby submit it to the public domain. The only restrictions are that my name and copyright should be included in the program and that you don't sell it for profit. Feel free to make changes. WINTAK.ZIP WinTach v1.0 by Texas Instruments, Inc. Applications Oriented Benchmark for Microsoft Windows March 30, 1992 WinTach is a Microsoft Window's 3.1 based benchmark program which provides a tool for estimating how Windows 3.1 applications will run on your system. Note that WinTach requires Windows 3.1 in order to run. It will not run under Windows 3.0! WinTach tests the most important Windows 3.1 API calls as determined by extensive profiling of commercial application sessions. It encapsulates these API calls with realistic program logic to accurately simulate the type of graphics intensive application sessions encountered in today's work place. The results are evaluated and displayed as the RPM, or Relative Performance Measurement, which estimates the performance of your Windows workstation running real applications. WINTIDE.ZIP WinTide 1.1 by Henry Gross [72037,3654] WinTide is a linear tide clock for Windows 3.0 that let's you estimate the present or predicted relative tide height, and the times of the next corresponding high and low tides. A red arrow shows whether the tide is rising or falling. You need only to enter a previous high tide date and time for the location you're interested in monitoring. The WinTide graphic, which also can be displayed as an icon, uses the rule of twelves, also called the rule of one-two-three, to depict relative water height between high and low tides. This rule states that during the first and sixth hours between high and low tides the water rises one-twelfth of the total height each hour; during the second and fifth hours two-twelfths; and during the third and fourth hours three-twelfths. WinTide assumes a 24 hour and 50 minute tidal day and therefore uses six hours twelve minutes and 30 seconds as the average time between high and low tides. WINTIPS.ZIP Text file on using Windows with other programs, like QEMM. WINTREE.ZIP Files displayed via tree. WINTREK.ZIP [$20.00] WinTREK by Joseph Jaworski The object of WINTREK is to find all the aliens and destroy them. You have several weapons and operational systems to perform your task. The Photon Torpedoes (PHO) and Phasers (PHA) are use to destroy the aliens. Use the Navigation (NAV) button to move around in the galaxy. If you complete the mission on time, your score will be added to the "Top Star Fleet Officers" list. WINTREK is a complex game. There are literally thousands of scenarios and tactics that can be used. For $20, I will send you a comprehensive printed manual offering in-depth coverage of every control, details on each system command, tables of all hot keys, tactical and strategic playing hints, and charts covering Alien and Ship Operational Data. In addition, you'll receive the latest version of the software on diskette. WINTREK2.ZIP [$8.00] WINTREK 2 by TSoft Another TREK game for you fanatics! Good find. WINUP7.ZIP Contains updated Windows client files. This file includes the Netware Driver Set v2.02 for Windows 3.0 and 3.1 and related files. Support for IPX/SPX under Windows 3.0 and 3.1 is included as well as VPICDA.386 for Windows 3.0 interrupt conflicts. 12-92 WINUSE.ZIP WINUSE by Ocotillo Development Co. The WinUse utility has four main functions: 1.) The GRID button draws dashed lines on the desktop window, displaying four (4) different resolutions. VGA (640x 480), SuperVGA (800x600), 8514 (1024x768), and Hercules monochrome. 2.) The memory status screen displays the same information as the program managers 'About Help' screen. This memory screen updates when memory or resources change. This is useful if you want to monitor memory allocation, and view available free memory. If the memory status screen is minimized to an icon, the free KB and free resources are displayed in the caption of the icon and updated whenever memory is allocated or freed. 3.) The file launch button (button 3) allows you to specify files to be executed when one of the buttons on the bottom row are clicked. 4.) Button 4 simply arranges the icons on your desktop (exactly like Task List does). If you run a lot of applications at the same time, this is just a handy feature (besides, I had an extra button). 5.) Button 5 on the top row displays help. WINVID10.ZIP [$15.00] WinVIDEO by Robert H. Bennett, Montco Design Thank you for trying WinVideo, the complete videotape library database! I'm sure it will fill your videotape library needs. This program has undergone rigorous testing and had no reported errors. To run WinVideo you must have Microsoft Windows and either "Runtime ToolBook," " Complete ToolBook," or "Runtime Daybook." WINWAV.ZIP WinWav is an application that allows you to associate and attach sounds to applications and events in Microsoft Windows. Any application can be specified by module, such as WINFILE.EXE, or by the title that the main window of the application is created with, as in "File Manager". WinWav will allow you to attach any valid .WAV sound to various events that occur for an application. These events include application start and exit, and general window manipulation events including moving, sizing, minimizing, maximizing and restoring the application's window(s). WinWav will also let you attach sounds to your PC's system Clock. Sounds may be attached to (played at) each hour of the day as well as each quarter hour. The standard Windows System events can also be set up from WinWav. WinWav can also be configured to choose sounds for you at random. There are four different Random Modes that can be applied to events. WINWAY.ZIP WinWayout Version 1.00DV by The Entertainment Group Copyright 1992 by Thomas Tarody and Erich Kitzm|ller The aim of this 3D-maze-game is to find the legendary treasure and to reach the exit before you are caught by the big bad red spiders. There are some swords hidden in the maze which allow you to attack the spiders. If you find an oracle it will show you the right way to the treasure or to the exit. WINWORD1.ZIP Here is a Word for Windows enhancement to the simple document manager included with WW. Since most of the pulldown menus are macros, this macro, when installed to a menu will give you better control of your document management. WINWV1.ZIP 5 more .WAV sound files. including HALCHESS, HALSORRY, MEEPMEEP, RAYBOING, and TWILZONE dot WAVE!! WINZIP32.ZIP [$29.00] WinZip 3.2 by Nico Mak [70056,241] WinZip ZIP/LZH/SFX/ARC shell w/DRAG & DROP New: Built-in ZIP Extraction, Font Selection. ASP Shareware. View, Run, Extract, Add, Delete, and Virus Scan files in archives. Main window contains toolbar and sortable list with files in archive. Extensive help. "Must-Have Shareware Treasure" Compute, 10/92 "Powerful Yet Intuitive" PC World, 8/92 "Hot Product" Inside Microsoft Windows, 8/92 "WinApp of the Month" PC Computing, 3/92 WinZip(TM) is a ZIP shell for Windows. It provides an easy-to-use SAA/CUA compliant interface for quickly adding, deleting, extracting, viewing, and running files in a ZIP file. WinZip also supports ARC files and self-extracting ZIP files. It includes a CheckOut feature that makes it easy to examine and/or run files in a ZIP file. WINZIP30.ZIP [$20.00] Zip Manager 3.0 by Moon Valley Software This program is a complete Windows 3.0 shell for PKZIP and PKUNZIP. The documentation for Zip Manager is in Windows help format and is in the file ZM.HLP Please be sure that you read it completely before attempting any Zip file operations. WINZIPPR.ZIP [$0.00] The Zipper for Windows (Version 0.9A) by Bryant Liu Front end to PKZIP. Very Nice! WIT0_43.ZIP WIT (Windows (medical) Image Tool) is an application to read various formats (currently Interfile) of images that the medical community is using. The present version (V 0.42) is a veryyyyyy pre-release. You should be able view various statics and multiframe studies. Multiframe studies are presently viewed as a "flat cine" - all frames laid out - when first loaded. Cine is operational, but only in the original matrix size at this time. As with all Windows 3.x programs, take care of your memory allocations. That is, you might have problems with several applications opened when you are reading in images - especially big ones. When loading an image file (Interfile in this version), you can change the index info prior to accepting the file for display. IF you do, it will be the parameters that WIT will use in the creating all that is required to display. A simple example of this is to change the "Endian" from LITTLE to BIG (this will only apply to 2 byte/pixel images). This is the 4th release. Version changes can be viewed in the file called "VERSION.HST". WJ2-1A.ZIP [$19.00] Winjack 2.1A by Brett Liddicoet [70621,3034] Blackjack game for Windows. WJMR21.ZIP [$50.00] WinJammer Version 2.10 for Microsoft Windows 3.x by Dan McKee, 2-91 WinJammer is a fully featured MIDI sequencer for Windows 3.x. It uses standard MIDI files, giving you access to a huge number of songs. WinJammer also contains a companion program called WinJammer Player, which is used to play MIDI song files in the background. Major features of WinJammer include: - imports Adlib ROL files - up to 64 tracks - runs in ALL Windows modes (including enhanced mode) - very powerful editing commands - unique piano roll style notation for editing - full online help - supports standard MIDI files - supports MIDI system exclusive bulk dumps - supports Windows Multimedia Extensions Major features of WinJammer Player include: - supports standard MIDI files - up to 64 tracks - runs in ALL Windows modes (including enhanced mode) - in enhanced mode, will even play while in DOS - full online help - builds albums of songs to play (forever if desired) - supports Windows Multimedia Extensions The following equipment is required to use WinJammer: - PC running either Microsoft Windows 3.0 with the Multimedia Ext. or Microsoft Windows 3.1 - a mouse (not strictly required, but very handy) - some MME compatible MIDI devices Any MIDI device supported by the Multimedia Extensions is supported by WinJammer. This includes Adlib/Sound Blaster series of cards, and the RolandMPU-401 type of devices, including the MT-32, LAPC, SCC-1 family of devices. WLIT21.ZIP [$14.95] WINDOWS LITE 2.1 (Windows 3.1 version) by F. K. Lenherr Windows Lite(tm) is simply Windows 3.1 on a floppy disk! The enclosed batch files, WINLITE?.BAT, will create a full working version of Windows 3.1 on any 3.5" high density floppy disk. There are NO new executable programs, just good ol' Windows 3.1. The point is to slim Windows down enough to fit on a (compressed) floppy disk. WLOAD.ZIP 2 utilities by HLS/Aachen WINLOAD - Asynchronous loader for Windows 3.0 TOPCLOCK - Small digital clock which remains on top WLPEEP.ZIP WallPeeper 1.1 for Windows WallPeeper for Windows lets you scroll through all the BMP, WMF, DIB, RLE and ICO files on your hard drive in a single list to see them previewed in tiled format as wallpaper. You can choose to install a selected file as your wallpaper, or automatically open Paintbrush to edit it first. Files can also be located and listed by individual directory. WallPeeper requires VBRUN200.DLL and WIN 3.1. WLST10.ZIP [$15.00] WINLIST Version 1.0 By Chris Barker [72261,2312] Simple and fast Windows text file printing utility for HP Laserjet compatible printers. Supports drag and drop for file selection. Duplicates print formatting capabilities of PC Magazine utility LASERLST. Winlist is a simple printing utility for Windows. It is designed to do one thing very well - print two pages of ASCII text on a single page of paper on any printer compatible with the Hewlett Packard Series II or greater printers. WMAIL.ZIP WMail by Roy Tate This program requires Windows 3.0 and Lantastic Network software. In addition, it requires a 286 or 386 PC running in the Protected Mode of Windows. WMDI.ZIP by Charles Petzold, 1990 Demo of the Multiple Document Interface. Very Nice! WMFD.ZIP Metafile Decoder 1.0 by Dennis Crain WMFDCODE: Decodes Normal, Placeable, and CLP Metafiles WMFDCODE decodes three types of metafiles: normal metafiles, "placeable" metafiles, and metafiles that are saved on the clipboard as CLP files. WMFDCODE enumerates and plays all or a specified range of records in a metafile. Choose the File Open command from the WMFDCODE main window to read in a metafile. Select either BIRD.WMF or BALLON.CLP, which are provided as examples. The View Headers command displays information on the metafile header, the METAFILEPICT data structure, and the placeable WMF header (if available). The View List command lists all of the records in the metafile. You can select and play any combination of records from the list to debug the contents of a metafile. The View Clear command erases the metafile that is currently displayed. WMLOGO.ZIP [$30.00] WMLOGOUT by Dana Consultants WMLogout is the Windows version of MLogout. WMLogout was written to be run in the Windows 3.0 environment, in all modes (Real, Standard, and Enhanced). WMLogout will monitor keyboard and mouse activity, if a period of time elapses with no activity then WMLogout will take control and execute the user define logout process. WMLogout will execute a batch file called MLOGOFF.BAT, which the user can customize to their own environment. This was found to be the best solution as some companies perform other functions during a logout (such as task accounting systems like MTASKLOG). WNAME.ZIP WNAME by Real World Software A small utility which allows you to change the text associated with any window. There are many different kinds of window which use their associated text element in different ways, and some don't use text at all. Windows with a caption bar use their text element as the window title, an icon's text is displayed below it, a pushbutton has its text displayed within it, a radio button or checkbox has it displayed alongside it, and so on. WNAME will let you find and modify the text, if any, for any visible window. You need a mouse to use WNAME. WNBLN310.ZIP [$5.00] Windows Blanker Version 3.1 by Harry C. Snyder Screen blanker, source available ($25). Site license for $100. Dated 2-92. WNDCK151.ZIP WinDock Version 1.5 by Brian Capson [73467,1453] This is a little app I put together (which has now grown into a kind of big app) to try out the new drag-drop capabilities of Win3.1 and to provide a more convenient facility for launching applications. I've seen a couple of other versions of similar apps floating around, but they all require too much effort to do the job efficiently - the thing is pretty much useless without drag-drop. WNQVT471.ZIP [$50.00] WINQVT version 4.71 by QPC Software WinQVT is a DEC VT220/102/52 terminal emulator and communications program which has been created to run under Microsoft Windows as a true 'Windows' application. WinQVT provides exceptionally complete VT emulation, including double-wide and double-high characters, the full 'Special Graphics' character set, smooth scrolling, 132 columns, and user-defined keys. In addition to terminal emulation, WinQVT offers file transfer facilities using five popular protocols - Kermit, XMODEM, YMODEM, ZMODEM, and CompuServe B-Plus, as well as auto-dial and auto-login capabilities. Since WinQVT is a Windows application, these operations, once started, may be sent to the background, thereby permitting the use of the machine for other tasks. WNPLAYIT.ZIP [$10.00] WNPLAYIT VERSION 1.01 by Jeff Glaze Animation player utility that works full screen! VERY NICE!!! Currently this shell plays files from the following formats: .Fli .Anm - Deluxe Paint Tm .Gl .Sec .Anm - Playmation Tm JEFF GLAZE is a fellow Atlantan, and does very good work. Check out some of his other apps and presentations. WOAFON11.ZIP Larger fonts for Windows DOS boxes in SVGA modes by Peter Karrer Lots of people have been complaining about the small fonts they get when they are running windowed DOS sessions within Windows 3.0 (386enh). This is especially the case with high resolutions like 1024x768. This set of fonts provides a remedy. They are only slightly larger than the Windows default fonts, but IMHO it makes a big difference. WOLW63.ZIP Windows Online, the Weekly Magazine, Issue 63 Win3.1 HELP file, color graphics & hypertext. Reqs ver. 3.1 of WINHELP.EXE to view. Reviews of: Print Envelope 2.31, Win CD 1.30., Palace of Deceit and Imposter. Features include: the Beta Tester, Visual Basics, Windows Tips, and Computer News. Dated 10/16/92 WOPRA.ZIP AND WOPRB.ZIP [$54.45] WOPR 2.0 by Woody Leonhard [74730,1734] Pinecliffe International Welcome to WOPR, the Word for Windows (TM) 2.0 Office POWER Pack. In order to use WOPR, you MUST have Word for Windows. (No, sorry, WOPR doesn't work with Ami Pro or WordPerfect.) WORDHAI.ZIP Word game for Windows by Michael F. C. Crick WORKGRPS.ZIP Work Groups v.0.9 (beta) by James Bell Work Groups is a simple little program I created to let me fire up several Windows applications all at once. It works just like the "Load=" portion of the WIN.INI file, except that you just click on the Work Groups icon to start up to eight applications at once. WORLDCLK.ZIP [Free] World Clock 1.0 by John Forde, Narwal Budgie Software 9-6-91 WORMWAR.ZIP Worm War 1.0 game by Kirk Saathoff Ala Centipede game. WOUT11.ZIP [$20.00] WinOutline v1.1 by Joern Galka. An outline editor for Microsoft Windows 3.0. It has several word processing features that help to create and & maintain outlines easily, like a text editor with word-wrapping; edit functions like Cut, Copy, Paste, and Delete; exportation of outline(s) to word processors, and printing the outline. WPA06.ZIP WPEdit 0.6 Text Editor for Windows by Robert Epps [72560,3353] Text file editor,, pre-release version. WPCUGFS2.ZIP Wichita PC User's Group,Inc. Free Space Utility WPCUG Free Space Utility - A free space utility that scans all drives except A & B, and reports on the amount of free space on each drive. It also reports on free space on mapped Novel network drives. WIN_FS.EXE A MS Windows 3.1 version of the free space utility. WPFMFIX.ZIP wPFMfix - (Windows Version) by Vincent Chen [76636,415] Modifies font names and attributes in a PFM file This is the Windows version of PFMfix, a utility that allows the user to alter font attributes and names in a PFM file. It is written in Visual Basic, and requires the run-time Dynamic Link Library VBRUN100.DLL Many font converters do not generate PFM files that allow fonts of the same family to appear under the same entry. wPFMfix will FIX the PFM file by allowing the user to specify the Windows Menu Name (or Family Name), the full PostScript font name, and bold and italic attributes. wPFMfix also allows the user to select the "Font Family" attribute (Roman, Swiss, Modern, Script, or Decorative). There is also a Fixed/Variable Pitch field, but ATM currently expects Fixed Pitch, regardless of the actual font attribute. wPFMfix is also useful for grouping font families with more than four (4)fonts. WPLAY.ZIP WINPLAY.DLL by Jonathan Zuck DLL to provide the PLAY function, found in QB to VB programmers. Published in the Windows Tech Journal, June '92. Those of your familiar with the PLAY statement, already know how to use it. However, it is missing from VB. WINPLAY.DLL provides this function in a DLL that can be called easily from VB. WPONG.ZIP WinPong Version 1.2 by Eric Saito WinPong displays a little ball that bounces around your screen while you use Windows, but it doesn't stop there. With WinPong you can actually play the game using the cursor as a paddle. From the system menu, you may vary where the ball travels, the size of the ball, the speed at which it moves, and the sound. These settings may be saved by choosing "Save Settings". The file "WINPONG.INI" will be created in your Windows directory. Who said you can't play while you work. Senior in ICS at the University of Hawaii, Manoa WPRN132.ZIP [$20.00] WinPrint 1.32 by Charles E. Kindel, Jr. [71551,1455] ASCII text file formatting and printing utility for Windows. "A unique solution for the control of printing ASCII files using the power of the Microsoft Windows printer interface." WPRTSC10.ZIP Windows Print Screen Manager by Mallegrax Software [73557,66] Allows you to control what happens when you press the print screen key when using Microsoft Windows. You may print the screen, save the screen to a file, or copy the screen to the clipboard. WPST32A.ZIP [$30.00] WinPost 3.2A by Nobuya Higashiyama [71570,533] WinPost, winner of PC Magazine's Best of 1991 award (1/14/92 issue), just got better! This Windows 3.X utility replaces yellow sticky notes for keeping track of reminders. This version adds OLE server support, which allows notes to be attached to any OLE document, much like real sticky notes. Makes for a great annotation system! Many outstanding features make this a must-have for Windows users. ASP Shareware. WQH101.ZIP [$15.00] Windows Quick Help 1.01 A viewer for help files built with Microsoft. Corporation's HELPMAKE utility. It implements many of the same commands and can view the same help files as the QH utility provided by Microsoft with many of their language products. WR22.ZIP WinRead by Ollivier CIVIOL Off-line mail reader for BBS users using WIN 3. WRKSPA12.ZIP WorkSpace 1.2 (c)Copyright 1992 BoneHead Software REQUIRES WINDOWS 3.x, VBRUN100.DLL. WorkSpace is a group application launcher. Application groups are made up of individual programs that are commonly used together. For example, a group can be created to load a spreadsheet, a calculator, and a graphing program together. The layout of a group can be automatically arranged by loading each application in one of four modes: normal, minimized, maximized, or with a specified location and size. Groups can be loaded from WorkSpace's button bar or with command line arguments. Using the later method, a program manager icon can be created for a group. WSCRL40E.ZIP WnScroll v4.0e A Text Browser Application WnScroll is a text file viewer/browser for the Microsoft(R) Windows environment that allows viewing of files of ANY SIZE in either Text or Hex format, in a moveable window with full horizontal and vertical scrolling. WnScroll has VERY FAST file loading and scrolling, even with very large files. All standard keyboard and mouse conventions are available for scrolling, resizing and viewing files. WnScroll overcomes Notepad(R)'s 52K file size limitation. Find, Find Next,Print and Clipboard Copy are implemented. WnScroll may be called with a filename from the command line. If no filename is specified, WnScroll displays a List Box to enable a file to be selected for display. A new file may be opened for display at any time from the Open menu. WSEND14B.ZIP [$12.00] Windows Send by GDG Systems [72421,2733] Windows Send is a utility program designed to send broadcast messages to users or groups across a Netware LAN. It basically provides the same functionality as the DOS based SEND command provided by Novell Netware, except that it is designed to work under Microsoft Windows 3.0. 2-91 WSHELL10.ZIP [P.D.] Windows Command Line Shell 1.0 by Hans Keller Provides command line to run apps within Windows. WSK303.ZIP [Free] WindSock 3.03 - Windows Performance Analysis Utility by Chris Hewitt WSNOOP3.ZIP Snoop by Keith Flower and Yousuf Lodhia [76220, 2703] "Is there a way to track function calls in the same way that the Windows Spy utility tracks message flow?" "What goes on behind the curtains in Windows?" "How do I set up the parameters for StretchDIBits ( )?" "Which Windows functions is that application calling to produce such a nice effect?" Snoop tells you about calls Windows applications make to the Windows API functions. Snoop reports the full names and values of a function's parameters as set by the calling program. The special demonstration version of Snoop associated with this document is being distributed to show a single important feature of the Snoop commercial product, the function tracking mechanism. WSPCR20.ZIP [Free] WorkSpacer by Gregg Hommel, WiGuys Software [72537,552] Way back when, I tested something called hDc FirstApps. One useful utility included in those applications stored desktop configurations as a named workset, and at your request, would restore that configuration to the desktop. I no longer use hDc FirstApps, but have always liked that concept, and missed the application many times. After some minor experimentation with batch files under the Norton Desktop for Windows, I decided to see if I might be able to accomplish something similar using the Norton Desktop for Windows Batch Builder Language (ambitious, aren't I??). The result is WorkSpacer. WorkSpacer: 1) obtains appropriate information about your current desktop configuration, 2) stores that information in a private ini file in your windows directory, 3) stores a list of chosen workspace names in a file in your NDW directory, and 4) restores to the desktop a workspace specified by the user. WT110.ZIP Looks like WinTrek 1.10 by Brett Mcdonald GAME WTHRDS.ZIP THREADS 1.0 by Eschalon Development Inc. EDI Threads is a complete multithreading library for Windows. With it you can easily create applications that use background printing, complex redrawing, repagination, serial port polling, text searches, and more. There is no need to wait for Windows NT or switch to OS/2. With EDI Threads, writing background processes for Windows applications becomes a snap! WTJMARCH.ZIP Here's all the code to go with the March 1992 (Volume I, No. 2) issue of Windows Tech Journal. There's some pretty good stuff here this time. Remember, Windows Tech Journal subscriptions are just $29.95 for 12 issues (that's $5 less than Microsoft Systems Journal charges for SIX issues!). Our circulation staff is standing by the phones: (800) 234-0386. Thanks, J.D. Hildebrand Editor. WT_JAN92.ZIP CONTENTS OF CODE DISK WINDOWS TECH JOURNAL PREMIERE 1992 Welcome to Windows Tech Journal, the magazine of tools and techniques for Windows programmers. This disk contains source code files to accompany the articles and columns printed in our premiere issue. WUNA210.ZIP [$10.00] Windows UnArchive 2.10 by James N. Hughes [73777,3273] An Archive File Extraction utility which is used to extract and decompress files from ZIP and ARJ format archives. It takes the place of both command-line DOS unarchivers and Windows-based front ends for those utilities. Windows UnArchive is the successor to Windows Unzip, which is now discontinued. Registrations for Windows Unzip postdated after October 15, 1991 will not be accepted. Those with registered copies of Windows Unzip can still receive phone, mail, and e-mail support, and an inexpensive upgrade option is to Windows UnArchive is available. Features and improvements over Windows Unzip include: * 60% - 90% faster exploding than Windows Unzip * Support for the ARJ archive format * Ability to run a member file using its association * A new "Try Out" feature, perfect for trying downloads. Highly Recommended! 3-92 WUPD6001.ZIP Monthly update file for the Windows & OS/2 catalog of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). Describes each new or updated product in the last month and tells where to find it on BBSs. All products grouped by subject and cross-referenced to authors' addresses. WUTILS.ZIP Tasks and Drives 1.0 by LyWhit Software [71511,1072] Shows active tasks, memory usage, drive storage online, avail, more. WUZIP30B.ZIP [$10.00] WinUnZip 3.0B by Mickey Coulter [76317,242] Windows-based unZIP utility program. WinUnzip is utility program whose one purpose is to extract files that were ZIPed with PKZIP version 1.1 or earlier. What sets WinUnzip apart from other such utilities is that it DOES NOT REQUIRE an external DOS unzip utility. WinUnzip does everything from within MS Windows; no dropping to DOS! 12-92 WWCALN.ZIP WinWord calendar macro by John King [73427,1405] Calendar.dot automatically creates a tabular calendar of the month. The autonew macro prompts for the month and year, then calculates what day the month starts with and fills in the table. Change the title and add text to the appropriate days. The title is actually in the center cell of a three cell table. You can add a logo or text to the other cells if you wish. Works for years after 1583. Free; comments welcome. 12-90 WW0117.ZIP "Windows and DDE" text file from Microsoft Corp. (8-91) The Windows dynamic data exchange (DDE) protocol is a set of guidelines that allows applications to share data freely. DDE uses either one-time data transfers or ongoing conversations in which applications send updates to one another as new data becomes available. This document introduces Windows DDE through some examples of its use and a detailed example of the operation of the protocol. WXPRESS.ZIP [$49.95] WinExpress by George and Karen Balla WinExpress is one of the very first BBS programs for Microsoft Windows, and frankly we think it's the best we've seen yet. We hope you will too! INFO-SERVE REG'D is a small family venture, doing our best, as most, in these difficult economic times. We trust that you will support us by adhering to the ethics of the shareware concept. Thank you! WY700W3.ZIP Wyse WY-700 Windows 3.0 Drivers. 12-90 WYWO22SH.ZIP [$69.95] While You Were Out version 2.2 A telephone message system like the pink While You Were Out note pads. WYWO manages all phone messages for various users and can be used on any DOS 3.1 compatible network or on a standalone computer system. WYWO lets you send messages to other users, store incoming messages on file, paste messages to the Clipboard, and print messages. You can also use passwords to protect other users from reading your messages. This shareware version is limited to five users and five messages per user to be stored. Previously stored messages can be deleted to allow for newer messages to be processed. If you make use of WYWO and would like the official version 2.0 supporting 4096 users and unlimited messages, in addition to the complete printed documentation, you can order it by mail, voice, or fax direct X10CTL2.ZIP [Free] X-10 Control Program for Windows 2.0 by Larry E. Fosdick [70105,1142] This program, written in Microsoft Visual BASIC, provides complete access and control for the X-10 Powerhouse Interface (X-10 USA Inc.). Features include: - True multiple window application - X-10 clock can be automatically synchronized to computer system clock - Console window for immediate control - Descriptive unit definitions entered by user - Timed events are easily added, deleted, or modified, with changes downloaded automatically to the interface - Timed event sets can be saved to and restored from disk files - Timed events can be set to Today, Tomorrow, Everyday, Weekdays, Weekends, or Specific Days - Event list can be printed for reference - 16-position dimmer function for lamp units or light switches - Powerful Batch facility X10CTL requires VBRUN100.DLL for operation. X10CTL also requires the X-10 Powerhouse interface from X-10 (USA), Model CP290. X10PAN.ZIP X-10 Command Console V1.0 by Larry E. Fosdick [70105,1142] The X-10 Powerhouse interface connects to a PC through a serial port and allows for immediate and programmed operation of X-10 modules connected to any lights or appliances. Compatible control modules are offered by Radio Shack (Plug'n Power) and a few other suppliers. This program, written in Microsoft Visual Basic, provides an on-screen control console for the X-10 Powerhouse interface. The console allows immediate commands to be passed to the interface for controlling lights and appliances. All functions available through the real command consoles are available in this system, including Unit On, Off, or Dim, All Lights On, or All Units Off. X10WIN40.ZIP [$0-25.00] X10WIN The XP-290 X10 Controller Version 4.0 by Edward J. Tenholder [76447,1030] X10WIN is a Windows program for controlling an X10 light/appliance controller (Model CP-290) via the serial port. The CP-290 Controller, in conjunction with a personal computer and appropriate software, is used to store up to 128 timer EVENTS that can be used to turn ON, turn OFF, or DIM lamps and other devices that are attached to X10 MODULES at predetermined times. The X10 family of Controllers, Transmitters, and Device Modules work via existing household 110v wiring. The Transmitters and Controllers, via either button activation or execution of stored timer events, send signals across the house wiring that is received by Device Modules throughout the house. Lamps and other devices attached to these MODULES can be told to turn ON, turn OFF, or DIM to one of sixteen levels. XCLOCK.ZIP X World Clock Version 0.95 by Wilfried Kienemund [100015,2550] World Clock with extended setup for all time displays, time zones and alarms to any city or country in the world. Requires VBRUN100.DLL or better. XLINI.ZIP Customizing Microsoft Excel Initialization Files March 20, 1992 Copyright 1992 by Microsoft Corporation This article describes the preference variables stored in Microsoft. Excel initialization files in the Microsoft WindowsTM, OS/2., and Apple. Macintosh. environments. It also explains how you can define menus and commands to customize your Microsoft Excel sessions. XMASTREE.ZIP Windows Christmas Tree by Al Fontes, Jr. [72607,267] When you start Tree, it turns itself into an icon of a Christmas tree, complete with gifts and blinking lights. That's all it does, and you can't open the gifts. It's not much, but the tree in my living room doesn't do anything else, either. XTEN.ZIP XTENSION by Microsoft Corp. XTENSION is an extension dynamic link library (DLL) that adds administration support features such as file and disk utilities to File Manager. XTENSION contains an entry point to process menu commands and notification messages sent by File Manager and can retrieve information about File Manager windows. XTENSION adds a menu called Extension to File Manager and processes all messages that File Manager sends to an extension DLL. It also creates a status window using the DLL's instance handle. XVTWIN3.ZIP Very nice object-oriented drawing program. Developed using a software development tool called XVT which also supports Mac, Win, PM, XWindow, Motif and character-based interfaces. Y-WAVE.ZIP 4 more .WAV sound files. YACHT2.ZIP [$10.00] Windows Yacht 2.0 by Frank Bielsik [73577,27] Yahtzee-type game with animated icon. YAKC10.ZIP [$15.00] Yakkity Clock 1.0S for Windows - 5/25/92 release Yakkity Clock for Windows is a fun, easy-to-use "talking clock" utility that takes advantage of the sound/multimedia functions available in the Microsoft Windows operating environment (versions 3.1 and higher). Yakkity Clock takes advantage of the sound capabilities introduced in Windows 3.1. The program provides digitized voice time updates at the touch of a button, or at regular intervals set by the user. You may select either a male or female voice for Yakkity Clock's updates. A library of "built-in" sound effects are included, any of which may be substituted for the voice time reminder. Yakkity Clock is an alarm clock, too! Up to four different alarms can be set to play bell tone or buzzer sound effects -- and can even be configured to play stand-alone .WAV sound files! Note: Alarm functions and voice selection features are available only in the registered version. Yakkity Clock's flexibility makes it the ultimate "custom" clock utility for the Microsoft Windows environment. YAT100.ZIP [P.D.] Yet Another Tetris Version 1.00 by Peter Mueller YATETRIS is a public domain program. So feel free to give copies to your friends, neighbors, mommies, daddies, and enemies. YATETRIS is a Tetris-like game for Windows 3.0. YEAR.ZIP [$20.00] YEAR 1.1 Copyright 1992 by Software Professional YEAR is a Windows calendar application that allows you to see the entire year at a glance. You can view any Gregorian calendar year from the range 1 to 32767 A.D. A number of formatting options, including display colors and fonts, can be selected. YEAR will also allow you to print hard copies of the year-at-a-glance calendars in your favorite selection of printer fonts and formats. YEAR has a "Day-Info" and "Time-Span" features, that allow you to obtain useful information about a particular day in a year, and calculate the time-span between any two given dates, respectively. Simply point and click with the mouse. YELLOW.ZIP [Free] Shows DDE control with SUB.EXE and FISH.EXE (9-89) (Version 2.X) YOS2TX.ZIP Text file from IBM on "Why OS/2 Version 2?" Nicely done comparison to Windows and Windows NT. 10-14-92 YOURWAY.ZIP PIM by Prisma Software Corp. YTZ101R.ZIP [$10.00] Yacht-Z for Windows 3.0 by Bob Dolan Game ZIP4WIN.ZIP ZIP For Windows by Joseph Galardi If you're using Windows, you know how annoying it is to exit or shell to DOS in order to unzip or zip a file. With some free time in between classes, I developed this Visual Basic program which allows you a convenient way of accessing PKZIP or PKUNZIP without leaving the Windows environment. In order to run this program, you must have PKUNZIP, PKZIP, WinZip.exe, and VBRUN100.DLL someplace in your path (The Windows Directory is probably the easiest place to put these files). 3-92 ZIPAPR13.ZIP [$10.00] ZiPaper 1.3 by Daniel Thomas [72301,2164] DOS program that chooses wallpaper selected from ZIPped .BMP file. Use in batch file that starts Windows. ZIPSHELL.ZIP [$25.00] NewVision ZipShell by NewVision A program written for the Windows environment that acts as a command center for PKWARE's PKZIP and PKUNZIP programs. It allows the user to perform many of their compression and decompression functions without having to decipher or learn their complex command-line arguments. ZIPSHELL.EXE was written using Visual Basic, and thus requires the Visual Basic Dynamic Link Library (VBRUN100.DLL) to run. It is available free of charge on CompuServe and most local BBS's. ZIPREAD.DLL, a support file required to run ZipShell, was written using Borland's Turbo Pascal for Windows. You are encouraged to distribute ZipShell to friends and BBS's, as long as you include all its documentation and support files in their original, unmodified state. ZIPW13.ZIP FlashPoint ZIP/ZIPX for Windows Version 3.01.03 Preliminary Release 3 -- January 14, 1992 By Richard S. Patterson ZM301.ZIP [$21.50] Zip Manager by Moon Valley Software/Eric Anderson Windows front-end for PKZIP, ARC-E and LHARC files. Uses windows in 386 enhanced mode. BBS (602) 375-0531, voice 375-9502. ZOOM.ZIP ZOOMCTRL by electron Image Inc. Makes opening windows "zoom" onto the screen. Very neat effect and works on most all Win apps! ZOOM (your Windows) like a MacBaby. Files dated 12-26-91. ================================================================= . An update note: This has become such a large chore that another update is (as of 12-92) unlikely for QUITE a while. 1992 saw an explosion of new product and updates to existing product. There's a lot out there, and now YOU have it all in one place!! Nice Going! MAS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tips and Tricks for Windows 3.1 by Mark Strelecki, ACP Text file on tweaking Windows as a DOS application, with emphasis on autoexec and config files as well as file structuring and hardware optimization. Done for the Atlanta Windows Users Group, 1992. Call the Atlanta PCUG WATSON Voice Line System at (404) 393-1629 for details anytime 24 hours a day! Tips and Tricks for Windows 3.1, and How to Make Windows PCs Run Faster by Mark Strelecki, A.C.P. There are a few tips you can use in getting your system up to speed with Windows 3.1. Herewith are a few suggestions to get you started. Fair warning - As with any attempt to optimize your computing environment, you must make certain that these changes will not disrupt the existing operation of your system. Therefore, you must make backups of all files before proceeding with instructions herein, and only work with copies of files, not the originals. Prepare yourself as well as your system. There are many important data files which, if lost, might create a whole lot of difficulty in reconstructing. Consider creating and using a batch file that creates copies of files with the extensions GRP and INI, and stores them to another drive or directory. This will protect your Program Manager groups, and all INI (initialization) files. Here's an example: rem INIBACK.BAT echo off cls pkz iniback.zip *.ini *.grp pause Press ANY Key This DOS batch file will: Turn ECHO off, Clear the screen, and create an archive called INIBACK.ZIP (in the current directory), made up of all files with the extensions INI and GRP. These are the Windows Group files and Initialization files for your Windows environment. Guard these puppies like the precious cargo they are! As with any DOS app, fine tuning of the operating environment is essential to maximized performance from your particular (any) computer system. In this text work, you'll be enabled to take a look at the first two areas of concern: the DOS system configuration files, CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT. Dealing with GPFs To reduce GPF (General Protection Fault) problems and provide better performance, make sure your settings equal or better the settings shown here. DOS 5 is used for this example... After the system configuration files are set up, reboot the system and then follow these guidelines for the HARD DRIVE. Windows is very disk intensive, even when system RAM is plentiful, so any effort at making the system hard drive as fast as possible will always be beneficial and likely result in a substantial improvement in performance. From the DOS prompt, type the command CHKDSK *.* to check for lost clusters and fragmented files. Occasionally you must run it with the /F (Fix) parameter. When prompted "Convert lost clusters" respond with Y. (NEVER run CHKDSK from within Windows, as damage may occur to the hard drive.) For top performance in Enhanced mode, in systems with less RAM than twelve megabytes (or so), create a permanent swap file. This will usually be faster than a temporary swap file, and on all systems, the performance improvement will be well worth it. It cases where 16MB RAM or more is installed, no swapfile is really necessary. Several large applications can be loaded and maintained concurrently without significant disk activity, something systems below 8MB RAM cannot experience. It is this very disk "swapping" of memory sections that creates much of the hardware resource demand. Making disk space work as RAM can have some very interesting effects on design considerations for application software, but it is definitely a burden for any non-cached hard drive system. You'll read more later on Smart Drive, the disk cache software shipping with MS-DOS 5 and Windows. Optimizing Disk Drive Operation Use a disk compaction utility monthly to keep program files contiguous on the disk. This will provide snappier loading and running of programs. If your software allows you to specify the extensions of files to be placed first on the disk, place the programs and other executables there for fastest access. Typically, file extensions you'll want to place at the "top" (beginning) of the disk include all *.EXE, *. COM, and *.DLL files. The *.BAT and *.PIF files are editable and hence subject to change at any time by the user. By keeping executables together at the beginning of the disk, their access and loading times (and hence system performance) will improve noticeably. Installed Monitor Drivers If you have a VGA monitor, you may find that the Windows 800x600 video mode gives the best trade-off between screen "real estate" and ease on your eyes. On VGA- equipped computers, Windows defaults to a VGA resolution of only 640x480 pixels at Install time (more on Setup later) and can be changed if you have a driver from the maker of your video card. Run Setup from DOS while in the Windows directory to change video modes and other system resources. Installing Windows with SETUP Take a tip - use the default values Setup shows you the very first time you install Windows. After installation of Windows with the default values, verify that the system runs Windows okay. Then quit Windows and rerun Setup from the Windows directory to change to a higher resolution video driver. Setup tends to choke while doing this under version 3.0. It is STRONGLY recommended to have a PLAIN VANILLA configuration and reboot to do your first installation of Windows 3.1. Upgrades should just reboot, then run Setup. Version of Windows If you are using any kind of Network and will be printing on it, make certain that you have at least version 3.1 of Windows. Check your version by using the Help, About menu selection in Program Manager. Starting at version 3.1 of Windows, you need new Netware drivers and TSR shell programs for DOS. There is an easy way to generate the new IPX.COM for all stations running on Netware; check with your network administrator. Running DOS apps in Windows All DOS programs run under Windows 3 should have a customized PIF (Program Information File) made for them, so Windows will know how to treat them when they are run. PIFs allow you to specify the amount and type of memory used by the DOS app, whether it can run in a window or full screen, how much priority it gets while running, what kind of video display method will be used, and other important data on the DOS session. For optimum performance, not only from your DOS sessions, but from Windows as a whole, make certain that PIFs are specified in the command line for your icons, not the .EXE filename. When using PIFEDIT, you can click on an option (like "monitor ports") and press F1 to see Help on it. Windows has much of the Help system "buried", so it's best to just try F1 if you aren't certain what to do next. Check Help from the PIFEDIT program for additional details. PIF Settings There are many significant areas of a PIF that can contribute to great performance. Make certain these settings are made in your DOS PIF files to assure top system performance: MONITOR PORTS - OFF (All) VIDEO MEMORY - Text EMULATE TEXT MODE - Yes Do a File, Run and enter PIFEDIT for the command to edit Program Information Files. Modes of Operation Windows 3.1 runs in 2 modes, and you may be surprised at which one works best for you. If you run a 286-based system with at least 384K of extended (XMS) memory, Windows should be set to run in Standard mode. On a 386 or 486, if at least 1MB of XMS memory is available, Windows will default to Enhanced mode operation. If you want to run multiple DOS programs on a 386/486 system, and they must run in a window, Enhanced mode is the way to go. If only one DOS app needs to run at a time, and can run full screen, Standard mode is better because it is approximately 15-20% faster than Enhanced mode. If you will only be running Windows apps on a 386/486, consider the extra speed of Standard mode! Windows 3.1 no longer supports Real mode. Standard mode is the best compromise at system throughput and power, while 386 Enhanced mode is just that. Enhanced mode will best be used in running Multiple DOS apps in windows, and will run more total programs at the same time than any other mode. Enhanced mode also uses hard disk space as system RAM when needed, so you can actually run more programs than you have physical memory for. This "virtual memory" comes at the cost of slower overall system performance, however. Changing WIN.INI and other Config Files There is a program which can help you edit those system-level files in Windows. Run a program called SYSEDIT.EXE and see how easy it is to edit AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, WIN.INI and SYSTEM.INI. This a power tool, and should be used only by those who KNOW what they're doing. Suggested Reading: * Microsoft Windows Resource Kit ($19.95+5.50+tax) Everything you ever wanted to learn about how Windows works, and more! Read about the secrets of SETUP, how to troubleshoot and diagnose operational problems, how to get Windows and networks working together, what those UAEs are all about and how to avoid them, and more. Comes with a sampler of Windows shareware and utilities, and is highly recommended, especially for you technical types (and you know who you are). * Windows 3 Power Tools by The LeBlond Group With a diskette, this volume will show you the innards of Windows and how to take full advantage of it. Chapters include Memory Management, Changing Your Setup, Customizing Your .INI Files, Improving Windows Performance, and much more. Another highly recommended candidate for your reference bookshelf. Updated for version 3.1! * Fully Powered Windows by Burton L. Alperson Get the most out of that 386 system! Check out this book! * Using Microsoft Windows 3 by QUE Books The Definitive Guide to Windows 2 & 3. * Windows 3.0 - A Definitive Guide for DOS Users by Michael Vose A splendid tome for those with strong DOS backgrounds. I hope an update is forthcoming, as this is one of the VERY best technically enlightening references to Windows. If you do DOS, you should read this book! * Windows Magazine A monthly with an attitude! Newly redesigned and looking great, Windows Magazine (ex-Windows and OS/2 Magazine) features all the latest stuff on Windows with a healthy display of what's new and hot in the Windows universe. Available by subscription or on the newsstand. Windows Resources BBS/Online Services * Atlanta Windows BBS Warren Royal runs one of the country's premiere bulletin board systems for users of Windows, and is the home of a shareware telecommunications app for Windows called MicroLink. The Atlanta Windows BBS is a multinode, high speed technical resource available 24 hours each day. Register with the SysOp for full access - this one is worth it! Call (404) 516-0048 anytime 24 hours/7 days. Register for full access. Current updates of the WINCAT listing are posted here, as on COM1. * COM1:Atlanta The Atlanta PC Users Group BBS is called COM1:Atlanta, and its available 24 hours/7 days at the number listed earlier. Register for full access, members have extended privileges ($30/yr includes newsletter!). This is one of the best-kept secrets in the Windows shareware universe! * CompuServe There are several forums on CIS dedicated to Windows. Updated lists can usually be found on local bulletin boards. Call (800) 848-8990. ========================================================================= Doctor Watson (The Program) by Microsoft The Microsoft Windows Dr. Watson utility is a diagnostic tool for Microsoft Windows. It detects system and application failures and can store information in a disk file. This file can help you find and determine which application(s) caused the problem. Only a single instance of Dr. Watson can be run at a time. Dr. Watson cannot trap faults in a Windows MS-DOS session. This is a diagnostic tool designed to provide developers with detailed information on the internal state of Microsoft Windows when a system error such as a General Protection Fault (GPF), or in Windows 3.0, an unrecoverable application error (UAE) occurs. Dr. Watson must be running at the time a UAE occurs in order to extract the required internal information from the system. Dr. Watson takes very little memory and does not noticeably affect performance, so you are encouraged to install Dr. Watson on your system. Then, if another GPF occurs, valuable information will be collected and written to a special file in the WINDOWS directory. Microsoft can use this information to make the next version of Windows even better. Application vendors can also use this information to improve their applications. You might use it to trap a problem (or twelve...) And... There's a semi-regular column in LPT1:Atlanta about Windows. Subscribe! ========================================================================= ========================================================================= MARK STRELECKI is an officer of the Atlanta PC Users Group, and has been active in the organization since 1986. He first published the club's monthly newsletter, "LPT1:ATLANTA" in July 1987. He hosts two of the group's monthly Question & Answer sessions, before each Main Meeting at 5PM, and before each Windows Users Group meeting at 5:30PM. He is an active supporter of BBS and online services across the country in an effort to build a file library of unrivaled timeliness, bringing latest versions of shareware apps for both Windows and DOS. The Atlanta PCUG BBS benefits mainly from this effort, with many files available for downloading direct from COM1:ATLANTA. He invests hours each week scanning for interesting DOS and Windows shareware and public domain programs. The effort also yields timely acquisition of the latest hardware and software drivers and other updates for the likes of Windows and OS/2. He has discovered the wonders of OS/2, Windows, CompuServe, 486-Power Computing, and telecommunicating, along with the expenses of said items. Mark's computing background began by programming Hewlett-Packard hand-held calculators in 1975. A year later, he moved on to larger computer systems like the Wang 2200, Pr1me 900, H-P 3000 and IBM 4341. He began working with microcomputers in 1980 with a Tandy Color Computer, then moved up to an AT&T6300 PC in 1984, the Mac in 1988, and 486-Power in 1991. Mark graduated Cum Laude from the Computer Learning Center in 1984. He was awarded a Associate Computer Professional (A.C.P.) certification from the ICCP in 1990. He has released several small utility programs into the public domain. He produced the documentation for MS-DOS shareware utility programs and has worked in technical support for networking, software installation and maintenance, and user help lines since 1988. Mark has extensive hands-on experience in computing and programming, on diverse operating systems such as DOS, Windows, OS/2, Netware, Apple Macintosh, GEM, and others. He is currently involved in searching for answers within the vast universe of Microsoft Windows and IBM's OS/2. He has helped design and write several Windows-based interactive multimedia training courses that teach users about the Windows operating environment as well as a wide variety of Windows applications for Comsell, Inc. in Atlanta, GA. Mark Strelecki can be reached at the COM1 Networked BBS of the Atlanta PC Users Group (404) 879-5985, or through CompuServe at 75730,1661, or on the following electronic bulletin board systems (by frequency): Atlanta PC Users Group (404) 879-5985 NEW NUMBERS 808-4696 v32 808-4699 HST Atlanta Windows BBS (404) 516-0048 The Big Peach (Automenu) (404) 446-6650 The Data Dimension (404) 921-1186 IBM NSC BBS (404) 835-6600 =======================================================================